1Hi Mr.Farshtey, I have a question regarding the island of Artakha:
21) Was Artakha damaged by the Great Cataclysm? 31
If so to what extent?
4Thank you for your time
5Somewhat, yes, primarily A's fortress, but being crafters by nature, the locals repaired it sometime ago
6As you can see everywhere in the Bionicle Universe was damaged, but some areas were repaired quickly such as Artakha.
21) Was Artakha damaged by the Great Cataclysm? 31

4Thank you for your time

5Somewhat, yes, primarily A's fortress, but being crafters by nature, the locals repaired it sometime ago
6As you can see everywhere in the Bionicle Universe was damaged, but some areas were repaired quickly such as Artakha.
1Is Toa Ignika capible of unleashing a nova blast? 2Is Takanuva now capible of acessing the shadow matoran powers?(Like slow and blind) 3Can toa ignika just channel pure life energy? 4About what power level is Toa Ignika on? 5Does the Ignika know about it's failsafe function? 6WHy dosen't the Mata-Nui in the alternate universe intervene? 7Is Nidhiki second in command in the empire? 8Could the Ignika change a Toa back to a Matoran, or change a Turaga back to a Toa?
101) Yes 112) No 123) Yes, that is what Ignika is 134) Basically has a Toa-level control of his element 145) No 156) Why should he? He didn't intervene when the Barraki ruled most of the universe and were no worse than the Toa are being. The Matoran are working; the universe is in order; Mata Nui focuses on cosmic issues, not the day to day running of the universe. 167) You'll have to follow the story find out his status 178) No.
101) Yes 112) No 123) Yes, that is what Ignika is 134) Basically has a Toa-level control of his element 145) No 156) Why should he? He didn't intervene when the Barraki ruled most of the universe and were no worse than the Toa are being. The Matoran are working; the universe is in order; Mata Nui focuses on cosmic issues, not the day to day running of the universe. 167) You'll have to follow the story find out his status 178) No.
1Hi, I have some more questions. Most are about MoMN's armor, so you've probably already answered these, but I don't have time to search through 100 pages.
21. All of MoMN's setbacks were planned for, correct? 32. Would Artahka be willing to make some more armor for MoMN (my guess is no, but there's a chance)? 43. As of now, MoMN has no way of getting some armor, correct (excluding Artahka)? 54. In MoL and LoMN, MoMN has the same armor, just without wings MoL. Does his standard armor (by that I mean the armor that he uses the most) looks somewhat similar to this movie version? 65. Did MoMN usually have wings before the Metru came and defeated him? I mean like maybe he had wings before, but when his antidermis was forced into a puny Turaga body, and when he absorbed Nivawk he got his wings back from before. 76. Was the Kraahkan's standard form the version in the 2003 set? 87. About the issue of Kewa, Goko-Kahu, and Gukko, would you be willing say that the Gukko is the main species, and the Kewa and Goko-Kahu are names for two smaller subspecies? I think it would be a lot better than just saying they are all called Gukko, and nothing else. You wouldn't have to use Kewa and Kahu in the books or anything, just make those two subspecies. Pretty please? 98. I have a question about Jaller's name. On Mata Nui, he was called Jala. Later he was renamed Jaller. However, on Metru Nui, he was Jaller in the books. Theoretically, he should've been called Jala. Did he switch names twice? Or what (and please don't tell me it was because of legal issues; I know that, I want to know what storyline reason you've come up with)? 109. So far, the only thing that has been shown that can reverse mutagen is the Ignika, correct? 119b. Is there possibly anything else?
12Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer these .
131) Nope. Getting his armor crushed by a door was not planned for, nor was turning into Takutanuva. 142) No 153) Or inhabiting another armored being or another Makuta 164-6) Makuta is a shapeshifter, so he and his mask and armor can look how he likes. What their standard form might be has not been revealed. 177) This really is not something I am worried about since there are no plans for them to reappear in story. 188) There is no storyline reason for it. As you know, we couldn't use the old spelling for legal reasons, so we just had to go with the new spelling everywhere and ignore the old one. No storyline explanation was ever conceived, we simply retconned the old name out. 199) Correct 209b) Probably Mata Nui could do it
1Wait Shouldnt you keep the Old topic pinned, so members ca check it out? I mean, theres a lot of Q there.
1Aww.. I really liked that one 
111)Ok.. 122) There's something we didn't know. 133)

2Hey Greg. Don't mean to bother you, but I just have a few doubts.
31)Do Makuta have ANY light in them at all? Even a minute amount? 41a)If yes, then they can be affected by Shadow Leeches right?
52) Does Dweller know about Takanuva going to Karda Nui and of his Shadow Leech attack?
6Off topic: You're avatar is quite cool.. where'd ya get it?
7Thanks in advance
81) No 92) No, and the reason he doesn't is explained in Book 10 later this year 103) A BZPer made it for me
111)Ok.. 122) There's something we didn't know. 133)

11) 2009 does NOT take place in a domed universe, correct? 22) If so, this would imply that it does not take place on the same Bionicle planet that we've been on since 2001, right? 33) Is this setting going to be in the same "galaxy/solar system" as the Bionicle planet, or in a completely different universe all together? 44) Didn't you say that the Great Beings only create domed universes? I forget if I read that or not, but I just wanted to clarify. 55) If yes to 4, that would imply that 2009's world wasn't created by the Great Beings, right?
6Basically, what I've gathered so far, is that (like you said) 2009 will be a good jumping on point for new fans who won't have to know the past story, but it won't ignore everything that's gone on pre-2009, which is why old fans could still appreciate it. Basically in a nutshell, is that what 2009 is going to be?
7Thanks in advance Greg.
8- TLH
91) Correct 102) No, I didn't say that. Mata Nui was not inside a dome, nor was Voya Nui. In fact, only three years of the story -- 2004, 2005, and 2008 -- have actually been set inside the domed universe. 113) Can't answer it 124) Yes. I have also stated that the GBs did not create the planet the domed universe is on. 135) There will be things that will be there for the sake of old fans -- in fact, by the time the next story arc is done, a lot of old stuff will be resolved -- but a new fan won't need to know the old stuff to get what's going on

