1RoS isn't ending yet?
4True true. I just hope they update it sooner.. it takes forever.
5I know. and it's interesting that it won't end, especially since we(MU)'re going to BM and all
6and 1 thing:
7BIONICLE may or may not be ending. But if it is, IT'S NOT DECIDED YET. If BIONICLE is going to end, it'd be based on NEXT YEAR'S SALES. They could not possibly have decided to end it NOW, when we have a WHOLE YEAR ahead.
8Just wanted to let that out
1Ok, I need some claritiy.
21.Only question, Bionicle will end ONLY if sales drop EXTREMELY LOW, right?
31).BIONICLE will end if LEGO HQ in Denmark decides to end it. That is the bottom line. That could be a result of poor sales, or poor profitability, poor brand health overall, a desire to give the brand a rest, or reasons I can't even speculate on since I don't have a job that involves creating or cancelling lines.
21.Only question, Bionicle will end ONLY if sales drop EXTREMELY LOW, right?
31).BIONICLE will end if LEGO HQ in Denmark decides to end it. That is the bottom line. That could be a result of poor sales, or poor profitability, poor brand health overall, a desire to give the brand a rest, or reasons I can't even speculate on since I don't have a job that involves creating or cancelling lines.
1Hey, Greg . I have one question for you today, if you don't mind.
21. When Tren Krom said "golden armor" was he referring to Mata Nui, or to Tahu?
3Thanks in advance .
5He was referring to the golden armor in the 2010 sets, which pretty obviously would not fit a giant robot body
6Thanks . I just have one more, then I'm done. I promise.
71. The Stars are still regular canister height in the story, correct (i.e: Tahu is still 7.2 ft.)?
91) Yes. The size difference is set only, not story.
10Wow. I literally got that reply within two minutes .
11I had actually meant Toa Mata Nui with the golden armor thing.
1i think it's going to end, but not because of sales. there are many reasons. Bionicle isn't the thing that sells well, it's the concept. story-wise, we're on a collision course with pretty much the end, and if 2010 wont do it, 2011 will, and no 2012.
2if bionicle suddenly zooms out and in on another planet, old fans are outraged, young kids are confused, and everyone is like, "what's the significance"
3the easiest, best and logical way is to re-incarnate the Bionicle Formula into something new. seeing that Brown turned orange and as far as we know, orange never sells well (mata nui was yellow) just as brown, BIONICLE reincarnated will most likely feature 5 sets. more small sets (which according to greg sell well) and probably a few titans.
4the concept of bionicle is essentially LEGO Playdolls (but then very complex) with a great story of heroes behind it.
2if bionicle suddenly zooms out and in on another planet, old fans are outraged, young kids are confused, and everyone is like, "what's the significance"
3the easiest, best and logical way is to re-incarnate the Bionicle Formula into something new. seeing that Brown turned orange and as far as we know, orange never sells well (mata nui was yellow) just as brown, BIONICLE reincarnated will most likely feature 5 sets. more small sets (which according to greg sell well) and probably a few titans.
4the concept of bionicle is essentially LEGO Playdolls (but then very complex) with a great story of heroes behind it.
1i think it's going to end, but not because of sales. there are many reasons. Bionicle isn't the thing that sells well, it's the concept. story-wise, we're on a collision course with pretty much the end, and if 2010 wont do it, 2011 will, and no 2012.
2if bionicle suddenly zooms out and in on another planet, old fans are outraged, young kids are confused, and everyone is like, "what's the significance"
3the easiest, best and logical way is to re-incarnate the Bionicle Formula into something new. seeing that Brown turned orange and as far as we know, orange never sells well (mata nui was yellow) just as brown, BIONICLE reincarnated will most likely feature 5 sets. more small sets (which according to greg sell well) and probably a few titans.
4the concept of bionicle is essentially LEGO Playdolls (but then very complex) with a great story of heroes behind it.
5Fine, make your own topic for that.
6Hi Greg
7Another question by a fellow German fan that I promised to ask you:
81) During the Battle of Roxtus, Berix accidentally lands on the back of a Rock Steed and knocks out several Bone Hunters. Was this Rock Steed Skirmix?
