1Oh, thanks i see thanks for clearing that up.
1TKN -- if Umbra being a badly made set is not your opinion, then why are you stating it is as if it is? Why state it at all, if it isn't your opinion, just that of other people on the web who have not actually built the set themselves?
1well that seems to be mostly everybodys opinion.
2"I could make that set better!"
3"He looks like he was made by a 5 year old!"
4"Lego, what have you done?"
5you know those kind of comments, that is what we're hearing from people.
1wow that is a nice moc can anyone send me a real pic of umbra please.
2Greg is it a close battle between the piraka and the toa nuva or is it an alright win?
1Well, again, TK, those are all people who have not built the set or even seen it in person. More than once, the online fan community has uniformly disliked something until they actually got their hands on it.
1What about my Q.?
1Matau, there is no way for to answer your question without giving away book plot, and some people on this topic may not have read the books yet.
2I recently ordered a spare gold kraakhaan off lego. I was expecting a takanuva/iruni type gold, but instead it came in a zaktan/reidak gold. Do you know why?
3PS It, instead of having the normal kanohi number on the sheet that came with it, it was labelled 'MAKUTA MASK'. Why?
1Ok. I understand greg and also can you tell me who lariska is?
1lariska is a female dark hunter, she has a mechanical arm from a 'punishment' from the shadowed one.
2when the shodowed one took his personal bodyguard sentrahk to find out what had happened to nhidiki and krekka, lariska took over for a while.
1Thanks do you think you could send me a pic?
1she hasn't been made as a set so........no
2 [Wink]
1Voporak -- no idea. I do storyline, that is a set piece question.
1Ah yes.
2Any chance of some more random, exclusive info?
1Greg, when mask of light came out, where did you see it?
2 Did you just walk into tesco pick up the dvd and watch it or did you:
4please answer.
1Did you have any part in the making of the films?
1greg, can u explain why the american ax and bru arent out yet because i thought march and now ive heard this summer
1I am from england and i have axonn but i only got him as an exclusive from argos with the dvd WOS and it is a 50/50 chance of getting bru or axo
1Toa Kongu Nuva -- I saw it for the first time at a special premiere at LEGOLAND in Billund, Denmark. I was over there for a story team meeting the week they were showing it.
2Matau -- No, I have no involvement with the movies.
3Toa Jaller -- Axonn and Brutaka were always planned as summer releases in the US. One site, I believe ToyWiz, was listing them as out in March here but that was never the case. They were originally scheduled to be out in March in Europe, and ended up coming out a little early there.
1oh, so around may then?

2also, i just picked up the rahi book u wrote and i was wondering if there will ever be another building contest by u dudes
1there currently is, the piraka fusion contest.
1a contest about fusing piraka???
1Mr. Greg, 2Forgive me if this has already been discussed, but has it been confirmed that Axonn is a member of the BOMN?
1*Poke* She means OoMN...

2~//_ewa [\/]an
1Leave it to you LM.. [Roll Eyes] 2Jk.
Originally posted by Toa Kongu Nuva's guard:1 Greg, I realised that you have been putting your name on your posts here. May I suggest you put the word Greg in your signature? Go to my profile and edit profile. Look for signature and edit it by typing anything and you're done.
2BTW Do different colours of zamor spheres have different effects?
3Aren't you going to answer that?
1ok, are you allowed to tell us why lego has taken away the brown toa?
1De_zahid, it's to change the "pattern" of colours that's been going on for a while. But I wonder...
2Is there a storyline reason for Hewkii's appearance?
1Guys, please don't complain if every question does not get answered promptly -- in some cases, I am waiting to give you more complete answers.
2The answer on the brown question is that we wanted to try something new -- brown, traditionally, is one of the least popular of our set groups, based on sales, so we felt it was the best place to try a new color scheme. As for a storyline reason, the Inika's unique origin gives me leeway to do a lot of things.
3Yes, Axonn is a member of the OOMN.
2That's cool to know.
3Anyway, I have two questions.
4What is, apart from the great spirits and the great beings, the most powerful being in the bionicle universe?
5And are the inika more powerful than the nuva?
6And who is your favourite character in the bionicle universe?
11) As far as anyone knows, there is nothing more powerful than a Great Being. The Great Beings gave life to Mata Nui.
22) I would say no, because the Nuva can share mask powers and the Inika cannot.
33) Kopaka
1Thanks for the other two, but I think you misunderstood my first question. Let me rephrase it.
2What is the most powerful thing in the bionicle universe APART from the great spirits and beings?
3Sorry if this sounds patronising.
1Greg, I have a question about the end of BL#2

2Those of you who haven't read Dark Destiny don't read this question!

3When the Toa Inika put their weapons together, a bolt of lightning shoots into the sky and forms their spirit stars. Is this and effect of the lightning that created them, or is it an ctual power that they will keep?
1Sorry, Voporak, misunderstood your question -- apart from the Great Beings and Mata Nui, Makuta would most likely be the most powerful one revealed so far.
2Jack -- Not sure what you mean exactly -- you can only form spirit stars once, so it's not a power you would keep. Their elemental powers are now intertwined with lightning, though.