1Aww.. I really liked that one
2Hey Greg. Don't mean to bother you, but I just have a few doubts.
31)Do Makuta have ANY light in them at all? Even a minute amount? 41a)If yes, then they can be affected by Shadow Leeches right?
52) Does Dweller know about Takanuva going to Karda Nui and of his Shadow Leech attack?
6Off topic: You're avatar is quite cool.. where'd ya get it?
7Thanks in advance
81) No 92) No, and the reason he doesn't is explained in Book 10 later this year 103) A BZPer made it for me
111)Ok.. 122) There's something we didn't know. 133)![]()
14That old thing was 321 pages long, I think it's finally run its course. Though, I was kind of freaked out after looking for a "last page" link next to this topic for a good two minutes, only to realize it's a totally new thread.
11a. Could the Ignika in theory bring several masks to life, than create bodies for them and have his own 'Toa' team? 21b.If not, why?
32. If a Makuta used his accuracy power to shoot a beam of something at another Makuta, and that one used his dodge power, what would happen?
43. If the Ignika knew it might destroy the universe in a matter of days, what would it do, and would it really care?
54. Why would Spiriah, if the Makuta hate light, hold a weapon that weilds one?
65. Why would Mata-Nui punish Spiriah if he didn't assist the effort to put him to sleep?
81) No. While it is possible for the Ignika to bring things like rays of light to life, it cannot give something a mind. The Hau, for example, has no mind. So if you bring it to life, all you have is something that hungers, but it isn't going to think or go out and fight for right. It will be like a zombie, just driven by primal instinct 92) Depends on whose will is stronger 103) Most likely, it would warn the Toa 114) That gets explained in the serial 125) Because Mata Nui knows the Brotherhood struck at him, he has no idea if Spiriah was there or not. He doesn't keep track of every individual being in his universe. If some roaches get into your cabinet, do you hold off killing one because maybe that one didn't get in, or do you get rid of all the ones you see?
13Very interesting...
11. About how many un-shadowed Av-Matoran are left in Karda Nui by the time the Toa Nuva arrive? 21) Oh, probably less than 100.
32. Does Takanuva have the potential to use the same abilities as the ones listed for the Av-Matoran, or are they specific to those beings? 42) He would have the potential, yes, but not the training. So potential is all it is.
53a. The Kanohi worn by the Toa Nuva are new adaptive ones supplied by Artakha, correct? 63a) Yes 73b. If so, supposing the Nuva were out of the Karda Nui dome and they switched masks, their Kanohi would be non-adaptive, right? 83b) Correct
94. Can Artakha replace Tahu's masks? Would he be willing to do so? 104) Yes, and maybe
115. I'm a little confused about the Midak. I heard that only Kopaka's team is equipped with them, and Tahu's is not. Did Artakha just give those three Midak and not the other three? Or, since their weapons are adaptive and since the other team is in a different environment, will Tahu's team have something different for a weapon? 125) They are adaptive weapons. For Kopaka's team, they turned into Midak. For Tahu's, they turn into something else.
136. Is Takanuva's ability to control light decreased, or has he just gained shadow in addition to it? 146) Gained shadow in addition to it, and of course, can now only shoot light from hand, not both.
157. Probably can't answer this, but are the swamp Makuta blind as well? 167) No, they are not.
178. How exactly do the Shadow Matoran act as eyes for the Phantoka Makuta? Do the Makuta see through their eyes when attached? Do they communicate telepathically? Or do the Matoran just shout out directions? 188) Telepathic link, so they see through the Matoran's eyes
199. To be truthful, Brutaka's choice of companions for his current mission seems odd. I mean, Spiriah's use as a Makuta is obvious, Carapar and Takadox have already proven their worth, Roodaka...I have a little trouble seeing, but I guess she would be useful if they're in a situation that requires some fast talking (and in a fight too, but I'm trying to rationalize having someone so twisty on the team). But I can't guess why Vezon would be there. Or did Brutaka not really have a choice?209) Ah, but you overlook one thing about Vezon -- of everyone on this team, he is the only one no Makuta has ever encountered or knows anything about. That gives him an edge.
2110. How exactly do Tridax pods work? Is it pretty much like the set, where the Makuta just drop them like bombs, or can they actually be projected? 2210) They pretty much get dropped and then open
2311. Who made the jetpacks and weapons for the Av-Matoran? Did they make them themselves or did they get them from an outside source? 2411) Made them themselves
2512a. In the Atlas, it was mentioned that there were cracks forming in the ground around the Coliseum on Metru Nui. Has that been stopped now that Mata Nui is no longer in danger of dying? 2612) Yes 2712b. And did the Staff of Artakha repair them? It says that the staff repaired all damage caused by the Great Cataclysm, but this was after. 2812b) No, they will have to be repaired by the Matoran 2912c. So, did the Staff only repair damage cause directly by that Cataclysm? Say, the Brotherhood levelled a city after the GC. Would the Staff have repaired that or no? 3012c) No
3113. When will the Sundial be mentioned again? 3213) In the Dark Mirror serial
3314. How widespread are the Zyglak? Sounds like they're all over the place. 3414) Oh, they do pop up here and there -- look for a reappearance by them in Chapter 3 of Federation of Fear
3515. Has it been established what the Frostelus are/can do? Because it seems that they're a pretty common and dangerous enemy throughout the universe. 3615) We have kept them largely a mystery, but they may show up again this year
3716a. Were there any Makuta who thought that attacking Mata Nui was wrong? 3816a) There were some who felt it unwise, but none who objected on moral grounds. 3916b. Long shot, but if yes, are any alive today? 4016b) At least one
4117. Where did the Av-Matoran live before the Great Cataclysm? Probably Karda Nui, but I also mean where as in where before giant stalactites came crashing down for them to build villages on. 4217) Underground in the main continent
43Nothing new, just some stuff I wanted clarified. Yay . Frostelus . I really like them for some reason.

