1You mentioned that the baterra were probably called something like Armored Combatant Pacification Drones.
21. Can we assume that all or most Great Being's creations are named like this, and 32. What did they call Mata Nui?
41) Well, they're scientists, so it makes sense they would use technical terms. 52) They called him Mata Nui, because they hoped he would carry the spirit of Spherus Magna with him as he traveled.
6Mata Nui had a name, then. Curious that they named in the Matoran language, though, rather than something like Spiritus Magna...
1You mentioned that the baterra were probably called something like Armored Combatant Pacification Drones.
21. Can we assume that all or most Great Being's creations are named like this, and 32. What did they call Mata Nui?
41) Well, they're scientists, so it makes sense they would use technical terms. 52) They called him Mata Nui, because they hoped he would carry the spirit of Spherus Magna with him as he traveled.
6Mata Nui had a name, then. Curious that they named in the Matoran language, though, rather than something like Spiritus Magna...
7It probably was the other way around, that is, the Matoran gave the words "Mata Nui" the meaning of "Great Spirit".
1I know you said that as of now, Sahmad and Perditus won't be appearing or mentioned at all in the story. I had an idea. Sahmad seems like he could make a very interesting character, so why not make a serial for him?
2It's a thought, not sure offhand what I would do with him ... he basically runs around enslaving people.
3I know you said this might be confusing to some fans, but why not do something like the Mutran chronicles, running through the history of Spherus Magna through Sahmads eyes. Starting from the plague and covering the creation of the Els, the Core War, the Shattering, and maybe a chapter or two on Bara Magna. Plus, he seems like the perfect character to do a first person story on.
4Thing is, Sahmad was a not a witness to the creation of the ELs, did not fight in the Core War, etc. He's not the best source for this info.
5Then why not just see a bit of his history? An account of what really happened to his tribe, of what he did during the Core War, his interpretation of the Shattering, etc.
6At this point, you're the only person asking for any info on Sahmad at all, so I'm not sure how much interest there is in him. I'll consider it, though.
1I know you said that as of now, Sahmad and Perditus won't be appearing or mentioned at all in the story. I had an idea. Sahmad seems like he could make a very interesting character, so why not make a serial for him?
2It's a thought, not sure offhand what I would do with him ... he basically runs around enslaving people.
3I know you said this might be confusing to some fans, but why not do something like the Mutran chronicles, running through the history of Spherus Magna through Sahmads eyes. Starting from the plague and covering the creation of the Els, the Core War, the Shattering, and maybe a chapter or two on Bara Magna. Plus, he seems like the perfect character to do a first person story on.
4Thing is, Sahmad was a not a witness to the creation of the ELs, did not fight in the Core War, etc. He's not the best source for this info.
5Then why not just see a bit of his history? An account of what really happened to his tribe, of what he did during the Core War, his interpretation of the Shattering, etc.
6At this point, you're the only person asking for any info on Sahmad at all, so I'm not sure how much interest there is in him. I'll consider it, though.
7I am interested in Sahmad. We really need to flesh out Bara Magna.
1Well it is good to have one other person that likes him.
1Hey Greg, first off I want to say I enjoyed your interview.
2I have a few questions today:
31) In the movie previews on the Bionicle website, Ackar and Strakk use the shield belonging to the set agori of the same color, I just wanted to know if set and comic canon overrides movie canon or vice versa. 41b) If movie > set/comic, who got Berix's shield? Kiina or Tarix?
52) Will any set characters die? 62b) Will the traitor?
73) Who's the youngest Agori out of the sets (discounting the Zesk)?
84) Which would you consider the fastest vehicle this year?
95) Are Skrall ever forced to do tasks like working in the mines mentioned in the recent Empire of the Skrall?
106) How does Telluris's sanity compare to Vezon's?
117) Who is your favorite Glatorian Legend? (Aside from Mata Nui if he's your favorite) 127b) Which is your favorite to write about?
