777stairs wrote:11. Can all individuals of Krekka's species fly, or is that something limited to Krekka?
22. Can individuals of The Shadowed One's species wear and use Kanohi?
33. Can individuals of Johmak's species wear and use Kanohi?
44. One of the extremeties on TSO is a tail and not a third leg, right? (This seems to be the popular thought; I just wanted to make sure.)
55. If you were offered by LEGO to write a story wrapping up the loose ends of Hero Factory, would you do it? What about a story explaining Evo's personality inconsistancies?
6For 2 and 3, I only ask because you have answered these questions for a few other species, so it seems like the sort of thing you're allowed answer. Thank-you for your time.
1More questions, because I just can't help myself:
- 2So, Energized Protodermis is out, as far as restoring Tahu to Nuva glory goes. However, we've seen plenty of methods used to modify Matoran Universe natives, like rebuilding or mutation, and Artakha can apparently craft Kanohi Nuva right off the bat. Could Tahu be rebuilt by a master like Artakha, or maybe changed using a Mask of Mutation or other controlled mutating power?
- 3In the effort to integrate Matoran and Agori societies, what do you think would be the greatest challenge?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Roblotix27 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Roblotix27 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Roblotix27 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Roblotix27 wrote:1Hello Greg Farshtey, will the Ninjago: Dark Island Trilogy be a canon?
2Yes, it is official. The LEGO NINJAGO team in Denmark had a lot to do with crafting the plot and approved all the scripts and art, etc.
3Thanks for the reply. Did you know what I meant when I said canon? Will the Ninjago Dark Island Trilogy be a canon to the Ninjago Season 7 TV seires coming in the Fall?
4No, I am not clear on what you are saying. All "canon" means is that it is an official part of the universe. The plot of Dark Island is not the plot of the fall television, it's a separate story.
5Exactly, so the plot of the Dark Island is completely separate from the show but the story-line of the trilogy has it's similarities to the general reason of the Ninjago Season 7 TV story-line correct?
6No, I wouldn't say so. The events of Dark Island do not spark the events of the season 7 TV storyline. They simply precede them.
7Well I saw the description of the Dark Island, and you know how the Ninja's past villains return? Well that's what I meant, the Dark Island has it's similarities to the Ninjago Season 7 TV show because it's storyline (also) has the Ninja's past villains returning. So do you see what I mean? Some of the storyline has it's similarities but the Dark Island storyline isn't fully connected with the TV show, it just has some similarities of what happens in the show's storyline. Just like my example about the Ninja's past villains returning, that will be in the Dark Island trilogy and will also be in the Season 7 TV show. Do you see what I mean?
8When you read the books, and then see the TV, you will see you are talking apples and oranges here.
9Yeah, the TV show is completely different from the books in a lot of cases. I think it's like the Hero Factory Secret Missions books and the HF TV show.
1Yes, it is official. The LEGO NINJAGO team in Denmark had a lot to do with crafting the plot and approved all the scripts and art, etc.
2Thanks for the reply. Did you know what I meant when I said canon? Will the Ninjago Dark Island Trilogy be a canon to the Ninjago Season 7 TV seires coming in the Fall?
3No, I am not clear on what you are saying. All "canon" means is that it is an official part of the universe. The plot of Dark Island is not the plot of the fall television, it's a separate story.
4Exactly, so the plot of the Dark Island is completely separate from the show but the story-line of the trilogy has it's similarities to the general reason of the Ninjago Season 7 TV story-line correct?
5No, I wouldn't say so. The events of Dark Island do not spark the events of the season 7 TV storyline. They simply precede them.
6Well I saw the description of the Dark Island, and you know how the Ninja's past villains return? Well that's what I meant, the Dark Island has it's similarities to the Ninjago Season 7 TV show because it's storyline (also) has the Ninja's past villains returning. So do you see what I mean? Some of the storyline has it's similarities but the Dark Island storyline isn't fully connected with the TV show, it just has some similarities of what happens in the show's storyline. Just like my example about the Ninja's past villains returning, that will be in the Dark Island trilogy and will also be in the Season 7 TV show. Do you see what I mean?
7When you read the books, and then see the TV, you will see you are talking apples and oranges here.
8Yeah, the TV show is completely different from the books in a lot of cases.
I think it's like the Hero Factory Secret Missions books and the HF TV show.
9The books have never been about telling main story, really. They have usually focused on side story. Dark Island is an exception, simply because it is main story that isn't being told anywhere else.
Bleughie wrote:1More questions, because I just can't help myself:
- 2So, Energized Protodermis is out, as far as restoring Tahu to Nuva glory goes. However, we've seen plenty of methods used to modify Matoran Universe natives, like rebuilding or mutation, and Artakha can apparently craft Kanohi Nuva right off the bat. Could Tahu be rebuilt by a master like Artakha, or maybe changed using a Mask of Mutation or other controlled mutating power?
