srlojohn wrote:mrcqm wrote:BBricksStudios wrote:1Hello, Greg.
21) Woudn't the Avokhii and Kraaknah be considered Legendary Masks?
32) In Legends of Metru Nui, the why do the Matoran who become the Toa Metru already have their Great masks?
43) Where was Makuta after he exited the Maxilos Robot?
54) Why is a Toa of Fire almost always a team leader?
65) What is your personal opinion on The Journey to One?
81) Oddly enough, no. They're simply unique.
92) The shape and power of a mask is mutually exclusive.
103) Presumably he went straight to the Core Processor to await the GSR's reactivation.
114) Why is the red ranger almost always team leader? It's simply the way it's always been.
12Honestly I put them in a third catagory called the "one-of-a-kind" masks which includes the Avokhii, The Krakhaan, the Olisi, and the Olmak. to be a "one-of-a-kind" mask thier must be very few of them, thier power must be unusual or strange (such as the Krakhaan being elemental or the olmak allowing dimentional travel), and almost no one knows how to make them.
13There wer 2 Olmaks. While, I am not sure about the Olisi, I believe Artahka has the knowledge to make Avohkii, Olmak and Kraahkan. Also, there is nothing special about the Avohkii and Kraahkan having elemental powers since there is the Mask of Gravity, worn by Hewkii Mahri, and there is also confirmed to be masks for the other elements, spare sand. And there is nothing special about those 14 elemental mask, as far as we know, they are common masks.
Wilmerkardell wrote:srlojohn wrote:mrcqm wrote:BBricksStudios wrote:1Hello, Greg.
21) Woudn't the Avokhii and Kraaknah be considered Legendary Masks?
32) In Legends of Metru Nui, the why do the Matoran who become the Toa Metru already have their Great masks?
43) Where was Makuta after he exited the Maxilos Robot?
54) Why is a Toa of Fire almost always a team leader?
65) What is your personal opinion on The Journey to One?
81) Oddly enough, no. They're simply unique.
92) The shape and power of a mask is mutually exclusive.
103) Presumably he went straight to the Core Processor to await the GSR's reactivation.
114) Why is the red ranger almost always team leader? It's simply the way it's always been.
12Honestly I put them in a third catagory called the "one-of-a-kind" masks which includes the Avokhii, The Krakhaan, the Olisi, and the Olmak. to be a "one-of-a-kind" mask thier must be very few of them, thier power must be unusual or strange (such as the Krakhaan being elemental or the olmak allowing dimentional travel), and almost no one knows how to make them.
13There wer 2 Olmaks. While, I am not sure about the Olisi, I believe Artahka has the knowledge to make Avohkii, Olmak and Kraahkan. Also, there is nothing special about the Avohkii and Kraahkan having elemental powers since there is the Mask of Gravity, worn by Hewkii Mahri, and there is also confirmed to be masks for the other elements, spare sand. And there is nothing special about those 14 elemental mask, as far as we know, they are common masks.
14the garai is the only other elemental mask and i said ALMOST no one knows how to make it because someone had to make the original mask. also i ther had to be very few of them which could mean two or three.
Wilmerkardell wrote:11. So... Is the Earth Tribe a part of the official canon? It's been removed from BS01...22. Did Takua change out his yellow feet for blur ones when rebuilding himself?33. Now, I know you didn't write it, but in the short story "Protection", some worm creature takes over bohrok armors. Did Teridax stop them eventually?44. Can Bohrok be transformed back into Av-Matoran? If so, would they have memories?55. Were there a lot more of Lariska's species?66. Relative to a Toa, how tall is Lariska?
71. The earth tribe didn't have a real story role, but they are canon, yes.
82. If he had yellow feet before rebuilding himself, and then had blue feet after rebuilding himself, logic follows that yes, yes he did.
94. Since EP serves to speed up an object's destiny, and all Bohrok are av-Matoran who have already achieved their destinies, it is likely Bohrok cannot be converted back into Matoran.
