1I wonder where Zaktan got his weapon, then?
2He made it out of his own Protodites, I think. Anyway;
31. Can any weapon channel Elemental Energy? For example, if Jaller picked up an ordinary Protosteel sword, could he shoot flames out of it? Or must the weapon be specially made to channel Elemental Energy?
5The weapon is basically used for the purposes of focus. For the most part, any weapon could be used, although in the case of a fire Toa, you need something that is treated so that it won't melt.
1Hi 2There are some questions that I would be very grateful if you answered. 31. Was when theblade burrowers made the UDD symbol the point at which he stopped studying other cultures and returned to fix the shattering? 42. Can the matoran reproduce on spherus magna or do they need special equipment? 53. Did the makuta experiment with shadow leeches on alot of matoran or just two or three?
61) No, they were doing it before that 72) Matoran don't reproduce the way we do. Right now, as things stand, they would need to salvage equipment from the MU and find a way to get it operational to create more Matoran. 83) The absence of a lot of Matoran would have attracted unwanted attention from Toa.
91. So we know that Mata Nui started returning to spherus magna after the leauge of six kingdoms fell 102. If they can't find a way to do that then I geuss their days are numbered
61) No, they were doing it before that 72) Matoran don't reproduce the way we do. Right now, as things stand, they would need to salvage equipment from the MU and find a way to get it operational to create more Matoran. 83) The absence of a lot of Matoran would have attracted unwanted attention from Toa.
91. So we know that Mata Nui started returning to spherus magna after the leauge of six kingdoms fell 102. If they can't find a way to do that then I geuss their days are numbered
1So Matoran reproduction requires special equipment, then.
1Well, it's only nano compared to Mata Nui. Really, it's Agori sized, so it's basically like if we built a robot. They just need to find the GBs AI stuff and a power source to get new Matoran up and running.
1The special equipment was known to exist for a long time, but then and even now we don't have details on it.
1Hey GregF, just a few questions. 21. If Takanuva took Jaller's red Kanohi Arthron and wore it, would the mask turn gold or stay red? 32. How is it that Lhikan's gold Hau ended up yellow? Was it because of sun exposure on the island of Mata Nui? 43. How is a Great/Noble Kanohi's color determined? Does the wearer mentally choose what color he/she wants or is it preset within the body of the wearer? 54. Did Teridax unleash Shadow Leeches onto the Matoran while he was in control of the Matoran Universe? Like are/were there Kra-Matoran during his reign? 65. How do Spirit Stars exist outside the Matoran Universe? We know that the Toa Mata/Nuva saw them while on Mata Nui and the Toa Inika saw them while on Voya Nui.
71) It would turn gold 82) Because that was how it was designed in 2001. There is no story reason for it. 93) It's based on the wearer 104) No 115) Good question. I wasn't the one who came up with the idea of spirit stars outside the MU and I am not sure if the people who did ever really knew what they were or how they functioned. So I have no idea what their reasoning was.
13 is still vague.
1He did only answer half the question. But with #1's answer, it seems to base itself on the user, rather than the user actively change the mask (or else as an answer, it's be whatever Taka wanted, especially being an Av-Toa).
1Well, I'll ask him to be a bit more clear. Besides, I forgot to ask about the Toa Hagah masks.
11. I've come across Lena Dixen's name various times in the credits for BIONICLE videos, among other places, and I know she's a member of BIONICLE's story team. Could you reveal what her role with BIONICLE is in and outside the Story Team?
22. Can Scodonius and Kirbraz's individual stats be considered the same as their shared stats from their BIONICLE.com bio? I ask because currently, the Wiki has no place to put the shared stats, and no stats for the individuals, and because the shared stats seem about the same as the typical individual stats for Agori.
33. Were the Matoran Universe colors of burnt orange and metallic gray for Fe-Matoran based on the orange, black, and gray colors that the Iron Tribe's survivors adopted as disguises? The color schemes seem awfully similar.
41) Lena was the franchise manager for BIONICLE for a few years. She has since moved on to running LEGO's web team. 52) Yes 63) No.
