ya it would be called like,brother in arm..
but anways,i wonder HOW he survived,maybe he had a button on the skyfighter that makes it come to him,like how harry osborn used his in spiderman 3 ? yes? no? 

1 ya it would be called like,brother in arm..
but anways,i wonder HOW he survived,maybe he had a button on the skyfighter that makes it come to him,like how harry osborn used his in spiderman 3 ? yes? no?
2or may be someone save him and he mazeka is supose tto say he is dead so he can be presumed dead and make a better work as the BoM spy but that is just a leetle speculation
1You ever thought Goarast used one of here powers? Or another Makuta or a BHoM servant was wating at the bottom, to catch/save Vultraz.
1Did no one see my post .? It had Q &A from Greg and I think some was new .
1Hello Greg, I think the server ate my last one so:
21) Could Hahli use her fins to glide a short distance, like a flying fish? 32) Did Umbra survive the descent back to the Southern Continent? 43 Who is your favorite servent of the OoMN? 53a) Minion of the BoM? 64) What happened to Kraata Kal in the Kingdom alternate universe?
7Thank you for your time.
81) No 92) Yes 103) Don't have any 114) The DH are mostly members of the Kingdom. I haven't worried about specific DH
12Not much new stuff here.
1QUOTE 2A few questions for BS01 today, Mr. Farshtey.
31.) Is the Dark Hunter Vanisher's ability to create interdementional gates as well as rumored ties to the BoM responsible for Destral's constantly shifting position?
42.) The "Sacred Fire" that Vakama used on Mata Nui, has he continued using it on Metru Nui to divine visions? 52a.) Could other Turaga, etc., make use of a "Sacred Fire" if the had visions? Would the process differ by elemental preference?
63.) Say a Matoran was created on an island with no Toa. He comes across an ancient Toa Stone, and he receives it's power and transforms into a Toa. What does he takes the shape of? I would assume it still be whatever he would imagine a Toa to look like, but the results could be... problematic if it's not a clear image, correct?
74.) These BS01 Contests in the "KanohiJournal" are an interesting concept, and I can't wait to participate. The winners will become canon, correct? Will you have to approve them?
8Thank you for your time.
91) Nope 102) Yes 112a) Other Turaga don't have visions, so point is moot 123) Yes 134) If it is something that's canon, yes, I have to approve it.
14interesting, I suppose.
15Um...what are these contests you refer to?
16It refers to a list of contests which will be hosted in the KanohiJournal, which is a new BIONICLE fan magazine for BS01 and BZP.

17You can see more info and read the first issue here.
18~ Bioran
1Is any of this new?
373) That probably answers some ppls questions . I dont think its new news though . 384) He rebuilt himself, sweet . So maybe the metru matoran can look like that too . Maybe . 3910a) That stinks 4011) Sweet . . . 4112-13) Ok so that means we will probably see them both . That will be cool . 4214) I hope he likes the other one then and do you guys like them?
2Hello Greg, I was just wondering if you could please answer these questions and great job on the serials . They are really exciting .
31. Was Mazekas mentor a turaga? 41a. Does the Tren Krom penisula have any turaga or toa? 52. Will the Klakk travel to Karda Nui or will someone or something bring them there? 63. Did Vultraz use his skyfighter to follow Icarax? 74. Why is it that Mazeka is as big as the other Av matoran in Karda Nui? 85. Will the OoMN ambush or have an all out attack when they enter Destral? 96. Was Vultraz always evil or did he once have a good side? 107. How do they get Mazeka and the swamp strider to Karda Nui? 118. Can beings in the Bionicle universe sneeze? 129. Can Onua take his shield off his shoulder and use it like that? (Ex: If he got his Nynrah Ghost Blaster knocked out of his hand and had nothing else besides his shield) 1310. If Helryx isnt going to fight then will we still see her in the serials giving orders and stuff? 1410a. Shouldnt she still fight since they need a lot of guys on their side and this is the final battle? 1511. Can a Toa of water and a Toa of fire have a combination of their elements to be steam, like for a distraction or cover? 1612. Will the OoMN ever use the heart of the visorak? 1713. Will the Mana Ko make a appearence in Destiny War, since they are OoMN agents and they work for Makuta?
18-Could I just suggest a couple powers for masks for the future Makuta or other characters in Destiny War . Ok first one is Mask of Futility (renders someone or something ineffective or useless) and the other is Mask of Feudality (cuases a feud or anger between two beings, like Rahkshi Kurahks ability) 19-If you dont like these then is ok .
20Ok Im done . Thanks Greg . I have more questions I just cant remember them . And dont worry if I remember them I wont pm until the 2 serials and podcast come out again with the 2nd chapters . Thank you for your time .
211) No 221a) Hasn't been revealed yet 232) Neither 243) He travels to KN in the skyfighter, yes 254) Simple. Just like the 2003 Matoran, he rebuilt himself 265) Follow the story and find out 276) Vultraz was always pretty shady 287) See answer to #5 298) I tend to doubt it. 309) Yes 3110) See answer to #5 3210a) No. Abe Lincoln did not fight in the Civil War ... or FDR in World War II ... or George Bush in the Iraq war ... you don't send leaders to do that. 3311) Yes 3412) See answer to #5 3513) See answer to #5 3614) Do you really think the average of 8-9 year old would understand "Mask of Feudality"?
