junior743 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
13) While Teridax possesed the Maxilos robot, could he have taken the time between his appearences in "Prisoners of the pit" to separate his antidermis between more Maxilos robots, and create "backup copies" of himself? it sounds like something that Teridax would do, since he has a habbit to make plans for numerous possibilities (on a side note- I don't care that many people hate Teridax' name, I think it's a cool name!
24) Can the Great Beings posses machines like Marendar, and operate them by themselves, like a ghost that can posses a human body?
35) In "The Darkness below" story, the Rahi Krahka planned to imprison all the population of Metru Nui in the Fikou web, while she herself ruled Metru Nui. Did she planned to rule the city because she wanted to rule as an authoritive figure, or did she just wanted a larger territory to live in, without anyone to bother her?
4Thank you SO MUCH for your time Greg! Hope to talk soon!
51) Before I answer this, I think I would want to know where the first answer came from -- a story, one of my answers, etc. That way I know if I am contradicting something.
62) Manually, and no, he cannot come back from the dead on his own.
73) I would say no.
84) No
95) The latter.
104.If so,how does Velika work?Is he a Great Being in the body of a Po-Matoran or a Great Being that looks like a Po-Matoran?
11it's been stated that velika was a great being who took over a po-matoran's body before it had a mind created for it.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:OnionShark wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:OnionShark wrote:1Hi Greg, hope you're doing well!2I have a few questions today:31) Why exactly did Velika choose a Po-Matoran body?42) In a pretty old answer on this thread you said that in the Kingdom AU Velika took the body of one of the Matoran of MNOG. Since in the Core Dimension he chose a Po-Matoran body, is it possible that in this AU he chose Hafu's?51) I think he just chose what was most easily available at the time.
62) Yes
72) "Yes, it is possible", or "yes, he did take Hafu's body"?
8Yes, it is possible.
9I have a question regarding this: it seems to be the running assumption that velika took a different matoran's body in that (the kingdom) universe. However, we know that the kingdom universe diverged from the main one when matoro failed to revive mata nui in time. given that information, wouldn't it mean that velika would have to be the same matoran in the kingdom, since all events prior to matoro failing are the same?
1It's been said that an iden user (kanohi mask of astral projection) couldn't inhabit a body of a non-biomechanical being. However, given that velika, a great being, transfered his mind into the body of a po-matoran, a bio-mechanical being, wouldn't it make sense that the process could be reversed, and the spirit of a biomech can inhabit the body of a fully organic being? (also relevant to this question is the fact that velika intends to return to his old body soon).
OnionShark wrote:OnionShark wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:OnionShark wrote:OnionShark wrote:1Hi Greg,
2Here are two questions from two different posts that you missed, and a new one.
31) This one's about this passage of ST, some of the inner thoughts of Sahmad:
4"I realized that I could have dreamed Annona out of existence before, but didn't. Maybe because somehow I knew it wouldn't work. If the golden being could have eliminated Annona that easily, he would have done so."
5What exactly was stopping the GSB from eliminating Annona?
63) You said that Annona is a unique being, but I found an older post on this thread in wich you said that she was part of a species, and she was the only one of its members to inhabit SM. Wich one of the two statements is correct?
81) For the GSB to do that, someone else would have had to harbored a dream of Annona being destroyed. GSB cannot act on its own dreams, it doesn't have any.
93) I think the best way to split the baby on this one is to say she is part of a species, but was the only one on Spherus Magna. I do not believe two of that species could co-exist on the same planet. It would be like having two vampires in the same village.
101) Maybe I worded my question poorly... I meant to say that Sahmad seems to think that dreaming Annona out of existance would not work, but why wouldn't it?
113) Interesting. Are Annona's various powers and abilites (psionics, teleportation, entering a self-induced stasis, and temperature control) a trait of her species or are they unique to her?
124) How do they reproduce? Since they could be a danger to each other, sexual reproduction wouldn't be a good idea, right?
135) Is this species native to a certain planet?
146) Since the species isn't capable of interplanetary travel (assuming questions 3 and 5 are correct), how do they come to other planets? Like, how did Annona come to Spherus Magna (assuming she wasn't born there)?
157) Is this species widespread in the Solis Magna System?
168) And outside of the SMS?
17Buried Again
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:OnionShark wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:OnionShark wrote:1Hi Greg, hope you're doing well!2I have a few questions today:31) Why exactly did Velika choose a Po-Matoran body?42) In a pretty old answer on this thread you said that in the Kingdom AU Velika took the body of one of the Matoran of MNOG. Since in the Core Dimension he chose a Po-Matoran body, is it possible that in this AU he chose Hafu's?51) I think he just chose what was most easily available at the time.
62) Yes
72) "Yes, it is possible", or "yes, he did take Hafu's body"?
8Yes, it is possible.
9I have a question regarding this: it seems to be the running assumption that velika took a different matoran's body in that (the kingdom) universe. However, we know that the kingdom universe diverged from the main one when matoro failed to revive mata nui in time. given that information, wouldn't it mean that velika would have to be the same matoran in the kingdom, since all events prior to matoro failing are the same?
10Not if Velika getting mind wiped at the end of 2004 is what caused Matoro to fail.
11Maybe we now know the identity of the mysterious voice that told Matoro to put on the mask...
maletoaofwater wrote:1It's been said that an iden user (kanohi mask of astral projection) couldn't inhabit a body of a non-biomechanical being. However, given that velika, a great being, transfered his mind into the body of a po-matoran, a bio-mechanical being, wouldn't it make sense that the process could be reversed, and the spirit of a biomech can inhabit the body of a fully organic being? (also relevant to this question is the fact that velika intends to return to his old body soon).
