1Okay. These questions are NOT SORTED AT ALL.
- 2Did Exo-Force actually have a real ending?
- 3In the Mata Nui Online Game 1, Takua is shown wearing a Kanohi Ruru. But he is supposed to wear a Pakari. Was that the game designer's fault?
- 4I just don't get the Golden Skinned Being at all. The Skadiki dumped various people into a tank, and .....?
- 5What disks are needed for an Olmak? Surely it's just a teleportation disk... But then why were there only two Olmak? (Olmak = Mask of Dimensional Gates)
- 6Was the Mask of Time ever released in a set?
- 7Oh yes. In MNOG 1 (again) and several oif the early BIONICLE videos, the Toa are seen with golden masks that can also transform into the Turaga's Noble Masks. But there was no reference to the Toa collecting the Noble Masks in the books.
- 8And another thing about masks: The Toa Nuva collected SOME Nuva Masks. Could they still use them later on? It seems that they didn't...
- 9More masks.... Were there any other Nuva Masks?
- 10Still more... How come the Toa (while not Nuva) didn't collect the Nuva Masks by accident when they were searching for the Non-Nuva masks?
- 11Who hid the masks, anways? It says in the books that SOMEONE hid those masks. But Makuta would have nicked them, the Turaga had not the strength, the Toa Metru didn't seem to... so was it the Matoran? They knew where they were hidden: they gave the Toa directions.
- 12Takua's Kanohi Pakari is the same colour as the infected ones on the Nui-Jaga. Was that just co-incidence?
- 13Why were there only two Le-Matoran ever in sets? (I'm not sure if Tanma is a Le-Matoran or an Av-Matoran. I think he's an Av one) Is that just more coincidence?
- 14Heatstones only featured in MNOG 1. Are they canon?
- 15In the Exo-Force sets, the Golden Robot had three pilotable vehicles. Does this mean he could only wage war with one at a time?
- 16Oh yes. Why did Makuta terrorize the Matoran af Mata Nui when he knew that for Mata Nui to rise again the Matoran had to be on Metru Nui?
17Running out of space....
- 2Who nicked the Makoki Stones off the Brotherhood of Makuta? Was it the Toa Hagah?
- 3How did the lightning hitting the Toa Canisters on Voya Nui act as Toa Stones? What I'm asking is how did the Matoran (Jaller, Hewkii, Hahli, etc) turn into Toa?
- 4What WAS the Axalara T9 and the Jetrx E7 or something (whatever)? In other words: How did they get there, Who were they for, Why were they there?
- 5What was the Codrex? I know it was that..... structure .... in the middle of the swamp at the bottom of Karda Nui, but what was it and why was it there?
- 6Did any other Toa have a Toa Suva that weren't the Mata or the Nuva?
- 7Tahu had a golden mask on Bara Magna. What was it? Just a gold mask of Shielding, or was it like his golden one on Mata Nui?
- 8Who named Teridax?
- 9What happened to the Dark Hunters after the Reforming of Spherus Magna?
- 10Makuta Icarax is seen wearing a Mask of Shadow both in set and comic form. But wasn't there only one Mask of Shadow, and it was given to Teridax?
- 11Did the Giant Mata Nui set fit into the storyline at all?
- 12The Mask of Life could basically destroy everyone inside the Great Spirit Robot. Would it destroy people on Bara Magna?
- 13The Order of Mata Nui didn't want anyone to know the location of Artaxha (or however it is spelt). Couldn't someone just sail south-west of Metru Nui and 'accidentally' find it?
- 14(I might have asked this already) How did the stars on Metru Nui, or ANYWHERE inside the MU work? As well as spirit stars?
- 15Why was Kini-Nui so important?
- 16We heard of no Turaga after Jovan. Why?
- 17Why were there Bohrok on Metru Nui (the archivists dug them up) when their function was on Mata Nui
- 18Also, where there any other types of Bohrok or Bohrok anywhere else?
- 19What ARE the krana? I know they're the 'brain' of the Bohrok, but how are they created?
- 20How does an Av-Matoran turn into a Bohrok? And why does he do so? Like, why not have the story with, say, Karzahi creating the Bohrok?
- 21Can any non-Bohrok people use Bohrok shields?
22Thank you in advance!
acidicus24 wrote:1Greg you wrote me that action stone cold is taking place in 2013. but in this book the ninja has dresses from 2012.W segment of 23 ninja at the church lights are getting new kimono.Greg dresses does the action of this book take place before episode 23?
2The artist draws based on the reference that he has.
acidicus24 wrote:1Greg for the entire evil in the land ninjago responsible overlord is tell me whether he has some connection from mask of malice or with other villains?
2That's not something I could answer, beyond saying I came up with the Mask of Malice for that book and the intent at the time was not to tie it into the Overlord or Garmadon storylines.