373) That probably answers some ppls questions . I dont think its new news though . 384) He rebuilt himself, sweet . So maybe the metru matoran can look like that too . Maybe . 3910a) That stinks 4011) Sweet . . . 4112-13) Ok so that means we will probably see them both . That will be cool . 4214) I hope he likes the other one then and do you guys like them?
1Hello, Mr.GregF, got some questions.
21. How far can a Toa travel with a Kualsi? 32. When Bomonga use his Mask of Growth, does his weapons grow as well? 43. Did Mazeka work for the Order by the time of Brothers in Arms? 54.6"Would you shut up?" hissed Carapar. "Rule number one: don't annoy the giant, tentacled monster, or don't they teach that one in the Shadowed One's school?"
7Carapar said that to Lariska in FoF, but how did he know that the Dark Hunters' leader is TSO when he was stuck in the Pit all the time and the DH didn't exist by the time of LoSK? 85. Will there still be 12 canisters (six each half) next year? 96. Did Vultraz have a mentor? What happened to him?
10Thank you for your time.
111) Line of sight 122) Yes 133) No 144) Simple. He was on an ocean voyage with Lariska on the way to that island. He surely heard her mention TSO during the journey. 155) I can't discuss 2009 166) No.
17Some stuffs, I didn't know about the Mask of Growth though.
18And that about Mask of Feudality, I don't think an average 8-9 years old would understand Mask of Clairvoyance (or would they?)
1Hi Greg, just a few questions:
21) What caused the Toa Mata's nightmares whilst asleep in their canisters? 31b) Were they natural dreams? 41c) Was the storm related to it? 52) In Bionicle Legends 10, was Tahu close to the truth when he was talking to Krika about them being used? 62b) If so, why do these Makuta constantly try to kill the Toa... I know it's habit, but some of them have tried more than once, and wouldn't they of contained the urge to kill them the second time round?
7Thanks in advance,
91) Much as Mata Nui does, their minds were sensing what was going on in the outside world. 102) Well, if the Makuta just politely stepped out of the way, don't you think the Toa would suspect something? And if the Makuta were REALLY trying to kill the Toa, don't you think the Toa would be dead by now?
111) So it's natural? 121b) Was it caused by the same thing that made Mata Nui have nightmares?
15Well, we know that comatose patients are aware of what is said to them and to some extent what is going on around them, so it's the same idea

1I thought that Greg said that the Mitikuta weren't mutated by pit mutagen...but they were...
2He said that they would be stupid to enter the swamp waters, he didn't they WEREN'T stupid in that instance.
3I PMed him, he said he never stated that. And the Miskuta were not mutated by4PIT mutagen. Greg never said it wasn't normal mutagen.
5Yeah, it's the same thing as Maxilos not being Makuta but being possesed by Makuta.
1i thought i was onto something
2the fof team went to a barren island, could this be teridax's location, since brutaka said he will show miserix the location of his enemy
3No. They went to that island only because Brutaka's orders did not allow him to take them straight to Daxia. He first had to send word to Helryx that the mission was completed and then await further instructions from her.
2the fof team went to a barren island, could this be teridax's location, since brutaka said he will show miserix the location of his enemy
3No. They went to that island only because Brutaka's orders did not allow him to take them straight to Daxia. He first had to send word to Helryx that the mission was completed and then await further instructions from her.
1QUOTE 2QUOTE 3QUOTE 4Hi Greg, I hope moving is going well and i hope you are enjoying your new home, and I have been thinking of some questions really really hard lately, and I would really like it if you can answer them to the best of your capabilities if that is fine with you, so here they are...
5Mata Nui 61.Will Mata Nui's Recent Dreams of Darkness ever come true in The Matoran Universe or anywhere else (like the Surface World, Field of Shadow, Endless ocean, etc.)?
72. In Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui, When the Toa Metru Confronted Teridax When Turaga Lhikan said "Makuta, You Sworn to Protect the Matoran .", and then Teridax said the Matoran have already been put in a coma, and soon even mata nui will sleep, Why Did Teridax Need to reach the top of the coliseum, and why did the Sun Holes Shut when he did Reach the top can you please explain that entire event?
83. If the Matoran Universe gets Hurt in any way, shape or form, will Mata Nui's status weaken aswell?
94. Why does Mata Nui Need the matoran to work, and why does he rely on them so much, like for example during the matoran civil war - the great disruption, my question is why is this so?
105. If Mata Nui is physically Stronger than the Great Beings, than that must mean he is bigger in size than the Great Beings, right?
115a. Are the Great Beings Human?
126. I've Come to a Fair Conclusion... To Awaken the Great Spirit Mata Nui, the Toa Nuva need to sacrifice their lives am I Correct?
137. What would happen to Mata Nui, and the Matoran Universe If There was No Karda Nui or it stopped functioning?
148. Are their More Universes of Bionicle?
158a. Can anyone see Mata Nui From outsive the Matoran Universe?
169. Ive Calculated that Mata Nui is 3 Billion, 696 Million Miles + in Length, is this right, If so how is that Possible?
1710. I've been Hearing something about some Two Bionicle Teams called Glatorians and Vastus, do you Know anything about them in terms of who and what they are?
18Thanks A Billion Greg ., Have A Great Week .
