1At the end of Dark Island Trilogy, why and how did a portal to the Underworld suddenly appear to suck in Clouse? Also, why did Dogshank try to lie to Nya while hiding a sword behind her back- This is VERY contradictory and out of character for her, as in the show she genuinely believed in fighting fairly and was strictly against cheating.
1Hello Greg, just a couple of quick questions.
2After the Makuta evolved, they no longer had a need to sleep. If for some reason a Makuta wanted to, could they go to sleep? Or could one Makuta force another Makuta to go to sleep with the power of Sleep?
3Also, do you personally enjoy sleeping or would you rather be like the Makuta were sleeping isn't a requirement?
sepublic22 wrote:1At the end of Dark Island Trilogy, why and how did a portal to the Underworld suddenly appear to suck in Clouse? Also, why did Dogshank try to lie to Nya while hiding a sword behind her back- This is VERY contradictory and out of character for her, as in the show she genuinely believed in fighting fairly and was strictly against cheating.
21) I had originally discussed the idea of destroying Clouse at the end and actually wrote a scene of that. But they came back and said they didn't want to close off the possibility of using him again, so that was where the portal came from.
32) True, but keep in mind that she was exposed to the darkness of the island in this story, which corrupts everyone to some extent. The only really "good" thing about her was her code, so it would make sense that would go out the window on Dark Island.
TDYChipBiscuit wrote:1Regarding the 'tablets' that the Matoran of Metru Nui used to record their research and write down notes, there is something I have been wondering. In some story materials, these tablets are presented as just that - stone slabs on which the Matoran inscribe their words. But it always struck me as odd that such a technologically advanced city would use such an archaic method of writing.
2However, in recent years, the word 'tablet' has taken on a new meaning - that of an electronic touch-capable device like an iPad. Could it be that Metru Nui's tablets were based on similar technology?
3In Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui, we see Whenua using an iPad-like device while working in the Archives, though until now that has been of questionable canonicity. Could you please provide a more definitive answer?
4As I recall, the theme intentionally steered away from a computerized society. They wanted to keep that more primitive feel to it, even when we moved to Metru Nui, so that you had the same conflict -- bio-mechanical beings on a tropical island to a culture with primitive trappings in a high-tech world.
1This isn't so much a question, Greg, but an idea. The character Perditus didn't get to do much over the course of the story so I would like to suggest that he was one of Velika's agents alongside Atakus and Kabrua. He was known to have access to the Great Beings' technology so it's feasible he could've made contact with Velika at some point, and as a vehicle rider who didn't participate in the arena system he would've been able to travel around and keep Velika appraised of the goings-on in various places whilst keeping a low profile all the while.
2Do you approve?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:sepublic22 wrote:1At the end of Dark Island Trilogy, why and how did a portal to the Underworld suddenly appear to suck in Clouse? Also, why did Dogshank try to lie to Nya while hiding a sword behind her back- This is VERY contradictory and out of character for her, as in the show she genuinely believed in fighting fairly and was strictly against cheating.
21) I had originally discussed the idea of destroying Clouse at the end and actually wrote a scene of that. But they came back and said they didn't want to close off the possibility of using him again, so that was where the portal came from.
32) True, but keep in mind that she was exposed to the darkness of the island in this story, which corrupts everyone to some extent. The only really "good" thing about her was her code, so it would make sense that would go out the window on Dark Island.
41) Would it be possible to tell us what would have happened? If not, then I understand.
52) That makes sense- I was wondering if that was the case but didn't want to leap to conclusions. Although, on Dark Matter's corruption, I found the way you handled the reaction of several characters to it interesting, and I think the 'evil' side we saw was a reflection of their feelings on the inside. Lloyd felt secretly entitled to dictating the fate of others, Misako's curiosity made even Dark Matter a fascination, Clouse became more power-hungry, and Wu needs no explanation. With this in mind, can we assume Dark Matter, while a corrupter, acts like a window to the soul, exposing the darkness within ourselves and how we feel on the inside?
lordbio123 wrote:1Could the Antidermis pool, had the GSR still been functioning and not blown up (so, pre-Bara-Magna), made more Makuta? At any point, after the original like hundred?
2Also, what do you think the ratio of male-to-female Makuta was. Like would it be 2 Males for every 1 Female?
3The last time I recall there were 60 male and 40 female Makuta.
4Hello again, YJF
5Been a while
sepublic22 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:sepublic22 wrote:1At the end of Dark Island Trilogy, why and how did a portal to the Underworld suddenly appear to suck in Clouse? Also, why did Dogshank try to lie to Nya while hiding a sword behind her back- This is VERY contradictory and out of character for her, as in the show she genuinely believed in fighting fairly and was strictly against cheating.
