1This section is primarily for discussing storyline with Greg Farshtey, the BIONICLE story writer. He takes the time to answer questions and discuss the storyline with us out of his own free time, and doesn't have a set time that he visits each day. There are certain questions he cannot answer simply because he hasn't developed the storyline that far yet, others he's not permitted to say until it's been officially released through the LEGO company.
2I will also note that Mr. Greg does not work for this site, but has been given access to moderator abilities to manage the topics and posts in this section.
2I will also note that Mr. Greg does not work for this site, but has been given access to moderator abilities to manage the topics and posts in this section.
1So the blinded Makuta cannot shapeshift to give them new usable eyes?
1...this is not the questions topic for Greg, and we are still in the process of setting up his acount. Until he is ready to answer questions on this forum I will close down this area so he doesn't start with a long line of questions.
3Were getting Geg set up now so as soon as soon as things are hammered out Greg can work out how he wants this section to be run.
3Were getting Geg set up now so as soon as soon as things are hammered out Greg can work out how he wants this section to be run.
Last Edit: by Imatron
1I'm here, guys -- sorry for the delay.
2I don't see any reason not to run this section the same way we did the old one -- it seemed to work well. I know these are not the "official" forums yet, but will pop over here occasionally until they are just in case there are questions.
3To answer the ones that are here now --
4Rekky - No.5Taarel - No. The problem is with the optics in their armor, and whatever they shapeshift into while in that armor, the optics will remain the same. They need to be in a new body to see or out of their armor (which leaves them much more vulnerable).
2I don't see any reason not to run this section the same way we did the old one -- it seemed to work well. I know these are not the "official" forums yet, but will pop over here occasionally until they are just in case there are questions.
3To answer the ones that are here now --
4Rekky - No.5Taarel - No. The problem is with the optics in their armor, and whatever they shapeshift into while in that armor, the optics will remain the same. They need to be in a new body to see or out of their armor (which leaves them much more vulnerable).
1To comment to you, Greg... I don't know what Imatron plans (I've been out of the loop myself), but I think he's going to try this out for now. I don't know, I'll discuss it with him. -Swert, aka Riff Raff.
1A couple o' questions:2I remember that you said that you had decided that a good being cannot wield the powers of Shadows. So, did Makuta have Shadow powers while they still were good? Or were they evil from the beginning?3And if Av-matorans' name comes from Avohkii, are shadow matorans then Kra-matorans(Kraahkan)?
1Yeah I have a question about the Shadow Matoran as well...
2It's said that the Shadow Matoran were chosen to act as the blind Makuta's 'eyes'. Does this mean that, when they're connected, the Makuta can actually see, or that the Shadow Matoran just act as navigators (ex. turn left, fly up, etc.), or neither?[/color]
2It's said that the Shadow Matoran were chosen to act as the blind Makuta's 'eyes'. Does this mean that, when they're connected, the Makuta can actually see, or that the Shadow Matoran just act as navigators (ex. turn left, fly up, etc.), or neither?[/color]
1Just to help Greg out:
5They can actually see.
9No, but they don't have access to as many Powers - the reason will be revealed in Summer.
10Hope I helped...
somedude said:2Yeah I have a question about the Shadow Matoran as well...4[/color][/quote]
3It's said that the Shadow Matoran were chosen to act as the blind Makuta's 'eyes'. Does this mean that, when they're connected, the Makuta can actually see, or that the Shadow Matoran just act as navigators (ex. turn left, fly up, etc.), or neither?
5They can actually see.
slymaster15 said:
6 Just one question
7 Will the Swamp Makuta be blind from the light like the Phantoka and need their own shadow matoran?
9No, but they don't have access to as many Powers - the reason will be revealed in Summer.
10Hope I helped...
Last Edit: by Vash
1Maduk - Actually, what I have said is that you would not have a "Toa of Shadow" in the accepted sense of the word Toa, because a Toa is a hero and shadow is considered a power of evil. And we haven't given the shadow Matoran an official tribe name, since they're not really a tribe, just corrupted members of other tribes.