191) I can't discuss future storyline, but I can tell you that what Mata Nui has been dreaming of is what has been going on in story ... the suffering of the Matoran caused by the Makuta. 202) He went to the top because that was where he could draw the power from the power plant into himself. And the sun holes shutting was a sign that the time of shadow had begun 213) Yes, he is tied to the universe and it to him. 224) See answer to #3 -- his health is tied to the labors of the Matoran and the work they do. It's essential work. 235) Since I can't discuss the Great Beings, I can't answer this. I can say, though, that I am about 5'8 and of average strength -- and I know athletes who are 5'8 and much stronger than me. So greater strength does not automatically mean greater size 245a) There are no humans in BIONICLE 256) Nope, wrong. We did the "heroes must die to achieve (blank)" last year -- no reason to repeat it this year. 267) The universe would die and Mata Nui would die with it. 278) We know there are alternate universes, we saw them in web serials first half of the year 288a) I can't answer this 299) I have no idea where you got that figure from. What is it based on? 3010) The terms do not refer to teams, and I cannot discuss 2009 in any case
31Thanks Greg, Now I've made some Rather recent ones just now, if you may, can you answer these?
3211) What If Ever something fell from the sky on the surface world to a sun hole on Mata Nui, Say Naho Bay, What would Happen? - Would it be Harmful? - (Did it ever happen Before? (if so when?))
3312) Does the Red Star Have ANYTHING to do with Mata Nui's Awakening?
3413) Is Karda Nui Mata Nui'sHeart? - I Ask this because it looks like a Heart Stone.
3514) Will we Ever receive a full Map of the Surface World?
3615) Is the Red Star the Sun on The Surface World?
3716) Will the red star do anything in the near future? anything?
3817) Will we ever see Mata Nui (The Great Spirit)?
3918) Why does it appear that we will be going back to Mata Nui (island) in the near future?
4019) Can a being exit the Matoran Universe V.I.A. the bottom of Mangai Volcano?
41Thank you so much for your Knowledge, I will continue to study hard, sorry if I was of any Nuisance to you, but as I said before I get very Curious at times, so thans so much, I really enjoy it,
4311) I don't see how, the impact would be absorbed by the water. 4412) No 4513) Can't discuss the nature of Mata Nui 4614) I doubt it, not relevant to the story. 4715) No 4816) Red star is not an important part of story for the foreseeable future. 4917) Yes, end of 2008 5018) I have no idea why you think that, because it's not true. 5119) No.
5Mata Nui 61.Will Mata Nui's Recent Dreams of Darkness ever come true in The Matoran Universe or anywhere else (like the Surface World, Field of Shadow, Endless ocean, etc.)?
72. In Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru Nui, When the Toa Metru Confronted Teridax When Turaga Lhikan said "Makuta, You Sworn to Protect the Matoran .", and then Teridax said the Matoran have already been put in a coma, and soon even mata nui will sleep, Why Did Teridax Need to reach the top of the coliseum, and why did the Sun Holes Shut when he did Reach the top can you please explain that entire event?
83. If the Matoran Universe gets Hurt in any way, shape or form, will Mata Nui's status weaken aswell?
94. Why does Mata Nui Need the matoran to work, and why does he rely on them so much, like for example during the matoran civil war - the great disruption, my question is why is this so?
105. If Mata Nui is physically Stronger than the Great Beings, than that must mean he is bigger in size than the Great Beings, right?
115a. Are the Great Beings Human?
126. I've Come to a Fair Conclusion... To Awaken the Great Spirit Mata Nui, the Toa Nuva need to sacrifice their lives am I Correct?
137. What would happen to Mata Nui, and the Matoran Universe If There was No Karda Nui or it stopped functioning?
148. Are their More Universes of Bionicle?
158a. Can anyone see Mata Nui From outsive the Matoran Universe?
169. Ive Calculated that Mata Nui is 3 Billion, 696 Million Miles + in Length, is this right, If so how is that Possible?
1710. I've been Hearing something about some Two Bionicle Teams called Glatorians and Vastus, do you Know anything about them in terms of who and what they are?
18Thanks A Billion Greg ., Have A Great Week .
191) I can't discuss future storyline, but I can tell you that what Mata Nui has been dreaming of is what has been going on in story ... the suffering of the Matoran caused by the Makuta. 202) He went to the top because that was where he could draw the power from the power plant into himself. And the sun holes shutting was a sign that the time of shadow had begun 213) Yes, he is tied to the universe and it to him. 224) See answer to #3 -- his health is tied to the labors of the Matoran and the work they do. It's essential work. 235) Since I can't discuss the Great Beings, I can't answer this. I can say, though, that I am about 5'8 and of average strength -- and I know athletes who are 5'8 and much stronger than me. So greater strength does not automatically mean greater size 245a) There are no humans in BIONICLE 256) Nope, wrong. We did the "heroes must die to achieve (blank)" last year -- no reason to repeat it this year. 267) The universe would die and Mata Nui would die with it. 278) We know there are alternate universes, we saw them in web serials first half of the year 288a) I can't answer this 299) I have no idea where you got that figure from. What is it based on? 3010) The terms do not refer to teams, and I cannot discuss 2009 in any case
31Thanks Greg, Now I've made some Rather recent ones just now, if you may, can you answer these?
3211) What If Ever something fell from the sky on the surface world to a sun hole on Mata Nui, Say Naho Bay, What would Happen? - Would it be Harmful? - (Did it ever happen Before? (if so when?))
3312) Does the Red Star Have ANYTHING to do with Mata Nui's Awakening?
3413) Is Karda Nui Mata Nui'sHeart? - I Ask this because it looks like a Heart Stone.
3514) Will we Ever receive a full Map of the Surface World?
3615) Is the Red Star the Sun on The Surface World?
3716) Will the red star do anything in the near future? anything?
