1Hi Mr Farshtey a few questions for you.
21) Can Jungle Agori walk on their front legs?
32) If a Glatorian accidentally kills his opponent in the Arena, will he be exiled?
43) Do all Skrall owns a Thornax Launcher?
54) Do unemployed Glatorian owns Thornax Launchers?
71) You mean basically do a handstand? Why would they want to do that? 82) Not if it is proved to be an accident, no. More likely, he would be suspended. 93) Skrall sent out on patrol carry launchers, yes. 104) Not necessarily, no. They would not be given equipment by a village, so they would have to scavenge for weapons. So if they had one, it would most likely mean they stole it from someone else.
111) Sorry I meant can they walk on their back legs?
12Yes, but generally, they don't walk on just their back legs.
1Hi Greg, 2I just read the latest chapter of Reign of Shadow, and I have a couple questions about it and the new dimension it introduced: 31) Tarduk mentions that he was "never one for history." I'm guessing that this is because he was working on...whatever it was he was working on?4"Jaller was using his fire power to weld shut a seam, while a female in blue armor urged him to hurry up. She wasn't a Toa of Water, at least Vezon didn't think so – Toa of Water usually weren't that pushy."
52) Is this Kiina? 62a) Is she urging Jaller along because she is just as eager to get of Bara Magna as in the main dimension? 73) Even though the makuta never rebelled, it seems that Miserex is all to eager to conquer. How exactly did that happen? 84) It is mentioned that Mata Nui returned "power" to the valley of the maze. Did this have any effects on alternate Bara Magna? 95) The Toa Mata are still asleep in that dimension, correct? 10Thank you very much .
111) It's because he is an alt. universe Tarduk, where he never had an interest in history, unlike the Tarduk in the main universe 122) Yes 132a) No, because all they are doing is repairing a shelter, they're building a method of escape 143) Well, we know Miserix is opposed to Teridax ... and in this universe, Teridax is working with the Agori .. so wouldn't it make sense that Miserix would be on the opposite side? 154) On the maze it did, yes 165) Good question. That depends. We don't know if MN still exists there, or if he let all of the beings in his universe go when his mission was done, in which case he might have let the Mata go too. But they would be Mata, not Nuva, most likely.
1So, you commented that you had "a list" of different elements suggested for him. Mind sharing a few? They'd be useful in the Expanded Multiverse project bones and I are working on.
2Also, I'll go ahead and assume Toa of Anarchy was not based on Toa V, my character based on V from V for Vendetta. I'll go ahead and ask for a quote on that to keep people from thinking otherwise. -Swert
31) Oh, gee, I have had people suggest everything from Crayons to Helium to Love 42) That's an easy one to answer, Swert. As you know, I don't read fan fiction -- I make a point of letting people know that up front -- so I have no idea what people on here may or may not have come up with. I chose Anarchy purely because I felt it is what Vezon best represents.
5Just so everybody is aware XD -Swert
1Hi Greg, 2I just read the latest chapter of Reign of Shadow, and I have a couple questions about it and the new dimension it introduced: 31) Tarduk mentions that he was "never one for history." I'm guessing that this is because he was working on...whatever it was he was working on?4"Jaller was using his fire power to weld shut a seam, while a female in blue armor urged him to hurry up. She wasn't a Toa of Water, at least Vezon didn't think so – Toa of Water usually weren't that pushy."
52) Is this Kiina? 62a) Is she urging Jaller along because she is just as eager to get of Bara Magna as in the main dimension? 73) Even though the makuta never rebelled, it seems that Miserex is all to eager to conquer. How exactly did that happen? 84) It is mentioned that Mata Nui returned "power" to the valley of the maze. Did this have any effects on alternate Bara Magna? 95) The Toa Mata are still asleep in that dimension, correct? 10Thank you very much .
111) It's because he is an alt. universe Tarduk, where he never had an interest in history, unlike the Tarduk in the main universe 122) Yes 132a) No, because all they are doing is repairing a shelter, they're building a method of escape 143) Well, we know Miserix is opposed to Teridax ... and in this universe, Teridax is working with the Agori .. so wouldn't it make sense that Miserix would be on the opposite side? 154) On the maze it did, yes 165) Good question. That depends. We don't know if MN still exists there, or if he let all of the beings in his universe go when his mission was done, in which case he might have let the Mata go too. But they would be Mata, not Nuva, most likely.
17Didn't it mention the name Tahu NUVA in that particular chapter though?
