sonic3358 wrote:sonic3358 wrote:1OMG Grey Farshtey! Your books and serials are the best man! Okay, so I have a question about "The Yesterday quest" (and no it has nothing to do with if you're ever going to do more as I know you're a busy man and all). So, what is Orde's kanohi?
2Buried, I think.
3Apologies if you've already answered this, but I've kinda shot myself in the foot by not tracking replies!
4So if you have already, could you please direct me to the answer? Many thanks!
5If it's not mentioned in story, then I didn't assign him one because story did not demand it.
been605 wrote:1I got another question for you.
2When Nuparu first utilized the Boxor, it somehow overcame three Gahlok, despite it taking multiple of these vehicles to best even a single Bohrok. According to what sources I can dig up, the Bohrok initially fled from Nuparu. So my question is as follows:
3Why? A retreat doesn't seem like something the Bohrok would do. Whenever they'd been shown to flee in the past, it was always after suffering large losses, so why would they immidiately turn tail and run when confronted with the Boxor?
4I do know that happened, but I don't believe it was in something I wrote. So I can't really speak to what the author had in mind.
OnionShark wrote:1Hey Greg,21) When exactly did the Earth Tribe discover EP? I need this info to put it in the BS01 timeline. From the story you gave us, it seems that the ELs had already been created, as the ELoE is the one that decides what is going to be done with the liquid, so maybe in the 3000 years that the ELs ruled? If so, was it a long or a short time before the Ice Tribe found the EP spring?32) Is Primal searching for his companion now that the GSR has been dismantled? If so, have they already reunited?43) In Journey's End, Angonce was able to make a wall shift frome having a window to none with his thoughts, and you later said that this was because the wall was made with a material that responded to thought. This makes me wonder, was this material something found in nature or was it developed by the Great Beings? If the latter is correct, did they make it intentionally or by accident?54) Have you had some time to read those stories that were supposed to be canonized?
6Also, two posts with my questions have been buried like 7 times. Their latest reposts are on page 906 (posts 3-4), and since I'm kinda tired of reposting themcould you try to go back and answer them?7Thank you!
81) It was not that long before the ice tribe found it.
92) I'm sure he is.
103) It's artificial and it was created intentionally
114) No.
DerEinzeller wrote:1Hey Greg,
2I would like to ask you some questions that are bugging me for some time now.
31.Do the Matorans and other inhabitans (Rahi, Skakdi, Visorak, Toa, etc) of the Matoran Universe have to eat food?
42.If so, what ?
53.When the Great Spirit Robot is lying horizontally, are the spheres, containing the islands, rotating, so that they are horizontally to?
64.Is it true that all fan-universes are canon in the infinite Bionicle-multiverse?
75.Are the objects and beings in the archives of Metru Nui things that were collected during the journey of the Great Spirit Robot to various planets?
86.If so, for which purpose?
97.Are the archives of Metru Nui an intended metaphor for memories?
108.Did the Great Spirit Robot ever visited earth?
119.Are you involved in the upcoming Ninjago-movie?
1210.If so, in which ways?
1311.Did you heared of the easteregg of Bionicle in a Green Lantern-comic?
1412.If so, does it mean that Bionicle is canon in the DC-multiverse?
15Thank you for responding! And a general thank you for answering fan questions!
16Have a great day!
171) They eat through the absorption of energy through physical contact. They don't eat the way humans do. The exception is Rahi, who do not realize they don't have to actually bite and chew food.
183) No. Artificial gravity and gyroscopes.
194) No, they're not. I don't read fan fiction so I cannot canonize fan universes.
205) No. They are all things from within the Matoran universe.
217) No
228) So far as I know, Earth does not exist in the universe of BIONICLE.
239) No
2411) No
2512) No. LEGO Company had a deal with DC at the time we were doing the comic, giving us access to their artists, for one thing. But there was never any serious discussion of BIONICLE being part of the DCU. What you are discussing was likely just a writer or artist having some fun.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:OnionShark wrote:1Hey Greg,21) When exactly did the Earth Tribe discover EP? I need this info to put it in the BS01 timeline. From the story you gave us, it seems that the ELs had already been created, as the ELoE is the one that decides what is going to be done with the liquid, so maybe in the 3000 years that the ELs ruled? If so, was it a long or a short time before the Ice Tribe found the EP spring?32) Is Primal searching for his companion now that the GSR has been dismantled? If so, have they already reunited?43) In Journey's End, Angonce was able to make a wall shift frome having a window to none with his thoughts, and you later said that this was because the wall was made with a material that responded to thought. This makes me wonder, was this material something found in nature or was it developed by the Great Beings? If the latter is correct, did they make it intentionally or by accident?54) Have you had some time to read those stories that were supposed to be canonized?
6Also, two posts with my questions have been buried like 7 times. Their latest reposts are on page 906 (posts 3-4), and since I'm kinda tired of reposting themcould you try to go back and answer them?7Thank you!
81) It was not that long before the ice tribe found it.
92) I'm sure he is.
103) It's artificial and it was created intentionally
114) No.
