1Hey, Greg! I'm very happy that after three years and 857 pages, you're still here and willing to talk to us fans (and answer our insane questions at times). That said, I have another silly question for you:
2The Skrall homeland is on Bota Magna; during the Shattering, we know the majority of the Skrall were trapped on Bara Magna. However, the majority is not all. Since it would make sense that some command structure was left in the Skrall homeland during the Core War, is it safe to assume that leader-class Skrall there survived the Shattering and continue to live in Bota Magna?
51) In the third comic of the Glatorian series, "A Hero Reborn", Gelu is attacked by a group of Skrall. After he hides behind a rock, one of them says to the others "Drag him out of there... piece by piece if you have to!", and Gelu responds by saying "Now that's a truly disgusting suggestion!" This makes me wonder, does Gelu understand the Skrall language? Or was that Skrall talking in the Agori language? If so, why? Could it be that he was trying to scare Gelu?62) Is it possible that the Bahrag created some new Bohrok-Kal after they were freed by the Toa Nuva?73) In the second chapter of The Yesterday Quest, after Orde explains that all of the other Matoran/Toa/Turaga of Psionics were made female because the Great Beings thought that such a power needed to be in gentler hands, Chiara fries a nearby lizard with a bolt of electricity and says "Right, we females are so gentle after all." Why did she end the life of an innocent creature just to make a point? Couldn't she have just shot a bolt at Orde like she did in the previous chapter?84) Speaking of Psionics, if the Great Beings thought that Orde was a danger with his powers, why didn't they just deactivate him? It was before the awakening so he wouldn't be considered a sentient being.95) On page 823 of this thread you confirmed that the Great Beings are part of the Glatorian Species. When I tried to edit their page on BS01, I was told that in the past you had wanted to keep their species a mystery, and that you probably just forgot. Is that true, or was it an intentional retcon?
10Have a nice day

1I realized that some of my old questions are probaly ones you can't answer, so here is the edited version.
2 9) How do beings in the MU know what the Great Beings are, or know the species exists?
310) In the Hero Factory book The Doom Box (written by you) what species do the Doom Box creators belong to?
411) What species is Akiyama Makuro part of?
514) How do the Great Beings create Mata Nui's spirit, and give sentience to the residents of the MU?
615) Are Mata Nui and the Makuta species as humans are to monkeys, what I mean is, are they similiar enough to be considered 'brothers'?
716) Are the Piraka animations canon?
818) Besides Gold Good Guy, what are they Good Guy and Bad Guy series supposed to represent?
921) What purpose does Metru Nui serve, and how does it do it?
10Once again, thank you for your time, I await you answer.
1122) If I ask questions about the Hero Factory episodes, will you answer them of were you not involved in those?
1223) Can you canonize fan-created stories or characters?
BBricksStudios wrote:1I realized that some of my old questions are probaly ones you can't answer, so here is the edited version.
2 9) How do beings in the MU know what the Great Beings are, or know the species exists?
310) In the Hero Factory book The Doom Box (written by you) what species do the Doom Box creators belong to?
411) What species is Akiyama Makuro part of?
514) How do the Great Beings create Mata Nui's spirit, and give sentience to the residents of the MU?
615) Are Mata Nui and the Makuta species as humans are to monkeys, what I mean is, are they similiar enough to be considered 'brothers'?
716) Are the Piraka animations canon?
818) Besides Gold Good Guy, what are they Good Guy and Bad Guy series supposed to represent?
921) What purpose does Metru Nui serve, and how does it do it?
10Once again, thank you for your time, I await you answer.
1122) If I ask questions about the Hero Factory episodes, will you answer them of were you not involved in those?
1223) Can you canonize fan-created stories or characters?
1324) Will you finish the online serials?
149) We know at least some Matoran were around during the building of Mata Nui. They had to be, as the robot could not start and operate without them. So it is logical to assume they would know who the GBs are.
1510) Don't know. I always pictured them as an alien species, but then it seemed like the HF team had every planet inhabited by robots.
1611) I wasn't on the HF story team, so don't know.
1714) It's just AI.
1815) No, they are brothers the same way all Toa are brothers and sisters, because they had essentially the same job -- looking after the Matoran.
1916) I don't remember them, that was a decade ago
2018) No idea
2121) Metru Nui is the robot's brain
2222) Not involved
2323) Yes, but I don't do it much anymore. I don't read fan fiction, for one thing
2424) For that to happen, LEGO would have to okay it and someone at the company would have to assigned to approve the stories. I can't see either happening, since it's not an active line.
keplers wrote:1Hey, Greg! I'm very happy that after three years and 857 pages, you're still here and willing to talk to us fans (and answer our insane questions at times). That said, I have another silly question for you:
2The Skrall homeland is on Bota Magna; during the Shattering, we know the majority of the Skrall were trapped on Bara Magna. However, the majority is not all. Since it would make sense that some command structure was left in the Skrall homeland during the Core War, is it safe to assume that leader-class Skrall there survived the Shattering and continue to live in Bota Magna?
3Certainly possible
OnionShark wrote:1Whoops, I forgot to quote my previous message.2____________________________________________________ 3OnionShark wrote:4Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I have a few questions about Bionicle for you.