11. What head does the Piraka Star have?
22. Does the papercutz #10 the one that depicts mata nui's journey to the valley of the maze?
33.There have been rumors that bionicle ends next year, but i understand that just because the storyline ends doesn't mean that you can't start another storyline, correct?
41) No idea, I don't have the set.
52) Actually it depicts what happens after he gets there, basically what happens between November comic and Jan. comic
63) I can't discuss 2010
7re 1: I think the face/spine is unique and the head is a lime avtoran head
8I don't think so (i'm not trying to be smart or mean, so don't take it the wrong way, please), I think it is a red-orange glatorian "ironman" head.
1Ok, I need some claritiy.
21.Only question, Bionicle will end ONLY if sales drop EXTREMELY LOW, right?
31).BIONICLE will end if LEGO HQ in Denmark decides to end it. That is the bottom line. That could be a result of poor sales, or poor profitability, poor brand health overall, a desire to give the brand a rest, or reasons I can't even speculate on since I don't have a job that involves creating or cancelling lines.
4I fear that the Lego might try to give the brand a rest.
11. How is your day? 22. What is your biggest inspiration? 33. Did you like writing Adventures or Legends more? 44. Do you prefer the graphic novels to the books? or vice-versa? 55. What is Jaller doing currently? 66. The secrets of the red star are to be revealed in GN10, correct? 77. Are the GB's to be illustrated in GN10? 88. Will Jaller, Nuhrii, The Shadowed one, Voporak, Balta, and the Av-Matoran ever make a re-appearance?
91) Fine, it's Saturday102) I don't know that I really have one. I am not sure you so much need "inspiration" when you are writing based on a toy line, because who you are writing about, etc. is being determined by the set designers 113) Really no difference 124) Nope 135) Participating in the resistance 146) That is the plan 157) No. I am not allowed to show them, by order of the BIONICLE team in Denmark 168) Oh, quite possibly, but likely in web serial
17Yay for the return of Jaller, Nuhrii, The Shadowed One, Voporak, Balta, and the Av-Matoran .
1I like him, too. 

2Hi Greg
3Some questions if you don't mind (hope you dont...) smile.gif
41) Does the new Agori mega-city have a new name or does it simply go by "Tesara"? 52) Are Metus' fangs poisonous?
6This set of questions are questions from a reader of the Unofficial German BIONICLE Magazine who asked me to ask you because despite being on BZP, he's not fluent enough in English to ask them himself. So, here they are. (Note that I kept the questions in first-person, so "I" actually refers to the other member, Luzi41.)
73a) Since I like Scodonius, could you tell me whether he was in Tajun during the Skrall raid, defending the village, or whether he was in Tesara watching the match between Tarix and Vastus? 8cool.gif Did Scodonius also participate in the Battle of Roxtus?
94) Did the Skrall also capture Zesk and used them as guards?
105) Besides following the Vorox pack leader, do the Zesk also have their own group leaders?
116) Do the Vorox share their tunnels with the Zesk?
12Thanks for answering,
141) We haven't named it yet, because the Agori have not named it 152) No idea, I would tend to think not 163a) Scodonius was in Tesara, otherwise he would likely be dead 173b) Yes 184) No 195) No 206) Yes
1Ok, I need some claritiy.
21.Only question, Bionicle will end ONLY if sales drop EXTREMELY LOW, right?
31).BIONICLE will end if LEGO HQ in Denmark decides to end it. That is the bottom line. That could be a result of poor sales, or poor profitability, poor brand health overall, a desire to give the brand a rest, or reasons I can't even speculate on since I don't have a job that involves creating or cancelling lines.
4I fear that the Lego might try to give the brand a rest.
5...And why do you fear that?
6The key-word is money. It always has been, always will be. Mr. Lego will not just wake up someday and decide to give BIONICLE a rest if it is successfully making money for him. That would be absurd. Companies are for making money. BIONICLE is for making money.
1Ok, I need some claritiy.
21.Only question, Bionicle will end ONLY if sales drop EXTREMELY LOW, right?
31).BIONICLE will end if LEGO HQ in Denmark decides to end it. That is the bottom line. That could be a result of poor sales, or poor profitability, poor brand health overall, a desire to give the brand a rest, or reasons I can't even speculate on since I don't have a job that involves creating or cancelling lines.