1Hey GregF, I have a few questions. 21. Were the Great Beings the first ones to realize that Spherus Magna was shattering slowly? 32. Was the idea of creating a giant robot conceived before Spherus Magna was slowly shattering? 43. Was the prototype robot created before or after the discovery of Spherus Magna's slow shattering? 5Thanks.
61) It didn't shatter slowly, it shattered quickly, and yes, they were the first ones to realize it might happen 72) Yes 83) Long before
18Yes, it did just reread it to check. 1Hi Greg, 2I just read the latest chapter of Reign of Shadow, and I have a couple questions about it and the new dimension it introduced: 31) Tarduk mentions that he was "never one for history." I'm guessing that this is because he was working on...whatever it was he was working on?4"Jaller was using his fire power to weld shut a seam, while a female in blue armor urged him to hurry up. She wasn't a Toa of Water, at least Vezon didn't think so – Toa of Water usually weren't that pushy."
52) Is this Kiina? 62a) Is she urging Jaller along because she is just as eager to get of Bara Magna as in the main dimension? 73) Even though the makuta never rebelled, it seems that Miserex is all to eager to conquer. How exactly did that happen? 84) It is mentioned that Mata Nui returned "power" to the valley of the maze. Did this have any effects on alternate Bara Magna? 95) The Toa Mata are still asleep in that dimension, correct? 10Thank you very much .
111) It's because he is an alt. universe Tarduk, where he never had an interest in history, unlike the Tarduk in the main universe 122) Yes 132a) No, because all they are doing is repairing a shelter, they're building a method of escape 143) Well, we know Miserix is opposed to Teridax ... and in this universe, Teridax is working with the Agori .. so wouldn't it make sense that Miserix would be on the opposite side? 154) On the maze it did, yes 165) Good question. That depends. We don't know if MN still exists there, or if he let all of the beings in his universe go when his mission was done, in which case he might have let the Mata go too. But they would be Mata, not Nuva, most likely.
17Didn't it mention the name Tahu NUVA in that particular chapter though?
1Hey GregF, I have a few questions. 21. Were the Great Beings the first ones to realize that Spherus Magna was shattering slowly? 32. Was the idea of creating a giant robot conceived before Spherus Magna was slowly shattering? 43. Was the prototype robot created before or after the discovery of Spherus Magna's slow shattering? 5Thanks.
61) It didn't shatter slowly, it shattered quickly, and yes, they were the first ones to realize it might happen 72) Yes 83) Long before
9So what was Mata Nui's original purpose then? Besides his mission.
1About the new RoS universe. 21. When is the break point of this universe from the main one? 32. Is a there a reason why Vezon couldn't work the Olmak? 43. Did they know Mata Nui personally? 54. Do the Great Beings live on this Bara Magna? 65. So is Miserix evil, while the other Makuta are mainly good? 76. Will we be getting back to this place?
81) When Makuta first planned his rebellion, after the defeat of the Barraki 92) Yes. He's not wearing the Olmak as a standard mask, it's a part of him, so it's not working the way a normal mask would. Also, Vezon doesn't have a lot of mask-wearing experience anyway, the main mask he used was the Ignika which pretty much did what it wanted. 103) They knew of him. When you are 40,000,000 feet high and everyone around you is 7 feet high, it doesn't lend itself to afternoons chatting 114) Unknown at present 125) In this universe, yes 136) I will have to at some point, since I left it on a cliffhanger
141. Gold . 152. Okay 163. the question Tarduk asked made it seem that way. My mistake. 174. Just checking 185. Okay 196. More is coming .
1Hello GregF,
21) In Riddle of the Great Beings, Vezon recognized Jaller, yet he never saw him in his Mahri form. Does that mean that in this alternate universe, the Toa Inika were never transformed by the Kanohi Ignika, seeing as Mata Nui's life was never in danger?
32) In the new alternate universe, Mata Nui was never in danger, so why do the Toa Mahri even exist.
4Also, after the data loss on BZP, many of the confirmations of pronunciations were lost. While BS01 no longer needs any, BZP's pronunciation guide is still incomplete. I'd like to help them out, yet I don't want to annoy you with redundant questions regarding pronunciations. Would you mind if I asked you about, say, five or so pronunciations each week, along with any other questions I might have until BZP's database is comeplete?
5Thank you, 6LewaLew
71-2) Both of these questions have the same answer. Destinies differ in different realities. In this reality, they became the Inika, but not at the same time or for the same reason as they did in ours. And they never became the Mahri here. In some realities, neither Jaller nor Takua was destined to become a Toa -- in this one, Jaller was, Takua was not.