7I've sent a follow-up question on #1.
1Still won't explain how they work both inside and outside the universe, when you can only see the Red Star outside the universe.
1Hey GregF, just 2 questions. 21. Is a Spirit Star tangible? Like can one touch it? 32. There's something I don't understand. Krakua is supposed to send a message to the past to Turaga Vakama. While he's doing that, he's guarding a besieged island fortress. But the Matoran Universe is destroyed now. So did Krakua already defend the island fortress during Teridax's reign or will he do so on Spherus Magna? 4Thanks.
51) It's energy 62) I can't answer this. It relates to future storyline.
1Wow...#2's answer is very intriguing. Future serial perhaps? 

1Oh how I hope. 

1So there are islands in the new SM? I thought there wouldn't be, seeing as the only ocean is Aqua Magna which has no land...
2Hello Greg,
3You've said that the Inika were unaffected by the Antidermis Zamors because of the electricity in their system. Does this mean that electricity can destroy antidermis? If so, could a Makuta be defeated that way?
4Yes, the electrical charge they had basically prevented the antidermis from being able to influence them. But I don't see that as being way different from other things -- hit free-floating antidermis with fire, you would vaporize it, with ice, you would freeze it .. it has mass, so it can be affected that way. That is why as a Makuta you much prefer being in a body, because you are more vulnerable as antidermis. Same as a vampire who turns to mist could be blown away by a strong wind.
5I thought maybe their armor could conduct it and the antidermis would be hurt, but apparently not.
6Also, this is off-topic, but I'd love a serial with Malum as a pirate ship captain. I can even picture him with an eye patch.
1Hi Greg, I hope it's going well. I'm resending this as I think the server ate it. I'm sorry if that's not the case..
2Anyhow - the adaptive armour contains adaptive weaponry. This weaponry tends to take on the forms of existing weapons, like the Midak Skyblaster and Nynrah Ghostblasters - that's common news. Also, Trinuma's Kanohi - the Mask of Charisma - is a swamp-adapted Hau Nuva in set form. Tying these together: do the adaptive Kanohi also tend to take on the forms of existing masks?
3If so, did Onua's adapted Kanohi take form of the Kanohi Pehkui?
5Not that I am aware of. It is by and large pointless to wear masks that look like other masks, unless it is a tribute deal, because then if someone else wants 6eeds to use it they won't have any idea what power it has.
7I tried.

1Don't give up hope for future MU stories...

2NOTE: My message tracker told me you read this PM, but I received no reply. Apparently the server ate it, so I'm just re-sending it...
3Hi Greg,
4even though the story was (necessarily) rushed, I really enjoyed this last comic. But still, after it I felt I had more questions than answers, which on the one hand is a good sign, because it means you still have some story to tell, but on the other hand it "forced" me to bother you with my questions... again. xD
51) Nektann and his Skakdi are now outcasts hiding on Spherus Magna, right? Just like the Skrall?
62) Will Tahu stay a Toa Mata now?
73) There are still so many untold stories in the MU - and characters that were never explored. Don't you think you could write something about them during the next 1.5 years, be it short stories or web serials? (e.g. Jovan, Toa Dume, Lhikan's early days, some unresolved plots from Destiny War and RoS)
84) Have you decided on how you'd like to continue the story "with the fans"? (story team, polls, something else...)
95) Any news on GN10?
10That's it for now![]()
11Thanks for answering and thanks for writing this epic story.![]()
131) I wouldn't use the term "hiding out," because no one is actively looking for them. It's a big planet, they can easily find a part of it to claim as their own. 142 Only thing that could change that would be the Ignika, and the Ignika is not active at the moment 153) I won't say it's impossible, but as it stands, I have to do the serials on the weekends because I have no time at work, so I really can't see having the time to do short stories too. Plus I am no longer getting BIONICLE freelance, so I need to do other work to make some extra money. 164) Nope 175) Nope
1Just some information about the Bohrok and friends.
9I was just wondering about what will happen to the bohrok in the future?
