1It's becoming depressing to read this topic now.
1It's only depressing because people keep going "waaaaah BIONICLE is ending" even though it really isn't.
2Anyways some stuff I forgot...
18He originally sent me a PM telling me that he hadn't prepared anything about that, but sent a postscript PM and it spiraled from there. Was useful for the page on BS01.
2Anyways some stuff I forgot...
3Hey Greg. Heard of the new Agori, Lein, and I had a few questions about him.
41. You said he died long ago; this was after the Shattering, yes? 51a. The death was from natural causes, yes? 62. Was the ford that was named after him named before or after his death? 72a. If the former, was it kinda like the name of his store? 83. Presuming he survived the Shattering, he would have developed the Jungle Agori tendency to be quadrapedic, correct?
9Thanks in advance if you can answer these questions.
10P.S. -- One question I can answer is #1 -- he died before the Shattering. He was already dead when the battle was fought at Lein's Drift. He's been dead for ages.
11Ah well, I guess it's nice to have some background characters. Did he die before the Core War, though or during it?
12Sort of related, how early in the Core War was that battle fought, anyway?
13I realize you probably didn't flesh this part out, but was he a successful trader, like, was he good at his job?
14Again, thanks in advance.
151) Long before 162) Unknown 173) Yes
18He originally sent me a PM telling me that he hadn't prepared anything about that, but sent a postscript PM and it spiraled from there. Was useful for the page on BS01.
1Hi GregF. I hope you're doing well, I just have a few questions. 21. Is BIONICLE.com going to be deleted after the sets stop being made? 32.Do you get to decide the whole BIONICLE story by yourslf, without the help of the story team? 43. How long ago dis LEGO make the desicion to end the BIONICLE sets? 54. Is there any specific reason to why LEGO is canceling the sets? 65. Why are you keeping the story, but not the sets? Isn't the set more important than the story? 76. Is the Mata Nui story going to be wrapped up in the winter of 2010? 87. Will you introduce any new characters?
9Thank u.
101) Don't know. You should probably ask Binkmeister this, he is the web producer. 112) There are no future story team meetings scheduled, as most of the team will be involved with the new line. But anything I write will still need to get approved by LEGO before getting posted, as it is now. 123) Long enough ago that we were able to tailor the end of the current story and create sets for a new summer 2010 line. 134) This is something I would rather get clarification from TLC on before I answer 145) Basically, because if we stop doing story completely, then everyone in the world forgets about BIONICLE and it drops completely off the radar screen -- which would make it very hard if we ever wanted to bring it back. If you look at Star Trek and Star Wars, they had comics and books for years in between series or movies, to keep the fans' interest alive. 156) March 2010, yes. 167) I can't speculate on this at this point. I won't be venturing into post-set story until summer 2010, so I have a lot of time to make decisions yet.
172010 looks good, so far.
18Thank You Greg
19The MataNui Story is Wraped up. THat opens HUNDREDS of story possibilities. Thank You Mr.Farsthey

1There's a link in the first post of this topic to PM Greg.
1Cool so the Mata Nui story arc will end in March, so I guess we will get new characters.
1Dear Greg,
21. Why do the ELs have such a hard time getting into the VoTM when Mata Nui managed to get in without any powers, just his scarabax shield? 32. Does the Skrall set represent the species as a whole, or a specific character? 43. Around when would the storyline end?
61) Maybe because it was designed to keep them out? 72) Species as a whole 83) No idea. Right now, LEGO wants it continued through at least the end of 2011. As long as there is any chance that the sets might come back someday, there is no point in ending it.
1Dear Greg,
21. Why do the ELs have such a hard time getting into the VoTM when Mata Nui managed to get in without any powers, just his scarabax shield? 32. Does the Skrall set represent the species as a whole, or a specific character? 43. Around when would the storyline end?
61) Maybe because it was designed to keep them out? 72) Species as a whole 83) No idea. Right now, LEGO wants it continued through at least the end of 2011. As long as there is any chance that the sets might come back someday, there is no point in ending it.
9That gives me hopes that BIONICLE sets will return

1I have a few questions for you. Thanks for your time .
21a. What would happen to a Toa of Light of his destiny was to become a Bohrok? 31b. Is the above even possible?
4Thanks, again . .
5No, it's not. Only Av-Matoran can become Bohrok, not Toa.
6Just a question that my brother wanted to ask (He doesn't have a BZP account...)...
