1Okay thank you so much!
22. Yes, but to what degree his policy will be severe? it will be as severe than the Toa Empire?
32b.Velika has allies other than Kabrua and Attakus? If yes, who? Is it some leaders like Raanu, or even some beings of the MU who have kept the secret?
42c. In The Powers That Be story I believe it was mentioned, that Velika needs all the Toa Mata assembled, but if I remember correctly, I don't think Velika has mentioned why he needs them. Why Velika needs the Toa Mata, and for what purpose?
53. Its power could work on Spherus Magna?
67. How long does it take to Teridax to destroy a universe with the GSR if he has the will to destroy the universe?
77b. So, the GSR is universal and not a planet buster like it was mentioned in the story?
82) Not necessarily, no. I don't think he sees a need for a military dictatorship.
92B) Well, one reason would be credibility. If you assume it's going to be Velika against a lot of GBs, having the most famous Toa team on his side would go a long way toward convincing Matoran and other Toa to side with him.
103) Whose power?
117) I can't predict that.
127b) it's both. If you can destroy planets and suns, you can destroy a universe in time.
ShadowEmperor7 wrote:ShadowEmperor7 wrote:1Since Marendar tracks Toa by homing in on elemental energy, are the Glatorian that Mata Nui gave Toa powers to (Ackar, Kiina, Gresh etc) at risk of being targeted by it?
2This got buried.
3I also wanted to ask a couple of other things.
41) Do the 2001 Rahi (Muaka, Tarakava, Nui Jaga etc) normally wear Kanohi? Or do they only have them when a Makuta puts infected masks on them?
52) When was the decision made to have Makuta be a species rather than one individual? Was the reverse ever considered (i.e. Teridax being the species name while Makuta gets to be his own guy
63) What would happen if a Kraata tried to infect the Avohkii?
71) The way it was explained to me was that they were wearing powerless Kanohi which then got infected.
82) Probably 2005. And no, the reverse was never considered.
93) I've been asked this before and it's a good question. We know the shape and color of the mask was affected by a shadow leech attack on Takanuva, though its power did not diminish. So if I had to guess, I would say yes, it could be infected.
BBricksStudios wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
11) Not sure what Vezon has to do with this? He never wore the Ignika
22) Yes. Not a ton, but Mavrah was one
33) No, no involvement with that theme
44) Yes
55) No
67) They both enjoy competing against each other
78) No
89) Don't recall, I never paid much attention to purely promotional sets
910) Not that we ever gave them, no
1011) Yes
1112) Not to my knowledge, no. That's just marketing
1213) The head was smashed in pretty thoroughly. For Makuta to have been killed by the blow, the control centers for the robot would have had to be trashed, so it would have been useless to Mata Nui
13Okay, thanks!
141) What I meant is, say that the Ignika wanted a guardian, and it chose Vezon. When Vezon had the Ignika, it was attached to the back fo his head, and it was silver to mark the countdown. But if Mata Nui was still alive, and the Ignika was using Vezon as a guardian, would the Ignika still be gold, or would it be silver? (It would be silver because Vezon has a silver head).
16If there's no countdown, it's gold.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Sorry. That was rude.
2Might I add we are very grateful that you do this.
3I've heard about that book! Thanks!
76. What about the main Makuta? The one that faced Takanuva.
88. What hapopened to them?
99. Where are they?
1011. What? I think you misunderstood.
11I'm asking what's up with the island Metru Nui. Where is it? A cave? Underwater? On or above the ocean?
12Next, say a Toa was magically turned into a My Little Pony. Would an energized protodermis bath return the pony to a Toa body?
131) Unknown. It's hidden somewhere on Bara Magna.
143) Most of the inhabitants of the Matoran Universe are busy trying to adapt to this new world and build a new society with the inhabitants of Spherus Magna.
156) Dead. Killed in the final battle with Mata Nui in the last BIONICLE movie.
168) Are you asking about Toa Ignika or the BOM here?
179) Stored somewhere, I would assume, until some kind of suva equivalent can be constructed
1811) Metru Nui was the robot's brain. It was inside the head of the robot, and it has now been smashed to pieces.
1912) Not necessarily, no. There is no proof EP will turn you back into something you were. All we know if that it will transform you or destroy you, but there is no way to predict how it will transform you.
201. Bara Manga...That's part of Sphereus Magna?
218. The Toa Ignika
2211. Facinating! So...Metru Nui was Mata-Nui's brain, it floated in a proto ocean, which was inside his head? What was the tunnel the Toa traveled through? What was Metru-Nui's light sourse?
2312. Is there anything that can?
24Thanks for your time.
12) Not necessarily, no. I don't think he sees a need for a military dictatorship.
22B) Well, one reason would be credibility. If you assume it's going to be Velika against a lot of GBs, having the most famous Toa team on his side would go a long way toward convincing Matoran and other Toa to side with him.
33) Whose power?
47) I can't predict that.
57b) it's both. If you can destroy planets and suns, you can destroy a universe in time.