15(I sent this before, I'm sending it again in case it disappeared somehow)
161) Why do you assume Glatorian in an arena would not have access to shields used by Agori, if the match rules allowed that? If the sets came out with EVERYTHING a Glatorian had the option of using, the canister would be loaded with weapons and shields and cost a lot more. 172) I cannot discuss future story. Why would you want the movie spoiled for you? 183) Don't know 194) Haven't really thought about it 205) Yes, if they are jobs that Agori cannot do. A basic Skrall warrior is just that, a warrior, he does what his commander orders. 216) I don't think you can compare levels of madness. It's too subjective. Vezon is mad because, in part, of his origin ... Telluris is mad because he saw his entire village basically wiped out and no one came to help. One is fueled by nature, one is fueled by external circumstance, so how do you compare the two? 227) Gelu is fun to write for.
23We've got his favorite Legends at least

1I am surprised Telluris is insane but Sahmad isn't.
1Hi Greg,
21.Are there any particularities to the Sand elemental power that the Element Lord of Sand possesses? As in, anything out of the ordinary that might be noteworthy other than: 3*Creating sand. 4*Controlling sand. 5*Changing the form of sand. 6*Absorbing sand.
71a. Another question posed by members of BS01 is if "Sand" is another name for "Earth," much like the Bara Magna "Rock" equates the MU's "Stone."
82. You stated that many of the Glatorian's weapons had Elemental Powers during the Core War, but they have since expired. Berix also mentions that most Glatorian weapons are made out of bone or claw. Was it the Element Lords who endowed these weapons with power?
9Thanks for your time.
10Triggy 11BS01 Staff
121) Such as what? 131a) I have not seen it that way, personally. Rock and stone are the same thing. Sand and dirt are not. 142) It's possible, but it's also possible they were simply manufactured that way to start with and there was no connection to the ELs. There is no evidence that they did NOT have elementally powered weapons prior to the coming of the ELs.
151) I was just wondering if the EL had any more powers than a 'normal' user of Sand might have.
161) Not that I have come up with.

1What special sand powers would the Element Lord of Sand have?
1Perhaps he could turn into sand. He'd basicly be like a BIONICLE version of Sandman, I guess.
1Some Baterra stuff that I'm using in my Core War story that could be useful to someone else too
8I think number 1 is new? Don't think we've touched Baterra communication yet, and there's your answer

21) Do the Baterra communicate with each other at all and if so how?
32) Do they have names or designations? E.G. are they called something or is it just 003, 004 etc.
43) Do they work in groups or alone?
51) Most likely through subsonics 62) They have no names for each other, no 73) Varies
8I think number 1 is new? Don't think we've touched Baterra communication yet, and there's your answer

1Some Baterra stuff that I'm using in my Core War story that could be useful to someone else too ![]()
21) Do the Baterra communicate with each other at all and if so how?
32) Do they have names or designations? E.G. are they called something or is it just 003, 004 etc.
43) Do they work in groups or alone?
51) Most likely through subsonics 62) They have no names for each other, no 73) Varies
8I think number 1 is new? Don't think we've touched Baterra communication yet, and there's your answer
9That will definitely be helpful for some entries.
1You mentioned that the baterra were probably called something like Armored Combatant Pacification Drones.
21. Can we assume that all or most Great Being's creations are named like this, and 32. What did they call Mata Nui?
41) Well, they're scientists, so it makes sense they would use technical terms. 52) They called him Mata Nui, because they hoped he would carry the spirit of Spherus Magna with him as he traveled.
6Mata Nui had a name, then. Curious that they named in the Matoran language, though, rather than something like Spiritus Magna...
7Did anybody else take the answer to 2 literally. Like, maybe he literally is talking the spirit of Spherus Magna with him?
8I dunno where that would lead, just a thought.
1I don't think it was literal.
1Hi Greg. I got to thinking, since you've made it expressly clear that Sand is a separate power from Stone and Earth, and we know it's an Element, not a power, since there is an Element Lord of Sand...using the same logic of the Toa-of-Water-can't-manipulate-Ice-because-it's-a-separate-element debate, are there Toa of Sand?