101. Since they have not been awakened, and the MU will shut off in three days, will this kill off the swarms? 112. Is it possible that any members of the swarms, or the Bahrag were awakened due to the crash? 123. If the swarms were to be awakened, what would they do, seeing as the MU is face down? 134. Can the Bahrag sense that Mata Nui's mission has been completed? 145. Are they similar enough to the Baterra that the two could be mixed up by the Skrall?
15Thank you for your time.
161) No. Bohrok don't need air, and they can function without heat or light when shut off, same way your toaster can 172) Bahrag can escape, yes. Bohrok are asleep 183) Not much for them to do 194) No. They have no idea what his mission even is. 205) Until I see how the artist draws them, impossible for me to comment
21Follow Ups: 221. What about the organic Krana? 232. Would they know the way out? 241a. The Bahrag? 253. Would they attempt to level Bara Magna? 264. Can they sense that there is no longer a need for their mission?
27New: 281. Would the Bahrag be able to function in "regular society," or are they only able to think of their mission to cleanse? 292. Can the Va make it out? 30Unrelated: 313. Is there any chance of the MU's camouflage system going haywire now, or is it too damaged?
32Thank you again.
331) What about them? 342) No 351a) The Bahrag could escape, sure 363) No. Their programming has nothing to do with Bara Magna. 374) No. 381) They tend to be very single-minded. 392) Probably, yes 403) Irrelevant, since the robot's face is in the sand -- he fell forward, remember?
421. Would they be affected by the MU's shutdown, since they are primarily organic? 432. Are the Bahrag closer to Glatorian, Toa, or Bohrok in terms of organics to mechanics? (BS01 doesn't say) 442a. Is the ratio high enough that they would be in danger from the MU's shutdown. 453. Would the Bahrag be able to comprehend that their job is now not needed? 464. Since the MU is facedown, the protodermis ducts are most likely blocked, correct? 474a. If the camouflage system were to trigger, what kind of back up would it cause? 484b. Can it even trigger, seeing as the brain is damaged?
49Merci Beaucoup.
501) Since they are inside Bohrok, they are dormant, same as they were when buried alive. They therefore wouldn't need heat or air, so would survive. If they were not dormant inside the MU, they would die. 512) Toa 522a) Anything inside the MU is in danger, MD, with the exception of probably Exo-Toa and other things that are purely robotic. The Bahrag need to breathe, they need heat, they need light, so they would be in danger, yes. 533) Unknown 544) Irrelevant, because it is not going to trigger. That portion of the brain is too heavily damaged.
55-------------------- 56"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts/Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -- MST3K
9I was just wondering about what will happen to the bohrok in the future?
101. Since they have not been awakened, and the MU will shut off in three days, will this kill off the swarms? 112. Is it possible that any members of the swarms, or the Bahrag were awakened due to the crash? 123. If the swarms were to be awakened, what would they do, seeing as the MU is face down? 134. Can the Bahrag sense that Mata Nui's mission has been completed? 145. Are they similar enough to the Baterra that the two could be mixed up by the Skrall?
15Thank you for your time.
161) No. Bohrok don't need air, and they can function without heat or light when shut off, same way your toaster can 172) Bahrag can escape, yes. Bohrok are asleep 183) Not much for them to do 194) No. They have no idea what his mission even is. 205) Until I see how the artist draws them, impossible for me to comment
21Follow Ups: 221. What about the organic Krana? 232. Would they know the way out? 241a. The Bahrag? 253. Would they attempt to level Bara Magna? 264. Can they sense that there is no longer a need for their mission?
27New: 281. Would the Bahrag be able to function in "regular society," or are they only able to think of their mission to cleanse? 292. Can the Va make it out? 30Unrelated: 313. Is there any chance of the MU's camouflage system going haywire now, or is it too damaged?
32Thank you again.
331) What about them? 342) No 351a) The Bahrag could escape, sure 363) No. Their programming has nothing to do with Bara Magna. 374) No. 381) They tend to be very single-minded. 392) Probably, yes 403) Irrelevant, since the robot's face is in the sand -- he fell forward, remember?