1Hi, just a quick question,
2Could a being that had enough willpower use the vahi on the Ignika as iit was about to go black to slow down the life killing process?
3Good thought, TR. Yes, that would work, but it's not going to happen. The Vahi plays no role in 2008 story.
4Well i thought it was a good theory.....
113. When will the Sundial be mentioned again? 213) In the Dark Mirror serial
3Ah ha . So this proves that Krakua was not the one that told Lewa to put the sundial where he put it or the one that told Matoro to put on the mask . After all, how could Krakua know that Brutaka would accidentally put Takanuva in the mirror universe?
113. When will the Sundial be mentioned again? 213) In the Dark Mirror serial
3Ah ha . So this proves that Krakua was not the one that told Lewa to put the sundial where he put it or the one that told Matoro to put on the mask . After all, how could Krakua know that Brutaka would accidentally put Takanuva in the mirror universe?
4It could be mentioned in the last chapter for all we know when Takanuva leaves the pocket dimension. It proves nothing about whether Krakua told Lewa and Matoro or not.

1Thanks, Greg 21) I found a quote, reading "Mata Nui is in a form of a character we have not seen yet". Is it true? 32) Making a guess, was Miserix wearing the Kraahkan in the time of the Mutran Chronicles? 43) How would you compare Miserix's intelligence and mental ability to that of MoMN? 54) Before getting flooded, was the Swamp of Secrets a bare, featureless plain? 64a) If so, before the Staclitite Villages existed and before the Time Slip, where did the Av-Matoran live? 74b) And how do they "run the core"? (They are the only ones who know how, right? )
8Thanks, 9pirakahakann
101) That would be correct, yes, he is not a character you have met in story. 112) I haven't decided. 123) Miserix is extremely intelligent, but more cautious than MOMN is. 134) It was basically a lot of sand 144a) Underground in the main continent 154b) They are the only Matoran with powers, so the only ones who can survive some of the natural perils of the core.
16Pretty interesting, did we know that?

4well, I didn't. interesting.... 5off topic: I can't believe they opened a new OGD . I can finally read the whole thing . 3Pretty interesting, did we know that?1Thanks, Greg 1) I found a quote, reading "Mata Nui is in a form of a character we have not seen yet". Is it true?2) Making a guess, was Miserix wearing the Kraahkan in the time of the Mutran Chronicles?3) How would you compare Miserix's intelligence and mental ability to that of MoMN?4) Before getting flooded, was the Swamp of Secrets a bare, featureless plain?4a) If so, before the Staclitite Villages existed and before the Time Slip, where did the Av-Matoran live?4b) And how do they "run the core"? (They are the only ones who know how, right? )Thanks,pirakahakann21) That would be correct, yes, he is not a character you have met in story.2) I haven't decided.3) Miserix is extremely intelligent, but more cautious than MOMN is.4) It was basically a lot of sand4a) Underground in the main continent4b) They are the only Matoran with powers, so the only ones who can survive some of the natural perils of the core.