3817) Will we ever see Mata Nui (The Great Spirit)?
3918) Why does it appear that we will be going back to Mata Nui (island) in the near future?
4019) Can a being exit the Matoran Universe V.I.A. the bottom of Mangai Volcano?
41Thank you so much for your Knowledge, I will continue to study hard, sorry if I was of any Nuisance to you, but as I said before I get very Curious at times, so thans so much, I really enjoy it,
4311) I don't see how, the impact would be absorbed by the water. 4412) No 4513) Can't discuss the nature of Mata Nui 4614) I doubt it, not relevant to the story. 4715) No 4816) Red star is not an important part of story for the foreseeable future. 4917) Yes, end of 2008 5018) I have no idea why you think that, because it's not true. 5119) No.
1And that about Mask of Feudality, I don't think an average 8-9 years old would understand Mask of Clairvoyance (or would they?)
2I have 9 years and those two Kanohi are simpliest masks i've heard of.
3Their powers sound simple because they are already used. the Mask of shadows does the same thing as causing fights, so why make another mask? And the useless mask is the same as corruption or makuta powers or matoran powers, so why make another for toa that shouldn't use those powers anyway?
4Neither of the mask names are very good either, mask of anger and mask of weakness would be much better for names.
1Some things I got from greg, mainly about Jetrax
2To GregF 31. Is the HUD on Jetrax on the cockpit? 42.Gorast's stinger is on her mask, correct? 53. What do you prefer people to adress you as in pms? 6~TR~
71) No 82) Yes 93) Greg is fine
101) Where is it then? Antroz has no visor. 11~TR~
12He doesn't need one. The ship is linked directly to him, that's why he can see again when he's piloting it - he sees through the ship's systems
131)Would this work the same for kopaka? 14~TR~
15Nope, cause Kopaka wasn't blind when he got in the ship
161) How does it work for Kopaka then? 17~TR~
181) Kopaka's mask would alter the same way Lewa and Pohatu's did
1Some interesting things on the Karda Nui entrance.
2Where is Karda Nui's western portal? Is it on the SC, near Voya Nui, on the dome wall? Where is it in accordance to the SC and Voya Nui? I figured it would be close to Voya Nui because that's where the Mask of Life is, and the mask has to be used in Karda Nui.
3Also, why does the Mask of Life have to be used in Karda Nui? It's almost always in a constant energy storm.
4It's on the western wall in Karda Nui. The SC and Voya Nui are roof of the dome, so everything in KN is below VN and SC.
5So does that mean the western portal is an actual protal, or are there a system of caverns(where Destral is) and tunnels that lead to Voya Nui or somewhere nearby?
6Also, since Destral is nearby Karda Nui, isn't that a risk for Karda Nui with the OoMN coming?
71) It's an actual portal 82) Well, if the town next to yours gets invaded, is it some risk to yours? I don't see how, unless they go after yours next.
1Hello there. I hope I'm not interupting you, but I have some questions I'd like to ask you.
21.)Does Vampra avoid using his power screem/sonic attacks?
32.)Is the mutation process that the Makuta use closer to dunking an apple? (Imediate mutated Rahi.) Or is it like cooking something in a crock pot.
43.)Does the Felnas work on non Elemental powers?
53a.)By losing control of enemy powers, do you mean their powers start attacking the user? Shooting off in a random direction? Something else?
64.)Is a Makutas' magnetism power closer to Magnetos' power, or a force push/pull?
7Thank you very much.![]()
81) No, because neither he nor any of the other Makuta know what effect the klakk's power has on this whole thing. The shadow leech project is relatively new. 92) More like the latter 103) Yes 113a) Could be a variety of things. 124) You would need to explain Magneto's power to me so I can answer this
131.)I Ment because he doesn't like sound. 142.)Cool 153.)Good 163a.)Ummmm...okay... 174.)He doesn't know who Magneto is? 18Well it sure was nice of him to answer these.
1I thought I was onto something, but he can't answer as I figured.
6All I know of it is it comes from "biological chronicle." I wasn't involved in the movies at all. And I can't discuss anything having to do with 2009.
2Hello Sir, I only have one question for you that came to mind, if you could answer it.
3As you've said before, and has been said in the movies, BIONICLE means something in the Matoran Universe, or perhaps entire story, but it means something, I don't recall what though. But say if a being told one of the 09 characters that term, would they recognize it or know what it means? Or even apply to them?
4I understand if you can't answer that, but could you tell me what it actually meant, like when Vakama said it in the movies? I don't recall.
5Thank you.
6All I know of it is it comes from "biological chronicle." I wasn't involved in the movies at all. And I can't discuss anything having to do with 2009.
1Is any of this new?
2Hello Greg, I was just wondering if you could please answer these questions and great job on the serials . They are really exciting .
31. Was Mazekas mentor a turaga? 41a. Does the Tren Krom penisula have any turaga or toa? 52. Will the Klakk travel to Karda Nui or will someone or something bring them there? 63. Did Vultraz use his skyfighter to follow Icarax? 74. Why is it that Mazeka is as big as the other Av matoran in Karda Nui? 85. Will the OoMN ambush or have an all out attack when they enter Destral? 96. Was Vultraz always evil or did he once have a good side? 107. How do they get Mazeka and the swamp strider to Karda Nui? 118. Can beings in the Bionicle universe sneeze? 129. Can Onua take his shield off his shoulder and use it like that? (Ex: If he got his Nynrah Ghost Blaster knocked out of his hand and had nothing else besides his shield) 1310. If Helryx isnt going to fight then will we still see her in the serials giving orders and stuff? 1410a. Shouldnt she still fight since they need a lot of guys on their side and this is the final battle? 1511. Can a Toa of water and a Toa of fire have a combination of their elements to be steam, like for a distraction or cover? 1612. Will the OoMN ever use the heart of the visorak? 1713. Will the Mana Ko make a appearence in Destiny War, since they are OoMN agents and they work for Makuta?
