1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2I'm just curious who wrote the instructions to Keetongu on the Great Temple and how did Keetongu get to Metru Nui?
3I always thought an Order member saw the Visorak attack coming and asked him to come with them to Metru Nui. They wrote the instructions and hid Keetongu away.
4Thanks so much!!
mrcqm wrote:astroavian wrote:1A few questions:
- 2Can a mahiki be removed from a being if they are shapeshifted into a form that does not wear kanohi? (Example: While Matau was disguised as a vahki, could he remove his mask?)
- 3If a mahiki user is in a shapeshifted form, and their mask is knocked off, do they (and the mask) revert to normal?
- 4If a mahiki user shapeshifts into a form physically capable of flight (like a gukko), can they fly?
5Thanks for answering so many questions for all of us! I'm sure the rest of the community appreciates it as much as I do.
61 to 3: To my knowledge, the mahiki creates illusions. And the creation of an illusion doesn't actually alter physical space -- it merely alters another being's perception of physical space. Bear in mind that shapeshifting is probably only one of several uses for the mahiki, as it can probably create any illusion one can think of.
7I used to think this too, but BS01 says illusions and shapeshifting (distinguishing the two), so unless that's an error on their part, the user is actually shapeshifting.
8We DO know for a fact that the noble Mahiki cannot shapeshift, but simply create illusions, so that may be where the differentiation comes from.
9On a side note, I'm also pretty sure that the user cannot make themselves invisible with the mask, for example - they can only create illusionary objects.
Macedonia wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:1So I promised you guys something on why the Earth tribe are never talked about and are basically pariahs ...
2Go back to before the Core War. We know that Ice Agori were the first to see the energized protodermis when it bubbled to the surface and the Ice Element Lord was the first to lay claim to the well. What you don't know is that the Earth tribe knew EP existed for at least a short while before it came to the surface, since by their nature they knew more about what was going on in the subterranean world than anyone else.
3The Earth EL contemplated doing just what the Ice EL ended up doing, but realized it would put a big target on his back and his tribe's back. Yet he still wanted control of the resource. Assuming it would come to the surface at some point, he sat back and waited for someone else to discover it. Once the Ice tribe found it, he and his tribe subtly encouraged the Ice Agori to seize control of the resource, knowing it would provoke conflict ... as it did.
4The Earth tribe was, in fact, the only tribe NOT to fight in the Core War. While professing a wish to peace, they were behind the scenes undermining any effort to end the war. Their plan was to wait until the other tribes has exhausted themselves in battle and then swoop in and take the well. As it turned out, things went too far and the planet ruptured before they could do that.
5But even before the Shattering, some Agori had started comparing notes and realized the Earth tribe had been promoting this conflict while staying unbloodied by it. After the disaster, accepted wisdom became that the Earth EL and Agori were responsible for what had happened and so no one wanted anything to do with them anymore. They were effectively banished from society.
6Well. This changes a lot
7Has this been confirmed cannon, or is it in the same cannocial area as the 5th movie treatment?
ShadowEmperor7 wrote:SurelNuva wrote:ShadowEmperor7 wrote:1What color armor do Earth Tribe members have? (I really hope it's purple. Don't mean this as a reference to G2's earth characters or anything, I just like purple.
2The Earth Tribe's colors are brown and black. He confirmed it in an older post.
3If you want to know the confirmed things about the Earth Tribe, you should check the BS01's Earth Tribe article.
4In my defense, BS01 didn't have the article up yet when I made that post.
5When you made that post, the Earth Tribe already had a section in the BS01's (talk):AfC article
21) Since Annona's species reproduces asexually, why is she considered female?32) In response to when I asked you if Annona's species was widespread in the SMS, you said that we didn't know if there were other inhabited planets there, apart from SM, but you also once stated that Mata Nui never left the system, and his mission required observing cultures on other planets. So, does that mean that Annona's species is widespread in the SMS too?43) The Mata Nui Saga, shows Mata Nui observing planets and taking information from them. One of this pieces of information is a round (not perfectly, though) being with tentacles. Is that a member of Annona's species? If question 2 is correct, does that mean that Mata Nui observed some members of the species during his travels? After all, if one was on a planet and decided to eat some dreams, Mata Nui would certainly notice large groups of people suddenly going insane and would look for the cause.54) A couple pages back you asked us if we knew how the Fire Entity was created. The only thing we know about this is when you said that elemental beings were created either by the BoM (wich would probably mae them Rahi), or the GBs, and that you leaned towards the GBs. I don't know how much this can help us in correctly classifying the FE.65) Is the ELoE aggressive and territorial like the other ELs?76) You said that tech to make TSO's species evolved through time, wich resulted in members of the species looking radically different. You did not specify, however, wich of the memebers we know of were of the older type. I had a suggestion: I never understood why "Ancient" was called like that, so unless there was another reason I am not aware of, would it make sense for him to be of the first type, to be "Ancient"?
