Storm6075 wrote:

11.who inspired you to write

22.what are you working on

33.what book are you most proud of

44.whats been the most exciting time at work

51) No one really. I started writing in 4th grade and it is has always been what I am best at , so that is what I do.

62) Nothing at the moment.


73) All three of my pre-LEGO novels and Time Trap and probably the last few Hero Factory novels.


84) February, 2002, when I got to do the comic signing at the Toys R Us in Times Square.

acidicus24 wrote:

1greg tell me whether overlord is having some connection with overborg?

2I don't know offhand of a character called Overborg, and at this point, I am going to stop answering any questions that are in any way related to 2014 until someone at LEGO Company says it is okay to talk about this stuff. It is silly for me to just keep posting that I can't answer these things.

ScribeGT6817 wrote:
diglett809 wrote:1Do you have any video game systems? If not, did you have some when you were younger? If so, which ones?

2I have a PS3, Diglett.

3Nice, I have a PS3 too.

1Greg will turn up at DoD golden ninja what didn't appear for in stone cold?

1greg tell me in the book stone cold sensei cheated the ninja why?

1Greg you wrote me that action stone cold is taking place in 2013. but in this book the ninja has dresses from 2012.W segment of 23 ninja at the church lights are getting new kimono.Greg dresses does the action of this book take place before episode 23?

1Greg i dont understant after all for the most powerful villains why according to the book it is is overlord mask of malice?

1Greg for the entire evil in the land ninjago responsible overlord is tell me whether he has some connection from mask of malice or with other villains?

1Greg book 7 mainly is telling about the past sensei wu why is entitled stone cold?

1greg you wrote me that in the USA was one pokuj which all future sets are in tell me does everyone have an admission there?

1Greg tell me whether there will be book 10?

1Greg you are a writer tell me how much per cent of the return on sales of books you are getting net?

1Greg tell me about the plot ninjago 2014 who is deciding you? designers? Whether brothers hageman?

1Greg in the book stone cold who destroyed the prison?

1Greg you told me I would learn yeah but I am supposed to wait all the way to october?