18-Could I just suggest a couple powers for masks for the future Makuta or other characters in Destiny War . Ok first one is Mask of Futility (renders someone or something ineffective or useless) and the other is Mask of Feudality (cuases a feud or anger between two beings, like Rahkshi Kurahks ability) 19-If you dont like these then is ok .
20Ok Im done . Thanks Greg . I have more questions I just cant remember them . And dont worry if I remember them I wont pm until the 2 serials and podcast come out again with the 2nd chapters . Thank you for your time .
211) No 221a) Hasn't been revealed yet 232) Neither 243) He travels to KN in the skyfighter, yes 254) Simple. Just like the 2003 Matoran, he rebuilt himself 265) Follow the story and find out 276) Vultraz was always pretty shady 287) See answer to #5 298) I tend to doubt it. 309) Yes 3110) See answer to #5 3210a) No. Abe Lincoln did not fight in the Civil War ... or FDR in World War II ... or George Bush in the Iraq war ... you don't send leaders to do that. 3311) Yes 3412) See answer to #5 3513) See answer to #5 3614) Do you really think the average of 8-9 year old would understand "Mask of Feudality"?
373) That probably answers some ppls questions . I dont think its new news though . 384) He rebuilt himself, sweet . So maybe the metru matoran can look like that too . Maybe . 3910a) That stinks 4011) Sweet . . . 4112-13) Ok so that means we will probably see them both . That will be cool . 4214) I hope he likes the other one then and do you guys like them?
43Didn't you just post this on the page before? No, I'm afraid there's nothing too interesting in your post. Trust me, if something important is revealed, people here will talk it to death.
1gots a quote 21. how many brothers in arms serials will be their past 32. are these basically the feud details? vultraz kills mazeka's mentor. vultraz kills a village of matoran. mazeka nearly kills vultraz. are these the only details or all there more? 43. will any av-matoran, shadow matoran, toa nuva, makuta, takanuva, ignika going to be seen in the brothers in arms serial 54. how many serials in destiny war before any makuta are seen 65. does mazeka have any personality traits that most ko-matoran have?
71) Don't know. I write them one chapter at a time and decide what the chapter will be when I sit down to start working. 82) That's all you have so far, story just started 93) Well, Gorast already has appeared in it, and most likely at least Icarax will, if not other Makuta as well. No, the Nuva and the Ignika will not appear. 104) I don't have this planned out 115) Well, he obviously was a scholar, as most Ko-Matoran are
71) Don't know. I write them one chapter at a time and decide what the chapter will be when I sit down to start working. 82) That's all you have so far, story just started 93) Well, Gorast already has appeared in it, and most likely at least Icarax will, if not other Makuta as well. No, the Nuva and the Ignika will not appear. 104) I don't have this planned out 115) Well, he obviously was a scholar, as most Ko-Matoran are
1Hello, Mr.GregF, got some questions.
21. How far can a Toa travel with a Kualsi? 32. When Bomonga use his Mask of Growth, does his weapons grow as well? 43. Did Mazeka work for the Order by the time of Brothers in Arms? 54.6"Would you shut up?" hissed Carapar. "Rule number one: don't annoy the giant, tentacled monster, or don't they teach that one in the Shadowed One's school?"
7Carapar said that to Lariska in FoF, but how did he know that the Dark Hunters' leader is TSO when he was stuck in the Pit all the time and the DH didn't exist by the time of LoSK? 85. Will there still be 12 canisters (six each half) next year? 96. Did Vultraz have a mentor? What happened to him?
10Thank you for your time.
111) Line of sight 122) Yes 133) No 144) Simple. He was on an ocean voyage with Lariska on the way to that island. He surely heard her mention TSO during the journey. 155) I can't discuss 2009 166) No.
17Some stuffs, I didn't know about the Mask of Growth though.
18And that about Mask of Feudality, I don't think an average 8-9 years old would understand Mask of Clairvoyance (or would they?)
19Cool, you just saved me a pm to Greg.

1Hi Greg, I hope you can take the time to answer these: 21. Are the Bohrok-Kal Av-Matoran? 31b. If so, do the Toa Nuva in the swamp feel guilt over destroying the Kal as they were once Av-Matoran? 42. Are all Av-Matoran's destinies based on becoming Bohrok or turning into Toa? 53. Any plans to use Tanma, Solek and Photok for the Final battle? 64. Are the weapons Gorast's form took in Brothers In Arms going to be Helryx's weapons? 75. Will Takanuva find the Klakk and join with Vican to help the Shadow Matoran? 86. Is Vican evil? Such as selfish, greedy, scheming?
9Thanks. 10~Z~
111) The Kal were mutated Bohrok, so yes 121b) No. There was no way the Nuva could have known, so why should they feel guilty? Even if they did know, the Kal had to be stopped. 132) Or staying Matoran 143) Well, all the Matoran will be part of it in some way, they just might not be the focus of it 154) No, because she wasn't pretending to be Helryx 165) Follow the story and find out 176) Before he was a shadow Matoran, no. Vican was just bored with his life and wanted a new adventure
18Oh yes, do you plan on revealing how the krana are made or any other unanswered (pardon my forgetfulness) questions in the story?
