ScribeGT6817 wrote:ankas wrote:1CONTINUED: I want to tell you a little story Greg, a conversation I had with another fan:2Friend: GEEWUUN3ME: Friend, are you comparing me to, and refering to the fanbase of TF that worship G1 as the only true continuity of TF? And seed that as being the only "true fan" way?4OTHER FRIEND: I can see where he is coming from.5FRIEND: In combination with your thoughts about Bionicle, yes.6ME: Because this is very much different. G1 had complete closure in the end and no dropped storylines like with the serials that we had which was abandoned.7That's hos I feel Greg. I hope it'll all be well and be some sort of actual continuation, because this was always THE BIONICLE, THE Biological Chronicle, and not Biological Chronicles or BIONICLES.
8Stay creative,9Best,10- Ankas11Transformers has not been cancelled as a line. BIONICLE was. That's a major difference.
12Sorry about not replying to you till now, but I had to get to an actual computer to be able to use the Quote button, because it's simply not there on an iPhone (note to the people running and coding for the boards: you should really fix that).
13Anyway, I was actually talking about Transformers G1 strictly. And when the cartoon ended, and the line ended, that was it. That is a cancellation. Of course there's been some attempts at continuing it on a few comics and such, but mostly later on, and that series was considerably more popular than BIONICLE (I think) and still is (I think, again.) There were also a kind of decline after all of that, just like with BIONICLE near the end before it was cancelled. Sales were going down, just like with BIONICLE, and The Transformers: The Movie, the animated films from the 80s, didn't help but actually make it worse. After that film, Transformers craze really went downhill. And we would have to wait till 2007 before the interest was truly renewed. Ironic, isn't it? Bay's films aren't that impressive.14G1 WAS different though, TF wasn't as deep back then, so bad example...
ScribeGT6817 wrote:geek7534 wrote:1Hey, Mr.Farshtey.2I have two other questions:
31- On BIONICLE movies, Kanohi restranscribe feelings of characters. Meanwhile, in your books, you suggest the face is under the Kanohi, and that he isn't animated. Which version is canon?
42- You said the transformation of Zaktan came from his nature of mutant. Meanwhile, this happen two times, and in similair circumstances. (He was mean to be desintegrated). Could we conclude that his Skakdi power is to survive with a more fragmented form when someone try to desintegrate him?
51) Mine is, basically. The movies had to have the masks able to do that to convey emotion, but that was the only reason for it -- because that had to be done for the needs of that medium.
62) Unknown.
7Isn't this kind of impractical? How would beings recognize a smile if the mouth's underneath? Is there a hole for their mouth instead of it being like a faceplate? Or is there a part of the mask that uses hinges and are connected to the wearer's mouth? We've heard plenty times that characters smile to each other in your books.8Also, by canon, is the muscle tissue on MU beings visible on their limbs, like they were in the movies? I think that would be sweet, and very cool Or are they underneeth their metallic limbs, like with a knight's armor?9Also, I was wondering, what is canon? The head backpieces being colored and/or like crystal? Or are they metallic? I know it was made like this so that you can make the figures' eyes light up if you hold it up against lamps or the sun, but I always wondered about it, since it's also used in the comics...
10And lastly, what ending is canon? Takanuva getting out before getting crushed by the gate in Makuta Teridax's lair? Or him being brought back during that ceremony thing just outside the gate? In Hapka's Mask of Light novelization the former ending is used, but in the film it's the other one. I was wondering how did that ceremony even work? Magic? Lifeforce imprinted in the Avohkii...?
1What did it take to bacome a designer? And how did you come up with the ideas for Bioncle and Ninjago? (Love Ninjago by the way.)
WhiteAlligator wrote:2Hi everyone -
3Are you sitting down?
If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ...
4The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!
5That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions.
6Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally.
7While participating in this topic please remember to ...
81. Stay on topic!
No spamming. No side conversations.
92. Be patient!
Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can.
103. Have fun!
This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
11Keep on build'in!
1Hi Hi Greg ! We know that Bota Magna's biomechanical dinosaurs, and Baterra, among others, were supposed to be released as sets in 2010. Do you know if concept arts or prototypes of this canceled wave exist, and if so, can you show them to us ? Thanks in advance, and thank you for the Bionicle story, that was great.
my_legonetwork wrote:1I have a question for you. I'd like to know why you stopped Bionicle. It was a really good theme and was one of the best themes. In fact I am sitting next to someone who owns 100+ bionicle and was devastated to learn the the theme was discontinued and replaced. Did you stop it for story reasons or for market reasons?
2I won't ask now.
3I have another question,
4why is it that most of the story lines you make have a religious backround to them?
1Um, sorry if you already saw the fake interview I told you about, but what would the power-manifestations of Ba, Su, Fa, and Bo-Matoran be?
2Can Glatorian or Agori use Kanohi in any way?
3Should we expect Lesovikk's Toa team to be in the Red Star?
4And did the Shadow Matoran of Karda Nui originally have the same masks before they were turned into Shadow Matoran?
5Also, can you recall what you were originally planning for Velika to do in the serials before you stopped writing them?
1Hey Greg,
2I was wondering-
31. If a few years down the line one the LEGO series you are currently working on was either cancelled or passed on to another author, and if LEGO gave the OK to continue/reboot BIONICLE, would you agree to write the story again?
42. If BOINICLE did come back would you make it have a darker appeal like 2006 because of how BIONICLE's original fanbase is older now, or would you keep it more light-hearted like Chima?
53. Who is your favorite character out all the the stories you have written. my would probably be either Motoro or Lewa.
64. Were there other factors contributing to you stoping posting stories on besides being so busy?
75. Who was your favorite character in BIONICLE that isn't a hero or a villain but kind of in the middle (like Hydraxon or a matoran) ?
86. How's life?
9I hope you respond