1Just a few questions.
21. If Makuta is not looking for a new body, is it possible for him to die for his master plan to suceced? 32.Will the piraka make anymore storyline apperances? 43.Is there a right hand man in the BoM? 53b. If there is, who is it?
6Thank you for your time.
71) Who said he was or wasn't looking for a new body? 82) Possibly in a serial, but nothing planned at the moment. 93) Not really, no.
21. If Makuta is not looking for a new body, is it possible for him to die for his master plan to suceced? 32.Will the piraka make anymore storyline apperances? 43.Is there a right hand man in the BoM? 53b. If there is, who is it?
6Thank you for your time.
71) Who said he was or wasn't looking for a new body? 82) Possibly in a serial, but nothing planned at the moment. 93) Not really, no.
1Some questions I asked Greg...
2Hello again, Mr. Farshtey, thank you for answering my last batch of questions, now I have a few more:
31) Is it possible for Krakua to be a set/combiner this summer? 42) Do you know if the Brickmaster exclusive be avalible in Lego stores? 53) Was the BM exclusive that Hydraxon-faced, four-leged creature? 64) Did Miserix (sp?) originally where the Kraakhan? 74a) If he didn't will we find out what he wore? 85) Does Spiriah's "Matoran" (is it a Matoran?) have any storyline signifingance, or was it there to fit with the rest of the Phantoka Makuta? 96) I heard that Mutran wears the Kanohi Artidax: the Mask of Mutation, did he simply shapeshift his mask to look like Chirox's? 107) Did MoMN overthrow Miserix before or after the BoM's rebellion? 118) Where are you currently in the web content? (What chapter?) 129) When will the Phantoka comics come out? 1310) Are there more CGI clips of the Phantoka? 1412) What is your favourite Legends book? 1513) Was Legacy of Evil a last minute book?
16Thank You for your time .
171) We can't make a set of Krakua for sale, he is a fan-built model. We don't own the rights to him. 182) Not in the US, no 193) No. 204-4a) Too early to discuss this 215) It was mainly done to emphasize the connection feature 226) He doesn't wear the Artidax 237) Too early to discuss this 248) I am on Chapter 2 259) First 2008 comic is March 2610) Only one I know of is the one that's out. I don't work on that stuff. 2712) Bionicle Legends #4 and probably #8 2813) No, it was always on the schedule, but the original idea behind it was that it would be packaged with a Piraka mini-figure, that is why they wanted a Piraka-centered story.
29Comments: 301) Aww... too bad... 312) Man, I was hoping it would at least be in Lego Stores... 323) That is Bad Guy '08 334-4a) Only time will tell... 345) Wait, I read he will be in the story... 356) I guess he wears the Shelek then... 367) I'm guessing before. 378) Chapter 3 now, probably. 389) I wonder who the new artist is. 3910) I hope there's more. 4011) Didn't post question or answer, 'cause it dealt with leaked names. 4112) Mine were #5 and #8... 4213) They shoulda stuck with that idea. 43________________________________________________________________________________
441) How often are the new serials, blogs, and podcasts going to be updated? 452) Are they going to continue into the summer, or will we have a new group of web content? 463) Is Takanuva really a Toa of Twilight, or is that just a nickname, like "Toa Olda"? 474) Which serial do you find most interesting to write? 485) Will Mutran's blog reveal how MoMN got to be the leader of the BoM (Not just that he simply overthrew Miserix)? 496) Will Dark Mirror show how Takanuva gets to Karda Nui, or will Bionicle Legends#10? 507) I heard Miserix was going to be a summer combiner, is this true? 518) What are you currently writing, (besides the web content)? 528a) How far are you on your current book? 539) Do you know if the Ignika will be released in black later this/ next year?
541) Each one should be updated every two weeks 552) They will run through May, at which point we will start three new ones 563) That's just my nickname for him 574) Too early to have a preference 585) We'll see 596) You will know from Dark Mirror, most likely 607) I actually never said he would be a combiner, just that he would be a model that wouldn't be for sale 618) Bionicle Legends #11 628a) About a quarter of the way done 639) No, it will not.
64Comments: 651) Okay. 662) Good, I didn't want Dark Mirror running through July. 673) It would be a cool name for him if it was real. 684) Mine's Federation of Fear. 695) I hope so... 706) I was hoping Dark Mirror ends with Takanuva going into a portal of some kind, then Bionicle Legends#10 opens with a portal opening in Karda Nui and him coming out... 717) So... That doesn't make much sense because the only non-released sets are combiners, right? 728) I hope it turns out as good as I think it will . 739) Aw... I was hoping for that...
2Hello again, Mr. Farshtey, thank you for answering my last batch of questions, now I have a few more:
31) Is it possible for Krakua to be a set/combiner this summer? 42) Do you know if the Brickmaster exclusive be avalible in Lego stores? 53) Was the BM exclusive that Hydraxon-faced, four-leged creature? 64) Did Miserix (sp?) originally where the Kraakhan? 74a) If he didn't will we find out what he wore? 85) Does Spiriah's "Matoran" (is it a Matoran?) have any storyline signifingance, or was it there to fit with the rest of the Phantoka Makuta? 96) I heard that Mutran wears the Kanohi Artidax: the Mask of Mutation, did he simply shapeshift his mask to look like Chirox's? 107) Did MoMN overthrow Miserix before or after the BoM's rebellion? 118) Where are you currently in the web content? (What chapter?) 129) When will the Phantoka comics come out? 1310) Are there more CGI clips of the Phantoka? 1412) What is your favourite Legends book? 1513) Was Legacy of Evil a last minute book?
16Thank You for your time .
171) We can't make a set of Krakua for sale, he is a fan-built model. We don't own the rights to him. 182) Not in the US, no 193) No. 204-4a) Too early to discuss this 215) It was mainly done to emphasize the connection feature 226) He doesn't wear the Artidax 237) Too early to discuss this 248) I am on Chapter 2 259) First 2008 comic is March 2610) Only one I know of is the one that's out. I don't work on that stuff. 2712) Bionicle Legends #4 and probably #8 2813) No, it was always on the schedule, but the original idea behind it was that it would be packaged with a Piraka mini-figure, that is why they wanted a Piraka-centered story.
29Comments: 301) Aww... too bad... 312) Man, I was hoping it would at least be in Lego Stores... 323) That is Bad Guy '08 334-4a) Only time will tell... 345) Wait, I read he will be in the story... 356) I guess he wears the Shelek then... 367) I'm guessing before. 378) Chapter 3 now, probably. 389) I wonder who the new artist is. 3910) I hope there's more. 4011) Didn't post question or answer, 'cause it dealt with leaked names. 4112) Mine were #5 and #8... 4213) They shoulda stuck with that idea. 43________________________________________________________________________________
441) How often are the new serials, blogs, and podcasts going to be updated? 452) Are they going to continue into the summer, or will we have a new group of web content? 463) Is Takanuva really a Toa of Twilight, or is that just a nickname, like "Toa Olda"? 474) Which serial do you find most interesting to write? 485) Will Mutran's blog reveal how MoMN got to be the leader of the BoM (Not just that he simply overthrew Miserix)? 496) Will Dark Mirror show how Takanuva gets to Karda Nui, or will Bionicle Legends#10? 507) I heard Miserix was going to be a summer combiner, is this true? 518) What are you currently writing, (besides the web content)? 528a) How far are you on your current book? 539) Do you know if the Ignika will be released in black later this/ next year?
541) Each one should be updated every two weeks 552) They will run through May, at which point we will start three new ones 563) That's just my nickname for him 574) Too early to have a preference 585) We'll see 596) You will know from Dark Mirror, most likely 607) I actually never said he would be a combiner, just that he would be a model that wouldn't be for sale 618) Bionicle Legends #11 628a) About a quarter of the way done 639) No, it will not.
64Comments: 651) Okay. 662) Good, I didn't want Dark Mirror running through July. 673) It would be a cool name for him if it was real. 684) Mine's Federation of Fear. 695) I hope so... 706) I was hoping Dark Mirror ends with Takanuva going into a portal of some kind, then Bionicle Legends#10 opens with a portal opening in Karda Nui and him coming out... 717) So... That doesn't make much sense because the only non-released sets are combiners, right? 728) I hope it turns out as good as I think it will . 739) Aw... I was hoping for that...
1Hey Greg, I just finished reading the 2nd chapter of the Mutran Chronicles and had one question concerning it.
2Who was this leutenant for Misesrix?
3- TLH
6I knew it was him .