11. Did lego stop production on the bionicle sets? 1a. if not when will they?[/quote} LOST, As stated in the press release on the BZP homepage, the Stars sets will be the last BIONICLE sets. My guess is production on them is complete, since they are in stores now. LEGO is now into production on summer 2010 sets.[/quote}1. so let me get it when all the stars are gone in stores there won't be any more stars out, cause well there a some stores getting shipments of glatorian from earlier this year?[/quote} 1) Correct. Odds are there will be Stars sets on the shelves for much of the year, just as there will be summer '09 sets on the shelf for probably the first half of 2010 if not longer until they sell out.2Good got some time to get all the Stars
1Hey GregF, just two questions. 21. How will LEGO profit by continuing the BIONICLE storyline well into 2010 and 2011 now that The LEGO Company is no longer making BIONICLE sets? Not that I am complaining, but how will it be financially supported?
3Hey can I can your opinion on these as elements? - 41. Creation/Destruction 52. Mind 63. Force/Movement/Kinetics 74. Psionics 85. Weather 96. Luck/Chance/Probability/Fate/Destiny 10Thanks .
111) Too broad 122) No idea what it's power would be or do. 133) Too broad 144) Possible 155) Unlikely. Kopaka can already create snow and ice storms, Gali and Lewa can create thunderstorms, so why would you need another Toa to do the same things? 165) Too broad and too much potential to unbalance the story.
172. In the quote above, particularly the part that is bolded, you mentioned that Psionics could possibly be an Element of the Matoran Universe. This has been discussed rather extensively in the Official Elements Topic. I took examples of Psionics can do from what members have created in the topic and compared them to other examples of confirmed elements so that Psionics can have comparable and equal power as other elements such as Fire or Water. Here are some of the examples Psionics could possibly do (these are basic examples, nothing overpowering):24The above examples cover all aspects of a Toa Element:
- 18Creating blasts and/or focused beams of psionic energy - mental barrages
- 19Controlling the mind of others
- 20Controlling/Moving objects (telekinesis)
- 21Absorbing opponent's mental strength; basically weakening an opponent's thinking
- 22Unleashing a Psionic Nova Blast - create the sensation of massive pain to those affected, and could cripple them mentally
- 23Detecting/Reading nearby minds
28To summarize, I am asking if Psionics can be confirmed as a Toa Element, in other words do Matoran of Psionics, Toa of Psionics, and Turaga of Psionics exist. 29It would be awesome if another element was confirmed for the Matoran Universe, especially one that you said was possible.
- 25Creating more of an element
- 26Manipulating existing amounts of the element
- 27Absorbing the element for a boost of energy
30Anyways, thank you for your time once again.
311) It really doesn't cost that much to keep BIONICLEstory.com alive, simply because all you are uploading is text, not graphics, and I am not paid to write the serials. And we don't profit from the site, but if someday we want to bring the line back, it will be a lot easier to do if we have not let it drop off everyone's radar screen completely. 322) Sure, we can canonize that.
33Hmm... I need to ask GregF about their gender. I am hoping for female.
1The Lego Company.
1Hi Greg,
2Just one question: does the gold mask in the new Tahu set have any of the multiple-power properties that were part of the gold masks in 2001, or is it just something shiny for people to collect?
3Neither. It does not have six mask powers, it has the Shielding power, and it is an important part of the 2010 story, so it is not just something shiny to collect.
1Yeah . New elements . Can some1 confirm what is the color and prefix?
1a female mind, IMO, seems far more destructive than a male mind. male is more physical, female more mental.
2look at how guys and girls fight. men fight open, fists etc. girls fight behind the back, often socially attacking.
3male skrall are physically strong, yet female skrall have mental powers.
4a Toa Of Psionics definately would be cool.
2look at how guys and girls fight. men fight open, fists etc. girls fight behind the back, often socially attacking.
3male skrall are physically strong, yet female skrall have mental powers.
4a Toa Of Psionics definately would be cool.
1Please don't discuss psionics here, do it in the [url='http://www.bzpower.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=268986']Official Elements Topic.
11. So there are no planned graphics or artwork of any kind for BIONICLE after the winter 2010 storyline is over? 22. Awesome, thanks for making that official. Now that it's an official element, for the Psionics Nova Blast, could the Nova Blast be "altered" (like how a Toa of Gravity can increase or decrease the gravity in his Nova Blast) to not provoke pain, but other sensations? 33. What would the gender of a Matoran of Psionics? 44. Has at least one Toa of every single Element in the Matoran Universe has existed before, even Elements that have not yet been revealed/canonized? 55. Could you reveal the title of the 2010 novel? 66 Having recently read Mata Nui's Guide, I'm a little confused to the ordering of things that happen. If I understand it correctly...12Is this right?