421. Would they be affected by the MU's shutdown, since they are primarily organic? 432. Are the Bahrag closer to Glatorian, Toa, or Bohrok in terms of organics to mechanics? (BS01 doesn't say) 442a. Is the ratio high enough that they would be in danger from the MU's shutdown. 453. Would the Bahrag be able to comprehend that their job is now not needed? 464. Since the MU is facedown, the protodermis ducts are most likely blocked, correct? 474a. If the camouflage system were to trigger, what kind of back up would it cause? 484b. Can it even trigger, seeing as the brain is damaged?
49Merci Beaucoup.
501) Since they are inside Bohrok, they are dormant, same as they were when buried alive. They therefore wouldn't need heat or air, so would survive. If they were not dormant inside the MU, they would die. 512) Toa 522a) Anything inside the MU is in danger, MD, with the exception of probably Exo-Toa and other things that are purely robotic. The Bahrag need to breathe, they need heat, they need light, so they would be in danger, yes. 533) Unknown 544) Irrelevant, because it is not going to trigger. That portion of the brain is too heavily damaged.
55-------------------- 56"If you're wondering how he eats and breathes, and other science facts/Just repeat to yourself, "It's just a show, I should really just relax." -- MST3K
1hey greg.
2is it possible that, since the MU is down, Tren Krom can control a portion of the MU, by acting as the new "brain" and putting some systems under his control? so people can take refuge there and he can be their "great spirit"
3No. Metru Nui is too badly damaged, and Tren Krom would not be able to repair it. Without the systems run from there, even on automatic, the body cannot function.
1Hi Greg,
2I read that the Spherus Magna inhabitants would probably strip the Great Spirit robot for parts and technology. I was wondering if you could make a prediction about their reactions to discovering Energized Protodermis, the cause of the devastating Core War. Will they destroy it? Beginning warring over it anew?
3Thanks for your time.
4Triggy 5BS01 Staff
6The war was largely fueled by the ambitions of the ELs, so no, I do not see a new war breaking out over it. Considering what it did their planet, they will probably run from it in terror.
7Another quick question: not sure if this has already been answered elsewhere, but how were/are MU and SM inhabitants able to communicate, given that they speak different languages? Did the Ignika grant this, or what's the deal?
8Triggy 9BS01 Staff
10Mata Nui made it possible, since he speaks both languages.
11Did he manually teach everyone or did he employ one of his Great Spirit-y abilities? Possibly channeled through the energies of the Bara Magna robot?
12Triggy 13BS01 Staff
14The latter -- there would have been no time to manually teach every MU inhabitant how to speak Agori.
15Dunno how we'll deal with this on the Languages page on BS01, but we'll figure it out.
1hey greg.
2is it possible that, since the MU is down, Tren Krom can control a portion of the MU, by acting as the new "brain" and putting some systems under his control? so people can take refuge there and he can be their "great spirit"
3No. Metru Nui is too badly damaged, and Tren Krom would not be able to repair it. Without the systems run from there, even on automatic, the body cannot function.
4so if we compare it to a nuclear powerplant, the main control room got bombed, Tren Krom can't hook up it's laptop to the datagrid and route some systems to it?
5Right. Because the datagrid is gone.
1Hello Greg, I just have two questions this time so this shouldn't take too long.
21. Do toa of Water have any control over the temperature of the water?
32. Who would control water vapour, toa of water or air?
41) I don't believe we have ever done that, no. That would be control at a molecular level, and we generally don't dive that deep 52) Well, we have shown Gali being able to create water from the water vapour in the air, if that helps.
6Huh. 2 is kinda vague though.
1Hi Greg, I have some questions regarding Bionicle post-2010.
21. Will the Dark Hunters/Order of Mata Nui still exist in some form?
32. Will the Pit prisoners remain where they are, or will all the inmates be moved to a different prison on SM?
43. What will the Matoran/Agori do with the Ignika? Will it be hidden away somewhere under lock and key?
54. Will the Xians try and make a "new Xia" of sorts so they can continue to produce weapons? Or will they spread out?
65. Now that there are no Makuta left (unless Miserix survived) will the Rahkshi simply become wild?
76.Is there going to be some form of governing body on Spherus Magna so something like the Core War won't happen again?