2To add to Vashetti's answers, the Makuta see by telepathically linking to the Matoran and seeing through their eyes.
2To add to Vashetti's answers, the Makuta see by telepathically linking to the Matoran and seeing through their eyes.
1Greg, can you 100% confirm for me that it is now official that Triglax is now the Dark Hunter with chameleon powers shown in The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet?
1ET - Yes. One of the BZPers approached me with that suggesion, and I see no storyline reason why that's not possible, so I said okay.
1Maduk - No, there can't be such a thing as a good Toa of Shadows. If your power is shadow and nothing but that, you have no light in you -- and if you have no light, you are corrupt and evil, like the shadow Matoran are.
2Josapaledan -- Your theory would come as a surprise to Tinseltown Toons, which is busily working on the new movie for 2009
BIONICLE story is currently planned through 2011, and so far, sales in 2008 are stronger than expected -- as long as sales stay strong, I can't see LEGO cancelling the line anytime soon.
3As I have said to others, you guys really decide when BIONICLE ends, because it will end if and when set sales drop to the point the line is no longer profitable for us. So it is the fans out there buying sets who are going to make this decision.
2Josapaledan -- Your theory would come as a surprise to Tinseltown Toons, which is busily working on the new movie for 2009

3As I have said to others, you guys really decide when BIONICLE ends, because it will end if and when set sales drop to the point the line is no longer profitable for us. So it is the fans out there buying sets who are going to make this decision.
1As one writer to another, I humbly offer up my tale of our favorite dark huntress for review. Here is a link:
1Let me remind everyone that Greg will do the answering of questions, all the members should do is post a question and that is it. I know some members do ask very simple things or something that you may know but it's more orginized when we follow the rules we set up.
Last Edit: by kopakalady
1I was wondering if you could answer this question of Mazeka. Is he or she the first toa, or posable the leader of the OoMN?
1Tanaku - Neither. First Toa and leader of the OOMN are not sets this year.
2Matthew - We see Brutaka get dragged off by a squid in one of the 2007 books, we never see him killed, and he returned in the 2007 biocast on BIONICLEstory.com
3Usernamebio - 1) I don't know who Mexeka is, not a name I am familiar with. 2) Yes.
2Matthew - We see Brutaka get dragged off by a squid in one of the 2007 books, we never see him killed, and he returned in the 2007 biocast on BIONICLEstory.com
3Usernamebio - 1) I don't know who Mexeka is, not a name I am familiar with. 2) Yes.
1Mexeka I think is the BoM leader before the MoMN took over.
usernamebio said:1Mexeka I think is the BoM leader before the MoMN took over.
2Your getting that name from one of the summer sets, Mazeka. The name your looking for is Miserix, the Original BoM leader?
greg2660 said:3Tanaku - Neither. First Toa and leader of the OOMN are not sets this year.

51). I seen the summer 08 box sets, I was wondering if the three T3, T6 and T9 are the vehicles or the being.
62). Same three sets, are the being Toa or Makuta? The Green and Orange ones look alot like Lewa and Pohatu.
Last Edit: by Tanaku, Toa of Light
1I vote they're androids and greg refuses to tell us till they're released.
tz said:1*Cracks Knuckles*
2A hard question is about to be asked, Greg.
3Because Tanma is Lewa's Skyblaster's "battery", then will he eventually run out of light and become a Shadow Matoran?
4If not, then why?
5Well Id say no, he would die. Hes a living light source for Lewa's Midak. Id say its probably taking his life force and light energy.
tanaku said:tz said:1*Cracks Knuckles*
2A hard question is about to be asked, Greg.
3Because Tanma is Lewa's Skyblaster's "battery", then will he eventually run out of light and become a Shadow Matoran?
4If not, then why?
5Well Id say no, he would die. Hes a living light source for Lewa's Midak. Id say its probably taking his life force and light energy.
6Life and light are completely different things. It's like comparing the Ignika with the Avohkii.
Last Edit: by Zip
1well wat i ment was like... idk... nvm lol.