- 7Tarduk goes to the Valley of the Maze before the events of Comic 5
- 8Mata Nui seeks out Tarduk, but finds that he has already left for the Valley, and makes his own way there (a story that will be told in 2010?)
- 9Mata Nui arrives at the Valley
- 10Mata Nui travels through the Valley (accompanied by Tarduk?)
- 11Mata Nui arrives at the power source, and transfers his spirit into the robot
13Thanks again.
141) None at the moment, no 152) What other sensations did you have in mind? 163) Female 174) Yes 185) Journey's End 196) Mata Nui doesn't seek out Tarduk ... Mata Nui already knows he has to go north, and happens to hear that Tarduk has probably already left for there. He's not looking for Tarduk. Nor is he accompanied by Tarduk on his journey there. And he cannot transfer his spirit into the robot until he returns to the desert.
11. So there are no planned graphics or artwork of any kind for BIONICLE after the winter 2010 storyline is over? 22. Awesome, thanks for making that official. Now that it's an official element, for the Psionics Nova Blast, could the Nova Blast be "altered" (like how a Toa of Gravity can increase or decrease the gravity in his Nova Blast) to not provoke pain, but other sensations? 33. What would the gender of a Matoran of Psionics? 44. Has at least one Toa of every single Element in the Matoran Universe has existed before, even Elements that have not yet been revealed/canonized? 55. Could you reveal the title of the 2010 novel? 66 Having recently read Mata Nui's Guide, I'm a little confused to the ordering of things that happen. If I understand it correctly...12Is this right?
- 7Tarduk goes to the Valley of the Maze before the events of Comic 5
- 8Mata Nui seeks out Tarduk, but finds that he has already left for the Valley, and makes his own way there (a story that will be told in 2010?)
- 9Mata Nui arrives at the Valley
- 10Mata Nui travels through the Valley (accompanied by Tarduk?)
- 11Mata Nui arrives at the power source, and transfers his spirit into the robot
13Thanks again.
141) None at the moment, no 152) What other sensations did you have in mind? 163) Female 174) Yes 185) Journey's End 196) Mata Nui doesn't seek out Tarduk ... Mata Nui already knows he has to go north, and happens to hear that Tarduk has probably already left for there. He's not looking for Tarduk. Nor is he accompanied by Tarduk on his journey there. And he cannot transfer his spirit into the robot until he returns to the desert.
20Cool . Another female element . Also I see that Mata Nui taking over the prototype robot is a fact.
1heres some questions regarding destiny and what not:
21. does makuta have a destiny? 32. is takanuvas destiny 'extra' important(helryx wouldn't tell him hat it was) 43. if the two power sources of the MU robot and the prototype collided, would they start to tear the very fabric of reality/universe? 53b. just how powerful is the MU/prototypes power source?
61) All things have a destiny 72) Maybe she didn't tell him simply because no one should know their future 83) No 93b) Powerful enough that it blew up the prototype
10oh, and heres some questions i asked binkmeister, but i dont know where to post them so here should be fine. right?
111.will the bionicle site be deleted?(please say no)
122. will you be the web site guy for ben 10 and 'the new mystery theme'?
133. when will Bioniclestory.com be ubdated so it shows mata nuis saga.
141. There should always be something when you go to www.BIONICLE.com. Exact plans are still being worked out. 152. Yes. 163. Funny you should mention that... later in 2010.
17- Bink
21. does makuta have a destiny? 32. is takanuvas destiny 'extra' important(helryx wouldn't tell him hat it was) 43. if the two power sources of the MU robot and the prototype collided, would they start to tear the very fabric of reality/universe? 53b. just how powerful is the MU/prototypes power source?
61) All things have a destiny 72) Maybe she didn't tell him simply because no one should know their future 83) No 93b) Powerful enough that it blew up the prototype
10oh, and heres some questions i asked binkmeister, but i dont know where to post them so here should be fine. right?
111.will the bionicle site be deleted?(please say no)
122. will you be the web site guy for ben 10 and 'the new mystery theme'?
133. when will Bioniclestory.com be ubdated so it shows mata nuis saga.