Wilmerkardell wrote:11. So... Is the Earth Tribe a part of the official canon? It's been removed from BS01...22. Did Takua change out his yellow feet for blur ones when rebuilding himself?33. Now, I know you didn't write it, but in the short story "Protection", some worm creature takes over bohrok armors. Did Teridax stop them eventually?44. Can Bohrok be transformed back into Av-Matoran? If so, would they have memories?55. Were there a lot more of Lariska's species?66. Relative to a Toa, how tall is Lariska?
71) Yes
82) Yes
93) I have no idea what story you are referring to.
104) No
115) At one time, yes
126) No idea, since we have never seen her in her natural form, I don't think
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:111) Why weren't the 2 MNOGs approved by the story team?
2P.S. Keep in mind that when first MNOG was being designed, no one knew BIONICLE would last more than one year, so no one was worrying about things that might not work with later story.
3Well, to be fair, the Mata Nui Online Game is regarded by many in the community to be the holy grail of all BIONICLE media. Nobody treats it as non-canon, so I think it might be wise to go ahead and canonize it at some point.
4I can't canonize something I have not seen all of, number one. Number two, all that "Matoran romance" stuff came from the online games, which is not canon. Number three, the fact that no in the fan community treats any of it as non-canon does not really have any influence on what I do.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I have a few indepth questions about BIONICLE to ask of you today. This is part 2.
27. When Velika was on Voya Nui, were any of his relationships or friendships with the other Matoran like Garan genuine or did he not care for any of them?
38. Were Velika's constant riddles always a play? Or did he actually become invested into being someone he wasn't?
49. Is Sentrakh currently with The Shadowed One in the current story? Considering his status as TSO's bodyguard.
510. When the Phantoka Makuta in Karda Nui were blinded by Matoro's sacrifice, they were blinded in their current forms, did that also mean that their antidermis form was also blinded? As in if they left their bodies, they still wouldn't be able to see in their gaseous form?
611. Considering Velika's plan for Spherus Magna and who he is, did he have any part or even create the Toa destroyer, Marendar?
712. Did Velika have a hand in creating the Baterra in the Core War?
8Thank you for your time. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read one of your fantastic novels.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:111) Why weren't the 2 MNOGs approved by the story team?
2P.S. Keep in mind that when first MNOG was being designed, no one knew BIONICLE would last more than one year, so no one was worrying about things that might not work with later story.
3Well, to be fair, the Mata Nui Online Game is regarded by many in the community to be the holy grail of all BIONICLE media. Nobody treats it as non-canon, so I think it might be wise to go ahead and canonize it at some point.
4I can't canonize something I have not seen all of, number one. Number two, all that "Matoran romance" stuff came from the online games, which is not canon. Number three, the fact that no in the fan community treats any of it as non-canon does not really have any influence on what I do.
5Oh yeah I totally forgot about Macku X Hewkii...
ScribeGT6817 wrote:voporak1 wrote:
1Hi Mr Greg!
21. The destiny of all beings of the MU is part of their programmation?
32. When she is fully fed on dreams, Annona is as dangerous and powerful than the Great Spirit Robot (Teridax) may be worse? If so, when Annona has devoured the dreams of all of Skakdi on the fortress, She was as dangerous as the GSR?
43. The Sister of Skrall that his psychic powers were amplified by Angonce is she real? Or she was invented by the Sister of Skrall? If she exists, She is basically the living embodiments of the psychic like the Elements Lord? (I know psychic is not considered as an element on Spherus Magna but she can be their equivalent)
51) Well, it's a good question. When we have talked about "achieving destiny" it has usually had to do with one thing you end up doing -- for example, awakening Mata Nui -- once you have done that, your destiny has been achieved and other things you are doing are not pre-destined.
62) I don't know if you can compare the two. Annona has vast psionic powers, but Mata Nui is way stronger physically.
73) I don't understand your question
82. You are right, Mata Nui is physically stronger than Annona but she could be his "psychic" equivalent. Example, Mata Nui can destroy a planet but Annona can destroy the minds of an entire civilizations of a planet with her psychic powers.
93. I talk about of the Sister of Skrall who met one of the Great Beings and Angonce would have improved her powers according to their legend.