1greg's probably trying to prolong the mystery of makuta's name as long as possible, hopefully for Bionicle Legends #9
1that's what i mean, he wants people to find it first in Bionicle Legends #9 first, so he's prolonging, but he may have to finally put the name in the MC, so we know what's going on. but it's hopefully first found in the book. not that it isn't there, but which will it be found in first.
1that's what i mean, he wants people to find it first in Bionicle Legends #9 first, so he's prolonging, but he may have to finally put the name in the MC, so we know what's going on. but it's hopefully first found in the book. not that it isn't there, but which will it be found in first.
2Not true exactly.BL9 is done so the name is already there but Greg hasn't decided to put it in the MC yet.It's all up to him basically.
1no, he's got to do it sooner or later, or no one will know when it's MoMN. it's just when, i'm thinking he's prolonging it, hopefully by Bionicle Legends #9.
1Hello Mr. Farshtey a few questions
21) In the alternative universe are the rahagah or the krahka still under the archives
32) you mentioned that the makuta have no light in them, does this extend to personality, I mean if Antroz had no light in him he'd be as dirty a fighter as Chirox.
43) On Bs01 it is mentioned that their is a makuta that supports the Brotherhood's grand scheme but also realizes that the plan will not make the universe better" (on the risk of sounding stupid) is this canon? 5b)if so is this makuta a summer or winter makuta?
64) How often does Mutran use his twisted sense of humour?
75) could you say Vican is terrified of Mutran
86) could you descibe Spirah as paranoid?
97) is Vezon mentally immature?
108) you know how Vamprah communcates mently does he project his thoughts in words or pictures?
119) asides from being fallen 'stars' how would you separatly describe Kirop and Radiak's personalities
1210) did Gavla become a shadow matoran willingly
1311) is Mutran possess any other qualities besides being "supposibly" beyond crazy and having a twisted sense of humour
14cheers .
151) Krahka would be. The Toa Hagah never became Rahaga in this universe. 162) I disagree. Wanting to kill someone fairly still means you want to kill them, doesn't mean you're good at heart. 173) Yes 183a) Summer 194) How often does anyone use their sense of humor? 205) Wary is probably a better word 216) It's not paranoia if people really are out to get you 227) No, he's deranged 238) Words 249) I believe this info is already on BIONICLE.com 2510) No. Vican is the only being we know who became a shadow Matoran willingly 2611) All beings possess many different qualities. But I only have room to show so many in the story
281) Hmmmmmmm I feel a theory brewing
292) darn . Antroz is a simple villian who just prefers to fight fairly
314) well, depends really
325) no comment
336) I guess you can't blame him
347) I was merely wondering what sort of lunatic he was
personally I think it makes him more scarier
369) better look it up
3710) Thats something new, better update BS01 people
3811) well BS01 won't let me say Mutran has a twisted sense of humour
21) In the alternative universe are the rahagah or the krahka still under the archives
32) you mentioned that the makuta have no light in them, does this extend to personality, I mean if Antroz had no light in him he'd be as dirty a fighter as Chirox.
43) On Bs01 it is mentioned that their is a makuta that supports the Brotherhood's grand scheme but also realizes that the plan will not make the universe better" (on the risk of sounding stupid) is this canon? 5b)if so is this makuta a summer or winter makuta?
64) How often does Mutran use his twisted sense of humour?
75) could you say Vican is terrified of Mutran
86) could you descibe Spirah as paranoid?
97) is Vezon mentally immature?
108) you know how Vamprah communcates mently does he project his thoughts in words or pictures?
119) asides from being fallen 'stars' how would you separatly describe Kirop and Radiak's personalities
1210) did Gavla become a shadow matoran willingly
1311) is Mutran possess any other qualities besides being "supposibly" beyond crazy and having a twisted sense of humour
14cheers .
151) Krahka would be. The Toa Hagah never became Rahaga in this universe. 162) I disagree. Wanting to kill someone fairly still means you want to kill them, doesn't mean you're good at heart. 173) Yes 183a) Summer 194) How often does anyone use their sense of humor? 205) Wary is probably a better word 216) It's not paranoia if people really are out to get you 227) No, he's deranged 238) Words 249) I believe this info is already on BIONICLE.com 2510) No. Vican is the only being we know who became a shadow Matoran willingly 2611) All beings possess many different qualities. But I only have room to show so many in the story
281) Hmmmmmmm I feel a theory brewing
292) darn . Antroz is a simple villian who just prefers to fight fairly