- 3In the effort to integrate Matoran and Agori societies, what do you think would be the greatest challenge?
41) Offhand, I doubt it. If it was that easy, there would have been no reason to bother with EP to start with.
52) I would say the equivalent of "robophobia." Even though the Matoran are not robots, they are very different from the Agori - predominantly mechanical, with much longer lifespans, the ability to rebuild themselves, etc. I think there will be a certain amount of racial prejudice. I also think there will be people who want to study them and try to adapt their tech to the Agori.
Objectivistuba wrote:1Hello Mr. Farshtey, thank you for answering my questions.
21. Would Roodaka admire someone like Makuta Icarax, who has immense physical strength and battle prowess, but who is not a cunning schemer, like she and Teridax are? (Trying to get ideas for a fanfiction of my own)
3I would say no. She would see him as a potential weapon, if she could manipulate him. But I don't think she would respect or admire him.
777stairs wrote:777stairs wrote:11. Can all individuals of Krekka's species fly, or is that something limited to Krekka?
22. Can individuals of The Shadowed One's species wear and use Kanohi?
33. Can individuals of Johmak's species wear and use Kanohi?
44. One of the extremeties on TSO is a tail and not a third leg, right? (This seems to be the popular thought; I just wanted to make sure.)
55. If you were offered by LEGO to write a story wrapping up the loose ends of Hero Factory, would you do it? What about a story explaining Evo's personality inconsistancies?
6For 2 and 3, I only ask because you have answered these questions for a few other species, so it seems like the sort of thing you're allowed answer. Thank-you for your time.
81) Far as I know, they all can.
92) No
103) No
114) It has been so long since i saw that model that I really don't remember.
125) Yes, but since I was not on that story team, I have no idea how they wanted the story to end. So I would need a lot of help, probably, from the people who were behind the story. At any rate, this won't happen, there's no point in spending time on story for lines we are no longer selling.
sepublic22 wrote:1So, how did Teridax feel towards the Great Beings? Did he find them inferior, superior, etc.? Likewise, how did Velika feel about Teridax? And how did the Energized Protodermis Entity view the Great Beings and Teridax, and vice-versa?
21) Teridax never had any direct dealings with them, so I don't know that he had strong feelings about them. I think he saw them as unlikely to intervene in what he was doing.
32) Velika most likely saw Teridax as an upstart who didn't know his place.
43) I think the way we would feel about a completely alien species -- the EP entity has basically nothing in common with anything else in the MU.
21. Since the Toa are robots/cyborg-ish-things, Doesn't that mean that their element isn't really "Magic" and something else? My theory is that they use nano-tech that just LOOKS like fire, ice, air, etc. but since you made BIONICLE i'm just asking you.
32. Dekar/Hydraxon didn't know what happens when you destroy the mask of life, and that just makes me think "Why didn't the Great Beings have the Matoran know that it's a terrible idea to break this thing!" But then again, plot.
ToaFalun wrote:1Hmm.
21. Since the Toa are robots/cyborg-ish-things, Doesn't that mean that their element isn't really "Magic" and something else? My theory is that they use nano-tech that just LOOKS like fire, ice, air, etc. but since you made BIONICLE i'm just asking you.
32. Dekar/Hydraxon didn't know what happens when you destroy the mask of life, and that just makes me think "Why didn't the Great Beings have the Matoran know that it's a terrible idea to break this thing!" But then again, plot.
41) We never said it was magic. There is no magic in BIONICLE. It's science, but they actually are controlling elements. It is, after all, essentially a comic universe -- and in comics, you already have people with cold guns, or people who can control flame, etc.
52) Well, you can look at it as somehting was on a need to know basis .. or you can look at the fact that Hydraxon did not have the memories of his life as a Matoran.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Biomeca132 wrote:Biomeca132 wrote:Biomeca132 wrote:2Hi Mr.Farshtey,
32) Makuta powers such as Heat/Cold Resistence or Limited Invulnerability have to be activated consciously or they just remain active passively?4Buried.
52) It's a good question, I will have to check on it
61) Do you have find something about this?
7Plus, I have some other questions:
82) In the Matoran Universe and/or on Spherus Magna, does/did these things exist?92a) radios or telecommunication ways in general (as talky walky, for example)102b) cameras to take photos112c) sign language for deaf and mute persons
123) Why did the OoMN never secretly wiped out the DH, since they clearly interfer with Mata Nui's will by tormenting the Matoran and killing the Toa? They had the power to do so and could disguise it as a natural disastert (like an frontal attack followed by a gigantic tsunami unleashed by Helryx), in order to keep secret their existence.
134) During the war between the BoM and the OoMN, when TSO killed Ancient, did he knew (or suspected) Ancient was a double agent (and so, had no restraint to kill him off), or did he wanted to keep secret the viruses found on Xia so badly that he didn't hesistate to eliminate his right-hand man?