2Thank you for your time.
4Not in the Matoran universe, no.
5Again, I thought I was onto something.


1Hi Greg. I got to thinking, since you've made it expressly clear that Sand is a separate power from Stone and Earth, and we know it's an Element, not a power, since there is an Element Lord of Sand...using the same logic of the Toa-of-Water-can't-manipulate-Ice-because-it's-a-separate-element debate, are there Toa of Sand?
2Thank you for your time.
4Not in the Matoran universe, no.
5Again, I thought I was onto something.
7Not in the Matoran Universe? are there any place beside it where we know Toa are?
1Hi Greg. I got to thinking, since you've made it expressly clear that Sand is a separate power from Stone and Earth, and we know it's an Element, not a power, since there is an Element Lord of Sand...using the same logic of the Toa-of-Water-can't-manipulate-Ice-because-it's-a-separate-element debate, are there Toa of Sand?
2Thank you for your time.
4Not in the Matoran universe, no.
5Again, I thought I was onto something.
7Toa of Stone can control sand if ya care.
1Hi Greg. I got to thinking, since you've made it expressly clear that Sand is a separate power from Stone and Earth, and we know it's an Element, not a power, since there is an Element Lord of Sand...using the same logic of the Toa-of-Water-can't-manipulate-Ice-because-it's-a-separate-element debate, are there Toa of Sand?
2Thank you for your time.
4Not in the Matoran universe, no.
5Again, I thought I was onto something.
7Toa of Stone can control sand if ya care.
8Actually, Greg said he will never show one doing it in story. So, that tends to lean toward they can't, right?
9This is discussion for the Official Elements topic; let's take it there.


1Hello mr. Farshtey, hope you have a nice day.
21)BS01 Vengeance page
3Vengeance fought in the last battle of the Toa/Dark Hunter War alone against Toa Mangai Lhikan, but was defeated and trapped. He managed to escape years later, and sought revenge upon Lhikan. Upon learning that the Toa had been killed by Makuta Teridax, his frustration caused him to switch focus to Teridax and vow to end his life.
4So, my question is: how does Vengeance feel about Teridax being the ruler of the MU? Does he now want to get his revenge even more? Or something else? Like being shocked that his enemy actually is the universe?
52) In Raid on Vulcanus, Gresh, Gelu and metus met two fire Agori while travelling to Vulcanus. The Agori said that an Ice Glatorian had passed sometime ago and offered his help for half of the goods the Agori were carrying. Was this Glatorian Strakk?
63) a.Does Sahmad battle against all the tribes of Bara Magna? 7b.If not, which ones? 8c. Is there some tribe he battles more ofthen than other? Like Ice Tribe or Fire Tribe?
94) Where did Sahmad get his Baranus V7 and Spikit? 10a. Did he stole them? 11b. Won in an arena match? 12c. Had them already when his tribe was plagued?
13Serial questions:
145) How many chapters are there left for EotS and RotGB?
156) Is RoS going to last for entire year?
167)Do you plan to make two or three new serials this year after the current ones have ended?
17Thanks for spending your spare time to answer these.
181) I'm sure he would, but there's not a lot he can do against the universe itself. 192) Yes. 203) Depends on who he has slaves from at that time. The only tribes he would have no reason to challenge are rock and sand. 214) Had them already 225) Don't know yet 236) Yes 247) Also don't know yet
25Some small new info. Apparently Sahmad had his Baranus V7 and Spikit already 103,000 years ago.