314) well, depends really
325) no comment
336) I guess you can't blame him
347) I was merely wondering what sort of lunatic he was

369) better look it up
3710) Thats something new, better update BS01 people
3811) well BS01 won't let me say Mutran has a twisted sense of humour

1Hi, Mr Farshtey. Sorry to trouble you, but I would like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind:
21) If an Avsa wearer was interrupted while attempting to drain the light out of someone, would the effects be the same as a half-drained being like Takanuva? 32) Seeing as how Kraata can survive long periods without disintegrating, are their incredibly short lifespans upon being mutated into Shadow Leeches a downside to their mutation? 43) Since Pohatu needs his propeller-arms to fly, how is he going to engage in a melee sky-battle without Photon? 54) If waking up Mata Nui is part of the Makuta's plan, why send the Brotherhood to harass the Toa? 65) What's to stop the OOMN from simply going into the Universe Core and using the Staff of Artakha there? Assuming the damage there was caused by the Cataclysm... 76) Any plans for a Bionicle video game to go along with next year's movie?
8That's all for now. Thanks in advance.
91) Yup 102) Yes 113) Either shut down one propeller or shut down both briefly and strike before you start to fall. Keep in mind that if he is close to Lewa, Lewa's mask power can keep him from falling as well. 124) Because WHEN he gets awakened is part of the plan too. 135) It wouldn't make much difference, the major damage there -- the hole and waterfall -- have been repaired already. The rest is not a serious obstacle at this point. 146) Not that I am aware of, but that doesn't mean no. I don't usually get this kind of info this early.
15Video Game?

1Hi Greg
2Some questions:
31- The thing that Takanuva was talking about that was in the archives, is it Krahka? 41b- Is it even alive?
52- Does the Nui stone give somebody new powers or does it only strengtens the powers that the toa holds?
63- Is the ''toa do not kill rule'' still active in the alternate universe?"
74- Did Takadox got his hypnosis power from the BoM or is it his species power?
85- If one of the current shadow matoran (Gavla, Vican etc) transforms into a toa will they than have wings?
96- About the Midak blasters: what if one of the makuta got it and use it against a Av-matoran, will it than fire shadow instead of light?
10All for now
111) You'll find out in Chapter 3 -- keep in mind, it has to be something or someone Vakama told a tale about in 2004-2005, which narrows your list of suspects and rules out beings like Dweller. 122) Strengthens what you already have 133) No. Tuyet values order above all else, not justice, not mercy. Order demands that disorder be exterminated. 144) That is his species power, but the Pit mutation made it stronger. 155) Yes. 166) It would adapt for whoever the Makuta were fighting.
17About 1 and 5
181- I hope it's Krahka 195- Cool

20And off-topic: Cool a new OGD
1Hey Greg. 2Nice jobs with the serials. I love how Takanuva thinks that he's going crazy.
3Just a few questions if you don't mind![]()
41. Are there any Toa coming out in the Summer that aren't The Nuva and Takanuva?
52. Strange voice tells Matoro to put on the mask, strange voice tells Lewa to move Sundial, Gali gets a sudden urge to check the Red Star with the Kanohi Akaku. Coincidence?
63. In the "Tuyetverse" Karzahni's still completely mental right?
74. Has Mata Nui ever made any Rahi, seeing as he was the one who taught the BOM how to do it?
85. Is Mata Nui the UC?
96. In MNOG I, in Onu-Koro, the Matoran cannot dig through a layer of rock. Turaga Whenua asks what it is made of, and the Matoran replies, "Our prospectors believe it to be made of rock, but it has higher organic levels than any Mineral Composite we've seen". Is this cannon? 106a. If so, does it have any significance?
117. Is TSO still alive in the "Tuyetverse"?
128. And MoMN?
139. Does MoMN's name have an X or a Z in it?
14Thank you
151) No 162) We'll see 173) Not as mental as Makuta left him in ours 184) No. 195) I am not allowed to discuss what he is or is not 206) No. A lot of MNOG is not. 217-8) We'll see 229) I have had this question from a few people, and I don't really understand it -- why does this matter?
231. Okay dokey. 243. So he's as crazy as he was before the pit? 254. Oh.265. Darn. 276. Ok. 289. It doesn't really. It's just that alot of names recently have had x's and z's in them. I think we were just wondering if it was following the same convention.
29Oh yeah I thought of another one. Takanuva is taking himself and Takua down to the Archives. This has something to do with Sundial hasn't it?
30No, it doesn't.
31Okay. There goes that theory. Does the Sundial have ANYTHING to do with Taka'?
32Well, he is carrying one with him, but it only plays a small part in this serial.
1Here's some interesting info from Greg
2QUOTE 3Hello, Mr. Farshtey . I have a few questions that have been bugging me for a while.
41. Can Mutran fly with those wings or are they vestigal? 5b. If not, how can he get around Karda Nui?
62. Did the Av-matoran craft their rocket boosters themselves? 7b. If not, where did they get them?
83. How did the Inika get their weapons? Were they in the canisters already?
94. In Dark Mirror, if Karzahni and Gali run the re-education center, what happened to Karzahni (land) and the fixed matoran?
10Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my PM. You must be very busy.
111) Yes, he can fly 122) Yes 133) Yes 144) The Matoran were freed, so the land is empty of all but Manas
161. Wierd
172. I wonder how they made them
183. Well, that's one mystery solved
194. I wonder where they went 
2QUOTE 3Hello, Mr. Farshtey . I have a few questions that have been bugging me for a while.
41. Can Mutran fly with those wings or are they vestigal? 5b. If not, how can he get around Karda Nui?
62. Did the Av-matoran craft their rocket boosters themselves? 7b. If not, where did they get them?
83. How did the Inika get their weapons? Were they in the canisters already?
94. In Dark Mirror, if Karzahni and Gali run the re-education center, what happened to Karzahni (land) and the fixed matoran?
10Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my PM. You must be very busy.
111) Yes, he can fly 122) Yes 133) Yes 144) The Matoran were freed, so the land is empty of all but Manas
161. Wierd