8Thats all for now. i don't want to ask to much.
91) I'd assume so 102) They would have to be removed, the alternative is condemning them all to death. 113) Hasn't been decided yet 124) I think, like immigrants to new lands in our world, they will most likely stick together and establish their own enclave somewhere. 135) Yes 146) Right now, I am inclined to think that a global government won't happen. If you think about it, it was the governing body -- the Element Lords -- who were the problem the last time.
1QUOTE 2Hello GregF . I have only one question. Thankyou in advance smile
3I just read on Bio-sector that Tahu is 'formerly' the leader of his team. Is that accurate? I don't recall hearing that in the story anywhere.
4In the sense that the team does not really need a leader now, yes. I don't see all six Mata/Nuva staying together on Spherus Magna, they would be of more use splitting up and working with other groups so that their experience and skills could be shared. Tahu understands that Mata Nui wants the society to be integrated, not just MU people over here, SM people over there.

3I just read on Bio-sector that Tahu is 'formerly' the leader of his team. Is that accurate? I don't recall hearing that in the story anywhere.
4In the sense that the team does not really need a leader now, yes. I don't see all six Mata/Nuva staying together on Spherus Magna, they would be of more use splitting up and working with other groups so that their experience and skills could be shared. Tahu understands that Mata Nui wants the society to be integrated, not just MU people over here, SM people over there.
1Here is some new questions for you Greg, and some older ones that I guess you didnt have time to answer before:
21.) By using his power, could Takanuva see in other forms of light such as near infrared or gain limited night vision? 32.) In Makuta's guide to the universe it says that Teridax kept some Makuta alive in the universe to help him manufacture Krataa, but you have said that the only other makuta alive is Miserix, so was this Miserix you were refering to? 43.) I have a theory on why the Matoran never saw Bara Magna in the sky when on Mata Nui and Voya Nui, I was just wondering if you could tell me if this was correct. I know the real reason is that Lego had not thought of Bara Magna then, but it would be nice to have a storyline reason. Basically it is that Aqua magna has a simmlar spin to our moon in that its spin and orbit are at just the right speed such that only one side of it ever faces us (or in this case Bara Magna). this way if Mata Nui crashed on the side facing away from Bara Magna (which he most likely would have seeing as he was headed towards the planet, not away from it) the Matoran on the island of Mata Nui and those on Voya Nui would never see Bara Magna in the sky as they would be facing away from it. The rotation of the moon around the planet would also have to be about 1 Matoran day for a complete rotation, to simulate the correct day and night cycle by going in front of the planet into the light and behind the planet into the dark. Would you say that this is correct?
5Ok and now in a topic in S&T about a calender system for the Bionicle universe I came up with this theory on the matter and it was suggested to me that I send it to you to see what you think of it and perhaps get it cannonised, so here it is:
6"Well, we know that they use seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years that are the same as ours. We also know that in Le-Koro at least, they had named seasons (leafdawn - springtime is the only named one, but if you extrapolate it it could become Leafdawn=springtime, leafday=summer, leafdusk=autumn and leafnight=winter).Also, we know from Destiny War that they have some kind of Epoch, as Axonn says "since the begining of recorded time" and the "time before time" has been mentioned. My guess would be that this epoch is the moment Mata Nui's spirit took over the MU and he left Sphereus Magna to start his mission, as that is when the MU really began as that was when it was finished. The time before time refering to the events before that point. So they would say "the year 100,000 of recorded time" and "the year 200 of the time before time". from here on in it is just speculation. For a month system, I would guess it would be something like the elements, as they are the things that are most fundamental to them. So they would have a 15 month year (as while it was specified that their year is as long as ours, maybe the months don't have to be). Weeks are not named in our world so I dont see why theirs should be, so that just leaves day names, I suggest that because they speak in a programming language it sould be that kind of style, so maybe something like "one-day"(Monday) and "two-day"(Tuesday) etc.
