keplers wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:keplers wrote:13. Does the Toa code only apply to sentient life then? Or is Chiara simply a little heartless and destructive?
23. It's been established before that it only applies to sentient life. While Toa generally would prefer not to terminate a Rahi, it's permissible.
33. I got the terms "sentient" and "sapient" mixed up it seems...
4If it applies to all sentient life, then that means that Chiara violated the Toa code.
5These things never apply to sentient life. Think about it: Superman sees a building on fire and people are in trouble. So he uses his freeze breath and puts out the fire. But how many insects did he just kill? If he has to worry about every sentient being, he basically can't ever do anything. If he super punches an abandoned building and brings it down on Brainiac, he is killing hundreds of rats and roaches. That's why sapience is the standard.
6Well, in that case, the animals and insects can be considered collateral damage. However, there must also be consideration for maliciously singleing out, and frying an innocent lizard with lightning.
7I think you're taking this a bit far.
8Thank You!
BBricksStudios wrote:keplers wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:keplers wrote:13. Does the Toa code only apply to sentient life then? Or is Chiara simply a little heartless and destructive?
23. It's been established before that it only applies to sentient life. While Toa generally would prefer not to terminate a Rahi, it's permissible.
33. I got the terms "sentient" and "sapient" mixed up it seems...
4If it applies to all sentient life, then that means that Chiara violated the Toa code.
5These things never apply to sentient life. Think about it: Superman sees a building on fire and people are in trouble. So he uses his freeze breath and puts out the fire. But how many insects did he just kill? If he has to worry about every sentient being, he basically can't ever do anything. If he super punches an abandoned building and brings it down on Brainiac, he is killing hundreds of rats and roaches. That's why sapience is the standard.
6Well, in that case, the animals and insects can be considered collateral damage. However, there must also be consideration for maliciously singleing out, and frying an innocent lizard with lightning.
7I think you're taking this a bit far.
8Thank You!
9But... but... ETHICS!!!!
10And stuff
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Also,is Matoro dormant inside the Ignika in the same way Mata Nui is?
21) No. Matoro's consciousness did not survive his death. Also, Mata Nui is not dormant in the mask -- Mata Nui is the dominant personality in the mask.
3Did the Ignika's own conciousness become sacrificed in order to bear Mata Nui, or is the Ignika's personality still alive, but not dominant?
4The latter
voporak1 wrote:voporak1 wrote:1Hi Mr Greg!
21. The destiny of all beings of the MU is part of their programmation?
32. When she is fully fed on dreams, Annona is as dangerous and powerful than the Great Spirit Robot (Teridax) may be worse? If so, when Annona has devoured the dreams of all of Skakdi on the fortress, She was as dangerous as the GSR?
43. The Sister of Skrall that his psychic powers were amplified by Angonce is she real? Or she was invented by the Sister of Skrall? If she exists, She is basically the living embodiments of the psychic like the Elements Lord? (I know psychic is not considered as an element on Spherus Magna but she can be their equivalent)
54. The Great Beings are immortal? (Thanks to their technologies) or they can live much longer than the Glatorian and the Agori? (Again thanks to their technology)
65. The Great Beings have a "tribal" color and a symbol as the Glatorian/Skrall/Agori? If yes, which one?
76. The Great Beings are a group of scientist and crafters of the iron tribe? I think this because the Nynrah Ghost are also a skilled group of Fe Matoran crafters. Maybe this could be the case for the Great Beings, two group of genius crafters of a iron tribe.
101) Well, it's a good question. When we have talked about "achieving destiny" it has usually had to do with one thing you end up doing -- for example, awakening Mata Nui -- once you have done that, your destiny has been achieved and other things you are doing are not pre-destined.
112) I don't know if you can compare the two. Annona has vast psionic powers, but Mata Nui is way stronger physically.
123) I don't understand your question
134) No
145) No
156) No.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:voporak1 wrote:voporak1 wrote:1Hi Mr Greg!
21. The destiny of all beings of the MU is part of their programmation?
32. When she is fully fed on dreams, Annona is as dangerous and powerful than the Great Spirit Robot (Teridax) may be worse? If so, when Annona has devoured the dreams of all of Skakdi on the fortress, She was as dangerous as the GSR?
43. The Sister of Skrall that his psychic powers were amplified by Angonce is she real? Or she was invented by the Sister of Skrall? If she exists, She is basically the living embodiments of the psychic like the Elements Lord? (I know psychic is not considered as an element on Spherus Magna but she can be their equivalent)
54. The Great Beings are immortal? (Thanks to their technologies) or they can live much longer than the Glatorian and the Agori? (Again thanks to their technology)
65. The Great Beings have a "tribal" color and a symbol as the Glatorian/Skrall/Agori? If yes, which one?
76. The Great Beings are a group of scientist and crafters of the iron tribe? I think this because the Nynrah Ghost are also a skilled group of Fe Matoran crafters. Maybe this could be the case for the Great Beings, two group of genius crafters of a iron tribe.
