1The alternate model is not a T VEHICLE but ANTROZ . . . Can't you see the difference between winter and summer versions of Antroz?? Not a vehicle...
2Same thing can be said for Pohatu and Lewa. They're different than their Phantoka counterparts. 3I hope it's an alternate, NOT a color variant, Jetrax. It makes the yellow one more worth getting.
4You said ther would be an alternate model yet to come this year-What set makes it? 5Can you tell us what it is?
6Jetrax T6
7Now we know .
8Sweet. I might just get the yellow one now. (As if I wasn't.

1We can eliminate Tren Krom from our possible 2009 returning character list, right? Along with all of the other dead characters in the bionicle universe? (Lhikan, Nidhiki, etc) 2Correct
3So this means we can cross a few off our list.
4And Guys, have you not seen any alternate models before? Go to the front page, find the search function. Scroll to sets, and then click enter. At the top of the results page it'll have a link that'll say "Alternate/COmbo Models" Look For Alternate Exo-Toa, Alternate Bahrag, Alternate Boxor.
1is this new i thinks it's new about the organic rahi
2Hi Greg that would be great if you could have a quick for the phantom image
3anyway here is my question in a pm there was a question from a member about the organic rahi on mata nui
46. How did the organic Rahi show up on Mata Nui(island)? 5ANSWER: They flew
6but were did they fly from? you have said there is no other islands on the surface world and there was no organic rahi in the MU.
7thank you for your time
8All I can say at this point is that the flyers had a lot of endurance
10"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
1is this new i thinks it's new about the organic rahi 2Hi Greg that would be great if you could have a quick for the phantom image
3anyway here is my question in a pm there was a question from a member about the organic rahi on mata nui
46. How did the organic Rahi show up on Mata Nui(island)? 5ANSWER: They flew
6but were did they fly from? you have said there is no other islands on the surface world and there was no organic rahi in the MU.
7thank you for your time
8All I can say at this point is that the flyers had a lot of endurance
10"What a boring world it would be if we had answers for all our questions." -- Thomas Raith
11Interesting, what does he mean "All I can say"? I smell 2009 relevence.
1But about the alternate model, is it made out of Jetrax or Yetrax?
1We can eliminate Tren Krom from our possible 2009 returning character list, right? Along with all of the other dead characters in the bionicle universe? (Lhikan, Nidhiki, etc) 2Correct
3So this means we can cross a few off our list.
4And Guys, have you not seen any alternate models before? Go to the front page, find the search function. Scroll to sets, and then click enter. At the top of the results page it'll have a link that'll say "Alternate/COmbo Models" Look For Alternate Exo-Toa, Alternate Bahrag, Alternate Boxor.
5True, but you have to remember that we haven't seen a alternate model since 02.
6But about the alternate model, is it made out of Jetrax or Yetrax?
7That's the fifty dollar question innit? If the latter, will the instructions be included in the instruction booklet, or online?
1It'll be online.
1I wanted to ask Xander's question actually but I never got to. Who fought who? Because I haven't seen Inferno.
1When Gali healed the poisoned Tahu in MoL, was that the same type of healing that Nokama used to heal Graahlok? Both required other Toa to contribute, but I am unsure whether Kopaka and Lewa gave up a portion of their Toa power as the Toa Metru had done in Maze of Shadows.
2Yes, it was -- remember, in the movie, the various Toa contribute toward healing Tahu
3A'ight, that brings up a couple more questions:
41) Did Gali learn this technique from Nokama?
52) As Gali prepared a sphere of water to cleanse Tahu, Kopaka and Lewa held together Kopaka's ice blades and Tahu's firesword, which then began to glow. Does this mean Toa power can be channeled through Toa tools just like elemental power?
63) Kinda unrelated, but something I thought of yesterday: How did the Turaga know where the Kanohi Nuva were hidden? Did Vakama have a vision about it?
71) Certainly possible 82) I really can't speak to what the scene was meant to convey, as I know as much about the movie story as you do. I didn't write it. 93) Most likely
10Bleh. Nothing for the wiki, but still Greg's help is always appreciated. It would be rude to expect absolute certainty on so many things he probably didn't think twice about.
1A few questions regarding the latest Brothers In Arms I just got back from Greg. Some pretty good results, IMO.