7So with a little careful thought over what has been given to us by the storyline, we now have a years system as well as a season system, month system and days system, for the MU at least"
8Thank you for your time,
91) Not that I am aware of 102) No, because once he had the kraata, he killed the Makuta. Miserix would never help Teridax do anything. 113) Makes sense to me. 124) Well, more power to you.
13Ok, sorry to keep pestering you, but I have some follow ups:
141.) So, another Takanuva power question, could he join up with a toa of stone and then create a lightstone by combining their powers? 154.) Sorry, I never did know what people meant when using that phrase. Could you please elaborate (would you say it is correct/cannon?)
16Thank you again for your time
171) I think it's doubtful. Lightstones are crystalline, they aren't rocks, for one thing. 184) Basically, it means if you are doing that, that's fine.
19So, pity about the Takanuva questions, but now we have a storyline reason for why we never saw Bara Magna in the sky above the islands of Mata Nui/Voya Nui and I may have finally answered that pesky dating question


1Hi Greg, I have some questions regarding Bionicle post-2010.
21. Will the Dark Hunters/Order of Mata Nui still exist in some form?
32. Will the Pit prisoners remain where they are, or will all the inmates be moved to a different prison on SM?
43. What will the Matoran/Agori do with the Ignika? Will it be hidden away somewhere under lock and key?
54. Will the Xians try and make a "new Xia" of sorts so they can continue to produce weapons? Or will they spread out?
65. Now that there are no Makuta left (unless Miserix survived) will the Rahkshi simply become wild?
76.Is there going to be some form of governing body on Spherus Magna so something like the Core War won't happen again?
8Thats all for now. i don't want to ask to much.
91) I'd assume so 102) They would have to be removed, the alternative is condemning them all to death. 113) Hasn't been decided yet 124) I think, like immigrants to new lands in our world, they will most likely stick together and establish their own enclave somewhere. 135) Yes 146) Right now, I am inclined to think that a global government won't happen. If you think about it, it was the governing body -- the Element Lords -- who were the problem the last time.
15I doubt Xians would make new weapons. It is after all, a time of peace.
1So, now that the final comic is out, I just want to ask a couple of things.
21) Are the islands inside the Makuta robot still basically intact? So beings can still go to them as well as living on Bara Magna. 32) A long shot, this, but maybe it could be written than the blow to Makuta's head made something in the camoflague system malfunction and the island of Mata Nui gets restored...? 'Cause it seems a shame to lose the island we were on originally.
4Good finale, though.
5- Tilius
61) At the moment, yes. But Tahu's intent would seem to be that both societies work together and live together, which could mean Matoran spreading out on Spherus Magna. Plus, we don't know what effect the robot being dead is going to have on its interior, repairs will probably be needed to keep it habitable. 72) He fell forward, though, so wouldn't it be kind of hard to live on an island that is on his face if his face is pointing downwards?
81) I see. Well, it'd be nice to keep them all. Or have the body melt away and just leave the islands intact as mountains on the planet's surface or something.... 92) But Bionicle physics aren't the same as Earth physics .No but seriously, couldn't you find some way around that? Or say that he rolled over...? Or have the Matoran, Toa, Glatorian and Agori (maybe assisted in some way by Mata Nui) roll the body over - seeing as they managed to pull together the parts of the smaller robot? Or have the camoflague system reverse itself so the island is displayed on the back of the head instead...? I don't know, but I'm sure you could find plenty of ways around it...
10Plus, having the body rolled over would mean that the islands inside would be the right way up.... It'd have lots of advantages.![]()
11- Tilius
12Except that there's no longer any heat or light or fresh air inside the MU, making it extremely hard to for anyone to survive in there, islands right side up or not.
13Well, maybe if the actual 'shell' of the robot body decayed away to leave just the islands then there'd be heat and light and fresh air. Or maybe they could roll the body over, then just dismantle the body to leave the islands.
14- Tilius
15Well, let's consider that, because it isn't impossible. If you dismantle the outer shell, then the liquid protodermis will soak into the ground, which is fine, so you will wind up with the islands basically sitting in the middle of the new green space. I don't see that as something that could not happen.