83) Okay
9I shoulda' guessed the answer to the first two questions. XP
10SPIRIT will be very happy to hear the answer to the third question, too.
1Just wanted to check on something you confirmed to someone else for the newest RoS chapter:
25) The Toa Mata are still asleep in that dimension, correct?
35) Good question. That depends. We don't know if MN still exists there, or if he let all of the beings in his universe go when his mission was done, in which case he might have let the Mata go too. But they would be Mata, not Nuva, most likely.
4But in the chapter:
5Tarduk shrugged. "Tahu Nuva said something about the Valley of the Maze and power going back where it belonged. I didn't catch too much of it. I've never been one for history, you know?"
6Could you tell me what is the explanation?
8Simple. The reference to Nuva in the story is a typo on my part.
9Greg made a mistake


1Just wanted to check on something you confirmed to someone else for the newest RoS chapter:
25) The Toa Mata are still asleep in that dimension, correct?
35) Good question. That depends. We don't know if MN still exists there, or if he let all of the beings in his universe go when his mission was done, in which case he might have let the Mata go too. But they would be Mata, not Nuva, most likely.
4But in the chapter:
5Tarduk shrugged. "Tahu Nuva said something about the Valley of the Maze and power going back where it belonged. I didn't catch too much of it. I've never been one for history, you know?"
6Could you tell me what is the explanation?
8Simple. The reference to Nuva in the story is a typo on my part.
9Greg made a mistake![]()
11It's not that big of a deal, the man is human. It has happened before, it'll probably happen again.
1Hi Mr. Farshtey. 2I have only a few questions I wish to ask.
31. So, Malum's claws aren't particularly his weapon of choice. 4Does he have a favorite weapon? Can you tell me what it is? Will you?
53. You seem to reference comics a lot in your answers. 6Are you a big fan of comics?
7Thanks in advance.
81) Sword 93) Yes, of some
10So, Malum's a big fan of swords and Greg likes comics.
1QUOTE 2Hello Greg, your EP to Power Idea is a success . 3Here are some questions, thanks for your time .
41. This is my theory of how multi-power masks could be created, but I need to know if it would be possible. 5Because you need disks to create masks couldn't a mask maker make a multi powered mask by overlapping but not mixing/fusing several disks, so it's more like a multilayered cake? This is how the process might work, the mask maker buys or makes three level eight disks, one of fate, one of Speed, and one of strength, he heats the top of the fate disk until it's red hot. Then he places the disk of speed on the top of the fate disk so the two are essentially welded together, but not mixed, then he heats the top of the Speed disk, then places the strength disk on the top of that. Now very carefully the Mask maker forms a mask out of the disk sandwich, and when he is done he has invented a new breed of masks, though slightly heavier than most masks, it has three powers instead of one.
6So would this work? Could mask makers create multi-power masks this way?
72. Could a Kakama user run on water?
82a. Could a Kakama user make a vehicle speed up?
93. Would it be possible to create a mask of Light-Speed?
104. Is the Olmak limited to opening portholes that are tied to the Bionicle Universe, or can it open portholes to the Lego Mini-figure world, or the Star wars Universe, or to Middle Earth?
11(Being an Olmak Fan I want your answer to be added to Biosector01)
125. Does a mask's functionality usually increase with the power level of the disk used to create it?
135a. Would a power level 10+ disk be possible to create and forge into a mask?
14Thank you 15Bye
161) No. Multi-power masks, outside of the gold masks from 2001, simply cannot exist in this universe. 172) Yes 182a) No. Even a Kakama Nuva mask can only share its power with a living being, not a vehicle. That said, if you were talking about a small vehicle, like a grocery store cart that someone could push easily, yes, he could move it at super speed. But something like a wagon, no, because he wouldn't be strong enough to push it. 193) I don't think so, no 204) None of those realities exist within the BIONICLE multiverse, so no. Those are completely different multiverses.
41. This is my theory of how multi-power masks could be created, but I need to know if it would be possible. 5Because you need disks to create masks couldn't a mask maker make a multi powered mask by overlapping but not mixing/fusing several disks, so it's more like a multilayered cake? This is how the process might work, the mask maker buys or makes three level eight disks, one of fate, one of Speed, and one of strength, he heats the top of the fate disk until it's red hot. Then he places the disk of speed on the top of the fate disk so the two are essentially welded together, but not mixed, then he heats the top of the Speed disk, then places the strength disk on the top of that. Now very carefully the Mask maker forms a mask out of the disk sandwich, and when he is done he has invented a new breed of masks, though slightly heavier than most masks, it has three powers instead of one.