21) I had originally discussed the idea of destroying Clouse at the end and actually wrote a scene of that. But they came back and said they didn't want to close off the possibility of using him again, so that was where the portal came from.
32) True, but keep in mind that she was exposed to the darkness of the island in this story, which corrupts everyone to some extent. The only really "good" thing about her was her code, so it would make sense that would go out the window on Dark Island.
41) Would it be possible to tell us what would have happened? If not, then I understand.
52) That makes sense- I was wondering if that was the case but didn't want to leap to conclusions.
Although, on Dark Matter's corruption, I found the way you handled the reaction of several characters to it interesting, and I think the 'evil' side we saw was a reflection of their feelings on the inside. Lloyd felt secretly entitled to dictating the fate of others, Misako's curiosity made even Dark Matter a fascination, Clouse became more power-hungry, and Wu needs no explanation. With this in mind, can we assume Dark Matter, while a corrupter, acts like a window to the soul, exposing the darkness within ourselves and how we feel on the inside?
61) Don't recall. I believe he basically disintegrated
72) I'm not sure I can speak to this, only because I was writing to an outline put together by LEGO Group and Little Brown, so all I was doing was the script. Given that, not sure I am qualified to say what they had in mind for the way dark matter works in general.
OnionShark wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:OnionShark wrote:OnionShark wrote:1Hi Greg,
2Here are two questions from two different posts that you missed, and a new one.
31) This one's about this passage of ST, some of the inner thoughts of Sahmad:
4"I realized that I could have dreamed Annona out of existence before, but didn't. Maybe because somehow I knew it wouldn't work. If the golden being could have eliminated Annona that easily, he would have done so."
5What exactly was stopping the GSB from eliminating Annona?
63) You said that Annona is a unique being, but I found an older post on this thread in wich you said that she was part of a species, and she was the only one of its members to inhabit SM. Wich one of the two statements is correct?
81) For the GSB to do that, someone else would have had to harbored a dream of Annona being destroyed. GSB cannot act on its own dreams, it doesn't have any.
93) I think the best way to split the baby on this one is to say she is part of a species, but was the only one on Spherus Magna. I do not believe two of that species could co-exist on the same planet. It would be like having two vampires in the same village.
101) Maybe I worded my question poorly... I meant to say that Sahmad seems to think that dreaming Annona out of existance would not work, but why wouldn't it?
113) Interesting. Are Annona's various powers and abilites (psionics, teleportation, entering a self-induced stasis, and temperature control) a trait of her species or are they unique to her?
124) How do they reproduce? Since they could be a danger to each other, sexual reproduction wouldn't be a good idea, right?
135) Is this species native to a certain planet?
146) Since the species isn't capable of interplanetary travel (assuming questions 3 and 6 are correct), how do they come to other planets? Like, how did Annona come to Spherus Magna (assuming she wasn't born there)?
157) Is this species widespread in the Solis Magna System?
168) And outside of the SMS?
voporak1 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:11) They were entranced.
23) I do not believe Annona's teleportation power would be able to reach another planet on their own
38) They are all dangerous and could cause enormous loss of life.
4 1. Who has entranced them? The Golden Skinned Being?
5 3. How Annona could leave Spherus Magna if Annona cannot do interplanetary travel with his teleportation power?
6 8. A Nova Blast of plasma could look like a mini super nova?
7I have another question about Annona
81. Annona can survive in environments like in space?
92. Someone told me that Annona was a 4 dimensional entity. I doubt this is true because this information does not appear on BS01 or Bionicle wiki maybe this is something you stated on Farsthey Feed? I doubt there is 4 dimensional entities in Bionicle anyway.
103. How long Annona can without food?
121. The specie of Annona comes from another planet or dimension? If so, is this planet in the system of Solis Magna?
132. Is it possible that Mata Nui has already met a member of the specie of Annona when he explored other worlds?
lordbio123 wrote:1Could the Antidermis pool, had the GSR still been functioning and not blown up (so, pre-Bara-Magna), made more Makuta? At any point, after the original like hundred?
2Also, what do you think the ratio of male-to-female Makuta was. Like would it be 2 Males for every 1 Female?
3Jammers on Lordbio123.

5Anyway. I came to saw few things. One I'm sorry for the amount of arguments we got into. I should have backed down on quite a few of them. I also apologize if I offended you by anything I said. Thought you should know that you should be able to come back on the eleventh of December. I don't know if anyone told you.