19Some yes, some no -- depends on what's relevant to the 2008 story. How krana are made really has nothing to do with any story we are telling this year, so I am not sure how I would fit that in or what purpose it would serve.
20Ah well, it would've been great to know about the Bohrok though. Their the only enemies' tales never explained.
1Hi Greg, I read the new serials and I have some questions: 21.) The first chapter of Brothers in Arms was before Vultraz was a shadow Matoran, right? 31b.) Was he working for the BOM at the time (Gorast did come)
42.) Was this before Mazeka was affiliated with the OOMN or had any formal combat training?
53.) In the upcoming war, will the OOMN enlist the help of the remaining Toa or just use their own forces? 63b.) Do/Will they have large army-like formations, or just use smaller groups of agents? 73c.) Do they have any forces large enough to counter something like the Visorak horde or a Rahkshi army?
84.) Has any attempt been made to extract information from the captured Piraka? Has anyone discovered Zaktan's knowledge of the plan?
9Thanks for your time .
101) Correct 111b) No 122) Correct 133) Follow the story and find out 144) No, Zaktan has yet to talk.
15Nothing horribly new or exciting.
1Hello Mr. GregF,
2I hope you are doing well... Anyways, I had a few questions, and two suggestions.
31.) I am sure that you saw the Dark Knight, I overall loved it. If you did,4What was your opinion on Two-Face?
52.) What villian would you want to be in a possible next Batman movie? (If there would be one)? 63.) I do not know if you are a Catwoman fan, but I am, so I was wondering what actress you would like to see as Catwoman? (If you have a preferance/choice... If you can answer this) 74.) Who is your favorite Batman villain? 85.) Who is your favorite Batman sidekick? (example, Robin, Batgirl, etc.)
101.) In MC 10, it says that after Mutran had tested the Shadow Leech on Vican, he brought Vican to Destral. Vultraz was flying across the laboratory, and Mutran noticed that he had to be a shadow matoran. It is a known fact Icarax was responsible for this. 11It also says that Teridax was in Mahri Nui (?) so this was before Icarax got the Mask of Shadows... I think... 12So unless Icarax had Shadow Leeches before they were tested, could Icarax's former mask be an Avsa (Mask of Hunger)?
132.) Alot of people have been asking about Helryx's mask... So I was wondering if you could in the story have a Toa Suva to hold multiple Great Masks on Daxia. I am sure that as the leader of a secret super powerful organization that one mask cannot help all situations. (It also saves the trouble of creating another mask)
14Thank you for taking your time to answer.
15Blessings, 16Captain raven575
171) I thought it was much closer to the comic interpretation of the character than Tommy Lee Jones' was, and I was sorry they killed him off.
182) I believe they are talking about the Riddler for the next one 193) Charisma Carpenter 204) Ventriloquist, Joker, and Terry Tremayne 215) I was never that big on sidekicks. 221) Go back and read carefully. He tests it on Vican, and then after he brings Vican to Destral is when he sees Vultraz - and he specifically identifies Vultraz as having been leeched, so the leeches are in use at that time. 232) True, but Helryx does not adventure, so would she need lots of masks?
24Wow, thank you for replying so quickly . 25Comments:
261.) I heard about that. There is talk that Johnny Depp could play him. i would like that. I was wondering what villain you would like to see in a batman film.272.) I liked the comic interpretation of Tommy Lee Jones, only because... well he is funnyHowever I also agree that they should not have killed him off. I noticed that the Joker was not killed off.
283.) Cool 294.) Good choices, but Catwoman remains #1 in my book... along with Two-Face, Harley Quinn and Joker. 305.) No Comment... 316.) Thanks . 327.) Just trying to help.
33I only have two more questions, and I promise to leave you alon for the rest of the week:
348.) Which of the Batman movies are your favorites? 359.) I read in the OGD that you have told us how you imagine the voices of Krika and Bitil, but what kind of voice do you imagine Gorast to have.
36Thanks Again, 37Cr575
398) Batman, Batman Begins, and Batman Forever 409) Harsh382) Yeah, I see what you're saying, but Two-Face isn't supposed to be funny -- they wrote him like he was the Joker. Two-Face is serious and scary in the comics. That's what I liked about the movie, it was true to the source material. Oh, and Joker wasn't killed because originally he was supposed to come back in the third movie, but that got changed with Ledger's death.
11) Will "Brothers in Arms" be told in the order flashback, present, flashback like "Swamp of Secrets"? 22) Will we learn what happens to the hagah in "Destiny War"? 33) If the Toa Nuva went to Metru-Nui in their Adaptive Armor, would their Midak Blasters or Nynra Ghost Blasters become Disk Launchers? 44) Say Jaller was wearing the Iden, and Kongu was wearing the Tryna and Jaller went into a body that Kongu reanimated. If the the body that Jaller went into was killed... again by anyone, would Jaller's spirit die as well? 5-if Jaller went into Makuta armor, would he be able to access all 42 kratta powers?
61) No 72) Hagah will be in their own serial 83) Not necessarily, disk launchers might not be the best weapons for that environment 94) Yes 105) No. The powers are related to the Makuta himself, they aren't part of the armor.
61) No 72) Hagah will be in their own serial 83) Not necessarily, disk launchers might not be the best weapons for that environment 94) Yes 105) No. The powers are related to the Makuta himself, they aren't part of the armor.
