ScribeGT6817 wrote:alpharex8906 wrote:1How about the element of body (working on a better name for it). Psionics deals with the mind, while this element deals with the body of the user. Instead of traditional elemental powers, a Toa of this element would have increased strength, speed, stamina and possibly healing abilities. I heard of an element that was a little like this a while back (it was called Prime) and added some of my own details to it. It seems like it might be a good opposite (sort of a yin-yang thing) with Psionics. I'm thinking colors could be red and white?2I know what your thoughts on adding Vacuum as an element are, but what about a sort of space-tribe, whose members are immune to the harsh vacuum of space? The purpose of the matoran could be to inhabit/mine asteroids or possibly repair the outside of the Great Spirit Robot (hence why no one in the MU knew about them)! Oh, and Toa of Vacuum could have the non-air related ability to absorb large amounts of energy and material objects, and store them much like a Toa of Fire could absorb fire.
3Ooh, and how about an anti-element? It could cancel out other elements! It could be black and white, possibly...
4Just spitballing here. Interested to see what your thoughts might be.5I'm really not interested in adding more elements to the stew.
6To further iterate on this: many elements already have opposites.
7e.g. fire and ice
8air and water
9light and shadow
10just to name a few.
1Hey Greg, sorry I have to ask this but Iv'e heard from someone a while ago that you canonized good/bad guy 06 as puppets that the Voya matoran used to represent the conflict between the Toa Inika and Piraka. And if this isn't true do you think you could canonize it? I know this seems like a trivial thing, but theres community reason behind it If you don't remember what these models look like here's the set numbers, you can easily find them by doing a quick google search of the numbers. I'd post links but it won't let me. And thanks for your time spent here asnwering are questions on the LMB all these years.
2Good Guy 06: 6934
3Bad Guy 06: 6935
4Bad Guy Duracell: 7217

2Greg has other things he has to write for LEGO (like Ninjago), so its understandable that he can't write for Bionicle anymore.
1ScribeGT6817 wrote:
2I did not work on the movie, what I know about those events is just what is in the script. So can't help much here.
3Considering this is such a small detail in the story, I thought I would suggest an idea I had.
4Keetongu lived with the other members of his species on the island in the east chain of the Southern Islands. His species was known for using Tahtorak as mounts, so the tribes kept some nearby in their village. Mostly though, the two species lived separately.
5The Order had heard of the Visorak terrorizing islands, and had been tipped off that Keetongu's island was next to be attacked. Removing the species of Rahi that could reverse Visorak poison was not something that the Order wanted, so they sent Trinuma as a diplomat. Without revealing which organization he worked for, Trinuma tried in vain to use his Mask of Charisma. The tribal leader of Keetongu's species believed all of this to be made-up, as their island was very closed off from the outside world. Trinuma didn't want an entire species gone, so he pleaded with the tribal leader. Eventually, after some effort and charm, Trinuma convinced the tribal leader who sent Keetongu with Trinuma to see if the new island was safe.
6Trinuma brought Keetongu to the hideaway in Ko-Metru, wrote down instructions on the Great Temple, and promised to return with the others of his species. By the time Trinuma returned to the island, the Visorak had overrun the remaining members of Keetongu's species -- Trinuma was too late. Some Tahtorak living in the village were gone, but the ones on the plains were not. The Visorak knew they could not take on herds of Tahtorak, so they only challenged Keetongu's species.
7Distraught and ashamed that he could not save all of Keetongu's people, Trinuma couldn't bear to see Keetongu again. He returned to Daxia with a heavy heart while Keetongu sat, waiting for Trinuma to return until the Rahaga and Hordika found him.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:ninjagofanmam wrote:ninjagofanmam wrote:11. You are probably my favorite author , keep up the good work!!
22. Have you ever considered putting Skylor in some of the Ninjago stories you write? ( Or is that not your say? )
33. Have you ever considered putting Seliel ( the Phantom Ninja ) in more comics or other Ninjago stories? ( Or is that not your say? )
52) I couldn't really use Skylor, because she is a main story character and I didn't want to step on toes.
63) I would, but at this point I am not doing any writing for NINJAGO. I believe the next graphic novel is being written by the guy who wrote the TV scripts for this year. Last thing I did was Dark Island, and no idea if I will be doing more at this point.
72) ok , makes sense.
83) ok, it's good to hear that there might be another graphic novel on the way. But I hope you get more chances to write for Ninjago in the future.
9Thanks for answering my questions!
2Since this might very well be the last chance I get to post something that you'll see, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your work on the BIONICLE universe over the years, and your continued activity among the fans that are still paying attention, even though most of us have become adults now.
3LEGO's Bionicle franchise more or less defined my childhood for me. I received a toa set for Christmas in 2001, and after going to the website listed on the canister with my parents and reading the epic story about the characters, I was hooked - for life, apparently. To this day, I still believe the story that the Bionicle team put together over the years is one of the best ever told - and you were a huge part of that. Many stories these days are recycled versions of other stories, yet the Bionicle team managed to put together something that was original, intriguing, creative, and long lasting. Bionicle truly was one of a kind, and I don't think anything will be able to replace it for a long time to come.