16So could we get that written into the story at some point....? It'd make a huge amount of people happy, and seems a shame to basically kill-off the land we've been in for most of the story.
17- Tilius
18I'll see what I can do -- the first question we have to address is, once the stabilizers went out and the lands were all upside down, would they not have been squashed flat against the chest of the robot? And if not, why not?
19I always thought that the islands were just part of the back of the robot - like 'sculpted' in, rather than being seperate masses. But if not, we can keep in mind that the MU robot has been on its back for ages, maybe the lands were sort of 'set' into the back of the robot a bit, just due to the gravity of Aqua Magna. Like if you put something heavy onto a lump of butter and leave it for while, it sinks in a bit and gets stuck. I know the MU isn't made of butter, but you get what I mean.
20If the lands are seperate from the actual robot, and did indeed go upside-down, I'm not sure how they can really come back from that....but there'll surely be a way. Or maybe we could have a bit of a sub-plot or something, maybe where a Toa team (maybe set in the part and include Jovan, since he was a Toa of Magnetism, he could magnet-up the islands to the robot back or something....) reinforce the islands to the robot as a back-up incase the stabilizers fail. So when Makuta fell, the islands remained intact.
21You'll come up with something better, I expect. There'll be a way around the problem I'm sure.
22- Tilius
23I actually have to come up with one, regardless, because the alternative is most of the people in the MU died, which I don't want to do.
24Got a bit carried away with my fan-ficcing there, but the basic point is that the islands of the MU might survive on the surface of Bara Magna. Which would be cool.
25- Tilius
1Hi GregF,
2I have a couple of questions today.
31) If a being that was wearing the Kanohi Kualsi was trapped in a Toa Seal, would that being be able to activate the mask's power and escape the seal? I am asking because Toa Seals look transparent.
42) When Mata Nui pulled back Aqua Magna, wouldn't some of the water have evaporated due to the atmosphere?
53) Is the reason why the Agori cannot create new things in anyway related to the Great Beings?
6Thanks in advance.
71) No. The seal would block transport. Otherwise, Makuta could have just teleported out of it in 2004-2005. 82) Which atmosphere? 93) Not directly, no. This is a post-holocaust society -- they had a global disaster -- think the Dark Ages on Earth. When people come through something like that, sometimes knowledge or skills can be lost.
10The reason I asked number 3 was because I had this theory that the Great Beings were a collective society of Glatorian and Agori who HAD the ability to create new things, and could do so on a massive scale.
1I don't think my last e-mail reached you, so I'll resend them.
2Hi Greg . I asked a few questions a couple months ago but I figure you never got around to it or it got lost in the mail.
3If you don't mind could you answer a couple questions?
41. Miserix was never part of the rebellion against Mata Nui and was imprisoned for years. Did he ever expel his inner light during this time? 51a. If so, when? 61b. Why would he?
72. I was wondering if the "infection" (from the 2001 year) and the Antidermis infection (from 2006) were the same thing, just produced in different ways? If not, what exactly is the infection?
83. So eventually, if nothing goes wrong, Mata Nui's plan is to return to the world one day?
9Please and thank you. =)
101) Yup. He didn't join with Makuta Teridax because he thought Makuta would fail, not because he was a nice guy. 112) Well, the infection from 2001 was caused by kraata infecting masks and thus putting the wearer under Teridax's control. The 2006 infection, however, made the infected susceptible to ANYONE's control, not just Makuta's, so there was a difference in degree. 123) I see Mata Nui as going the King Arthur route -- someday, he could return at the hour of his people's greatest need.
13Thanks I've been sweating over the number one question for a while now.
14Now a few new and follow ups?
151. By any chance, I was wondering if you could reveal if Kopaka would perhaps make a small cameo in Reign of Shadows?
162. Just to clarify, the Infection is simply a trait the Kraata carry, which allow them to mind control anyone for the Makuta. Would you say the "infection" is a virus?
173. I was wondering what would happen to Tren Krom since the destruction of the MU?
184. Since the Matoran Universe is theoretically based off of Spherus Magna, would it be safe to assume the Rahi will have no trouble adapting to the new world?