1Part 2
24) I had already his question, but since you were confused a little by it, I decided to rephrase it. Recently the Earth Tribe page was removed from BS01, because according to some of the members it went against canon. The only thing that would cotnradict its existance I found was Journey's End prologue, set during the building of the GSR, in wich Angonce reflects on what has gone wrong and caused the Core War. He keeps talking about six tribes and six ELs, never mentioning the Earth Tribe, not even when listing the elements of the ELs. I know that the Earth Tribe wasn't a thing at the time, since you revealed its existance on these message boards, way after Bionicle's end, but is there an in-story reason Angonce didn't mention the Earth Tribe, or should we just ignore that and still consider the tribe canon?
TeShadowedOne1 wrote:1Hello Mr. Farshtey. I have a few indepth questions about BIONICLE to ask of you today. This is part 2.
27. When Velika was on Voya Nui, were any of his relationships or friendships with the other Matoran like Garan genuine or did he not care for any of them?
38. Were Velika's constant riddles always a play? Or did he actually become invested into being someone he wasn't?
49. Is Sentrakh currently with The Shadowed One in the current story? Considering his status as TSO's bodyguard.
510. When the Phantoka Makuta in Karda Nui were blinded by Matoro's sacrifice, they were blinded in their current forms, did that also mean that their antidermis form was also blinded? As in if they left their bodies, they still wouldn't be able to see in their gaseous form?
611. Considering Velika's plan for Spherus Magna and who he is, did he have any part or even create the Toa destroyer, Marendar?
712. Did Velika have a hand in creating the Baterra in the Core War?
8Thank you for your time. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go read one of your fantastic novels.
97) I won't say he did not care, but I do not think he would have seen them as equals.
108) No, that was him being clever.
119) No, he's not
1210) I'm not really sure how they would "see" in gaseous form with no eyes. I would think that would be more of a mental radar or something, so it probably wouldn't have been affected.
1311) He may have.
1412) Yes
voporak1 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:voporak1 wrote:1Hi Mr Greg!
21. The destiny of all beings of the MU is part of their programmation?
32. When she is fully fed on dreams, Annona is as dangerous and powerful than the Great Spirit Robot (Teridax) may be worse? If so, when Annona has devoured the dreams of all of Skakdi on the fortress, She was as dangerous as the GSR?
43. The Sister of Skrall that his psychic powers were amplified by Angonce is she real? Or she was invented by the Sister of Skrall? If she exists, She is basically the living embodiments of the psychic like the Elements Lord? (I know psychic is not considered as an element on Spherus Magna but she can be their equivalent)
51) Well, it's a good question. When we have talked about "achieving destiny" it has usually had to do with one thing you end up doing -- for example, awakening Mata Nui -- once you have done that, your destiny has been achieved and other things you are doing are not pre-destined.
62) I don't know if you can compare the two. Annona has vast psionic powers, but Mata Nui is way stronger physically.
73) I don't understand your question
82. You are right, Mata Nui is physically stronger than Annona but she could be his "psychic" equivalent. Example, Mata Nui can destroy a planet but Annona can destroy the minds of an entire civilizations of a planet with her psychic powers.
93. I talk about of the Sister of Skrall who met one of the Great Beings and Angonce would have improved her powers according to their legend.
102) True. But we do not know if Annona's power would work on bio-mechanical or mechanical beings, only that it works on organic brains.
113) Yes, she is real
OnionShark wrote:1Part 2
24) I had already his question, but since you were confused a little by it, I decided to rephrase it. Recently the Earth Tribe page was removed from BS01, because according to some of the members it went against canon. The only thing that would cotnradict its existance I found was Journey's End prologue, set during the building of the GSR, in wich Angonce reflects on what has gone wrong and caused the Core War. He keeps talking about six tribes and six ELs, never mentioning the Earth Tribe, not even when listing the elements of the ELs. I know that the Earth Tribe wasn't a thing at the time, since you revealed its existance on these message boards, way after Bionicle's end, but is there an in-story reason Angonce didn't mention the Earth Tribe, or should we just ignore that and still consider the tribe canon?
3There is a reason. There is a very dark story associated with the Earth tribe (which I will reveal soon), which is the reason they never get mentioned anymore.