101) Well, it's a good question. When we have talked about "achieving destiny" it has usually had to do with one thing you end up doing -- for example, awakening Mata Nui -- once you have done that, your destiny has been achieved and other things you are doing are not pre-destined.
112) I don't know if you can compare the two. Annona has vast psionic powers, but Mata Nui is way stronger physically.
123) I don't understand your question
134) No
145) No
156) No.
16To further elaborate...
175. The Great Beings are a group of god-like scientists. They have no social structure, and merely work together as equals in the interest of science.
186. The Great Beings don't come from any specific tribe, but rather, are more of their own thing.
mrcqm wrote:1Here's a random question for you...
2It is well known that Makuta are gaseous beings composed of a substance known as antidermis. My question is this: Can a Makuta live forever assuming nobody destroys his antidermis? Or will their antidermis eventually decay over a period of time?
3The latter.
13. The Sister of Skrall that his psychic powers were amplified by Angonce is she real? Or she was invented by the Sister of Skrall? If she exists, She is basically the living embodiments of the psychic like the Elements Lord? (I know psychic is not considered as an element on Spherus Magna but she can be their equivalent)
24. The Great Beings are immortal? (Thanks to their technologies) or they can live much longer than the Glatorian and the Agori? (Again thanks to their technology)
35. The Great Beings have a "tribal" color and a symbol as the Glatorian/Skrall/Agori? If yes, which one?
46. The Great Beings are a group of scientist and crafters of the iron tribe? I think this because the Nynrah Ghost are also a skilled group of Fe Matoran crafters. Maybe this could be the case for the Great Beings, two group of genius crafters of a iron tribe.
71) Well, it's a good question. When we have talked about "achieving destiny" it has usually had to do with one thing you end up doing -- for example, awakening Mata Nui -- once you have done that, your destiny has been achieved and other things you are doing are not pre-destined.
82) I don't know if you can compare the two. Annona has vast psionic powers, but Mata Nui is way stronger physically.
93) I don't understand your question
104) No
115) No
126) No.
13To further elaborate...
145. The Great Beings are a group of god-like scientists. They have no social structure, and merely work together as equals in the interest of science.
156. The Great Beings don't come from any specific tribe, but rather, are more of their own thing.
16I would quibble with the term "god-like." They were seen by the MU inhabitants in those terms, but we have seen they are extremely fallible and their only powers are their scientific knowledge.
BBricksStudios wrote:1Hi again.
21) Who is the crimson armored robot at the end of Mirror World (the book)? And what are his reasons for wanting to bring down Hero Factory?
32) What do you envision Velika doing next?
43) Does the Shadowed One have a given name that you just can't reveal?
54) If Tobduk was a Matoran, how did he become larger?
65) Is time travel possible in the MU?
76) Approximately how old was the MU at the time of its destruction?
87) Why does Velika want to rule Sperus Magna?
98) Can GBs be killed?
10Thank You!
111) Wrote that a long time ago, so don't recall.
122) Probably continuing to do what he's been doing, taking out anyone who might be powerful enough to be a threat to him
133) He has a name I have chosen not to reveal
144) Where was it stated he was a Matoran? He's using a Great Mask, Matoran cannot do that.
155) No
166) A little over 100,000 years old
177) Velika points to things like the Core War as evidence that the detached, hands-off way the GBs operated was a mistake. He believes that a much more proactive approach and a firm hand are needed, for everyone's benefit.
188) Yes.
ShadowEmperor7 wrote:ShadowEmperor7 wrote:1Hello again Greg, I have a few more questions.
21. If you could meet any one Bionicle character (without the threat of them hurting you if they're a villain
), who would you pick?
32. Does Velika's original body still exist, or was it destroyed when he transferred his consciousness?
43. Do you think Velika will try to obtain a better body to replace the decrepit Po-Matoran one?
54. Do you think the Great Beings have been asleep/in stasis the past 100,000 years, or are they still active?
65. Did the Great Beings have in mind a purpose for Mata Nui after he restored Sphereus Magna?
76. Do you know anything about the cancelled 2005 webcomic that involved the "fate of Turaga Dume"?
87. What will the Bahrag do now that Mata Nui is gone and they have no purpose?
98. Serious question: if you took all of Teridax's antidermis and divided it into two equal halves, would both halves regenerate into a new Teridax?
10I think this got buried.
111) No idea.
122) It is probably in suspended animation somewhere.
133) He will probably go back to his old one eventually.
144) No, they have not been in stasis. They're alive
155) No
166) That was 11 years ago, so no, I don't recall anything about it.
177) Find a new purpose
188) I think abruptly removing half his antidermis might do serious damage to Teridax's consciousness, so that regeneration becomes a moot point.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:12) Doubtful. Why bother?