Aqua I 
2Hi Greg. I just have a few questions regarding the latest Brothers In Arms chapter. Thanks for answering my last lot of questions.
31a) Is the experiment that turned Jerbraz invisible related to how they give members additional powers? 41b) Does Jerbraz wear a Kanohi? 51c) Roughly, how tall is Jerbraz? I imagined him to be very tall initially, but now I can't decide between Toa-size or Matoran-size.. 62) Is Krakua residing on the Tren Krom Peninsula? 73) Since Krakua is appearing as a Matoran in the serial, will you be giving Sonics an elemental prefix? If it's needed in the context, obviously...
8Thanks .
91) Yes 101b) No 111c) I would put him at about 8.5 feet. 122) We'll find out 133) Possibly, yes

1Yea, Aqua Iruini, we might have a prefix for my favorite element .
1A few questions regarding the latest Brothers In Arms I just got back from Greg. Some pretty good results, IMO. 2Hi Greg. I just have a few questions regarding the latest Brothers In Arms chapter. Thanks for answering my last lot of questions.
31a) Is the experiment that turned Jerbraz invisible related to how they give members additional powers? 41b) Does Jerbraz wear a Kanohi? 51c) Roughly, how tall is Jerbraz? I imagined him to be very tall initially, but now I can't decide between Toa-size or Matoran-size.. 62) Is Krakua residing on the Tren Krom Peninsula? 73) Since Krakua is appearing as a Matoran in the serial, will you be giving Sonics an elemental prefix? If it's needed in the context, obviously...
8Thanks .
91) Yes 101b) No 111c) I would put him at about 8.5 feet. 122) We'll find out 133) Possibly, yes
14Aqua I
15Someone should edit number 1 at BS01.
1You said ther would be an alternate model yet to come this year-What set makes it? 2Can you tell us what it is?
3Jetrax T6
4Now we know .
5I wonder why Jetrax T6 get's all the attention..
6Probably because setwise, its the least expensive of the T series, so parents would probably be more 'thrilled' to buy it more than any other vehicle, so they are probably trying to make it look cooler for the kids.
1um... Isn't Rockoh cheaper? XD
1um... Isn't Rockoh cheaper? XD
2Not sure, where I come from, Rockoh and Jetrax cost are the same price. I dont know about you guys. I just assumed that rockoh would be more expensive due to it looking bigger. If I am wrong, forget all I have said.
3Yes, well, I come from America, and it costs 60 dollars for Jetrax vs. 40 dollars for Rockoh. But you guys have to realize, whether it's yellow Jetrax or Blue Jetrax, they can both make the alternate model, just different colors of it.
1Rockoh is 40 USD and Jetrax is 50 USD, and is probably getting all the attention because it is the coolest looking of all of them....but we are getting really really really off-topic
2on topic: I really really really hope Greg puts in the prefix for sonics, because, let's face it, Sonics rulez . . . . . . . . . . . (and yes I did mean to spell it with a z)
2on topic: I really really really hope Greg puts in the prefix for sonics, because, let's face it, Sonics rulez . . . . . . . . . . . (and yes I did mean to spell it with a z)
1Its always nice to have more elemental prefexes. We are leaving this universe next year, after all.
1um... Isn't Rockoh cheaper? XD
2Not sure, where I come from, Rockoh and Jetrax cost are the same price. I dont know about you guys. I just assumed that rockoh would be more expensive due to it looking bigger. If I am wrong, forget all I have said.
3Yes, well, I come from America, and it costs 60 dollars for Jetrax vs. 40 dollars for Rockoh. But you guys have to realize, whether it's yellow Jetrax or Blue Jetrax, they can both make the alternate model, just different colors of it.
4True, but depending on the model, would we want it to look different?
5Ooh, Sonic prefix... nifteh...
1We can eliminate Tren Krom from our possible 2009 returning character list, right? Along with all of the other dead characters in the bionicle universe? (Lhikan, Nidhiki, etc) 2Correct
3So this means we can cross a few off our list.
4And Guys, have you not seen any alternate models before? Go to the front page, find the search function. Scroll to sets, and then click enter. At the top of the results page it'll have a link that'll say "Alternate/COmbo Models" Look For Alternate Exo-Toa, Alternate Bahrag, Alternate Boxor.
5True, but you have to remember that we haven't seen a alternate model since 02.
