skoudis wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:skoudis wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:skoudis wrote:1Excuse me, Mr. Farshtey. I have a Ninjago question:
2Now Mr. Farshtey, don't get me wrong. I really like Ninjago, but there are a few quesions that I have about the episode: "Wrong place, Wrong time"
3So, if I recall correctly, in order to prevent the "Super Weapon" from destroying the past, the ninjas took the four individual weapons and destroyed them in the fire temple. But didn't Garmadon use the weapons to destroy the Great Devourer? And didn't the weapons save their lives, and Lloyd's life on many occasions? If the weapons were destroyed in the past, they wouldn't have them in the future! Hence, all of Ninjago would either be ruled by Garmadon, or eaten by the Devourer!
Could you please explain it to me?
4I don't work on the TV series, Skoudis, so I can't answer this.
5Sorry. I thought WA said you did.
6No, my main involvement with Ninjago is writing the graphic novels. The Hagemann brothers write the TV show.
7Graphic novels? How did I not know about these?
8They are published by Papercutz and are available in most libraries and bookstores. Seven have come out so far and the eighth is releasing later this month.
voporak1 wrote:1it was written: his new body was sufficiently strong to evaporate the ocean if desired. Maybe he would before leaving this world, just for amusement
2Thank you!
3No, this did not reflect some non-elemental control of water. It reflected the fact that Mata Nui could project enough energy to so heat the water that it would all evaporate.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:diglett809 wrote:1Here's an interview for the LVNS:21. What's the best part about working for LEGO?32. Who is your favorite character from either Bionicle, Ninjago, or Legends of Chima?43. What's your favorite LEGO set you own?54. What's your favorite LEGO set ever made for any theme?65. If Bionicle didn't end, what were your plans for it's future?7I know you answered most of these already, but I am asking them again for the LVNS readers and because I don't want to search for them.81) Representing a product you are proud of
92) My favorite character from BIONICLE was Kopaka
103) Right now, probably the Vampire Castle
114) I don't know that I have a favorite
125) I didn't really have plans -- its future would have been determined by the story team, of which I was one member.
13Thanks Greg!
plew2000 wrote:1Wow I am glad to talk to you. Greg fartshly, I have one question
2Where do you get your ideas from?!?!
3I am soooooooooooo happy to talk to you! your like a celebrity, or a legend or a myth or a god.... maby not quite the last one... but any way thanks for reading!!!!!!!
4Sorry, i ment farshty not fartshy, sorry.
Malurus2000 wrote:xeara wrote:skoudis wrote:
1So, if I recall correctly, in order to prevent the "Super Weapon" from destroying the past, the ninjas took the four individual weapons and destroyed them in the fire temple. But didn't Garmadon use the weapons to destroy the Great Devourer? And didn't the weapons save their lives, and Lloyd's life on many occasions? If the weapons were destroyed in the past, they wouldn't have them in the future! Hence, all of Ninjago would either be ruled by Garmadon, or eaten by the Devourer!
Could you please explain it to me?
3When the Ninjas destroyed the Mega Weapon & the 4 Golden Weapons, which was why they had travelled back in time in the first place to destroy them, the Mega Weapon in present time simply disappeared into nothing shortly before the events of "Wrong Place, Wrong Time". Note it wasn't completely erased from time, just erased from the events during & following the episode.
4Also, just a note, at the end of the episode, Sensei Wu can be seen looking up at the stars. There's an unsually bright star. Earlier, the Mega Wepaon & 4 weapons got shot into the sky. Kinda looks like a wishing star, & the Mega Weapon CAN grant wishes...
5But at the end of "Wrong Place, Wrong Time", Lloyd inquires what a "Mega-Weapon" is.
6Possibly he had not been informed of the Mega Weapon before that day and was never told due to tiem being changed or something. That or it was a dialogue error.
1Hi Greg, I've got a couple of interesting scenarios;
2If a matoran turns into a toa, then a turaga, then they die, which version of themselves will their soul/thoughts/programming be transplanted into? Matoran, toa or turaga?
3Also, if a toa of stone is trying to hold together a rock, but a bohrok attacks it with it's vacuum powers, who would succeed?
4And... Did Gresh have a mum and dad? If so, what would they be like?
5Sorry about all the Q's again, I've got back into Bionicle recently
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1My main idea behind the theory is that Velika would somehow have realized that he could hurt the other GB's plans (or at least forward his own) by giving the Matoran sentience.
2Maybe he would have figured that he could use the Matoran much more effectively if they were sentient.
3Also, I don't know what the eventual end of his plan is supposed to be, but if it involves him becoming the ruler of the universe, he would probably rather rule over sentient beings, not mindless drones.
4And I just realized something... if Velika entered a Matoran body as the MU was being launched, he would have had to feign being a mindless worker for quite some time while analyzing the Matoran, at least until figured out how to give the Matoran sentience (assuming that the theory is correct).
5Also - did Velika actually help build the Great Spirit Robot? If he was involved with the creation of the Matoran, he would have had that much more knowledge of their inner workings (and found out what else he needed to know by actually entering a Matoran body).
6Yes, he was involved in the building of the robot. And I do think he had an eye on messing up the GB's plan.7I probably shouldn't stretch this out too long, but there is one more question that I have:
8How did the robot fit into Velika's plans? Did he want to take it over? If so, how much aware was he of Teridax's plan to take over? Did Velika consider it a setback when the robot was destroyed, or a benefit?
9No, Velika did not intend to take over Mata Nui. I do not see him trying to sabotage the plan to reform Spherus Magna, because what he was angry about was that the GBs let the planet get wrecked in the first place.
10This makes sense - his plans seem to coincide with those of the "good guys" for a stretch, then his plans seem to "go bad" after the re-formation of SM.
11Thanks a bunch for discussing the theory!