2Does the Avohkii and Kraahkan (and garai) have unlimited amounts of Light, shadows, and gravity?
3Where did Spiriah get the Tridax pods if, story wise, they are new? Does he have it already (by chapter 2) or will he get it later?
4Around when will we see the Matoran on his back?
2Does the Avohkii and Kraahkan (and garai) have unlimited amounts of Light, shadows, and gravity?
3Where did Spiriah get the Tridax pods if, story wise, they are new? Does he have it already (by chapter 2) or will he get it later?
4Around when will we see the Matoran on his back?
Last Edit: by Tanaku, Toa of Light
1Why did the Lava Hawk cross the Chute?
2The method of equiping the Adaptove Armor was left unclear. Did the Toa have the armor put over their bodies, or, being biomechanical, replace their existing bodies with that armor?
3The Bohrok have been said to evolve past having an organic portion, and the Makuta past a physical body. Any correlation?
4Are the Toa's current masks the same they had, or new ones? This question is NOT are they Kanohi Nuva, as they have the same powers and in that sense are the same masks. I am asking instead if these came with the Adoptive Armor or were their previous masks shifted by the armor.
5Pit Mutagen has little affect on organic rahi and Zyglack. Or Zyglax, or--You know. Anyways, am I correct in assuming that the mutagen is more concerned with mechanical beings then organic ones?
6On the subject of mutagen, could not Zaxtan use his protodite-comprised body to refrom into his humanoid self?
7If the mutagen is focused on mechanics rather then organics, is it becuase mechanics cannot "feel" themselves as organics can and therefore are incapable of knowing wether they've been mutated?
8If the above is true, would Maxilos not have been mutated becuase as a robot he knows exactly where his gears are?
9And if that above is true, could beings with a natural immunity to the mutagen be simply more aware of how there body is supposed to feel?
10Isn't Vamprah just fareeking awsome?
11How can you say you have no influence on Model design when your storyline is intimately correlated with it?
12Exactly how long will this Makuta MOC contest last, and do you have any hints towards winning?
13Did I really just ask that?
14And finally, to the upsetting of my fellow Mask of Destinyers, what do you think of my above fanfic? As a writer, not as a bionicle knowledge base.
15Green spiders weaving in my mindses, makes us talk...
16{EDIT} Page one is full, please reload thread.
2The method of equiping the Adaptove Armor was left unclear. Did the Toa have the armor put over their bodies, or, being biomechanical, replace their existing bodies with that armor?
3The Bohrok have been said to evolve past having an organic portion, and the Makuta past a physical body. Any correlation?
4Are the Toa's current masks the same they had, or new ones? This question is NOT are they Kanohi Nuva, as they have the same powers and in that sense are the same masks. I am asking instead if these came with the Adoptive Armor or were their previous masks shifted by the armor.
5Pit Mutagen has little affect on organic rahi and Zyglack. Or Zyglax, or--You know. Anyways, am I correct in assuming that the mutagen is more concerned with mechanical beings then organic ones?
6On the subject of mutagen, could not Zaxtan use his protodite-comprised body to refrom into his humanoid self?
7If the mutagen is focused on mechanics rather then organics, is it becuase mechanics cannot "feel" themselves as organics can and therefore are incapable of knowing wether they've been mutated?
8If the above is true, would Maxilos not have been mutated becuase as a robot he knows exactly where his gears are?
9And if that above is true, could beings with a natural immunity to the mutagen be simply more aware of how there body is supposed to feel?
10Isn't Vamprah just fareeking awsome?
11How can you say you have no influence on Model design when your storyline is intimately correlated with it?
12Exactly how long will this Makuta MOC contest last, and do you have any hints towards winning?
13Did I really just ask that?
14And finally, to the upsetting of my fellow Mask of Destinyers, what do you think of my above fanfic? As a writer, not as a bionicle knowledge base.
15Green spiders weaving in my mindses, makes us talk...
16{EDIT} Page one is full, please reload thread.
Last Edit: by Masterweaver