51) In the third comic of the Glatorian series, "A Hero Reborn", Gelu is attacked by a group of Skrall. After he hides behind a rock, one of them says to the others "Drag him out of there... piece by piece if you have to!", and Gelu responds by saying "Now that's a truly disgusting suggestion!" This makes me wonder, does Gelu understand the Skrall language? Or was that Skrall talking in the Agori language? If so, why? Could it be that he was trying to scare Gelu?62) Is it possible that the Bahrag created some new Bohrok-Kal after they were freed by the Toa Nuva?73) In the second chapter of The Yesterday Quest, after Orde explains that all of the other Matoran/Toa/Turaga of Psionics were made female because the Great Beings thought that such a power needed to be in gentler hands, Chiara fries a nearby lizard with a bolt of electricity and says "Right, we females are so gentle after all." Why did she end the life of an innocent creature just to make a point? Couldn't she have just shot a bolt at Orde like she did in the previous chapter?84) Speaking of Psionics, if the Great Beings thought that Orde was a danger with his powers, why didn't they just deactivate him? It was before the awakening so he wouldn't be considered a sentient being.
91) It would make sense that at least some Agori/Glatorian would know the Skrall language. Too dangerous if nobody understands the enemy.
102) Doubtful. Why bother?
113) Not everyone is an animal lover
124) Must have foreseen some use down the line
OnionShark wrote:1Whoops, I forgot to quote my previous message.2____________________________________________________ 3OnionShark wrote:4Hi, Mr. Farshtey. I have a few questions about Bionicle for you.
55) On page 823 of this thread you confirmed that the Great Beings are part of the Glatorian Species. When I tried to edit their page on BS01, I was told that in the past you had wanted to keep their species a mystery, and that you probably just forgot. Is that true, or was it an intentional retcon?
6Have a nice day
75) I was originally, but little by little, I have been leaking stuff out. Old BIONICLE is over, new BIONICLE is almost over, might as well flesh them out a little. Had the serials been finished, you probably would have seen some of them anyway.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
17) Nothing. They affect the MU, not existence as a whole.
28) I would need to have permission from the LEGO Company and someone at LEGO would have to be able to do approvals on what I write. I can't write stuff on my own for a LEGO property.
39) I always saw the GBs as scientist-kings. As for where they are, who knows?
410) He doesn't have one, because I never picked one out for him.
511) I don't living a long time automatically makes you go insane. Why would it? There are animals in our world who live for centuries and show no sign of mental breakdown. And just as those creatures have long lifespans, so do Agori and Glatorian.
612) Makes it easier to do repairs, if you need to. If you had, say, 14 carburetors in your car, it would help if each had a different designation.
713) Because the set we had to work with was a Mata set.
814) Unique
915) If it destined to be so
1010) Isn't that just Vellika with an extra L?
1111) Well, I have a more specific theory: for sapient beings, there is the possibility of boredom. However, as long as there are always still ways to experience danger and fear, then life will not become boring. i.e. since Matoran are so easy to annhilate, they will never get bored with life and will always be afraid of getting stepped on by something bigger than them.
1311) I disagree. To me, boredom is just laziness under another name, and I don't see there being a lot of lazy Matoran. There is always more work to do. And why would you need danger and fear to not be bored? I am happy to say there is no danger or fear in my life at present, and I am never bored. It's called "having hobbies."
1411. True. True. I was thinking more in terms of an immortal being that has no personal responsibilities and can just do whatever he wants, and eventually, having done literally everything, becomes bored.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:11) No
22) If a mechanical portion has to be removed, the muscle tissue can be made to disengage and retract on its own. The mechanical pieces are then replaced with bigger ones and correspondingly bigger muscle tissue grows to attach it.
33) Because the Voya Nui sets did not look like rebuilt Matoran
44) Yes
55) A Matoran will go slowly and carefully with an eye toward being better at the end. Karzahni does not go slowly or carefully and more often than not his subjects are not better in the end, they're worse.
61) Yes. Like the transuranic elements, protodermis is an element artificially produced.
72) Hmmm. The first thing that popped into my head in what are protodermis molecules made up of?
83) Yes
94) See answer to #2
102b. Most if not all elements on the periodic table are atoms, not molecules (i.e. hydrogen, carbon, oxygen). As such, I would assume that if protodermis or antidermis were to be their own elements, that they would comprise purely of their own atoms rather than being a mix of other substances.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:BBricksStudios wrote:1All right, I am BACK.
21) Why were Av-Matoran chosen to become Bohrok insted of the GBs making Bohrok seperately?
32) Also, how were they (Av-Matoran) transformed?
43) Why were krana needed to power Bohrok instead of the Av-Matoran retaining sentience as Bohrok?
54)How are krana made, and what are they made from?
65) When the Toa Nuva lose their elemental powers, why do their masks turn grey is they have no connection the their elements?
76) How was Takunuva larger in the events of 2008?
87) Also, how were Takunuva and Gresh both made smaller in 2010?
98) Are the Great Beings a seperate species, or are they closer to Glatorian?
101) It was faster to do it that way than have to build a whole new array of beings
112) It's a natural part of their bodies' programming
123) There wasn't an easy way to have the Matoran retain their intelligence after the transformation and the GBs were in a time crunch. Krana were the alternative.
134) Not something I care to reveal
145) We have seen that Toa masks are normally gray until they are donned. When the Toa lose their elemental powers, the masks do not react the way they would to being put on by a Toa, because there are no elemental energies to react to.
156) Same reason the Av-Matoran were larger -- the energies of Karda Nui
167) Once you leave Karda Nui, the effects of the energies reverse themselves. For the most part, though, 2010 was a set thing, not a story thing.
178) I believe I answered this already, but I can't remember what I said
188. They are confirmed to be Glatorian.