141. There should always be something when you go to www.BIONICLE.com. Exact plans are still being worked out. 152. Yes. 163. Funny you should mention that... later in 2010.
17- Bink
5Cool so Journey's End is about Mata Nui vs. Makuta, wait how do they put two robots slugging each in a serial, even more a book?4Mata Nui vs. Makuta31. also what will Journey's End be about?11. You recently revealed the name of the lone 2010 book called, Journey's End, is this going to be the same name as the book serialized in the US?2Should be, yes
11. So there are no planned graphics or artwork of any kind for BIONICLE after the winter 2010 storyline is over? 22. Awesome, thanks for making that official. Now that it's an official element, for the Psionics Nova Blast, could the Nova Blast be "altered" (like how a Toa of Gravity can increase or decrease the gravity in his Nova Blast) to not provoke pain, but other sensations? 33. What would the gender of a Matoran of Psionics? 44. Has at least one Toa of every single Element in the Matoran Universe has existed before, even Elements that have not yet been revealed/canonized? 55. Could you reveal the title of the 2010 novel? 66 Having recently read Mata Nui's Guide, I'm a little confused to the ordering of things that happen. If I understand it correctly...12Is this right?
- 7Tarduk goes to the Valley of the Maze before the events of Comic 5
- 8Mata Nui seeks out Tarduk, but finds that he has already left for the Valley, and makes his own way there (a story that will be told in 2010?)
- 9Mata Nui arrives at the Valley
- 10Mata Nui travels through the Valley (accompanied by Tarduk?)
- 11Mata Nui arrives at the power source, and transfers his spirit into the robot
13Thanks again.
141) None at the moment, no 152) What other sensations did you have in mind? 163) Female 174) Yes 185) Journey's End 196) Mata Nui doesn't seek out Tarduk ... Mata Nui already knows he has to go north, and happens to hear that Tarduk has probably already left for there. He's not looking for Tarduk. Nor is he accompanied by Tarduk on his journey there. And he cannot transfer his spirit into the robot until he returns to the desert.
202. Like fear, anger, happiness, hallucinations, etc. 215. Seems like a fitting title. So for the 2010 storyline timeline, Comic 1 comes first, Comic 2 comes second, and then Journey's End? Or is Journey's End a bridge between Comic 1 and Comic 2?
221) I think it would make more sense to me for it to just be mind-shock 235) No, comics are the same story, novel is just more fleshed out, covering things that couldn't fit in the comics. Battles are longer, etc.
1Hi Greg Farshtey, 2Just a few questions: 31) Will Graphic Novel #10 be released? 42) Can the Golden Armour be used seperately? 52a) If yes, would the power be weakened? 63) Do the Skrall actually have shadow powers? 74) Will Nektann be called Nektann? 85) Will Gresh actually be a veteran? 96) Why did the Glatorian's tools change so much after being 'charged up'? 107) What was the glow around Mata Nui's sword when he sunk it into the cliff, causing the cliff to fall on the Skopio? 11Thanks, 12Kiina77
131) If sales for 8 and 9 are good, yes 142) I can't answer this, it's 2010 story 153) No, they do not 164) In the novel, yes 175) Gresh has the experience he gained in the movie. 186) The Ignika can affect things that have organic parts to them, as the weapons do, and since the point was for the Glatorian to think the weapons had been changed, it made sense to change their shape. In fact, it was the Glatorian who were given powers, not the weapons 197) Don't know, that was a moviemaker addition
1Wait, mata nui does transfer his spirit into the prototype robot? YES . THE FIRST PART OF MY THEORY WAS RIGHT . . . . .
11. Here is a quote by Mata Nui about the prototype robot, "But you are looking at an empty shell, the remains of what might have been a great ruler, the guardian of his people.", He says guardian of his people does this mean that there were living beings in the prototype robot? 1a. if there was what were they, glatorian, agori, skrall, and etc. or was it something unknown?21) No, he's referring to the Agori. Nothing lived inside the prototype.
1Sent this before the gender was publicly known.
2Hi Greg
3Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving weekend.
41) What is the gender of the Matoran of Psionics? 52) What is their power manifestation? 62a) If you don't already have one, I suggest this: They have an enhanced sensibility for the emotions of those around them, which means they're able to notice even hidden changes of moods. (Maybe this would be a reason to make them female?)
9They are female. Beyond that, I have not thought about this at all yet.
1Hey, I heard about the new element and I wanted to know something about a certain telekinetic skill.