1Hi Mr.Greg. I hope your're doing well. It's been a long time since I asked questins, and I hope I don't bother you. I already sent you these questions, but you haven't replied, so I'm sending them again, with another one. (Raid on Vulcanus was a great book, by the way)
21. Does Malum have any role for the rest of the year? 32. Was Malum close friends with Ackar? 43. Was Strakk paid to kill Ackar in the arena, or was it his own decision? 54. Is Strakk really going to be banished? 65. Everything shown in The Legend Reborn is canon, right? 76. Is Mata Nui vs. Tuma the final battle in the movie? 87. Have you watched the whole movie, or just parts of it? 98. Are the Skrall and Bonehunters actually shown attacking Tajun in the movie? 109. Do the Glatorian actually have powers, ot just their weapons? 1110. Are we seeing too much footage from the movie due to the sneak peeks, or is there a lot we still didn't see? 1211. Did Malum always have a bad temper? 1312. How does the language of the people of Bara Magna sound? 1413. When is the next chapter of Reign of shadows coming out? 1514. Will we ever find out how Malum knew about the attack on Atero?
161) I can't discuss future storyline 172) I wouldn't say close friends, no, colleagues 183) No. Who would pay him to do that? 194) It would make sense that he would be. The alternative is no one will accept Iconox's challenges and they would have no way to win the resources they needed. 205) Except for Aqua Magna having other land on it, yes 216) No 227) I have seen very little of it. 238) No, you see the aftermath of the battle. 249) Watch the movie and find out 2510) I haven't watched the sneak peeks, so I don't know what you have seen and what you haven't 2611) Yes 2712) I don't understand your question 2813) When it gets written 2914) Malum finds out about a lot of things, comes from living out in the desert and having your ear to the ground
30Thank you very much. I hope you can answer these.
21. Does Malum have any role for the rest of the year? 32. Was Malum close friends with Ackar? 43. Was Strakk paid to kill Ackar in the arena, or was it his own decision? 54. Is Strakk really going to be banished? 65. Everything shown in The Legend Reborn is canon, right? 76. Is Mata Nui vs. Tuma the final battle in the movie? 87. Have you watched the whole movie, or just parts of it? 98. Are the Skrall and Bonehunters actually shown attacking Tajun in the movie? 109. Do the Glatorian actually have powers, ot just their weapons? 1110. Are we seeing too much footage from the movie due to the sneak peeks, or is there a lot we still didn't see? 1211. Did Malum always have a bad temper? 1312. How does the language of the people of Bara Magna sound? 1413. When is the next chapter of Reign of shadows coming out? 1514. Will we ever find out how Malum knew about the attack on Atero?
161) I can't discuss future storyline 172) I wouldn't say close friends, no, colleagues 183) No. Who would pay him to do that? 194) It would make sense that he would be. The alternative is no one will accept Iconox's challenges and they would have no way to win the resources they needed. 205) Except for Aqua Magna having other land on it, yes 216) No 227) I have seen very little of it. 238) No, you see the aftermath of the battle. 249) Watch the movie and find out 2510) I haven't watched the sneak peeks, so I don't know what you have seen and what you haven't 2611) Yes 2712) I don't understand your question 2813) When it gets written 2914) Malum finds out about a lot of things, comes from living out in the desert and having your ear to the ground
30Thank you very much. I hope you can answer these.
1This first one is a PM I got a couple weeks ago (when some of this info was new) and I didn't have time to post it....but the second one is more recent.
14I don't think he understood what I was getting at with 5 (then again, I don't think I phrased it correctly)
15Anyway, this next one's nothing really new (well, it is if you consider I just got it today
), Just some quick things about the core war contest
27Like I said, nothing new, I just needed to clarify some things for my entry.
2Hey Greg, Great job on the Serials .
3Just a few questions about the story contest coming up
41. Did some warriors betray their tribe to either the Ice tribe or another they thought they had the cutting edge to get the EP? 52. Was Ep called Energized Protodermis during the war, or something else. 63. Just to confirm, The place that the EP first leaked out (in Ice Tribes Teritory) was on a plain like area, not really mountainous? 74. what do you imagine Surel to be like during the war? Was he more lighthearted?
8Thanks for the time .
9And thanks for letting us do this contest .
101) No 112) The GBs called it energized protodermis, the warriors did not 123) Not sure how it is going to be shown in art. 134) No, most people are not light-hearted in the middle of a war.
