BeansMcDougal wrote:1Hello greg!
2I got a feeling a couple people might have asked this, but I'm not one to read through 814 pages of messages to get an answer, heh.
3Whats your opinon on the sort of attitude change between the old bionicle and this new generation?
4What I mean by this is it seems rather obvious that bionicles story,Mainly about the way the characters act and how serious the story actully is, Well, It seems really dulled down and childish.
5You can tell just from looking at the character bios and videos on the bionicle page.
6So I was wondering what your opinon on this was, and if you ever wrote more books if this attitude change would affect your writing.
7As far as the last part of your question goes ... since BIONICLE G2 has been cancelled and I was never the writer on those books, it's not really relevant. I can tell you, though, that when you are writing licensed fiction -- whether it's LEGO-based or someone else's property -- you always have to match the tone of voice and aim at the age group of the license. It's not up to the writer to decide to aim at a different audience or deviate from the tone of the property, because it does not belong to him/her.
8As for the rest, being a LEGO employee, it's not my place to comment on these kinds of decisions. I don't know the factors that went into any of the planning for G2, as that all takes place way above my level. I think it is very hard to compare G1 and G2 on any level, because they came out at very different times and had different goals as lines. What worked for G1 in terms of marketing and communication and such might well not have worked for G2, because the differences between 2001 and 2015 are pretty vast.
1Hi Greg,
2Here are two questions from two different posts that you missed, and a new one.
31) This one's about this passage of ST, some of the inner thoughts of Sahmad:
4"I realized that I could have dreamed Annona out of existence before, but didn't. Maybe because somehow I knew it wouldn't work. If the golden being could have eliminated Annona that easily, he would have done so."
5What exactly was stopping the GSB from eliminating Annona?
62) The "Abilities and Traits" section on the GBs' BS01 page incorrectly states this:
7"While lacking the raw physicality of many of their creations, Great Beings have greater ethereal powers. They are able to manipulate many facets of their creations, and can appear invisible to them at will, as well as being able to communicate to them across dimensions. Despite their semi-ethereal natures, the Great Beings are not immune to physical impact and can be injured with enough force.
8The Great Being that was driven insane and locked away had the power to freeze temporal space around subjects."
9I corrected the error with the accurate information, (that they are just scientists and all their powers come from their technology) but one member undid my edit. His point was that for the Mad GB to make all those things mentioned above, they had to have had at least some powers. Now, just for clarification, could you confirm that all those things the Mad GB did, he achieved through technology?
103) You said that Annona is a unique being, but I found an older post on this thread in wich you said that she was part of a species, and she was the only one of its members to inhabit SM. Wich one of the two statements is correct?
DrakeCahill13 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
31) Neither. It's one-third of the planet. The planet was broken into three pieces -- Aqua Magna, Bara Magna and Bota Magna.
42) You do know they became the Mahri after they were the Inika, right? Anyway, they are on Spherus Magna with everyone else.
53) It was on Aqua Magna
64) No, Keetongu cannot undo magic. There is no magic in the Matoran Universe.
71) the three pieces, they're the three circles in the unity, duty, destiny logo?
82) Yes, I know. So they're on a different island...whew! I thought they were wiped out!
93) Really? So, Mata-Nui slept on Aqua Magna, then got launched to Bara Magna? What's Bota Magna? So...Spherus was, like, the mother world?
Mind. Blown.
10More questions:
111) the three pieces, they're the three circles in the unity, duty, destiny logo?
122) Yes, I know. So they're on a different island...whew! I thought they were wiped out!
133) Really? So, Mata-Nui slept on Aqua Magna, then got launched to Bara Magna? What's Bota Magna? So...Spherus was, like, the mother world? Mind. Blown.
144) What other LEGO Themes have you worked on?
155) What's the most common question you get asked?
166) If LEGO makes a G3 Bionicle, do you think that they'll hire you to write the stories? I hope so.
177) You said there's no magic in the Bionicle universe, so I'm assuming that the Kanohi power, the Kanoka power, the character's super powers, they're all just Matoran science?
188) In the Bionicle universe, do they ever say Bionicle? If they do, what does it refer to?
ShadowEmperor7 wrote:1Greg do you know if the Kanohi Vahi supposed to play a role in the story earlier than it did? I've been curious about that since the mask was supposed to be distributed with the 2001 PC game.
2I don't recall there being any mention of the Vahi in the 2001 story bible, anywhere. I don't know anything about it being in the 2001 PC game, this is the first I have heard of that. I don't recall seeing any design for the mask in plastic in 2001.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
11) They were entranced.
23) I do not believe Annona's teleportation power would be able to reach another planet on their own
38) They are all dangerous and could cause enormous loss of life.
4 1. Who has entranced them? The Golden Skinned Being?
5 3. How Annona could leave Spherus Magna if Annona cannot do interplanetary travel with his teleportation power?
6 8. A Nova Blast of plasma could look like a mini super nova?
7I have another question about Annona
81. Annona can survive in environments like underwater and space?
92. Someone told me that Annona was a 4 dimensional entity. I doubt this is true because this information does not appear on BS01 or Bionicle wiki maybe this is something you stated on Farsthey Feed? I doubt there is 4 dimensional entities in Bionicle anyway.
103. Annona can survive how long without food?
11) the three pieces, they're the three circles in the unity, duty, destiny logo?
22) Yes, I know. So they're on a different island...whew! I thought they were wiped out!