4I fear that the Lego might try to give the brand a rest.
5...And why do you fear that?
6The key-word is money. It always has been, always will be. Mr. Lego will not just wake up someday and decide to give BIONICLE a rest if it is successfully making money for him. That would be absurd. Companies are for making money. BIONICLE is for making money.
7That is logical, but maybe Lego's tired of doing it. Sure, it's profitable, but who's to say a new line couldn't be just as profitable, possibly more? Look at the Lego Indy line. Obviously profitable, but it's ending. Look at the Batman line. I'm fairly certain it was doing okay profit-wise, but still ended. It's not always just about profits.
1Can we stop talking about bionicle ending? If you need to continue talking about it, do so through PM or make a topic. Of the last few pages, theres maybe 25 posts from Greg. It gets quite annoying having to dig through all this. Usuallly I just stay quite about these things, but it's really goten rediculous. Maybe this topic should be closed again, because whenever it is, everyone follows the rules for a while and we end up having several pages of actually ON TOPIC posts.
2Whew. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, does anyone know how lobg Greg usually takes to reply? I sent him some questions last week, and I'm thinking about re-sending them.
2Whew. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, does anyone know how lobg Greg usually takes to reply? I sent him some questions last week, and I'm thinking about re-sending them.
1Can we stop talking about bionicle ending? If you need to continue talking about it, do so through PM or make a topic. Of the last few pages, theres maybe 25 posts from Greg. It gets quite annoying having to dig through all this. Usuallly I just stay quite about these things, but it's really goten rediculous. Maybe this topic should be closed again, because whenever it is, everyone follows the rules for a while and we end up having several pages of actually ON TOPIC posts.
2Whew. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, does anyone know how lobg Greg usually takes to reply? I sent him some questions last week, and I'm thinking about re-sending them.
3In Greg's blog he said wait 4-5 days. If not resend.
1This is for discussion about PMs for GregF only. A question like that should be made into a different topic.
3Oh OK thanks
4Actually this the Official Greg DIALOGUE, which means you aren't supposed to have any kind of discussion in the first place, if you want discussion then make a topic on new info from greg. Now please get back on topic from "bionicle is ending."
1Ok, I need some claritiy.
21.Only question, Bionicle will end ONLY if sales drop EXTREMELY LOW, right?
31).BIONICLE will end if LEGO HQ in Denmark decides to end it. That is the bottom line. That could be a result of poor sales, or poor profitability, poor brand health overall, a desire to give the brand a rest, or reasons I can't even speculate on since I don't have a job that involves creating or cancelling lines.
4I fear that the Lego might try to give the brand a rest.
5...And why do you fear that?
6The key-word is money. It always has been, always will be. Mr. Lego will not just wake up someday and decide to give BIONICLE a rest if it is successfully making money for him. That would be absurd. Companies are for making money. BIONICLE is for making money.
7That is logical, but maybe Lego's tired of doing it. Sure, it's profitable, but who's to say a new line couldn't be just as profitable, possibly more? Look at the Lego Indy line. Obviously profitable, but it's ending. Look at the Batman line. I'm fairly certain it was doing okay profit-wise, but still ended. It's not always just about profits.
8Sure, it's profitable, but who's to say a new line couldn't be just as profitable, possibly more? 9Scrapping your successful line for a new one involves risk - it would be a gamble.
10It's not always just about profits. 11I know this. In this scenario, "profits" is an enormous factor, and it wouldn't make sense to ignore it.
12Can we stop talking about bionicle ending? If you need to continue talking about it, do so through PM or make a topic. Of the last few pages, theres maybe 25 posts from Greg. It gets quite annoying having to dig through all this. Usuallly I just stay quite about these things, but it's really goten rediculous. Maybe this topic should be closed again, because whenever it is, everyone follows the rules for a while and we end up having several pages of actually ON TOPIC posts.
13Whew. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, does anyone know how lobg Greg usually takes to reply? I sent him some questions last week, and I'm thinking about re-sending them.