195. Will Tahu continue to use the Golden Armor for himself whenever it's needed, or just all the time? 205b. What exactly is the Golden Armor's power again? Pure energy bursts? Or is it used just to kill Kraata?
216. Do you already have an idea as to what Takanuva's destiny is, and will we be seeing it sometime in the near future?
22Thanks again sir. =)
231) Don't know 242) They don't do the mind controlling. They just make the person susceptible to Makuta's mind. 253) Time will tell 264) Not sure I see the connection? 275) I can't see what he would use it for, it's done what it was supposed to do 285b) It's used to kill Rahkshi 296) I can't discuss future storyline plans
30Didn't that one Great Being. (I'm sorry I can't remember his name >>) think about how they were kind of sending Spherus Magna with Mata Nui on his mission? Eitherway, my question is just will the Rahi adapt to Spherus Magna?
311) In a metaphorical sense, yes, but only in a metaphorical sense. 322) They will have to, or they'll die. Some will no doubt adapt better than others.
33Few things I was interested in.
1Might be new, Enjoy.
2Hi Greg, I have a question.
3We saw that the Spear of fusion had the power to repair itself with its own power, after being snapped into many pieces, so my question is, if someone sliced the Staff Of artakha in half or just cut the bottom of the staff off, could the user mentally command the staff to use its power on itself and Grow the missing part back? Even more, could they then use the staff to grow a new, fully Functional duplicate of the Staff of Artakha from the severed piece. with that said, would it then be possible to make, oh, say thousands/Billions/Googilions (had to think up a word based on Google that went with Billions) of Staffs of artakha?
4oh and I love bionicle so much that disided to do a Cross over with Star wars, with a hilarious, (to everyone I've shone it to till now) effect. Tis about a Duplicate (don't ask me how) mata Nui Robot, that... Just Ask me if you want me to give it to you, its pretty short, so I think you could manage it, if you wanted.
5Thanks so much
61) No, because the Staff repaired damage done by the Great Cataclysm, not just damage done, period. Break it and it's broken. 72) I'm not allowed to look at fan fiction, M.
8Oops. Just sent it too you, oh well just delete it.
91. But if the staff can't repair damage done, why was Terry (seamingly succeeding) at using it to Grow a new "fake" Nui stone, from the fake shards embedded in the Decoy Tuyet's armor, Before the Staff was taken by Brutaka and teleported to the right place by Botar?
102. And if Toa Hylerix said that the Staff was only using "a fraction of its power" to heal the MU's damage done by the Great Cataclysm, what would be the Staff's "Full" power be, and how would it be used or acheived?
113. Why would or should the Staff of Artakha be limited to only healing GC Damage?
123a. Why can't the Staff work like a super powerful Mask of Regeneration? 13( It would seem like a perfectly good tool for wide and small scale Regeneration, that has been unfairly limited. )
14thank you
15You are correct, M, my definition of its powers was much too narrow yesterday. Fact remains, though, the Staff cannot be used on itself once its broken. You would probably need the Spear of Fusion to repair it if it was broken.
16Wow . I didn't know I did something right that you would addmit to this time .+
Thank you
17I can understand that the spear of fusion would be needed to be used to fix it, I was even thinking about that yesterday, but I was wondering,
181. could a user of a Great mask of Regeneration be able to grow working duplicates from the pieces of a shattered Staff of Artakha, or if they took a second original from an alternate dimension, could they use it to grow the pieces into Duplicates?
192. could a spear of fusion be fused with a Staff of Artakha, and make a new type of tool that both has the power of the spear of fusion and a staff of artakha, and maybe a new power that combines the two,
202a. or would fusing the two tools erase their individual powers and simply create a new one, e.g. Tractor/pusher beam, or the Zero Point energy beams that Syndrome could use in the Pixar movie "The Increadibles"?
213. even though the Toa teams have been disband, will the members get together on set dates, like a Colledge reunioun or other family get together, for quality time?
221) In the latter case, yes, that would be possible, I think. 232) Most likely, you would get the new power only 243) Depends. They may be scattered all over the planet.