6So would this work? Could mask makers create multi-power masks this way?
72. Could a Kakama user run on water?
82a. Could a Kakama user make a vehicle speed up?
93. Would it be possible to create a mask of Light-Speed?
104. Is the Olmak limited to opening portholes that are tied to the Bionicle Universe, or can it open portholes to the Lego Mini-figure world, or the Star wars Universe, or to Middle Earth?
11(Being an Olmak Fan I want your answer to be added to Biosector01)
125. Does a mask's functionality usually increase with the power level of the disk used to create it?
135a. Would a power level 10+ disk be possible to create and forge into a mask?
14Thank you 15Bye
161) No. Multi-power masks, outside of the gold masks from 2001, simply cannot exist in this universe. 172) Yes 182a) No. Even a Kakama Nuva mask can only share its power with a living being, not a vehicle. That said, if you were talking about a small vehicle, like a grocery store cart that someone could push easily, yes, he could move it at super speed. But something like a wagon, no, because he wouldn't be strong enough to push it. 193) I don't think so, no 204) None of those realities exist within the BIONICLE multiverse, so no. Those are completely different multiverses.
1Why do people keep asking about whether the Olmak can go to non-Bionicle universes?
1Nothing too special, most are already confirmed.
21) Because the break point of this universe is that the Makuta never repelled, can we assume that Tarduk became into history about 80 000 years ago (because the main reality Tarduk is, but the alternate isn't)?
32) So the Toa Mata have transformerd to Toa Nuva, because Tarduk speak about Tahu Nuva?
43) a.And at least Jaller and Kongu have transformed to Toa? 5b. If yes, they're not Toa Inika or Mahri, correct (just "regular" Toa)?
64) How fast does the time flow in this reality? 7a. Faster than in normal reality 8b. Slower 9c. Same
105) Is Tuma deceased or alive because he was deposed?
116) Did all of the MU inhabintants, few of them or most of them go to Bara Magna?
12That's all I wanted to know. Hope you can answer them.
131) I don't understand your question 142) That's actually a typo on my part -- should just be Tahu, no Nuva 153) Inika 164) About the same 175) Deposed means deposed, not deceased 186) Hasn't been revealed yet
21) Because the break point of this universe is that the Makuta never repelled, can we assume that Tarduk became into history about 80 000 years ago (because the main reality Tarduk is, but the alternate isn't)?
32) So the Toa Mata have transformerd to Toa Nuva, because Tarduk speak about Tahu Nuva?
43) a.And at least Jaller and Kongu have transformed to Toa? 5b. If yes, they're not Toa Inika or Mahri, correct (just "regular" Toa)?
64) How fast does the time flow in this reality? 7a. Faster than in normal reality 8b. Slower 9c. Same
105) Is Tuma deceased or alive because he was deposed?
116) Did all of the MU inhabintants, few of them or most of them go to Bara Magna?
12That's all I wanted to know. Hope you can answer them.
131) I don't understand your question 142) That's actually a typo on my part -- should just be Tahu, no Nuva 153) Inika 164) About the same 175) Deposed means deposed, not deceased 186) Hasn't been revealed yet
1Ok reading the most recent chapter of ROS got me thinkng. 2Is the three that must be one, Bara Magna and the two that must make them one, Mata Nui and the Maze? Im pretty sure you have revealed the first part anyway but im not to sure.
3Does Mata Nui, if the the above correct, gives up his power source(as in EP) and 'dies' to achieve his mission?
4Toa Zahaku
51) How would be Bara Magna be "three"? And answer to second question is no 62) No
7But isnt The planet now known as Bara Magna not split into three? Bara magna and its two moons
8Well, we know the planet Spherus Magna shattered into three pieces, one of which is Bara Magna. We haven't said anything about the two moons being the two other pieces yet, for all that has been revealed, Spherus Magna may have had two moons and those are them.
9So there is a chance that bara magna's moons werent originally part of Spherus magna 10Oh and my theorie was shot down

11Toa Zahaku
1Why do people keep asking about whether the Olmak can go to non-Bionicle universes?
2Because it would be cool,![]()
3And it would open up a million new fanfic ideas.