14The above discussion stemmed from one of Greg's replies, and the rules of this topic clearly states that that is not against the rules - maybe you should review them. 15Posting "get on topic" does nothing to help. If you think someone is breaking rules - you should report it, not reply. This adds to the "spam" that you seem to think is a problem.
16This is for discussion about PMs for GregF only. A question like that should be made into a different topic.
18Oh OK thanks
19Actually this the Official Greg DIALOGUE, which means you aren't supposed to have any kind of discussion in the first place, if you want discussion then make a topic on new info from greg. Now please get back on topic from "bionicle is ending."
20Have you read the topic? We are free to discuss his answers. 21"BIONICLE is ending" is on topic, if you look above you will see that someone asked Greg about it.
1Arguments such as this have lead to the topic being closed in the past, and may lead to worse in the future. So please, take this some place else. There is always a diplomatic way of solving things.

1hi, how are you doing ? 2i just have some questions wink.gif
31- will tuma figth on the side of Teridax in 2010? 42- can teridax give earth powers to skrall? 53- will the toa nuva appear in the comic in 2010? or just tahu? 64- Beside the 6 bionicle stars, there will be more bionicle to appear in the comics? like kiina,ackar,teridax,mata nui, maybe the other toa? 75- the nuva in bara magna will be in their adpative form or normal nuva form? 86- will makuta vs mata nui battle last to the end of 2010? 97- there will be sets in the summer rigth? 108- there will be 5 comics next year?
11thanks for reading, and just to say i love your work, and i am really happy to se agains tahu and takanuva on the story, thanks very mutch for all this years working on the greatest story ever made wink.gif
12thanks wink.gif
131) No 142) Teridax will not be doing anything with Skrall 153) Just Tahu. 164) Yes 175) If they were to appear in comic, which it is unlikely they will, they would be in 2008 form, as the comic artist would have no access to 2002 sets. 186-8) I can't discuss this
31- will tuma figth on the side of Teridax in 2010? 42- can teridax give earth powers to skrall? 53- will the toa nuva appear in the comic in 2010? or just tahu? 64- Beside the 6 bionicle stars, there will be more bionicle to appear in the comics? like kiina,ackar,teridax,mata nui, maybe the other toa? 75- the nuva in bara magna will be in their adpative form or normal nuva form? 86- will makuta vs mata nui battle last to the end of 2010? 97- there will be sets in the summer rigth? 108- there will be 5 comics next year?
11thanks for reading, and just to say i love your work, and i am really happy to se agains tahu and takanuva on the story, thanks very mutch for all this years working on the greatest story ever made wink.gif
12thanks wink.gif
131) No 142) Teridax will not be doing anything with Skrall 153) Just Tahu. 164) Yes 175) If they were to appear in comic, which it is unlikely they will, they would be in 2008 form, as the comic artist would have no access to 2002 sets. 186-8) I can't discuss this
1He seems to be able to talk about some 2010 related things, but not much.
1Just something I was wondering about.
Tak-E GregF 2Hey, there, Greg. I was thinking about something you said about the Ignika, and it confused me. You said that it has no power in the Matoran Universe anymore because it's outside of it. If it were to be destroyed on Bara Magna, nothing would happen. How did it work on Voya Nui, then? I realize it had a "mind" back then, but when it was on Voya Nui in 2006, and then in Mahri Nui in 2007, it was outside of the MU. Would anything have happened inside the universe had it been destroyed? And if so, why? 3Also, if something would've happened because it was simple in close proximity to the Mata Nui robot and it could receive the signal from outside the robot, couldn't that still work now since Teridax can sense where the Ignika is through some sort of signal?
41) VN was still part of the Matoran universe, and Mahri Nui was basically right on top of the robot. Bara Magna is not. It's on a completely different planet, so very different circumstances.
1Hi Greg. Hope your doing good on your day off. Sorry that some of these don't have to do with Bionicle. I just wanted to know some things about you. 2No, I'm not a reporter.
31) What is like to be an author?
42) What about Bionicle made you want to write about it? 52a) What do you like about it now?
63) How does the author-story team thing work, do they give an idea aabout what the thing will be about and you build on that, or...?
74) What is the average workday like for you?
85) What are you currently working on now?
96) Outside Bionicle, are doing any other kind of writing?