122) Just interjecting here - but I think Onion was refering to Mimic? I'm pretty sure Primal doesn't have a companion.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:DerEinzeller wrote:1Hey Greg,
2I would like to ask you some questions that are bugging me for some time now.
31.Do the Matorans and other inhabitans (Rahi, Skakdi, Visorak, Toa, etc) of the Matoran Universe have to eat food?
42.If so, what ?
53.When the Great Spirit Robot is lying horizontally, are the spheres, containing the islands, rotating, so that they are horizontally to?
64.Is it true that all fan-universes are canon in the infinite Bionicle-multiverse?
75.Are the objects and beings in the archives of Metru Nui things that were collected during the journey of the Great Spirit Robot to various planets?
86.If so, for which purpose?
97.Are the archives of Metru Nui an intended metaphor for memories?
108.Did the Great Spirit Robot ever visited earth?
119.Are you involved in the upcoming Ninjago-movie?
1210.If so, in which ways?
1311.Did you heared of the easteregg of Bionicle in a Green Lantern-comic?
1412.If so, does it mean that Bionicle is canon in the DC-multiverse?
15Thank you for responding! And a general thank you for answering fan questions!
16Have a great day!
173) No. Artificial gravity and gyroscopes.
1911) No
2012) No. LEGO Company had a deal with DC at the time we were doing the comic, giving us access to their artists, for one thing. But there was never any serious discussion of BIONICLE being part of the DCU. What you are discussing was likely just a writer or artist having some fun.
21The easter egg was a really subtle reference nd I doubt the writer intended it to be a serious DCU thing.
22Also, the question about spheres raised a point - are all the domes spherical in shape, or are some more oval?
astroavian wrote:1We know that Matoran eat and sleep, and I'm pretty sure Toa/Turaga do as well. This raised an interesting point - the Toa Mangai's battle with the Kanohi Dragon was described to last for a month. How did they endure this when they had need for food and rest?
2Well, a battle that lasts for a month normally does not mean constant fighting. In our history, there are battles that have lasted for weeks before someone won. There are almost always down times when soldiers can catch a few z's or eat their rations, because both sides need that.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:astroavian wrote:1We know that Matoran eat and sleep, and I'm pretty sure Toa/Turaga do as well. This raised an interesting point - the Toa Mangai's battle with the Kanohi Dragon was described to last for a month. How did they endure this when they had need for food and rest?
2Well, a battle that lasts for a month normally does not mean constant fighting. In our history, there are battles that have lasted for weeks before someone won. There are almost always down times when soldiers can catch a few z's or eat their rations, because both sides need that.
3Are you insinuating that a massive city-destroying dragon took breaks as it fought the Toa Mangai?
alpharex8906 wrote:1Here's an important question for you, Mr. Farshtey:
2Team Iron Man or Team Captain America?
3Team Cap had the moral highground but went against the law while Team Iron Man represented pure law and order without considering poor Bucky in all of this -- all in all I side pretty heavily with Team Cap.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:DerEinzeller wrote:1Hey Greg,
2I would like to ask you some questions that are bugging me for some time now.
31.Do the Matorans and other inhabitans (Rahi, Skakdi, Visorak, Toa, etc) of the Matoran Universe have to eat food?
4Thank you for responding! And a general thank you for answering fan questions!
5Have a great day!
61) They eat through the absorption of energy through physical contact. They don't eat the way humans do. The exception is Rahi, who do not realize they don't have to actually bite and chew food.
71) Would you say more intelligent Rahi, such as Krahka or Keetongu, eat with their mouths?
82) Was the Fire Entity created using liquid protodermis and viruses? Because if not, it doesn't seem to be a Rahi, and it doesn't seem likely that it was created with protodermis sincei t was made purely out of fire. BS01 also states that it was made by the Great Beings, not a Makuta. It could be the cae where as Matoran would consider it a Rahi, since it means "not us" while it in reality isn't one, like the Kraata.
Terror1000 wrote:1Wow, it's been YEARS since I've used my LEGO Account. But I figured since the forums are shutting down, I should pop on to say that I've been a big fan of yours and your work on BIONICLE. It was one of those things that was timeless to me, and growing up with it and the amazing story meant a lot. I know you'll probably appear again on something like the TTV forums, but I wanted to say here that you made such a positive impact on my life with your work, so thank you.
2If I might ask a few questions:31. I heard you finished the Powers That Be at some point; how might would we be able to see the end of that story? Could you post it on a forum or BioSector01?
42. Is Miserex the only surviving Makuta, or is it possible that any others found away to elude Teridax?
53. Have the Barraki continued their alliance with the Shadowed One on Spherus Magna?
64. What has Malum been up to all this time? Just chilling with the Vorox as he watches everything go down?
7And finally:85. Is there a character you wish you wrote more of during your time with BIONICLE?
9Thank you so much for all your time and effort into the world of BIONICLE and this forum!
10Buried, I think. I discovered you hadn't finished the Powers that Be, so feel free to ignore question 1. Although I would be curious as to where you would post the stories in a hypothetical case.
11Thanks again!