1Hello, 2I have a few questions, oh and I thought I would tell you what I liked about Bionicle first year since thats what your asking, even though I'm about 4 or 5 months late. What I liked and what drew me in was the mystique and the curiosity of Bionicle. It was on strange Island with little villages and big animal (rahi). The warriors (toa) were awesome, each distinct and powerful. The different elements and colors along with Gali being a female warrior was awesome. THe lush and diverse lanscape of the island was great too. The story was simple and easy to follow, the whole years story could be portrayed in a 1 minute commercial along with a quick visit to the website or looking at the instruction booklet. The many matoran sets (ala McDonalds) and turaga sets. The posing of turaga and toa together. It was great.
3Anyways, question time.
41. Av-Matoran can be any color, or gender, so there could be a female matoran thats red or green?
52. Whos your favorite toa?
63. How many Toa are left that we don't know about (aside from Nuvas, Takanuva, Hagahs, Mahris, Krakua, Helryx)?
74. What can you tell us, is in the Codrex?
85. Will the Av-Matoran eventually die out, and all become bohrok? 95a. Can bohrok ever revert back, or krana revert back to Av-Matoran?
106. What happens when an average matoran dies, a non-av-matoran, a ko, onu, po, ta, ga, le, ke?
11ThanX . .
121) It's doubtful that an Av-Matoran would opt to be colors that don't represent a known tribe (since there is no "red and green" tribe). The point of color change is to fool others into thinking you belong to another tribe, not attract extra attention to yourself. 132) Kopaka 143) There's a total of about 50+ Toa left in the universe 154) Follow the story and find out 165) Krana do not come from Av-Matoran, first off. Krana are created by the Bahrag. No, Bohrok cannot revert back. And only some Av-Matoran evolve into Bohrok, not all
17Thankyou very much. A few more questions....
181. You have plans to include Teridax and Takanuva in future storylines, meaning in the 2009-? story?
192. How do you define universe in bionicle?
203. How far ahead have you guys planned the future bionicle story? 2010, 2011?
214. What has been your favorite year: 22a. storywise 23b. characterwise 24c. settingwise
261) Well, it has already been discussed that we are hoping to do a web serial in 2009 that will focus on the old universe. 272) The Matoran universe is the universe inside the domes. 283) 2011 294) Sorry, I really don't have the spare time to go into this
302. So all domes on the planet are considered the matoran universe. 312a. Would the surface be considered another universe?
325. Is the island of Mata Nui the only island on the surface in the endless ocean?
336. How many Great Spirits are ther (including Mata Nui and Tren Kom)?
347. How come Mata Nui and Makuta (Teridax) call eachother brothers?
35Thanx for the time and answers again . 366.
372) Yes 382a) It would be considered outside the Matoran universe. 395) Far as I know, yes 406) TK is not a Great Spirit. The only GS we know of in existence is Mata Nui. 417) Same reason all firefighters or police officers are considered to be brothers -- because initially they both had basically the same job, watch over and protect the Matoran.
42Some interesting stuff .
1Replies from previous questions. About Mata Nui's slumber.
2Hi Greg, just a few questions:
31) What caused the Toa Mata's nightmares whilst asleep in their canisters? 41b) Were they natural dreams? 51c) Was the storm related to it? 62) In Bionicle Legends 10, was Tahu close to the truth when he was talking to Krika about them being used? 72b) If so, why do these Makuta constantly try to kill the Toa... I know it's habit, but some of them have tried more than once, and wouldn't they of contained the urge to kill them the second time round?
8Thanks in advance,
101) Much as Mata Nui does, their minds were sensing what was going on in the outside world. 112) Well, if the Makuta just politely stepped out of the way, don't you think the Toa would suspect something? And if the Makuta were REALLY trying to kill the Toa, don't you think the Toa would be dead by now?
121) So it's natural? 131b) Was it caused by the same thing that made Mata Nui have nightmares?
16Well, we know that comatose patients are aware of what is said to them and to some extent what is going on around them, so it's the same idea
17Thanks, one last questions: Is what you said the cause of Mata Nui's awareness of the universe?
18Thanks in advance,

1how do ask greg a question? 

1You either find his member profile and click "send message" or you use the helpful link provided on the first page

1Hi Greg. These are all questions I posted on "the other BIONICLE forum" which you haven't answered. I'm PMing them to you here because that forum's topic for these sorts of questions is really piling up with unanswered questions, and you already missed one of my sets of questions because it was all mixed up with those of other people.
2You can ignore these questions there if you answer them here; in fact, once I get a response, I'll edit the questions out of my post there to make things easier for you to pick out other people's questions. Here goes:
31. Since shadow leeches have a short lifespan, do Tridax Pods help keep them alive until used? I know it's pretty obvious, but I need an official statement since I'm pretty certain you never touched on the subject in a book.
42. If you supported romance in BIONICLE, which two characters do you think would make the best couple? (i.e. boyfriend-girlfriend)
52b. Which couple would probably be the most fun to write for?
63. When you wrote for Nikila in Dreams of Destruction, did you have personality traits in mind for Toa of Lightning or did you just make up a personality for Nikila and her alone?
73b. Which of her personality traits would you consider typical of a Toa or Matoran of Lightning?
84. Do you select the names for new characters, masks, etc. from the approved names list or does someone else do that? I'd guess set designers, but then that leaves the question of how names are chosen for stuff that doesn't appear in sets.