107) What kind of books, comics, etc. do you like to read? 117a) Any in particular?
128) How far in advance have you and the story team planned out Bionicle? Up to what year?
139) When will the next RoTGB be put up?
1410) Do you buy, play, MOC with Bionicle sets (or any other Lego franchise)?
1511) Do you and Jackina have any kids (I won't put this on the OGD if you don't want me to, or just don't answer)
16Thank You
171) I'd say it's rewarding, but not for everyone. It's a very solitary job, so if you don't enjoy working on your own, probably not for you. 182) I always felt it had a lot of potential, because the original idea was so unique and innovative (and no, it was not my concept) 192a) Same thing 203) The story team, of which I am a part, would come up with things like setting, and how the year would start and end, and try to brainstorm what kind of characters we would have. And then I would work from there. 214) I am usually into the office at LEGO by 8:30 and work on LEGO Magazine stuff all day. That is my main job. 225) At home? Nothing much. 236) I have been playing around with something lately, but haven't gone back to it in a few weeks 247) I read mostly non-fiction. In terms of fiction, I have been reading Jim Butcher and Jasper Fforde lately. And I read some DC and Marvel comics. 258) As far as we need to at the moment 269) It's done, I sent it in a week ago, so just a matter of when Bink gets the chance to post it. 2710) I do buy and build LEGO sets, I do not MOC, I have no talent for that 2811) Nope
31) What is like to be an author?
42) What about Bionicle made you want to write about it? 52a) What do you like about it now?
63) How does the author-story team thing work, do they give an idea aabout what the thing will be about and you build on that, or...?
74) What is the average workday like for you?
85) What are you currently working on now?
96) Outside Bionicle, are doing any other kind of writing?
107) What kind of books, comics, etc. do you like to read? 117a) Any in particular?
128) How far in advance have you and the story team planned out Bionicle? Up to what year?
139) When will the next RoTGB be put up?
1410) Do you buy, play, MOC with Bionicle sets (or any other Lego franchise)?
1511) Do you and Jackina have any kids (I won't put this on the OGD if you don't want me to, or just don't answer)
16Thank You
171) I'd say it's rewarding, but not for everyone. It's a very solitary job, so if you don't enjoy working on your own, probably not for you. 182) I always felt it had a lot of potential, because the original idea was so unique and innovative (and no, it was not my concept) 192a) Same thing 203) The story team, of which I am a part, would come up with things like setting, and how the year would start and end, and try to brainstorm what kind of characters we would have. And then I would work from there. 214) I am usually into the office at LEGO by 8:30 and work on LEGO Magazine stuff all day. That is my main job. 225) At home? Nothing much. 236) I have been playing around with something lately, but haven't gone back to it in a few weeks 247) I read mostly non-fiction. In terms of fiction, I have been reading Jim Butcher and Jasper Fforde lately. And I read some DC and Marvel comics. 258) As far as we need to at the moment 269) It's done, I sent it in a week ago, so just a matter of when Bink gets the chance to post it. 2710) I do buy and build LEGO sets, I do not MOC, I have no talent for that 2811) Nope
1QUOTE 2Hello, Mr. Farshety . Hope your having a good day. Sorry if I have quite alot of questions:
31) Is all of the planet Bara Magna desert, or are there other ecosystems like the forest in Comic 5: Valley of Fear?
42) You kept saying that Perditus would appear in Valley of Fear, but how come he wasn't in it?
53) Have you seen The Legend Reborn yet? 63b) If so, how did you think of it?
74) When will Mata Nui's Guide to Bara Magna be published in the USA?
85) When will The Crossing be officially published in English?
96) Did LEGO find a publisher for the 2010 novel yet? 106b) If it gets serialized, will the chapters be written in the website all at once, or will ot be like a chapter a week (Please be the former .) ?
117) Any info on Gresh for 2010, like why does he have different armor?
128) Which BIONICLE character looks is canon, the set from or movie form, like the Toa Metru in Legends of Metru Nui, how they looked?
139) Are there plans on a movie for 2010? 149b) If there are, is there a chance there will be a novelization?
1510) How come the release date for Legend of Bara Magna was pushed back?
