lukeloveslegos424 wrote:lukeloveslegos424 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:lukeloveslegos424 wrote:lukeloveslegos424 wrote:1Hi Greg....It's me again. I wanted to ask if you could come to my news channel ( Redripper news) and let me interview you!
All my readers would love it.
So if you have the time the please pretty please come on my channel and be interviewed!
2* NOTE TO MODS * this is NOT spam
3Plz answer me!
4Where is your channel?
5On the LEGO General sub Forum called LEGO News! It is called Redripper news!!
6Hellooooo? Are you there?Greg?
7Helloooooooooooooo,helloooooooooo?????????!!!!!! Are you there?
1Do you think this scenario makes sense.
2 Fe-Matoran (Iron Matoran) live in industrial regions of the planet, working away with many technological advancements, be it Weapons or simply new armors. Fa-Matoran (Magnetism Matoran) do not have tribes. They dislike one another, are in a way, repelled by each other. Small amounts of Fa-Matoran are found living with Fe-Matoran. Fa-Matoran look up to Fe-Matoran and Fe-Toa above all others, as if they we're drawn to them.
3What do you think? I came up with this using the relationships between Iron and Magnetism in the real world. Do you think that would be a good idea?
jamescax wrote:1Hey Greg, I personally think it is awesome of you to get in touch with this (fortunately and surprisingly) active community again. My question is, if LEGO are doing nothing with Bionicle anymore - as most of us have inferred - then why haven't the rights and trademark and all that stuff been sold yet? It would make some last final money out of the subject, Bionicle, since LEGO aren't bringing it back or anything.
2Or, I could know barely anything about those kind of affairs and it'll probably be a whole lot more complicated than I'm making it out to be, as you will probably tell me in the next few hours.
3It's not really that complicated. I can tell you why I would not sell them, personally:
41) If they are sold, you no longer have the option of doing anything with them ever again. LEGO Company has brought back lines/genres after several years in the past (Lone Ranger is our first Western line in 14 years), so a smart company does not rule things out.
52) Also, who would want to buy them? Probably another toy company. Why help out your competition?
gress5532 wrote:1Greg when do u think bionicle was in its prime. (I mean what year was bionicle at its best?) In my personal opinion i think it was 2006 the inika and piraka.
2Not sure if you are asking about story or set sales. If you are asking about set sales, it was 2002 - that was the most successful year in terms of sets moving off store shelves.
miserax4 wrote:1Okay well I guess the makuta are more powerfull than the rest but, I'm still confused.
21. Pirakah vs Baraki
32 Bohrak Kal vs Rahkshi
43. Why dosen't the matoran universe have more heroes. It seems the Toa Nuva could barely defeat the Rahkshi and Bohrak Kal. And the Mahri were weaker than the pirakah and barraki. Clearley members of the order of mata nui are more powerful than the current toa, why don't they become toa so they can have elemental power while already being extremely powerful.
5You can't just "become a Toa" -- only Matoran who are destined to do so can become Toa, and most of the OOMN members were not Matoran. And the OOMN had their own role to play -- it's sort of like asking why don't all the CIA agents just become town police?
GoldNinjaM wrote:1Greg Farshtey wrote:
21) If the season was starting in August, you would have seen ads for it by now, right?
32) What are you referring to?
47) No idea. Not something I have ever heard.
53-6, 8) I can't discuss anything that relates to future storyline.
6WHY CAN'T YOU TELL ME! I am Ninjago's 1 fan. Ninjago means so much to me!
7For the same reason that movie studios are not posting the scripts for their 2014 movies on the web. If I tell you the new Ninjago series features A, B, and C, what stops someone else from rushing something on the air that is also about A, B, and C and making Ninjago look like it copied? You don't give away your story ahead of time.
geek7534 wrote:1Hey, Mr.Farshtey.2I have two other questions:
31- On BIONICLE movies, Kanohi restranscribe feelings of characters. Meanwhile, in your books, you suggest the face is under the Kanohi, and that he isn't animated. Which version is canon?
42- You said the transformation of Zaktan came from his nature of mutant. Meanwhile, this happen two times, and in similair circumstances. (He was mean to be desintegrated). Could we conclude that his Skakdi power is to survive with a more fragmented form when someone try to desintegrate him?
51) Mine is, basically. The movies had to have the masks able to do that to convey emotion, but that was the only reason for it -- because that had to be done for the needs of that medium.
62) Unknown.
firecheetahaspie wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2when Makuta took control of the universe, how did his hundreds of thousands of yellow Rahkshi come into being. Did lines that once produced Vahki produce their worms (Forgot their name, sorry) and creating their armor suits? Was Ahkmou working overtime in some secret place to produce an army? Did he just make them out of atoms?
3A manufacturing line could not produce kraata. They can only be produced by a Makuta, and you now had a Makuta who basically had godlike powers.