1Hello Greg, 2Did the death of the two Bara Magnans in Mata Nui's mind have anything to do with him forgetting his mission (or whatever he has forgotten which Brutaka mentions after falling into the antidermis - "He must remember, he must be made to see, or the journey of 100,000 years will be for nothing"?) Were they crucial to the success of his mission? 3Thanks .
4No, I wouldn't say that.
5Awww, shucks.
1Hello Greg, 2Did the death of the two Bara Magnans in Mata Nui's mind have anything to do with him forgetting his mission (or whatever he has forgotten which Brutaka mentions after falling into the antidermis - "He must remember, he must be made to see, or the journey of 100,000 years will be for nothing"?) Were they crucial to the success of his mission? 3Thanks .
4No, I wouldn't say that.
5Awww, shucks.
6I think what Brutaka said was referring to Teridax.

1Hello, I have one question. 21. Why could Vezon talk to Tarduk if Vezon speaks Matoran and Tarduk speaks Agori?
3That's a good point -- but where in the story does it say Tarduk is speaking Agori there? Remember, you have Agori and Glatorian working with Toa and Matoran, obviously for some time -- wouldn't it make sense they would have learned each other's language? And since Tarduk thinks Vezon is a Toa, he would speak to him in Matorna, not Agori?
3That's a good point -- but where in the story does it say Tarduk is speaking Agori there? Remember, you have Agori and Glatorian working with Toa and Matoran, obviously for some time -- wouldn't it make sense they would have learned each other's language? And since Tarduk thinks Vezon is a Toa, he would speak to him in Matorna, not Agori?
1Hello, I have one question. 21. Why could Vezon talk to Tarduk if Vezon speaks Matoran and Tarduk speaks Agori?
3That's a good point -- but where in the story does it say Tarduk is speaking Agori there? Remember, you have Agori and Glatorian working with Toa and Matoran, obviously for some time -- wouldn't it make sense they would have learned each other's language? And since Tarduk thinks Vezon is a Toa, he would speak to him in Matorna, not Agori?
4I was wondering about that. But is it possible to speak programing language?
1Hello, I have one question. 21. Why could Vezon talk to Tarduk if Vezon speaks Matoran and Tarduk speaks Agori?
3That's a good point -- but where in the story does it say Tarduk is speaking Agori there? Remember, you have Agori and Glatorian working with Toa and Matoran, obviously for some time -- wouldn't it make sense they would have learned each other's language? And since Tarduk thinks Vezon is a Toa, he would speak to him in Matorna, not Agori?
4I was wondering about that. But is it possible to speak programing language?
5Well, the Great Beings are capable of speaking both Agori and Matoran language, so it stands to reason they're similar enough that someone else could learn both.
1Hello, I have one question. 21. Why could Vezon talk to Tarduk if Vezon speaks Matoran and Tarduk speaks Agori?
3That's a good point -- but where in the story does it say Tarduk is speaking Agori there? Remember, you have Agori and Glatorian working with Toa and Matoran, obviously for some time -- wouldn't it make sense they would have learned each other's language? And since Tarduk thinks Vezon is a Toa, he would speak to him in Matorna, not Agori?
4I was wondering about that. But is it possible to speak programing language?
5Well, the Great Beings are capable of speaking both Agori and Matoran language, so it stands to reason they're similar enough that someone else could learn both.
6People can learn and dominate languages that have nothing in common, however.
1Nothing too special, most are already confirmed. 22) So the Toa Mata have transformerd to Toa Nuva, because Tarduk speak about Tahu Nuva?
32) That's actually a typo on my part -- should just be Tahu, no Nuva
4Wait, Makuta never rebelled. That means Mata Nui didn't have to be awakened. So Tahu couldn't be there, because the Toa Mata should have been asleep.

1The Toa Mata were active before they went into the Toa Canisters, so the Toa Mata could be there.
1Nothing too special, most are already confirmed. 22) So the Toa Mata have transformerd to Toa Nuva, because Tarduk speak about Tahu Nuva?
32) That's actually a typo on my part -- should just be Tahu, no Nuva
4Wait, Makuta never rebelled. That means Mata Nui didn't have to be awakened. So Tahu couldn't be there, because the Toa Mata should have been asleep.
6Or perhaps they were awakened to serve a different purpose? They might have had a different destiny planned out for them.
1The Toa Mata were active before they went into the Toa Canisters, so the Toa Mata could be there.
2Yes, but I thought that everything in the dimension prior to the break point was exactly the same, which means that the Toa should have been sealed before Makuta rebelled.
3Also, if Mata Nui completed his mission, it would make sense the OoMN activated the beacon to launch the capsules and awake the Mata, rather than leave them in the Codrex forever.