1611) If the novels aren't doing so good, but the graphic novels are, do you think maybe you can tell the main storyline with graphic novels like the novels did? B/c I heard that the GNs were doing pretty good.
1712) Will the serials for 2010 last all year like this year, or three every six months like 2008? Don't answer this if this is too early to ask.
18Thank you if yo anwers these. I think its really cool that you can answer all these questions we have in our heads about the BIONICLE universe .
191) Well, we know there are mountains, and obviously Mata Nui is still on a section of Bara Magna in the November comic 202) Plans changed 213) Nope 224) No idea. AMEET would have to make a distribution deal with an American publisher to get it into stores here, and that has not happened at this point. 235) I don't know that it ever will be, only that they were interested in having that happen. Once I write them, my involvement with the books ends. These kind of deals get negotiated by the publisher and I am not involved in them. 246) Not that I know of, and you would need to ask Binkmeister about web plans, he is the web producer. 257) I can't discuss this 268) There is no "closer to canon" really, you are talking about two different artistic interpretations of the same character. If I show you Frank Miller art of Batman and Gene Colan art of Batman, which is closer to canon? 279) I can't discuss this 2810) I wasn't aware that it was. It was not pushed back in the US, it came out when it was always scheduled to. 2911) There are plans to do at least one, if not two, GNs next year with original story in them, but whether we will do more than that I do not know 3012) No idea at this point. Bink and I have not discussed 2010 serials yet.
32I also have another question I forget to put in:
33Will there be any 2010 story for Atakus since those swrods he has that have technology alien to all of Spherus Magna deserve a storyline in my opinion.
34Again, thank you .
35I can't discuss 2010 story plans
36Kinda dissapointed about the answer for the Crossing question, but what are ya gonna do.

1Ok, I need some claritiy.
21.Only question, Bionicle will end ONLY if sales drop EXTREMELY LOW, right?
31).BIONICLE will end if LEGO HQ in Denmark decides to end it. That is the bottom line. That could be a result of poor sales, or poor profitability, poor brand health overall, a desire to give the brand a rest, or reasons I can't even speculate on since I don't have a job that involves creating or cancelling lines.
4I fear that the Lego might try to give the brand a rest.
5Please move this discussion to some kind of 'end of Bionicle' topic.
1Hi Greg. Hope your doing good on your day off. Sorry that some of these don't have to do with Bionicle. I just wanted to know some things about you. 2No, I'm not a reporter.
31) What is like to be an author?
42) What about Bionicle made you want to write about it? 52a) What do you like about it now?
63) How does the author-story team thing work, do they give an idea aabout what the thing will be about and you build on that, or...?
74) What is the average workday like for you?
85) What are you currently working on now?
96) Outside Bionicle, are doing any other kind of writing?
107) What kind of books, comics, etc. do you like to read? 117a) Any in particular?
128) How far in advance have you and the story team planned out Bionicle? Up to what year?
139) When will the next RoTGB be put up?
1410) Do you buy, play, MOC with Bionicle sets (or any other Lego franchise)?
1511) Do you and Jackina have any kids (I won't put this on the OGD if you don't want me to, or just don't answer)
16Thank You
171) I'd say it's rewarding, but not for everyone. It's a very solitary job, so if you don't enjoy working on your own, probably not for you. 182) I always felt it had a lot of potential, because the original idea was so unique and innovative (and no, it was not my concept) 192a) Same thing 203) The story team, of which I am a part, would come up with things like setting, and how the year would start and end, and try to brainstorm what kind of characters we would have. And then I would work from there. 214) I am usually into the office at LEGO by 8:30 and work on LEGO Magazine stuff all day. That is my main job. 225) At home? Nothing much. 236) I have been playing around with something lately, but haven't gone back to it in a few weeks 247) I read mostly non-fiction. In terms of fiction, I have been reading Jim Butcher and Jasper Fforde lately. And I read some DC and Marvel comics. 258) As far as we need to at the moment 269) It's done, I sent it in a week ago, so just a matter of when Bink gets the chance to post it. 2710) I do buy and build LEGO sets, I do not MOC, I have no talent for that 2811) Nope
29Thanks for the interesting questions. It's nice to hear about his personal life a bit. 30he never seems to answer the question about how far they plan ahead... I'm pretty curious about it.