21. A while ago, in the OGD, I remember you stating that, at first, you had seen the show Heroes. If you have then would you remember the telekinetic villain Sylar? I just wanted to know whether a Toa of Psionics could telekinetically cut things like Sylar. For example, Sylar used it to cut off the top of his victim's heads, but a Toa could use it to, say, etch a note into a tablet or cut a rope.
31b. Also, could this be done with a Mask of Telekinesis? Would it depend on the user's willpower?
42. Will the Mata Nui saga end in the final comic, Journey's End, or both?
5Thanks for looking and answering. -TW
61) Thing is, Sylar just cuts things with his mind, and that is not telekinesis. Telekinesis would mean you make a knife fly into the air and then make it cut something -- you can't do damage with just your mind, that's an entirely different power from telekinesis. 72) Both, they are the same story.
81. Actually, I looked up telekinesis here before asking to make sure they were the same ability and it states that they are, but to cut things requires one to have extreme control or understanding of the ability. That's why I thought maybe only Makuta would be able to acheive this with Mask of Telekinesis.
92. So the comics will be like 2008 where all the comics were mostly the same as the books?
10Thanks for answering, TW.
111) Okay, well, that's not my definition of the power so a Toa of Psionics would not be able to do that. 122) Well, the first half 2010 story focuses on Mata Nui vs. Makuta, so it needs to be covered in both places, especially since the novel won't be out in book form in the US.
13Ah well, I guess we won't be seeing any Toa of Psionics telekinetically cutting things. I glad to see he canonized the Takanuva idea I suggested. I sent a follow up PM, and after a week a modified version, but he never responded.
1Hey, I heard about the new element and I wanted to know something about a certain telekinetic skill.
21. A while ago, in the OGD, I remember you stating that, at first, you had seen the show Heroes. If you have then would you remember the telekinetic villain Sylar? I just wanted to know whether a Toa of Psionics could telekinetically cut things like Sylar. For example, Sylar used it to cut off the top of his victim's heads, but a Toa could use it to, say, etch a note into a tablet or cut a rope.
31b. Also, could this be done with a Mask of Telekinesis? Would it depend on the user's willpower?
42. Will the Mata Nui saga end in the final comic, Journey's End, or both?
5Thanks for looking and answering. -TW
61) Thing is, Sylar just cuts things with his mind, and that is not telekinesis. Telekinesis would mean you make a knife fly into the air and then make it cut something -- you can't do damage with just your mind, that's an entirely different power from telekinesis. 72) Both, they are the same story.
81. Actually, I looked up telekinesis here before asking to make sure they were the same ability and it states that they are, but to cut things requires one to have extreme control or understanding of the ability. That's why I thought maybe only Makuta would be able to acheive this with Mask of Telekinesis.
92. So the comics will be like 2008 where all the comics were mostly the same as the books?
10Thanks for answering, TW.
111) Okay, well, that's not my definition of the power so a Toa of Psionics would not be able to do that. 122) Well, the first half 2010 story focuses on Mata Nui vs. Makuta, so it needs to be covered in both places, especially since the novel won't be out in book form in the US.
13Ah well, I guess we won't be seeing any Toa of Psionics telekinetically cutting things. I glad to see he canonized the Takanuva idea I suggested. I sent a follow up PM, and after a week a modified version, but he never responded.
15Sylar rules.

16But I am actually glad Greg decided against introducing the power of headcutting in BIONICLE - the old "violence in BIONICLE" discussion would have boomed

1Hi Mr.Farshtey, I have some questions.
21. What role will we be playing in the Online Story because the letter says ''LEGO Group hopes to work with you, the fans, to continue to grow and expand.............''.
32. If Teridax dies in 2010 will in the Future be a new Villain?
43. Is Gresh official a Veteran or he has just gained experience? 53a.Gresh get's new armour because he a Veteran or just for better looks?
64. How do the domes in the MU connect to each other?
75. Do you maybe know where can I find the Novels and the Guides (I live in Europe)? If you don't its okay.
8Thank you very much. 9Great job writing the story .
101) Hasn't been decided yet. It was only a few weeks ago that the decision was made to keep the story going online, so a lot of t's have not been crossed yet. 112) I can't discuss future story plans 123) Well, he has been through a war, don't you think that would make him a veteran? 133a) Same reason other people do, he salvaged better stuff in the desert 144) Not sure I understand your question 155) Since they weren't published there, for the most part, your best bet is probably eBay
16Well Gresh is a veteran YES I like Gresh. I will MOC a big veteran Gresh when I get the stars.