astroavian wrote:Macedonia wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:1So I promised you guys something on why the Earth tribe are never talked about and are basically pariahs ...
2Go back to before the Core War. We know that Ice Agori were the first to see the energized protodermis when it bubbled to the surface and the Ice Element Lord was the first to lay claim to the well. What you don't know is that the Earth tribe knew EP existed for at least a short while before it came to the surface, since by their nature they knew more about what was going on in the subterranean world than anyone else.
3The Earth EL contemplated doing just what the Ice EL ended up doing, but realized it would put a big target on his back and his tribe's back. Yet he still wanted control of the resource. Assuming it would come to the surface at some point, he sat back and waited for someone else to discover it. Once the Ice tribe found it, he and his tribe subtly encouraged the Ice Agori to seize control of the resource, knowing it would provoke conflict ... as it did.
4The Earth tribe was, in fact, the only tribe NOT to fight in the Core War. While professing a wish to peace, they were behind the scenes undermining any effort to end the war. Their plan was to wait until the other tribes has exhausted themselves in battle and then swoop in and take the well. As it turned out, things went too far and the planet ruptured before they could do that.
5But even before the Shattering, some Agori had started comparing notes and realized the Earth tribe had been promoting this conflict while staying unbloodied by it. After the disaster, accepted wisdom became that the Earth EL and Agori were responsible for what had happened and so no one wanted anything to do with them anymore. They were effectively banished from society.
6Well. This changes a lot
7Has this been confirmed cannon, or is it in the same cannocial area as the 5th movie treatment?
8Since there no longer is a Gen1 story team to approve things, yes, it's canon.
OnionShark wrote:1Hi Greg, here are some questions:
21) Since Annona's species reproduces asexually, why is she considered female?32) In response to when I asked you if Annona's species was widespread in the SMS, you said that we didn't know if there were other inhabited planets there, apart from SM, but you also once stated that Mata Nui never left the system, and his mission required observing cultures on other planets. So, does that mean that Annona's species is widespread in the SMS too?43) The Mata Nui Saga, shows Mata Nui observing planets and taking information from them. One of this pieces of information is a round (not perfectly, though) being with tentacles. Is that a member of Annona's species? If question 2 is correct, does that mean that Mata Nui observed some members of the species during his travels? After all, if one was on a planet and decided to eat some dreams, Mata Nui would certainly notice large groups of people suddenly going insane and would look for the cause.
51) Has to do with how the mind perceives Annona. She is more often than not perceived as being female.
62) Yes
73) No. It's doubtful the person who did that art even knew about Annona
OnionShark wrote:1Hi Greg, here are some questions:
24) A couple pages back you asked us if we knew how the Fire Entity was created. The only thing we know about this is when you said that elemental beings were created either by the BoM (wich would probably mae them Rahi), or the GBs, and that you leaned towards the GBs. I don't know how much this can help us in correctly classifying the FE.35) Is the ELoE aggressive and territorial like the other ELs?46) You said that tech to make TSO's species evolved through time, wich resulted in members of the species looking radically different. You did not specify, however, wich of the memebers we know of were of the older type. I had a suggestion: I never understood why "Ancient" was called like that, so unless there was another reason I am not aware of, would it make sense for him to be of the first type, to be "Ancient"?
64) Since the way Makuta made Rahi would have been something invented by the GBs, they might well have made the fire entity in th same way.
75) More subtle. She did not march and seize the well when she could have. She plotted and planned and was insidious about it.
86) That does make sense, yes
ChiefWamsutta wrote:1Hello Mr. Farshtey,
2I'm just curious who wrote the instructions to Keetongu on the Great Temple and how did Keetongu get to Metru Nui?
3I always thought an Order member saw the Visorak attack coming and asked him to come with them to Metru Nui. They wrote the instructions and hid Keetongu away.