4Bionicle certainly had some flaws - the rumors online that some LEGO employees thought the theme was too violent (or my personal pet peeve: too many elements - ice and water are the same thing! haha) show that. But the fact that we held, and apparently still hold, the theme to such a high standard is a testament to how great it truly was, even with its flaws. (And furthermore, it couldn't have ever been the toy that saved LEGO if it wasn't what it was, "excessive violence" and all!)
5There were many people who worked on Bionicle and made it great, and myself and the other fans are grateful for all. But only you, Greg, interact(ed) with the fans on the level that you do/did, so for that, thank you. It's been said before, but I'll say it again: whatever you do in the future, know that you've already made something fantastic for so many kids who opened their first toa canister under the Christmas tree and found a legend inside.
6With Gratitude and Nostalgia,
1One of the numerous powers possessed by a Toa of Light is the ability to move at lightspeed. Would the Toa's adapt to this to be able to change direction and dodge obstacles, or would the Toa just be running in a straight line with no sense of direction or agility. Would this be a sort of Quicksilver "time-slowing thing" or would he just rocket through (or into) everything in his path?
2Thanks in advance for the answer.
alpharex8906 wrote:1oh.. Okay. With the story not going anywhere, more elements couldn't complicate things too much could they? I'm writing my own "alternate" story taking place after the Melding (it's another of those parallel universes so it won't contradict anything you write) and wanted to know If I would theoretically be allowed to add my own elements. Are we allowed to do that??
alpharex8906 wrote:alpharex8906 wrote:1oh.. Okay. With the story not going anywhere, more elements couldn't complicate things too much could they? I'm writing my own "alternate" story taking place after the Melding (it's another of those parallel universes so it won't contradict anything you write) and wanted to know If I would theoretically be allowed to add my own elements. Are we allowed to do that??
2Fan fiction is fan fiction -- you can do whatever you want with it, it's your story. But I'm not going to officially approve more elements.
astroavian wrote:
- 1Can a mahiki be removed from a being if they are shapeshifted into a form that does not wear kanohi? (Example: While Matau was disguised as a vahki, could he remove his mask?)
- 2If a mahiki user is in a shapeshifted form, and their mask is knocked off, do they (and the mask) revert to normal?
- 3If a mahiki user shapeshifts into a form physically capable of flight (like a gukko), can they fly?
- 4Destiny War, Chapter 7: These obviously were Rahi beasts, but not like anything she'd seen before. They were short, pale bipeds, with large yellow eyes and spindly arms and legs. They backed away and moved to the side as (Helryx) and (Keetongu) passed. But as soon as the two had moved on, they assembled into a group and followed close behind. Do you know what these creatures were?
- 5Helryx and Keetongu proceed to enter a chamber where a pool of EP sends a tidal wave at them. Vezon opens a portal and while he enters, Helryx and Keetongu leave through the same portal. What happens to the creatures at this point? They aren't mentioned again.
- 6Is it possible that using the powers of "immoral" masks is frowned upon by the toa code? The purpose of the code is to keep a good public image with the matoran, and I can't imagine using immoral masks would help in that respect. Matoro's usage of his tryna would probably be an example of use out of neccesity, like the other rules can be avoided if there is simply no other way out of the problem.
- 7Are there certain types of kanohi makuta can't wear? I can't see a mask of undeath, for example, working with antidermis nature - the makuta could leave his body and have it revived by the mask.
- 8How would a makuta use a faxon? Couldn't the makuta just create rahi and then use their powers? Or is rahi creation too long a process for this to be viable? Or can makuta simply not use the faxon?
9Thanks for answering so many questions for all of us! I'm sure the rest of the community appreciates it as much as I do.
10Did this get buried?
1ScribeGT6817 wrote:
2I did not work on the movie, what I know about those events is just what is in the script. So can't help much here.
3Considering this is such a small detail in the story, I thought I would suggest an idea I had.
4Keetongu lived with the other members of his species on the island in the east chain of the Southern Islands. His species was known for using Tahtorak as mounts, so the tribes kept some nearby in their village. Mostly though, the two species lived separately.
5The Order had heard of the Visorak terrorizing islands, and had been tipped off that Keetongu's island was next to be attacked. Removing the species of Rahi that could reverse Visorak poison was not something that the Order wanted, so they sent Trinuma as a diplomat. Without revealing which organization he worked for, Trinuma tried in vain to use his Mask of Charisma. The tribal leader of Keetongu's species believed all of this to be made-up, as their island was very closed off from the outside world. Trinuma didn't want an entire species gone, so he pleaded with the tribal leader. Eventually, after some effort and charm, Trinuma convinced the tribal leader who sent Keetongu with Trinuma to see if the new island was safe.
6Trinuma brought Keetongu to the hideaway in Ko-Metru, wrote down instructions on the Great Temple, and promised to return with the others of his species. By the time Trinuma returned to the island, the Visorak had overrun the remaining members of Keetongu's species -- Trinuma was too late. Some Tahtorak living in the village were gone, but the ones on the plains were not. The Visorak knew they could not take on herds of Tahtorak, so they only challenged Keetongu's species.
7Distraught and ashamed that he could not save all of Keetongu's people, Trinuma couldn't bear to see Keetongu again. He returned to Daxia with a heavy heart while Keetongu sat, waiting for Trinuma to return until the Rahaga and Hordika found him.