14I don't think he understood what I was getting at with 5 (then again, I don't think I phrased it correctly)
15Anyway, this next one's nothing really new (well, it is if you consider I just got it today

16sorry to be bother you again, but I have two quick questions about the contest
171. So, were all tribes battling each other? like Fire vs. rock, or Water vs. Jungle. or was it just everybody against The Ice tribe? 182. what did the warriors/Element Lords call EP? in Raid on Valcanus and all other work you've done over it, it is just called "the substance"
19thanks in advance
201) It worked like this -- say, A and B team up against C. The second A starts getting closer to C than B is, B has to turn on A, because B doesn't want A getting what C has. 212) That was pretty much it. They didn't have a special name for it.
22Ok Thanks, but I think I am a little confused
231. So who fought in the Battle of the Iron Canyon, we know the Fire tribe was one side, but what about side two? does it have to be the Ice tribe? 241a. if so, why would the Ice tribe risk sending part of its forces out from the Northern Frost (leaving them more open to surprise attack) to attack another village?
25Thanks again in advance
261) No, not necessarily. If fire was planning a big push on ice, one of the other tribes might have wanted to slow them down or weaken them so they wouldn't be able to seize the spring.
27Like I said, nothing new, I just needed to clarify some things for my entry.
1Hi Greg. I got to thinking, since you've made it expressly clear that Sand is a separate power from Stone and Earth, and we know it's an Element, not a power, since there is an Element Lord of Sand...using the same logic of the Toa-of-Water-can't-manipulate-Ice-because-it's-a-separate-element debate, are there Toa of Sand?
2Thank you for your time.
4Not in the Matoran universe, no.
5Again, I thought I was onto something.
7Not in the Matoran Universe? are there any place beside it where we know Toa are?
8Some could have been prototypes.
1I hope Greg goes with the Sahmad idea. I find him very interesting.
15) Except for Aqua Magna having other land on it, yes
2Woah, woah, woah . Is he referring to the part where they show the Mata Nui robot, or did he just confirm that the blue moon of Bara Magna was Aqua Magna?
3I haven't a clue how you got "blue moon" out of anything Greg said. We know that Teridax (AKA Mata Nui robot) is on Aqua Magna. And thanks to one of the Amazon.com trailers, we know that we briefly see it standing on Aqua Magna in The Legend Reborn. However, he's standing on land instead of in the water. Greg's saying that the fact there is land for him to stand on is non-canon. Again, nothing at all about a moon.
1Hello Greg .
21.)The other places of Spherus Magna like the mountains are on the other greyish blue planet/moon?( Like the Great Forest is on Bota Magna?)
32.) In the offical trailer of The Legend Reborn I saw island on Aqua Magna so this is not a true endless ocean?
41) Not sure I understand your question. There are only three pieces of Spherus Magna -- Aqua Magna, Bara Magna, and Bota Magna. 52) There is no other landmass on Aqua Magna. If they put one there, then they made a mistake, but I haven't seen the trailer for myself yet. The only island on Aqua Magna was the island of Mata Nui.
61.)So there is only 3 planet.(Aqua,Bara,Bota-Magna)
7Aqua= Great Sea(Are there other seas?)
8Bara- desert,black spike and white quartz mountain;great volcano and its area;
9Bota- Great Forest,Northern Frost
10Only two mountains was in the realm of Skrall?
11Where is the Great Beings' fortress?
12It will be revealed in Mata Nui 's guide to Bara Magna?
13We don't know that there only two mountain ranges. You can have a forest area where there are mountains as well. There was only one major sea. And the GBs fortress is north of the Black Spikes, at least the fortress we are dealing with in story this year.
14So there is a forested mountain region?If yes it is jungle or rock region?
15So Spherus Magna split into three planets Aqua,Bota,Bara. And the smallers are the "moons" of Bara Magna? 16But in the Legend Reborn we can see many crater on the blue moon?Is this true or this a is a mistake?