4If that was the case, why not just have all the Matoran and Toa leave Mata Nui, instead of just a few? The Matoran and Toa still staying in Mata Nui must serve some purpose, and why would the Order just take Toa out if they were already asleep and the Matoran in Mata Nui might need them, as opposed to those left on Bara Magna where they have Glatorian (including Skrall).
5Or perhaps they were awakened to serve a different purpose? They might have had a different destiny planned out for them.
6Everything prior to the break point was the same, which means the Toa Mata were created for the purpose of waking Mata Nui.
7And also, something else I found out:
83) a.And at least Jaller and Kongu have transformed to Toa? 9b. If yes, they're not Toa Inika or Mahri, correct (just "regular" Toa)?
103) Inika
11Inika couldn't have existed, because they were hit when they were on Voya Nui. In other words, on the outside of Mata Nui. However, the GC didn't happen, so thus Voya Nui wasn't on the surface. So they couldn't become Toa Inika.
12Wow. That new chapter has brought out a lot of discussion.
13EDIT: Just saw this:
14annoyed2.gif How many times do we have to tell you people to discuss things elsewhere? Off-topic discussions have already locked this topic several times, and I don't want it to happen again. This is for answers from GregF ONLY .
16Fivrik, we are talking about stuff GregF answered for us. This was brought out by a PM Zesk sent him, and we are discussing it. See:
17Nothing too special, most are already confirmed.
181) Because the break point of this universe is that the Makuta never repelled, can we assume that Tarduk became into history about 80 000 years ago (because the main reality Tarduk is, but the alternate isn't)?
192) So the Toa Mata have transformerd to Toa Nuva, because Tarduk speak about Tahu Nuva?
203) a.And at least Jaller and Kongu have transformed to Toa? 21b. If yes, they're not Toa Inika or Mahri, correct (just "regular" Toa)?
224) How fast does the time flow in this reality? 23a. Faster than in normal reality 24b. Slower 25c. Same
265) Is Tuma deceased or alive because he was deposed?
276) Did all of the MU inhabintants, few of them or most of them go to Bara Magna?
28That's all I wanted to know. Hope you can answer them.
291) I don't understand your question 302) That's actually a typo on my part -- should just be Tahu, no Nuva 313) Inika 324) About the same 335) Deposed means deposed, not deceased 346) Hasn't been revealed yet

1The Makuta not rebelling was the major breakpoint, there obviously were some minor divergences independent of that, such as the Mata, and Tarduk not becoming interested in history.
2Also, if Mata Nui completed his mission, it would make sense the OoMN activated the beacon to launch the capsules and awake the Mata, rather than leave them in the Codrex forever.
3If that was the case, why not just have all the Matoran and Toa leave Mata Nui, instead of just a few? The Matoran and Toa still staying in Mata Nui must serve some purpose, and why would the Order just take Toa out if they were already asleep and the Matoran in Mata Nui might need them, as opposed to those left on Bara Magna where they have Glatorian (including Skrall).
4But Mata Nui might no longer need the Mata, and the Glatorian are not much of protectors compared to Toa.
1The Makuta not rebelling was the major breakpoint, there obviously were some minor divergences independent of that, such as the Mata, and Tarduk not becoming interested in history.
2Also, if Mata Nui completed his mission, it would make sense the OoMN activated the beacon to launch the capsules and awake the Mata, rather than leave them in the Codrex forever.
3If that was the case, why not just have all the Matoran and Toa leave Mata Nui, instead of just a few? The Matoran and Toa still staying in Mata Nui must serve some purpose, and why would the Order just take Toa out if they were already asleep and the Matoran in Mata Nui might need them, as opposed to those left on Bara Magna where they have Glatorian (including Skrall).
4But Mata Nui might no longer need the Mata, and the Glatorian are not much of protectors compared to Toa.
5True, but he then it also would make sense that he no longer needed the rest of the Matoran. Besides, they have an army of Skrall, all the Makuta (sans Miserix)...I think they're pretty well off.
6Someone PM Greg about this...my PM's to him seem to be usually lost...

1Fivrik, we are talking about stuff GregF answered for us. This was brought out by a PM Zesk sent him, and we are discussing it. See:
2I believe he meant that there can be no discussions whatsoever unless you already have some new batch of answers somewhere in your post. ET has closed this topic multiple times because of this. With that said, sorry that I did not provide any new answers either. However, I felt that this was important to point out to you guys.