95. The Vortixx of Xia don't care who it is they serve as long as they get good payment. What about the Nynrah Ghosts?
106. When Tahu, Pohatu, and Onua become Akamai Nuva, the new entity's Kanohi Aki Nuva is identical to Tahu's Hau Nuva. Would the same be true with the adaptive masks?
116b. Can the same be said for the adaptive Miru Nuva (both environments) and the adaptive Rua Nuva?
127. Did the Hand of Artahka have any connection to Artahka, or at least any reason his name was tied to the organization?
138. In an old PM, you told me that Kopaka's eyepiece and similar attachments could be manually removed. When Kopaka got his new adaptive Akaku Nuva, was the eyepiece already on the opposite eye from his old one, or did he manually switch it to his left eye so he could better aim his Skyblaster?
14Thanks in advance.Your help is always appreciated, and forgive me if I seem impatient in taking these here. But I'd hate to have the bulk my questions drive you away from so many fans on the other forum.
151) No 162-2b) I really am too busy to answer hypotheticals 173) Just for her 184) I choose for some things, the franchise manager does for others 195) Nynrah like to work, but they have been known to sabotage projects, like the Fohrok, if they dislike what they will be used for 206) Most likely 216b) I guess so 227) Artakha created the Toa Mata and many of the other fundamental things in the universe, that's why it was named for him 238) It was already on the opposite eye
251) Strange... I guess the Makuta have to make their raids within three hours of "reloading", then... 262) Rats. 273) Again, rats. (Guess we still have to infer what Toa of Lightning are like, then...) 284) Interesting. 295) Good point. 306) Not enough confirmation to put it on the wiki... but at least the MOCists will be happy. 317) Hmmm, Artahka made other stuff? I wonder what? 328) Rats once more.
11) From what you've seen, what's your personal opinion on 2009 and the upcoming years? 22) Do you have any doubts that the next year's sales will be pretty good? 33)what drew you initially to Bionicle? 44) What do you think of Deep sea fishes? 55) have you ever seen the works of Wayne Douglas Barlowe?
6Bionicle-related: 76) What's Bitil's personality? 87) Krika seems to have a pretty sharp mind in that large, pointy head of his. How is he in combat? 98) Is Jetrax being supercharged a bad thing? 108a) Does it give the vehicle special abilities or is it just like a boost? 119) Was Vultraz actually friends with Mazeka, or is it just a bit of insanity talking there? 1210) I have heard that Vultraz was always pretty messed up, but was he at one point slightly less evil-like he gradually got eviller and eviller as time went by, or was it spontanious- like one day he just thought 'hmmm... I've been fooling myself. I really should just go with the feelings within'? 1311) Who is more evil of the three- Ahkmou, Vultraz, Vican.
14Thanks . 15--DSV--
161-2) Sort of pointless to ask me questions like this, since I work for LEGO -- so what answers do you think you will get? 173) The story, and the fact that they were going to do a comic book 184) I rarely think of them 195) Nope 206) Eager to be recognized as the equal of the other Makuta 217) Pretty effective 228) Only if your enemy is driving it 238a) Just a boost 249) Yes, they were at one point 2510) Most evil beings do not start out as totally evil, it is something that builds over time. They do one bad thing, maybe a little one ... but over time, little bad things no longer provide the same thrill, so they have to do bigger bad things, and so on. 2611) Vultraz.
11) From what you've seen, what's your personal opinion on 2009 and the upcoming years? 22) Do you have any doubts that the next year's sales will be pretty good? 33)what drew you initially to Bionicle? 44) What do you think of Deep sea fishes? 55) have you ever seen the works of Wayne Douglas Barlowe?
6Bionicle-related: 76) What's Bitil's personality? 87) Krika seems to have a pretty sharp mind in that large, pointy head of his. How is he in combat? 98) Is Jetrax being supercharged a bad thing? 108a) Does it give the vehicle special abilities or is it just like a boost? 119) Was Vultraz actually friends with Mazeka, or is it just a bit of insanity talking there? 1210) I have heard that Vultraz was always pretty messed up, but was he at one point slightly less evil-like he gradually got eviller and eviller as time went by, or was it spontanious- like one day he just thought 'hmmm... I've been fooling myself. I really should just go with the feelings within'? 1311) Who is more evil of the three- Ahkmou, Vultraz, Vican.
14Thanks . 15--DSV--
161-2) Sort of pointless to ask me questions like this, since I work for LEGO -- so what answers do you think you will get? 173) The story, and the fact that they were going to do a comic book 184) I rarely think of them 195) Nope 206) Eager to be recognized as the equal of the other Makuta 217) Pretty effective 228) Only if your enemy is driving it 238a) Just a boost 249) Yes, they were at one point 2510) Most evil beings do not start out as totally evil, it is something that builds over time. They do one bad thing, maybe a little one ... but over time, little bad things no longer provide the same thrill, so they have to do bigger bad things, and so on. 2611) Vultraz.
27Then again, why them both act like two of my fan-characters?

21. When (If) Mata Nui is reawakened, will (would) somebody be chosen to fulfill Karzahni´s original purpose?
32. Will the Recorder feature in any serials this year?
43. Is it possible that we might get to see the Mask of Elemental Energy before this BIONICLE chapter ends? Perhaps on a Hagah? (I ask primarily because I think it´s kind of cool-looking.)
51) Don't know, after what happened the first time, I can't see Turaga being anxious to send Matoran off for that service 62) Don't know 73) No. It's a video game power up that I put into story as a favor to the game developers. I have no intention of using it again.