1²The Great Redidax: If you're looking for the books, you could also try Amazon. That's where most of us German fans are buying their books.
2When I sent this message to Greg, that question still was unanswered. We know about it by now, but I'll post it anyway:

2When I sent this message to Greg, that question still was unanswered. We know about it by now, but I'll post it anyway:
3Hi Greg .
4I don't know whether someone asked you about this before. (I actually would be surprised if no one did, but I didn't find anything in the OGD.) Recently, Toys'R'Us published set descriptions about the 2010 stars on its website, and the one about the Skrall says that they will ally with Teridax and they will obtain shadow powers. We know, of course, that these set descriptions might be wrong, so I'd like to know: Are these two facts canon or not?
5Thanks in advance.
7Not true
1²The Great Redidax: If you're looking for the books, you could also try Amazon. That's where most of us German fans are buying their books. ![]()
2When I sent this message to Greg, that question still was unanswered. We know about it by now, but I'll post it anyway:3Hi Greg .
4I don't know whether someone asked you about this before. (I actually would be surprised if no one did, but I didn't find anything in the OGD.) Recently, Toys'R'Us published set descriptions about the 2010 stars on its website, and the one about the Skrall says that they will ally with Teridax and they will obtain shadow powers. We know, of course, that these set descriptions might be wrong, so I'd like to know: Are these two facts canon or not?
5Thanks in advance.
7Not true
8Dang, shadow powers would've been awesome. But maybe Greg tries not to spoil us too much. Also, Journey's End sounds EPIC WIN .
1Just a quick question: now that you aren't bound by the set colors, will you decide the colors associated with some of the Elements (Fire=Red; Psionics=?) I ask this because I was wondering if you were going to decide a color of Psionics, like purple or whatnot.
2It's not on my radar screen at the moment. Canonizing the element was done at the request of a fan, but I have no plans to put it into story, at least not right away. Until I do, I don't have to worry about what he looks like and frankly I have bigger things to consider about BIONICLE story right now.
12) Can you also confirm whether Fero participated in the battle or not?
22) For a short time
3Why is Fero in the battle for a short time? Does he leave halfway through? Does he die?
41a) If he's alive, is he roaming the desert like the other Bone Hunters? 52) Can you confirm if Skirmix was with Fero in the battle of Roxtus? 63) Does Mata Nui face the Element Lords at all next year? 74) How many names do you have left on the approved list? 85) Will there be another name list for next year?
9Thanks for reading.
10Bone hunters don't survive by being stupid. Once Fero sees the battle is going to be lost, no reason to hang around. 111a) Yes. That is what bone hunters do. 122) Yes 133) I can't discuss 2010 story 144) Hardly any 155) No, since BIONICLE is being shut down as a set line, there is no budget (to my knowledge) to get new names approved.
1'A Toa of Iron could quite possibly create molten iron by vibrating Iron molecules/atoms at very high speeds.' 2'A Toa of Earth can make the earth underneath them move like one of those moving sidewalks, "sliding" him forward/backward/any direction without having to walk.' 3'A Toa of Plantlife can mutate the genomes of plants, thus creating, say, a carnivouous, hight invasive species.' 41) I saw these on a bzpower, are these possible? 52) will turaga have a more important appearance now bionicle isnt anymore related to the sets? 63)Will the story be the same as the other years?(one main story with background events) 74) 'the time before time', do they mean with that before mata nui was made? 85)is a toa of Sonics' power depending on if there is O2 in the area or not? 95b) does that mean that (some) elements need/are depending on each other? 106) 'When six elemental powers are combined into one beam, the beam makes a cage of solid protodermis' 11Is it possible eg.: if the protodermis included fire to make it, 12and if you're a toa of fire, can you adsorb the fire out of it and break the protodermis? 137) how much time are you responding on bzforums each day?(don't reply this one if you don't want) 14thanks for answering and for bringing this
story 15(sorry for my english)
161) It's not stuff I have ever said, sounds like it is just people speculating. 172) No idea at this point. 183) Probably not 194) No, because things like the Bahrag did not exist for very long before the final creation of Mata Nui. The time before time is the time before the Great Cataclysm 205) It would not function in a vacuum, if that is what you are asking 216) No. 227) Varies depending on how much time I have
24edit: what the ** is psionics?