1These are some questions I asked Greg:
21) How much antidermis is in a makutas armor, is it completely filled up, or is there room for the antidemis move around?
31) No, there's room
42) What exactly were the Piraka planning to do if they got the mask of life?
52) Blackmail. The BOM wanted it, the Toa wanted it, and whoever wanted it most was going to have to give the Piraka anything they wanted
63) Would you say a Bohrok-kal is like a toa strength wise, I mean they have an element, tools and a krana power( mask power)?
73) Well, if that is your litmus test, wouldn't standard Bohrok be close too? They have an element, a tool, and a krana power as well.
84) Can the Piraka really remove their spines?
94) No idea. That was something done for an ad, it was never mentioned in the story bible.
105)Did the Makuta seal off Zakaz by closing all the entrances to the domes, or by just sending Visorak to keep anyone from leaving the island?
115) Basically, by making it known that anyone going there would be in a lot of trouble, and dispatching their agents to keep an eye on the place
126) How do Makuta seal off domes?
136) Close the sea gates.
147) About how many Makuta would you say are left, 20, 30?
157) I can't discuss this
168) How do the Piraka fear Zaktan, do they avoid him if at all possible, or do they just get scared strait?
178) The latter. They can't avoid him, he's their leader.
189) Does Zaktan still have a multitude of voices, or did that go away when Makuta stopped controling him?
199) The multitude of voices was because he is made up of multiple, microscopic beings. The more guttural voice is now missing, yes, because Makuta is not around, but Makuta was never "controlling" him -- simply making suggestions
2010) Will it ever be revealed why Zaktan didn't die when the Shadowed One shot his laser beams at him?
2110) Simply his nature.
2211) Will the official summer set pictures be released at the 2008 toy fair? 2311a) If so, when is the toy fair?
2411) The sets are shown to the toy press at ToyFair, who then publicize the pictures in their magazines and sites. 2511a) Two weeks from now
21) How much antidermis is in a makutas armor, is it completely filled up, or is there room for the antidemis move around?
31) No, there's room
42) What exactly were the Piraka planning to do if they got the mask of life?
52) Blackmail. The BOM wanted it, the Toa wanted it, and whoever wanted it most was going to have to give the Piraka anything they wanted
63) Would you say a Bohrok-kal is like a toa strength wise, I mean they have an element, tools and a krana power( mask power)?
73) Well, if that is your litmus test, wouldn't standard Bohrok be close too? They have an element, a tool, and a krana power as well.
84) Can the Piraka really remove their spines?
94) No idea. That was something done for an ad, it was never mentioned in the story bible.
105)Did the Makuta seal off Zakaz by closing all the entrances to the domes, or by just sending Visorak to keep anyone from leaving the island?
115) Basically, by making it known that anyone going there would be in a lot of trouble, and dispatching their agents to keep an eye on the place
126) How do Makuta seal off domes?
136) Close the sea gates.
147) About how many Makuta would you say are left, 20, 30?
157) I can't discuss this
168) How do the Piraka fear Zaktan, do they avoid him if at all possible, or do they just get scared strait?
178) The latter. They can't avoid him, he's their leader.
189) Does Zaktan still have a multitude of voices, or did that go away when Makuta stopped controling him?
199) The multitude of voices was because he is made up of multiple, microscopic beings. The more guttural voice is now missing, yes, because Makuta is not around, but Makuta was never "controlling" him -- simply making suggestions
2010) Will it ever be revealed why Zaktan didn't die when the Shadowed One shot his laser beams at him?
2110) Simply his nature.
2211) Will the official summer set pictures be released at the 2008 toy fair? 2311a) If so, when is the toy fair?
2411) The sets are shown to the toy press at ToyFair, who then publicize the pictures in their magazines and sites. 2511a) Two weeks from now
11. Why did Tuyet killed innocent matoran?
22. How would you compare MOMN and Toa Tuyet in term of personality?
33. What did the Dark Hunters wanted the Nui Stone?
44. Did Tuyet became a Rogue Toa the moment she murdered a matoran?
55. Before the Kanohi Dragon incident, did Tuyet resented the Brotherhood of Makuta, the Dark Hunters, crimes, etc?
66. When Tuyet decided to use the Nui Stone to gain power, did she turned to the dark side?
71) Because she knew Dark Hunters were after her and she wanted to frame them for the murders so Lhikan would be occupied tracking them down. 82) Makuta acts out of ego and selfishness. He wants the Matoran to honor and worship him. Tuyet doesn't act out of personal glory, she honestly thinks that the best thing to do is take all this power and then wipe out any potential threat to the Matoran. At least consciously, it's not about her -- it's about a desire to protect the Matoran gone out of control, basically. 93) Because it's an object of power, which means it would have value to a lot of different people. If, for example, the Makuta ever managed to make a Toa of Shadow, they could use it, which means they would pay a high price for it, or the Toa would pay a high price to get it back. 104) Yes 115) Sure. Tuyet had the stone before she ever went to Metru Nui. 126) I would say she got caught up in the need for order, at the expense of things like justice and mercy.
1I wonder why Tuyet didn't use the Nui stone to put her plan in action before she left for Metru-Nui.