171) Both. 182) I have not watched the clips, so I cannot speak to them. But yes, Aqua and Bota are moons of Bara, that has been confirmed as of this morning.
1Thank you, lordmakarix. Now we can finally end the discusion about Aqua and Bota being moons of Bara.
1No, we technically haven't proven that it's those two yet, or if they are moons.
2It would fit though, considering the colors.
3i tend to disagree with this seeing as if part of the planet covered in water broke of, then the water wouldn't stay on (unless the shattering was more of a defusion than an explosion type thing.) and in the opening of the legend reborn 1.you can clearly see craters on the blue moon and 2. the ignika didn't come from that planet, he came from off camera.
4yeah but what i the ignika was launched out of aqua magna and then fell back down and was caught in bara magnas gravitational field?
1We don't know that there only two mountain ranges. You can have a forest area where there are mountains as well. There was only one major sea. And the GBs fortress is north of the Black Spikes, at least the fortress we are dealing with in story this year.
2Sorry if this is a bit off-topic, but did Greg say we're dealing with a GB fortress in story this year? Did we know that before or is this new information?
3Maybe the GBs will appear in TLR. Kind of doubtful, but if one of their fortresses is appearing in story, it might be important.
4Of course, it could be a serial-only thing, but it's an interesting bit of information just the same.
1Hey Greg. Working on an Epic, and was wondering if I could get some info on the Toa Hagah...
21. Did all the Makuta who had Toa Hagah pick them from pre-existing teams, or did only Teridax do that? 32. Did all the Toa Hagah teams consist of six Toa apiece? 43. Did they all consist of only the six cardinal elements, or were there, say, Toa of Magnetism?
5Thank you for your time.
71) They all did 82) Not necessarily 93) There might very well have been Hagah of other elements

1Finally we have the moons of Bara Magna. Now if only we could figure out what that purple dust is.
1Hello Greg .
21.)The other places of Spherus Magna like the mountains are on the other greyish blue planet/moon?( Like the Great Forest is on Bota Magna?)
32.) In the offical trailer of The Legend Reborn I saw island on Aqua Magna so this is not a true endless ocean?
41) Not sure I understand your question. There are only three pieces of Spherus Magna -- Aqua Magna, Bara Magna, and Bota Magna. 52) There is no other landmass on Aqua Magna. If they put one there, then they made a mistake, but I haven't seen the trailer for myself yet. The only island on Aqua Magna was the island of Mata Nui.
61.)So there is only 3 planet.(Aqua,Bara,Bota-Magna)
7Aqua= Great Sea(Are there other seas?)
8Bara- desert,black spike and white quartz mountain;great volcano and its area;
9Bota- Great Forest,Northern Frost
10Only two mountains was in the realm of Skrall?
11Where is the Great Beings' fortress?
12It will be revealed in Mata Nui 's guide to Bara Magna?
13We don't know that there only two mountain ranges. You can have a forest area where there are mountains as well. There was only one major sea. And the GBs fortress is north of the Black Spikes, at least the fortress we are dealing with in story this year.
14So there is a forested mountain region?If yes it is jungle or rock region?
15So Spherus Magna split into three planets Aqua,Bota,Bara. And the smallers are the "moons" of Bara Magna? 16But in the Legend Reborn we can see many crater on the blue moon?Is this true or this a is a mistake?
171) Both. 182) I have not watched the clips, so I cannot speak to them. But yes, Aqua and Bota are moons of Bara, that has been confirmed as of this morning.
19Is the purple dust the other fully destroyed places in Spherus Magna ?(because if it try to carve something there will be dust in the area. Or not?)
20It could be dust from the explosion, yes
1Just an asteroid belt, I think. It would be logical.
2And it would be logical, too, that the blue moon is Aqua Magna and the green is Bota Magna, but just to be sure, can somebody ask Greg?
3Already confirmed, Gov. They are.
4But I don't see why so many people doubted it at first. Where else would Aqua Magna and Bota Magna be?