6But about the alternate model, is it made out of Jetrax or Yetrax?
7That's the fifty dollar question innit? If the latter, will the instructions be included in the instruction booklet, or online?
8Well, the instructions will be online sometime, whether by scan or BioSector. So it really dun't matter.

1Minor spoilers:
81) We'll find out 92) No, it's too late to work it into story for 2008. 103) There are more 114) He had shown a willingness to risk his own life for justice.
2Hello Greg
31) Is Krakua native to the Tren Krom Peninsula?
42) Is the alternate Jetrax model relevant to the storyline? (will it appear?)
53) Is Nektann the sole warlord of Zakaz, or are there more?
64) Why did the OoMN recruit Mazeka, did they have a specific reason to choose him?
7Thanks again
81) We'll find out 92) No, it's too late to work it into story for 2008. 103) There are more 114) He had shown a willingness to risk his own life for justice.
1Well, in actuallity it could appear in any one...since we have all sorts of options in DW, and it looks like BiA will be more interesting and character filled than we first thought, and we have no clue what could happen in DiD, so there is a chance for them all.
1Since Krakua will be appearing in BiA sometime in the future, will we possibly see his transformation into a Toa, or are you unsure what you are going to write at this point?
2I don't think you will see his transformation, as the Krakua part of this story takes place five years before he became one.
3Oh well, I'd say it's likely we'll see the elemental prefix for Sonics, since Krakua will most likely be living among other Matoran of Sonics.
4Edited for spoiler tags.
1bummer, well, the least we can hope is how he will become a Toa... and that needs to go under a spoiler tag
1just got these answers from greg i would appreciate if someone would edit BS01 thanks .
2QUOTE 3soz should have included this in last question
4Is the four amred horned giant as tall as brutaka? 5>Takanuva? 6> Bigger than both
7Also what colours does he compose of?
8thanks greg sorry bout 2 messages this close together
91) Bigger than Brutaka, probably as large as Takanuva 102) I haven't decided but I am thinking very dark shades of red and purple
2QUOTE 3soz should have included this in last question
4Is the four amred horned giant as tall as brutaka? 5>Takanuva? 6> Bigger than both
7Also what colours does he compose of?
8thanks greg sorry bout 2 messages this close together
91) Bigger than Brutaka, probably as large as Takanuva 102) I haven't decided but I am thinking very dark shades of red and purple
1Huh. Sounds like the giant is going to be fairly important. Interesting.
1I have one. I would appreciate it if someone would edit BS01, because I cannot currently make an account
9The second question is kind of dumb, but the first one is interesting.

2A couple of Bohrok-related questions: 3Are the Bohrok's shields part of their hands or separate weapons? And if separate, can they be wielded by Toa? 4From all I've read, the Pahrak seem to control sonics, not stone. Can you clarify?
71) Separate weapons, but they were "wired into" the Bohrok, so if you take them off, there is no power source. That said, a Toa can channel his own power through any object. 82) Pahrak carried seismic shields that caused quakes. He did not control sonics.
9The second question is kind of dumb, but the first one is interesting.
1I have one. I would appreciate it if someone would edit BS01, because I cannot currently make an account .
2A couple of Bohrok-related questions: 3Are the Bohrok's shields part of their hands or separate weapons? And if separate, can they be wielded by Toa?
61) Separate weapons, but they were "wired into" the Bohrok, so if you take them off, there is no power source. That said, a Toa can channel his own power through any object.
7The second question is kind of dumb, but the first one is interesting.
9Heh, I can see that now:
10Jaller: Hey, Kapura . 11Kapura: Yeah? 12*Tahu picks up Kapura by the foot and uses him as a Toa Tool.* 13Kapura: Hot .
11. Can a Makuta repair his own armor if he has the right tool?
22. Can a being of Iron make Icarax's armor able to fit him?
33. Power is nothing without use; so if Teridax wanted power, what does he plan to do with it if he does succeed?
44. Is Ignika's failsafe feature automatic?
55. Is the Toa Code in the DM universe different from the one in the main universe?
61) No 72) Yes 83) What does any world conqueror plan to do once he conquers the world? 94) Yes 105) Yes.
1..That's a good question. What does every world conqueror do when they conquered the world?
1[According to our spoiler policy, we can't yet have Journey of Takanuva discussions... so this will have to wait, V.K.]