1I have quite a lot of questions. Some of them are longer than others. I'll start out with the easy ones.21. Was Lesovikk the leader of the first Toa Team? 32. Is there a storyline reason to why the Toa Mata's Toa Tools were colored, instead of the regular silverish color that most of the Toa had? 43. Are there diseases in the BIONICLE World? I know there are viruses. 54. Is it possible to allow Spiriah to give powers to Vezon, making him a "true" Skakdi? 65. In the Mask of Light novel, it is said that Takanuva ripped the Mask of Shadows off of the MoMN's face, and switched masks with him before tumbling into the pool of Energized Protodermis. However, in the Mask of Light movie, Takanuva tries to take the Kanohi mask off, but before it happens, they both tumble into the pool. Which scene really happens? I would think the former choice is the real scene. 76. Would it be correct to say that Miserix has the same abilities as the other Makuta? 87. What's Miserix's way of handling a hostile situation? What I mean is, how does he battle? For example, Icarax's method would be to demolish all his opponents. 98. How did Icarax hand the Staff of Artakha to the Makuta of Metru Nui without being mutated by the Pit Mutagen? 109. I am having trouble understanding why it was important to reveal such a character as Jovan. I mean, wouldn't it be more "fulfilling" in a way to introduce the Toa who actually used the Mask of Life before Matoro? 1110. Can you explain to me about the League of Six Kingdoms? Like a brief history on how the Barraki became warlords? 1211. You have stated before at least one Makuta who thought attacking Mata Nui was wrong. Was this Makuta Miserix? 1312. It's been said that Takanuva encountered the Frostelus on Metru Nui. How did the battle go? 1413. Besides the Toa Nuva, or rather the Toa Mata, has any other Toa, or groups of Toa, been to Karda Nui? 1514. Is there an Order of Mata Nui agent in: 16a. Metru Nui 17b. Karda Nui 18c. Xia 19d. Stelt 20e. Zakaz 21If not, can you explain to me why not for each? 2215. If say, 5 Toa with different elements, and Toa Ignika combined their elemental powers, would a Toa Seal form? 2316. What are ALL of the differences between a normal Toa and Toa Ignika? 2417. What are all of the stages that the Mask of Life might go through? Like before, it was gold. But now it's silver because the Brotherhood of Makuta is in Karda Nui. And it might turn black if they stay there longer than 3 days. And then the Universe is... Er... Destroyed. Is this all correct? 2518. Toa Jaller Inika had two Energized Flame Swords. Something like that. Is it right to say that all of the Toa Inika had two Toa Tools? How about the Toa Mahri? 26Thank you for answering these. I appreciate the work you have done.
271) It hasn't been stated, but I tend to lean against it right now. If you recall, there is a scene in his flashback where the Toa of Lightning tells him the others are going to do something and he should come along. If he was team leader, it would seem that he would be telling them what to do rather than just being invited along. 282) No. 293) It's certainly possible. 304) Spiriah does not have access to any of the stuff he would need to be able to do that. 315) The book is based on the original script, which got changed for the movie. But as I recall, there is a scene in the film where Takanuva takes Makuta's mask off and you see this flash of energy coming from inside Makuta. But you are correct that the mask switching does not happen in the film. 326) Yes 337) Miserix doesn't battle, he orders other people to battle. 348) Pit Mutagen is down by the sea bottom, not up as high as Icarax was. 359) Simple. I needed Jovan to have become a Turaga, so I could identify the Turaga of VN and Lesovikk could eventually quote him to an MN Matoran. I could not do that with the Toa who used the mask, because he never became a Turaga, he died. 3610) I don't really have the time for a long explanation of this, I'm sorry. 3711) He felt it was unwise, yes 3812) Well, Takanuva is still alive, so that should tell you something 3913) Yes. Jovan's team. 4014a) Yes 4114b) No 4214c) Probably 4314d) Probably 4414e) Highly doubtful. Any non-Skakdi on Zakaz would probably get killed. 4515) Probably, yes 4616) Again, this is going to take too long to go into and I have 50 other PMs I have to get through this morning. Ignika is not in the story yet, so I would suggest following the story and you should see the answer as you go. I can tell you one right now -- if you take a mask off a normal Toa, the Toa's body does not disintegrate. Ignika's does. 4717) Yes 4818) No, not necessarily. It's not mandated that they all have to have two
1Interesting replies, Greg. Also, I think that Miserix will be a model that's put on BS01. You know the DH sets that are on there? I think he'll be like those, not for sale but designed and created, nonetheless. If he isn't a combiner, what else is he? 2
3Well, he could be the winning model for the BoM contest. Also, about MoMN's name, I get the feeling that Greg is trying to avoid the question, so I think that Greg picked a name with "x" or "z" in it. If he doesn't think it matters, then he wouldn't be likely to avoid one.
1Interesting replies, Greg. Also, I think that Miserix will be a model that's put on BS01. You know the DH sets that are on there? I think he'll be like those, not for sale but designed and created, nonetheless. If he isn't a combiner, what else is he? 2
3Well, he could be the winning model for the BoM contest. Also, about MoMN's name, I get the feeling that Greg is trying to avoid the question, so I think that Greg picked a name with "x" or "z" in it. If he doesn't think it matters, then he wouldn't be likely to avoid one.
4Yeah, I agree with you. But I really think it is stupid because I don't mind if he has an x or z in his name. Why would it matter? I think it gives it an evil feel to it.