23) Not everyone is an animal lover
34) Must have foreseen some use down the line
4Thanks for answering
52) There was a reason they were made in the first place, and since the Bahrag didn't know that they wouldn't be needed anymore (at least for cleaning MN's face), so it seems likely to me that they would create new Bohrok-Kal.
63) Yeah, but did she really have to kill it?
74) As in destiny? Since the Great Beings didn't intend for the MUians to have a purpose after MN's mission was completed, does that mean that Orde's destiny has been achieved?
8I also have some more questions. Take your time, I won't mind
96) In Riddle of the Great Beings, the EL of Jungle says "I and five of my brother were chosen by the Great Beings for the honor of leading the villages of Spherus Magna." Does that mean that one of the 7 ELs was chosen by someone else?
107) In the prologue of Journey's End, when Angonce is reflecting upon what caused the Core War, he keeps mentioning "six tribes" and "six warriors", leaving out the Earth Tribe, and when he lists the powers of the ELs he doesn't mention Earth. I know that the Earth Tribe and its EL were introduced about 4 years after that book was published, but could there be any in-story reason for that?
118) Would the Karda Nui Makuta have believed that Teridax wanted to betray them, had Krika manged to tell them?
129) Were you the one who wrote the Bionicle Synopsis that came with the Bionicle Style Guide?
1310) Is there any part of Bionicle's story other than Vakama's betrayal that you would have liked to change?
1411) Why weren't the 2 MNOGs approved by the story team?
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I have a few indepth questions about BIONICLE to ask of you today. This is part 1 that I couldn't fit in. These are questions that have plagued me of late and would help with the lore and help me with my own films I'm working on. Thanks!
21. Since the Kanohi Olmak fused into Vezon's essence, would it grant him more ability to do things with the power of dimensional gateways than a normal mask user would have? Such as opening a gateway within someone's body? Or multiple gateways at once?
32. When Icarax was devolved by the Ignika and killed by Gorast and Vamprah in the battle of Karda Nui. His atoms were scattered across the Matoran Universe. If his parts reformed after the teleport, would he have survived if his form was Antidermis? Or can Makuta Antidermis not be split up so much that it's in multiple places?
43. Would Takanuva's supposed part in the Great Being civil war result in his death or a standing peace to achieve his destiny?
54. When Teridax learned how to put Mata Nui to sleep from Tren Krom, how exactly did he do it? Was it just a virus he spread into the air or did he have to implant it somewhere in order for it to take effect?
65. How would Miserix react to meeting alternate Teridax? Would he attack him immediately or would it remind him of what the Makuta once were or his most trusted lieutenant once was?
76. When the Kanohi Kraahkan was crafted, did Teridax immediately receive it? Why wasn't Miserix gifted the Mask of Shadows since he was the leader of the Brotherhood? Or was Teridax rewarded the mask for his capability in such events like the Barraki's defeat or the Matoran Civil War?
8Thank you for your time. Keep up the good work!
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I have a few indepth questions about BIONICLE to ask of you today. This is part 2.
27. When Velika was on Voya Nui, were any of his relationships or friendships with the other Matoran like Garan genuine or did he not care for any of them?
38. Were Velika's constant riddles always a play? Or did he actually become invested into being someone he wasn't?
49. Is Sentrakh currently with The Shadowed One in the current story? Considering his status as TSO's bodyguard.
510. When the Phantoka Makuta in Karda Nui were blinded by Matoro's sacrifice, they were blinded in their current forms, did that also mean that their antidermis form was also blinded? As in if they left their bodies, they still wouldn't be able to see in their gaseous form?
611. Considering Velika's plan for Spherus Magna and who he is, did he have any part or even create the Toa destroyer, Marendar?
712. Did Velika have a hand in creating the Baterra in the Core War?
8Thank you for your time. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read one of your fantastic novels.
mrcqm wrote:BBricksStudios wrote:keplers wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:keplers wrote:13. Does the Toa code only apply to sentient life then? Or is Chiara simply a little heartless and destructive?
23. It's been established before that it only applies to sentient life. While Toa generally would prefer not to terminate a Rahi, it's permissible.
33. I got the terms "sentient" and "sapient" mixed up it seems...
4If it applies to all sentient life, then that means that Chiara violated the Toa code.
5These things never apply to sentient life. Think about it: Superman sees a building on fire and people are in trouble. So he uses his freeze breath and puts out the fire. But how many insects did he just kill? If he has to worry about every sentient being, he basically can't ever do anything. If he super punches an abandoned building and brings it down on Brainiac, he is killing hundreds of rats and roaches. That's why sapience is the standard.
6Well, in that case, the animals and insects can be considered collateral damage. However, there must also be consideration for maliciously singleing out, and frying an innocent lizard with lightning.
7I think you're taking this a bit far.
8Thank You!
9But... but... ETHICS!!!!
10And stuff
11No ethics, She is Chiara, the toa of Lacking ethics.