31Ok, I need some claritiy.
321.Only question, Bionicle will end ONLY if sales drop EXTREMELY LOW, right?
331).BIONICLE will end if LEGO HQ in Denmark decides to end it. That is the bottom line. That could be a result of poor sales, or poor profitability, poor brand health overall, a desire to give the brand a rest, or reasons I can't even speculate on since I don't have a job that involves creating or cancelling lines.
34I fear that the Lego might try to give the brand a rest.
35Please move this discussion to some kind of 'end of Bionicle' topic.
36Erg. Please don't just go back a page, quote an old post and reply with the same argument that was going on the rest of the page. If you read my response to that same post, you would find that the discussion DOES belong in this topic. You're spamming.
37The OGD is for discussing Greg's answers. It's allowed, as written on the topic. Someone asked Greg about BIONICLE ending. Thus the discussion.
1Hi Greg. Hope your doing good on your day off. Sorry that some of these don't have to do with Bionicle. I just wanted to know some things about you. 2No, I'm not a reporter.
31) What is like to be an author?
42) What about Bionicle made you want to write about it? 52a) What do you like about it now?
63) How does the author-story team thing work, do they give an idea aabout what the thing will be about and you build on that, or...?
74) What is the average workday like for you?
85) What are you currently working on now?
96) Outside Bionicle, are doing any other kind of writing?
107) What kind of books, comics, etc. do you like to read? 117a) Any in particular?
128) How far in advance have you and the story team planned out Bionicle? Up to what year?
139) When will the next RoTGB be put up?
1410) Do you buy, play, MOC with Bionicle sets (or any other Lego franchise)?
1511) Do you and Jackina have any kids (I won't put this on the OGD if you don't want me to, or just don't answer)
16Thank You
171) I'd say it's rewarding, but not for everyone. It's a very solitary job, so if you don't enjoy working on your own, probably not for you. 182) I always felt it had a lot of potential, because the original idea was so unique and innovative (and no, it was not my concept) 192a) Same thing 203) The story team, of which I am a part, would come up with things like setting, and how the year would start and end, and try to brainstorm what kind of characters we would have. And then I would work from there. 214) I am usually into the office at LEGO by 8:30 and work on LEGO Magazine stuff all day. That is my main job. 225) At home? Nothing much. 236) I have been playing around with something lately, but haven't gone back to it in a few weeks 247) I read mostly non-fiction. In terms of fiction, I have been reading Jim Butcher and Jasper Fforde lately. And I read some DC and Marvel comics. 258) As far as we need to at the moment 269) It's done, I sent it in a week ago, so just a matter of when Bink gets the chance to post it. 2710) I do buy and build LEGO sets, I do not MOC, I have no talent for that 2811) Nope
29Thanks for the interesting questions. It's nice to hear about his personal life a bit. 30he never seems to answer the question about how far they plan ahead... I'm pretty curious about it.
31Ok, I need some claritiy.
321.Only question, Bionicle will end ONLY if sales drop EXTREMELY LOW, right?
331).BIONICLE will end if LEGO HQ in Denmark decides to end it. That is the bottom line. That could be a result of poor sales, or poor profitability, poor brand health overall, a desire to give the brand a rest, or reasons I can't even speculate on since I don't have a job that involves creating or cancelling lines.
34I fear that the Lego might try to give the brand a rest.
35Please move this discussion to some kind of 'end of Bionicle' topic.
36Erg. Please don't just go back a page, quote an old post and reply with the same argument that was going on the rest of the page. If you read my response to that same post, you would find that the discussion DOES belong in this topic. You're spamming.
37The OGD is for discussing Greg's answers. It's allowed, as written on the topic. Someone asked Greg about BIONICLE ending. Thus the discussion.
38Well, a couple months ago, Greg told me they had up to the end of 2010/start of 2011. But that was back in june.
1Erg. Please don't just go back a page, quote an old post and reply with the same argument that was going on the rest of the page. If you read my response to that same post, you would find that the discussion DOES belong in this topic. You're spamming.
2The OGD is for discussing Greg's answers. It's allowed, as written on the topic. Someone asked Greg about BIONICLE ending. Thus the discussion.