2Where did we say he used an Iden to transfer into Velika? If he did not use that mask to do it, and it makes sense he did not, then his situation is not relevant to your question.
commandercody113 wrote:1I have several questions:
21. Do you know what kanohi were primarily worn by Zaria and Orde
32. Can kanohi be 'uncreated' into kanoka? If so, who would be capable of this?
43. Do the Great Beings have any powers? If not, could they give themselves powers?
54. The 6 metrus have specific kanoka powers assigned to disks made in that metru (first digit in kanoka code). Are there powers like these for other matoran settlements in the Matoran Universe? Are there Kanoka with no first digit power?
6I eagerly await the answers, thanks!
11. How Annona could leave Spherus Magna if Annona cannot do interplanetary travel with his teleportation power?
22. Annona can survive in environments like space?
33. How long Annona can without food?
51. The specie of Annona comes from another planet or dimension? If so, is this planet in the system of Solis Magna?
62. Mata Nui has encountered the species of Annona during his intergalactic travel?
73.What are the limits of the Spirit's Wish? If someone wish to be in another dimension or another planet, the SW could teleport him to one of these places?
8Do you consider the species of Annona as a intergaclactic vampiric specie?
voporak1 wrote:
11. How Annona could leave Spherus Magna if Annona cannot do interplanetary travel with his teleportation power?
22. Annona can survive in environments like space?
33. How long Annona can without food?
51. The specie of Annona comes from another planet or dimension? If so, is this planet in the system of Solis Magna?
62. Mata Nui has encountered the species of Annona during his intergalactic travel?73.What are the limits of the Spirit's Wish? If someone wish to be in another dimension or another planet, the SW could teleport him to one of these places?8Do you consider the species of Annona as a intergaclactic vampiric specie?
9I can answer some of these. Greg has confirmed Annona has always lived on Spherus Magna. Whether this means that Her species is native to the planet, or that she was left there after 'birth' is unclear, but I would lean towards the former.
11. If the Silver Sea was poured onto the sands of the Spherus Magna/Bara Magna after the Matoran Universe was destroyed, wasn't Tyrant washed into the Spherus Magna?
2Because Tyrant's BS01 page states that he's in the Silver Sea, which was poured onto the Spherus Magna.
32. If he's on the planet: is he alive or the pouring sea washed his corpse into the sands?
commandercody113 wrote:commandercody113 wrote:1I have several questions:
21. Do you know what kanohi were primarily worn by Zaria and Orde
32. Can kanohi be 'uncreated' into kanoka? If so, who would be capable of this?
43. Do the Great Beings have any powers? If not, could they give themselves powers?
54. The 6 metrus have specific kanoka powers assigned to disks made in that metru (first digit in kanoka code). Are there powers like these for other matoran settlements in the Matoran Universe? Are there Kanoka with no first digit power?
6I eagerly await the answers, thanks!
81) No. Masks have been suggested for them, but I have not confirmed them.
92) Yes. Just melt it down. This is what got done to flawed masks in Metru Nui, you melt them down and recast as Kanoka.
103) No. They can use tech to simulate powers.
114) There is indeed a code on each disk for where it was made, but that has nothing to do with what powers the disk has. It's the equivalent of stamping "Made in China" on it. The second digit refers to the power and the third to the power level. There are abilities related to what metru the disk is made in -- for example, Le-Metru disks fly farther -- but that's different from the disk's power.
commandercody113 wrote:voporak1 wrote:
11. How Annona could leave Spherus Magna if Annona cannot do interplanetary travel with his teleportation power?
22. Annona can survive in environments like space?
33. How long Annona can without food?
51. The specie of Annona comes from another planet or dimension? If so, is this planet in the system of Solis Magna?
62. Mata Nui has encountered the species of Annona during his intergalactic travel?73.What are the limits of the Spirit's Wish? If someone wish to be in another dimension or another planet, the SW could teleport him to one of these places?8Do you consider the species of Annona as a intergaclactic vampiric specie?
9I can answer some of these. Greg has confirmed Annona has always lived on Spherus Magna. Whether this means that Her species is native to the planet, or that she was left there after 'birth' is unclear, but I would lean towards the former.
101) She only left the planet as the result of the GSB's wish-granting power. So it was instantaneous teleportation, she did not experience the vacuum of space.
112) No
123) Unknown.
134) Since we had no intention of taking BIONICLE into space, we didn't really worry about stuff like this.
145) No. The GBs would not just leave something that could take you to another planet lying around like that. Also, if they had something that could do that, why build a robot rocket ship? Why not just send it to other planets using that tech?
156) We don't know that Annona's species exists in more than one galaxy, so I can't call them intergalactic.
11) Maybe I worded my question poorly... I meant to say that Sahmad seems to think that dreaming Annona out of existance would not work, but why wouldn't it?
23) Interesting. Are Annona's various powers and abilites (psionics, teleportation, entering a self-induced stasis, and temperature control) a trait of her species or are they unique to her?
34) How do they reproduce? Since they could be a danger to each other, sexual reproduction wouldn't be a good idea, right?
45) Is this species native to a certain planet?
56) Since the species isn't capable of interplanetary travel (assuming questions 3 and 5 are correct), how do they come to other planets? Like, how did Annona come to Spherus Magna (assuming she wasn't born there)?
67) Is this species widespread in the Solis Magna System?
78) And outside of the SMS?
8Buried9Buried Again
101) We don't know that it wouldn't, only that Sahmad thinks it wouldn't. And the odds are he figures a being who feeds on dreams would be immune to dream power.
113) Species
124) Asexually
135) Unknown at present
146) Also unknown. There may be some sort of wormhole or rift phenomenon associated with it, but I have not decided.
157) We don't know that there are other inhabited planets in this system, so I can't say yes to this. If there aren't, there would be no reason for another of the species to be on one of those other planets.
168) They definitely exist outside of the SMS, yes.