33) Really? So, Mata-Nui slept on Aqua Magna, then got launched to Bara Magna? What's Bota Magna? So...Spherus was, like, the mother world?
Mind. Blown.
4More questions:
51) the three pieces, they're the three circles in the unity, duty, destiny logo?
62) Yes, I know. So they're on a different island...whew! I thought they were wiped out!
73) Really? So, Mata-Nui slept on Aqua Magna, then got launched to Bara Magna? What's Bota Magna? So...Spherus was, like, the mother world?
Mind. Blown.
84) What other LEGO Themes have you worked on?
95) What's the most common question you get asked?
106) If LEGO makes a G3 Bionicle, do you think that they'll hire you to write the stories? I hope so.
117) You said there's no magic in the Bionicle universe, so I'm assuming that the Kanohi power, the Kanoka power, the character's super powers, they're all just Matoran science?
128) In the Bionicle universe, do they ever say Bionicle? If they do, what does it refer to?
131) Actually, I don't remember offhand what we said those meant, I would have to look it up. If we did say it was related to Spherus Magna, then it's a massive retcon because Spherus Magna had not even been conceived until 2007.
143) Bota Magna is the third piece of Spherus Magna, which is largely jungle.
154) Depends on what you mean by "worked on." Running the magazine, I have pretty much written for all of them.
165) I don't know that there is a most common.
176) No way to know if a G3 would happen or if I would work on it. Given that I did not work on G2, I tend to think I wouldn't be asked to work on a G3 either, if it happened.
187) Great Beings' science.
198) They have referred to the "way of the BIONICLE" in the movies a few times. I was told BIONICLE stood for "biological chronicle"
ScribeGT6817 wrote:ShadowEmperor7 wrote:1Greg do you know if the Kanohi Vahi supposed to play a role in the story earlier than it did? I've been curious about that since the mask was supposed to be distributed with the 2001 PC game.
2I don't recall there being any mention of the Vahi in the 2001 story bible, anywhere. I don't know anything about it being in the 2001 PC game, this is the first I have heard of that. I don't recall seeing any design for the mask in plastic in 2001.
3On the inventory screen it's shown as an in-game collectible along with all the Great and Noble masks, and it's also in the gallery with the description "Kanohi Vahi: The Great Mask of Time enables the wearer to slow the passage of time to move faster than his opponents." I think it was probably just a powerup in the game rather than having a major role in the story, but it's interesting nonetheless.
4Also there is a plastic design for the mask: if you go to the Vahi BS01 article, there's a prototype version of the mask in the Set Information section, that incidentally has the exact same appearance as in the 2001 game.
5Another thing, awhile ago in response to a question on Kapura's apparent teleportation powers you said you didn't know what the MNOG creators had in mind with that, but Kapura's in the PC game too and actually has the same ability. My guess is he would've been a comical "traveler" character who shows up and meets all the Toa in their levels, since he runs into Onua in the first one. To boot, he still has the same "are you the Makuta?" schtick that he had in MNOG, which I imagine would've been repeated for the other Toa.
2You've mentioned that Skrall and Sisters of the Skrall get together once a year to reproduce and for the females to return male children born the prior year. In your point of view:
31. Do you think the males challenge each other for the chance to reproduce, like rutting deer?42. Are the females aware that the males do not consider themselves as unique beings?53. Do the females not consider any specific male unique?64. Can Leader-Class Skrall reproduce with any normal female?75. Do the female even consider their brothers any more than animals?
8Questions not involving Skrall:96. Are Glatorian and Vorox biologically compatible to reproduce?106b. If so, does Malum father members of his pack?117. Are Zesk and Agori biologically compatible to reproduce?128. Are Bota Magna Vorox compatible with Bara Magna Vorox?13"I don't understand: They're Toa! They're heroes! They're supposed to be good!"14"That's the problem with heroes: They think everything they do is good."
ShadowEmperor7 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:ShadowEmperor7 wrote:1Greg do you know if the Kanohi Vahi supposed to play a role in the story earlier than it did? I've been curious about that since the mask was supposed to be distributed with the 2001 PC game.
2I don't recall there being any mention of the Vahi in the 2001 story bible, anywhere. I don't know anything about it being in the 2001 PC game, this is the first I have heard of that. I don't recall seeing any design for the mask in plastic in 2001.
3On the inventory screen it's shown as an in-game collectible along with all the Great and Noble masks, and it's also in the gallery with the description "Kanohi Vahi: The Great Mask of Time enables the wearer to slow the passage of time to move faster than his opponents." I think it was probably just a powerup in the game rather than having a major role in the story, but it's interesting nonetheless.
4Also there is a plastic design for the mask: if you go to the Vahi BS01 article, there's a prototype version of the mask in the Set Information section, that incidentally has the exact same appearance as in the 2001 game.
5Another thing, awhile ago in response to a question on Kapura's apparent teleportation powers you said you didn't know what the MNOG creators had in mind with that, but Kapura's in the PC game too and actually has the same ability. My guess is he would've been a comical "traveler" character who shows up and meets all the Toa in their levels, since he runs into Onua in the first one. To boot, he still has the same "are you the Makuta?" schtick that he had in MNOG, which I imagine would've been repeated for the other Toa.
6Fair enough. The only thing I can speak to is the story bible, which as I said did not mention the Vahi at all. I had no involvement with the aborted PC game, and the one person I know who did left LEGO Company 11 years ago. So I don't have info on what was and was not going to be in the game.