3Urgh, I really didn't want to post because then I would be responsible for off-topicness, but necessity requires it, I guess.
4You're allowed to discuss Greg's answers, yes, but as the S&T staff mentioned several times already, such "discussions" is to be limited to one or two responses only. (i.e. Person A responds to Greg's answer, Person B respond to Person A's statement, and then end of discussion) However, in-depth discussions (i.e. Person E who responds to Person D who responds to Person E who responds to Person C etc.) is not allowed.
5It's the primary reason why this is called the Official Greg Dialogue. This topic is for that and only that: Posting the questions and responses you receive from Greg. Discussions should be allocated to a separate topic.
6~ Bioran
11. Quite a while ago, you said that the battera's true name might have been something like Armed Combatant Pacification Drones. Is this their true name, or just an example you thought of?
21) Just an example
32. I was thinking about the Matoran language and something occurred to me.
4Although it hasn't been confirmed, lets just say for this example that Kanoka means disk. if I were a Matoran and I wanted to write disk, would I spell


6The reason I ask this is because earlier sentences written in matoran in things such as MNOG were english words in matoran lettering, while sometimes matoran pronunciations of words are seen in matoran lettering. I wanted to know which was canon.
72) Both.
8So matoran have two ways of writing each word?
21) Just an example
32. I was thinking about the Matoran language and something occurred to me.
4Although it hasn't been confirmed, lets just say for this example that Kanoka means disk. if I were a Matoran and I wanted to write disk, would I spell

6The reason I ask this is because earlier sentences written in matoran in things such as MNOG were english words in matoran lettering, while sometimes matoran pronunciations of words are seen in matoran lettering. I wanted to know which was canon.
72) Both.
8So matoran have two ways of writing each word?


1Hi, again. I have only one question today.
21) About the bone hunter, you said earlier that they were related to the Rock Agori. Is that in terms of species, or are Bone Hunters quite much just Agori with different occupations and ways of living?
4Toa Poahtu Mata
5In terms of species
6Nothing interesting, really. I'm not even sure no one else got confirmation of this.
1Good day, Mr. Farshtey. A few questions I hope you don't mind answering...
21) We all know that Takanuva now carries a Power Lance, but his Stars set depicts weapons that resemble the Staff of Light instead. Does he change weapons at any point? 32) While were on that, is there a storyline reason for him having silver armour instead of gold? As in, disguising his armour colour or something? 43) Concerning the Stars Rakhshi, is it necessary for it to be a Heat Vision Rakhshi for storyline? (As in, does a Heat Vision Rakhshi appear prominently in storyline) Or is it just a general set representation of the Rakhshi?
5That's all for now. Thank you for your time.
61) Yes 72) Not at this point, no. I think the set designers simply decided to go that color route. 83) It is a heat vision Rahkshi, because it is yellow, and that is the color of heat vision Rahkshi. Set designers determine the color of sets, I don't. I work with what they give me.
93)So, will this particular Rakhshi have a major role in 2010 story?
10I can't discuss 2010 story.
11Takanuva gets new weapons. Do we already know that?
1can someone ask greg this question 21:will there be bigger sets in 2010? 32:is 2010 bionicles last year? 4thanks greg greets dommel101 5and i cant sent a mail to greg so want someone to do this for me
6I've already told you a few posts up - people have already asked him those questions, and he can't reply to either of them. There's no sense in sending him even more questions than normal for something that can't be answered.
11. Quite a while ago, you said that the battera's true name might have been something like Armed Combatant Pacification Drones. Is this their true name, or just an example you thought of?
21) Just an example
32. I was thinking about the Matoran language and something occurred to me.
4Although it hasn't been confirmed, lets just say for this example that Kanoka means disk. if I were a Matoran and I wanted to write disk, would I spell
6The reason I ask this is because earlier sentences written in matoran in things such as MNOG were english words in matoran lettering, while sometimes matoran pronunciations of words are seen in matoran lettering. I wanted to know which was canon.
72) Both.
8So matoran have two ways of writing each word?![]()
10Interesting find. Does that mean they would refer to Matoran of gravity as 'Matoran of Garai'?