1I dont know if you heard abt it or not, but the people at biosector01 made a fake interview with you for April Fools 2013. In case you haven't read it, here is its link. BTW, Swert later stated that "about 30-40% of what you saw was from [him]".
3I wrote this later on May about the prank interview (I didn't see it until May 25):
4If Greg sees the prank interview...wonder if he'll make some of your fake answers canon, like "Toa Voriki" and the power manifestations of Fa-, Su-, Bo-, and Ba-Matoran. Or maybe the Spherus Magnans being able to use Kanohi.
5But NOT "Krakalin" or "Muffin button" or "Hafu IS Taipu". That would be useless, esp. when Greg already made a name for the Shadowed One. And who wants Hafu to equal Taipu via a secondary mask?
6BTW, I really want to hear what happens to Velika if Greg reappears. Did he destroy Axonn's group? (I hope not.) Did the Red Star "ghosts" (Sidorak, Mavrah, Lhikan, etc.) join to fight Velika and Marendar? That last one would be great for any new story.
7I didn't get any replies to that, but I'm sorry to hear that you currently don't have any plans to finish the serials. It reminds me of Jane Austen's book Sanditon, which was left unfinished (with 11 chapters) when she died in 1817. Several people have tried to finish the story, but who knows what Austen had really planned for the characters?
- 2If a toa were to die, and go to the red star, will they come back as a matoran?
- 3Is revival limited to matoran/toa/turaga?
- 4If no, can species change (e.g. a Toa becoming a Skakadi, a Vortixx becoming a Ga-Matoran)
- 5Do revived beings keep there memories
- 6If no, is there any way to bring them back?
- 7Did the Red Star break due to the law of physics titled "#YOLO!!!" in that once the Matoran started truely living, they could only live once?
Mace3739 wrote:1Do you think this scenario makes sense.
2 Fe-Matoran (Iron Matoran) live in industrial regions of the planet, working away with many technological advancements, be it Weapons or simply new armors. Fa-Matoran (Magnetism Matoran) do not have tribes. They dislike one another, are in a way, repelled by each other. Small amounts of Fa-Matoran are found living with Fe-Matoran. Fa-Matoran look up to Fe-Matoran and Fe-Toa above all others, as if they we're drawn to them.
3What do you think? I came up with this using the relationships between Iron and Magnetism in the real world. Do you think that would be a good idea?
4Do you think this would be a logical assumption, Greg?
ssidwell1 wrote:1Mr Farshtey. I have a question. What was toa hagah Kualas' s rhotuka disk power? It never says anywhere.
2From the Bionicle wikia: 'Using his staff, Rahaga Kualus could summon flying creatures or warn them of danger by blowing through it and playing it like a flute. He also had a boomerang Rhotuka spinner, which attached to a Rahi and then brought back to him. According to Dark Mirror, he carried a Sub-Zero Spear and a Rhotuka Launching Shield as a Toa and wore a Mask of Rahi Control as well.' I hope this'll answer your question.
rocka275 wrote:1
Hello, Mr. Farshtey! Or should I call you Greg?
Anyways, QUESTIONS!!!
- 2How many books have you written?
- 3Have you read any other stories on the LMBs? There are a lot of epic ones! Authors I suggest are Skulduggery773, superseaturtle, and KardaNui9631.
- 4Have you heard of The Resisters series, written by Eric Nylund? It's a really good Sci-Fi series.
- 5Speaking of which, have you even heard of Nylund up until now?
- 6Have you seen Despicible Me, 1 and 2? (Be prepared to laugh.
- 7How long have you been working for the LEGO Company?
- 8Which do you think would win in a battle: BIONICLE or HF?
- 9What did you want to be as a kid?
- 10Do you have advice fo kids who want to grow up as an author, such as me?
11Sorry for so many questions, but I am pretty curious.
121) Well over 80 now
132) I don't read fan fiction, no
143-4) No, I haven't. I mainly read history and mysteries in my free time
155) No
166) 13 years
177) Probably Toa, they have more powers
188) A lawyer
199) Yes. Read a lot and write a lot. You only get better at writing by doing it, just like any other form of exercise.
MtMNC wrote:1Hello again!
2To what extent was the Matoran language developed? Were there more advanced grammar and name creation rules fleshed out in the story bibles, for example, or was it only expanded to the degree required by the story at a given time? Similarly, the Avohkii's inscription, which was supposedly written in archaic Matoran, appeared in the Mask of Light novelization ("Mapaku una-kanokee wehnua-hakeeta ah-keelahe hanoni rahun-ahk toa-nak panokeeta makuta-tahkee ohnah-koo."); I imagine you were not directly involved with it, but do you happen to know if the story team put some thought into the inscription or if C.A. Hapka/the scriptwriters just made it up without thinking too much about it?
3Speaking of story bibles, what style and medium are they written in? Are they just collections of concept art and story tidbits, or are they written out as more of a narrative? Are they digital, or do physical copies of them exist?
4Lastly, if they were run as the last several have been (you approve the initial concept, entries are accepted, checked for canon errors, and voted for on a hosting BIONICLE fansite, and the winners are labeled canon/sent back to you for approval), would you be open to the idea of more canon BIONICLE contests?
51) It was very piecemeal. There was no document laying out or doing grammatical rules or anything like that. Oh, and Hapka's job was not to add anything to the universe, so she was not involved on that end.
62) No, there is a narrative story in there, at least the beginning and the end, along with concept art, character descriptions, equipment descriptions, etc. An average story bible is usually about 60-100 pages. And yes, there are physical copies.
73) Don't know. The ones I was involved with were on BZP and I'm not there anymore, because of LEGO's social media rules. I'm also not sure how the new COPPA rules would affect my judging something officially.
miserax4 wrote:1I've seen alot of people comparing bionicle to hero factory. Would you say that haero factory is going down the same rode as bionicle. They had "Rahi" like creatures on savage planet and the brain attacks are like Infected Kanohi masks.
2What road is that? Given that the models are all based on roughly the same building system, any creature they fight is going to look like a Rahi. If you look for comparisons you will find them, but not sure what the point of looking is.
alienduck wrote:1OK:
- 2If a toa were to die, and go to the red star, will they come back as a matoran?
- 3Is revival limited to matoran/toa/turaga?
- 4If no, can species change (e.g. a Toa becoming a Skakadi, a Vortixx becoming a Ga-Matoran)
- 5Do revived beings keep there memories
- 6If no, is there any way to bring them back?
- 7Did the Red Star break due to the law of physics titled "#YOLO!!!" in that once the Matoran started truely living, they could only live once?
81) No. You come back as the body you had when you died.
92) Not that we know of, no
103) No. See answer to #1. It's like going to a garage - their job is to fix your Honda, not turn it into a Ferrari.
114) They are supposed to, but the system is imperfect
126) The only thing that broke was the teleportation system - the revival system still works, they just can't get them back to Mata Nui
Mace3739 wrote:Mace3739 wrote:1Do you think this scenario makes sense.
2 Fe-Matoran (Iron Matoran) live in industrial regions of the planet, working away with many technological advancements, be it Weapons or simply new armors. Fa-Matoran (Magnetism Matoran) do not have tribes. They dislike one another, are in a way, repelled by each other. Small amounts of Fa-Matoran are found living with Fe-Matoran. Fa-Matoran look up to Fe-Matoran and Fe-Toa above all others, as if they we're drawn to them.
3What do you think? I came up with this using the relationships between Iron and Magnetism in the real world. Do you think that would be a good idea?
4Do you think this would be a logical assumption, Greg?
5I think a tribe that dislikes and repels its members would not last long.