bioniclefanone wrote:1Hi this will most likely be my last question for a while. I don't know if you remember my post about Bionicle fans saying Hero Factory is a test which you confirmed that it wasn't but I heard you were being interview by The Three Virtues online they created the video so could please tell them that Hero Factory isn't a test. It is having a negative impact on the Bionicle community because many viewers believe their theory. Thanks
2We did discuss in the interview how Hero Factory came into being. As for it being a test ... it's been around for three years now. That would be kind of long for a test, wouldn't it?
botven1 wrote:1Hi Greg, I've got a couple of interesting scenarios;
2If a matoran turns into a toa, then a turaga, then they die, which version of themselves will their soul/thoughts/programming be transplanted into? Matoran, toa or turaga?
3Also, if a toa of stone is trying to hold together a rock, but a bohrok attacks it with it's vacuum powers, who would succeed?
4And... Did Gresh have a mum and dad?
If so, what would they be like?
5Sorry about all the Q's again, I've got back into Bionicle recently
61) Turaga.
72) That would come down to willpower
83) Anyone on Spherus Magna did, but I have no idea what his parents were like
Voxovan wrote:1Why Nex didn't appear in the last Hero Factory wave and is not going to appear in the newest one? Same with Stringer, is there any reason why we don't get sets of those heroes?
2Decisions on what sets make up a given year's assortment are made at HQ in Denmark, and I am not involved with them. I am sure part of it is that there is a limited number of products that can be put out in a year and they may be thinking in terms of what characters have sold best historically.