4Thanks so much!!
5I did not work on the movie, what I know about those events is just what is in the script. So can't help much here.
misterbrickguy wrote:1I have a new question Greg.
2So I get the Great Beings used all the planet juice (well, that's what I call it anyways) from Spherus Magna to power the Great Spirit Robot. But where do the Great Beings get their power? I know in BIONICLE they've always been like deities, but it's also been confirmed that they once inhabited Spherus Magna. Are they organic? Or are they something more?
3Do note, that if you wanna keep the mystery aspect going, I'm completely OK with that. It helps the story keep the sense of being mysterious, however, if you are willing, it would be incredible to know.
4Great Beings are the same species as Glatorian. Their power would come from tech.
alpharex8906 wrote:1Sorry if this post is in the wrong place, its been years since I used my LEGO account.
2Dear Mr. Farshtey,
3After hearing that these message boards were to be retired, I wanted to express my gratitude and wish you success in your future projects. The Bionicle story was a big part of my childhood, and I have you to thank for it. I am now in college (don't ask me how I found my old account password), but I still build with G1 Bionicle and I still read your books. You gave me a love for reading, a love for writing, and a love for creativity. For that, I thank you. Even if you accomplish nothing else in your life (which I find hard to believe), know that you made an impact on so many young children like myself. You will always be though fondly of by us.
6Thank you for your kind words, Peter. I appreciate it.
Macedonia wrote:11. Is it within reason that the members of the earth tribe have tamed some of the bio-mechanical dinosaurs of Bota Magna? 'Cause it would be cool if they did
22. And just because Eljay doesn't want it, would you canonize the Good Guy/Bad Guy polybags as Karzahni Matoran so that he must review them in an official video?
3I kid I kid
41) The bio-mechanical dinosaurs are not technically canon. They were an idea I was kicking around, but it never got approved by the story team and they have never shown up anyplace.
52) I can't do that, I'm not familiar with the models at all.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Macedonia wrote:11. Is it within reason that the members of the earth tribe have tamed some of the bio-mechanical dinosaurs of Bota Magna? 'Cause it would be cool if they did
22. And just because Eljay doesn't want it, would you canonize the Good Guy/Bad Guy polybags as Karzahni Matoran so that he must review them in an official video?
3I kid I kid41) The bio-mechanical dinosaurs are not technically canon. They were an idea I was kicking around, but it never got approved by the story team and they have never shown up anyplace.
52) I can't do that, I'm not familiar with the models at all.
61) Didn't we see art for them in All Our Sins Remembered and didn't Lewa see one in Reign of Shadows. . .
1Wow! Thanks a lot for responding. Sorry, I think one of my drafts might have been posted on here by accident. Like I said, it's been a while. This is basically my equivalent of meeting Tom Brady right now. Kind of surreal. Just know that Bionicle will continue, regardless of if the line ends or if LEGO decides to stop promoting it. On an unrelated note, my little brother is a big fan of the ninjago books, and told me to say "hi" and "thank you".
2Just a quick question: Would you theoretically be able to continue the Bionicle story in your free time? Not sure what the legal implications of using a theme owned by your employer (outside of work) would be. If anything, it might revive mainstream interest in the line for a possible (if unlikely) G1 reboot.
3Make that two questions: If you could canonize any new element or take back any canonized element, what would it (they) be? I always though Kinetics would have been cool...
Wilmerkardell wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Macedonia wrote:11. Is it within reason that the members of the earth tribe have tamed some of the bio-mechanical dinosaurs of Bota Magna? 'Cause it would be cool if they did
22. And just because Eljay doesn't want it, would you canonize the Good Guy/Bad Guy polybags as Karzahni Matoran so that he must review them in an official video?
3I kid I kid41) The bio-mechanical dinosaurs are not technically canon. They were an idea I was kicking around, but it never got approved by the story team and they have never shown up anyplace.
52) I can't do that, I'm not familiar with the models at all.
61) Didn't we see art for them in All Our Sins Remembered and didn't Lewa see one in Reign of Shadows. . .
71) I never picked up a copy of AOSR but I know there was something in Reign of Shadows that very much sounded like a bio-mechanical dinosaur. It was never actually referred to as such though.
8Also, Greg, did you miss my questions or simply not have time to answer so many? I know you don't miss things usually, and just answer when you have time to (and I had an awful lot of questions) but with the boards ending I just wanted to make sure.