62B.How Velika will succeed to convince the Toa Mata to ally with him? And how Velika can be sure that the Toa will accept to ally with him?
73. The Staff of Artakha
87. Can you predict if it will take much time or it will take much less time that I can think without giving too much detail? Because for me, if a planet buster want to destroy a universe, it would probably take thousands of years to destroy the whole universe.
97b. Do you think Teridax with the GSR could eventually become a Multiversal threat?
21. Do you think the males challenge each other for the chance to reproduce, like rutting deer?32. Are the females aware that the males do not consider themselves as unique beings?43. Do the females not consider any specific male unique?54. Can Leader-Class Skrall reproduce with any normal female?65. Do the female even consider their brothers any more than animals?
7Questions not involving Skrall:86. Are Glatorian and Vorox biologically compatible to reproduce?96b. If so, does Malum consider the Vorox too animalistic/disgusting for this, or does he father members of his pack?107. Are Zesk and Agori biologically compatible to reproduce?118. Are Bota Magna Vorox compatible with Bara Magna Vorox?
1Hi Greg, I have some more questions. These are all about Annona and the Gold Skinned Being:
21) Is there any living being on Spherus Magna older then Annona?
32) Did she give herself a name or was it given to her by someone else?
43) Is she a unique being or did other members of her species exist in the past?
54) Since Sahmad mistook Annona for a male, is it safe to assume that she has a masculine voice?
65a) When she hid underground, did she occcasionally find any creature whose dreams she could feed off?
75b) Or is she capable of going 265.000 years without feeding and have no consequences other than getting hungry?
86) At the end of Sahmad's Tale she asks the GSB to create a new world for her. Did she mean a new planet or another dimension?
97) When she will eventually realize that the inhabitants of her new world could be a threat to her, what's stopping her from teleporting back to Spherus Magna?
108) After Annona departs for her new world, the GSB says something to Sahmad that's a little confusing: "You could have dreamed me out of existence as well. I am surprised you did not." It may not sound so confusing, but later here on the LMBs you said that if someone's dream was for the GSB to die, it would not fulfill it, as it has an instinct for self-preservation. So, what is the GSB talking about? Could it be that it developed this instinct after what happened at his tower?
119) Does the GSB identify itself as a particular gender or is it asexual?
12Once again, thanks a lot.
NEXOZANE13 wrote:1ok i got a question if you already had answered but here we go.
2what is ninjago season 7 coming out im not sure do you think you can answer that greg -nz13 the guy who does th
3So far as I know, LEGO Company hasn't made an official announcement on Season 7, so we'd have to wait on that. I'm not authorized to make those kind of announcements.
BBricksStudios wrote:1So, Greg, I have a question for you: What tips would you give for aspiring authors?
2Read a lot and write a lot. Read people who are better than you are, because it can be inspiring, and read people who are not as good as you are to learn what not to do. And write. It doesn't matter if no one is ever going to see it, if you are a writer, you write. If you're not writing, then you are just a writer as a matter of opinion, not as a matter of fact.
1We know the Makuta had 42 Rahkshi abilities, and that in the dimension good Teridax comes from some of these powers are different.
21. Were these powers programmed into the antidermis by the Great Beings, or were they natural properties of Antidermis, which would change depending on how much light/ dark the entity had?
32. If they were programmed into the Antidermis, is it reasonable to assume the GB's could change what powers a prospective Makuta may have?
43. Did Antidermis have a cap concerning the number of powers it could have, or (if the abilities were programmed) could you install more than 42?
54. It would be reasonable to assume that different Kanohi powers are like different sorts of software, installed onto drives. If the powers of Antidermis were programmed, would it be possible for someone with the knowledge to 'uninstall' a power like darkness, and 'install' the power of Fire instead?
65. What happened to the pool of Antidermis when the MU was dismantled? Did the OoMN decide to finally destroy it, or was it put into storage somewhere?
76. If the OoMN kept the Antidermis pool, is it possible that they would perform experiments on it in future?
87. Would it be possible for someone to create new Makuta form the Antidermis pool, or was some form of machinery required to make them?
98. Antidermis was discovered as a byproduct of creating Protodermis from Energized Protodermis. Does this mean that EP is a naturally occuring periodic element, or that Protodermis and Antidermis are not synthetic?
10I would be much appreciated if you could take the time to answer my questions. Thankyou for still showing as much love and appreciation for this universe of yours as the fans, it truly enriches our lives.
- 1Who is better at hand-to-hand combat:Glatorian or Toa?
- 2What exactly is the Codrex?
- 3Does the Golden Skinned Being have a name?
- 4How did 6 Exo-Toa turn up in the Borhok hives and why did they help the Toa Mata/Nuva instead of attack them?
- 5Where was The Pit located before the Great Catacylsm?
- 6Did the Borhok move onto Sepherus Magna?
- 7What happened to the T-Series vehicles?
- 8What happens to the MU after Mata Nui dies?
- 9Could Terridax be reincarnated on the Red Star?