1A few more questions about the Earth Tribe, if you don't mind.
21. This might sound like a silly question, but for formality's sake, I must ask: is the Earth Tribe still active on Spherus Magna?
32. What are the Earth Tribe's colors? Brown, green, black, some variation thereupon...?
43. Was the Element Lord of Earth trapped with the others in northern Bara Magna?
botven1 wrote:1Hey Greg, I've got a couple of quickies:
2If Makuta create Kraata from their essance, then how was Teridax able to build a rahkshi army when he took control of the Mata Nui robot, and all the other makuta where dead?
3Umm... I had another question but I've forgotten it
I think it had something to do with Metru Nui... Anyway, how's your holiday going?
Or vacation, as it's called in America?
4Bump, I think this got carried away by the tide
1Beides 90% of the Toa and Miserix, were the dark hunters and the skakdi allies and enemies of the Order of Mata Nui
2I'd imagine the toa dark hunter wars would be a reason for the dark hunters sideing with the Makuta, and I think the skakdi could go either way
4Signed:Robo Skeleton Astronaut
Rick7021 wrote:1Beides 90% of the Toa and Miserix, were the dark hunters and the skakdi allies and enemies of the Order of Mata Nui
2I'd imagine the toa dark hunter wars would be a reason for the dark hunters sideing with the Makuta, and I think the skakdi could go either way
__________________________________________ 4Signed:Robo Skeleton Astronaut
5During what time period are you asking about?
6Keep in mind that the OOMN was a secret organization -- they didn't make alliances, really, because no one was supposed to know they existed.
botven1 wrote:botven1 wrote:1Hey Greg, I've got a couple of quickies:
2If Makuta create Kraata from their essance, then how was Teridax able to build a rahkshi army when he took control of the Mata Nui robot, and all the other makuta where dead?
3Umm... I had another question but I've forgotten it
I think it had something to do with Metru Nui... Anyway, how's your holiday going?
Or vacation, as it's called in America?
4Bump, I think this got carried away by the tide
5Kraata are made of antidermis. As the MN robot, Makuta would have had access to all the antidermis in the Matoran universe.
PointlessQuestions wrote:1A few more questions about the Earth Tribe, if you don't mind.
21. This might sound like a silly question, but for formality's sake, I must ask: is the Earth Tribe still active on Spherus Magna?
32. What are the Earth Tribe's colors? Brown, green, black, some variation thereupon...?
43. Was the Element Lord of Earth trapped with the others in northern Bara Magna?
51) Yes
62) Brown and black
73) Yes
Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:
11) I am doing it here and there, but I don't want to make a habit of it, partially because after so many years I don't want to add things that end up making no sense.
22) On your PS, I actually find that prospect intriguing and would like to talk more about it.
3Thank you for answering!
41. So, if I understand it correctly, you partially don't want to do it beause you're not in the habit of thinking in Bionicle terms, and you might forget what "made sense" back then?
52. I would like to discuss this as well -
6So, I've been thinking about Velika's motives for such an action. My basic idea is that giving them sentience would disrupt the effect of the robot. If I may use your "toaster" analogy - if you gave the components of a toaster sentience, they would start thinking such things as "Hey! What am I doing here?" and "I don't like my job! I want a break!". Does this make sense?
7Also, how exactly would Velika have made the Matoran sentient? My thinking is that he developed a program of some sort, and then installed it into the Matoran manufacturing devices. If this is the case, though, how could he have made existing Matoran sentient?
8My final thought is this: Once the matoran had gained sentience and stopped working according to plan, wouldn't the Great Beings have known? To explain this further - wouldn't the Mata Nui robot have had a kind of tracking/update device installed, so that the great Beings could monitor its progress? If not, then my point is moot, but it does seem a bit odd to me to send such a robot out and not try to keep tabs on it remotely.
9Thanks again,
10 Firox
11P.S. I listened to your interview with The Three Virtues a while back, and I'd like to thank you for stepping up and doing that for the fans. The interview was great to listen to.
And thank you for mentioning the Velika theory there as well.
12Greg, I think this question got buried in the floodtide of other questions.
13Did you have a good vacation?
Firox555 wrote:Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:
11) I am doing it here and there, but I don't want to make a habit of it, partially because after so many years I don't want to add things that end up making no sense.
22) On your PS, I actually find that prospect intriguing and would like to talk more about it.
3Thank you for answering!
41. So, if I understand it correctly, you partially don't want to do it beause you're not in the habit of thinking in Bionicle terms, and you might forget what "made sense" back then?
52. I would like to discuss this as well -
6So, I've been thinking about Velika's motives for such an action. My basic idea is that giving them sentience would disrupt the effect of the robot. If I may use your "toaster" analogy - if you gave the components of a toaster sentience, they would start thinking such things as "Hey! What am I doing here?" and "I don't like my job! I want a break!". Does this make sense?
7Also, how exactly would Velika have made the Matoran sentient? My thinking is that he developed a program of some sort, and then installed it into the Matoran manufacturing devices. If this is the case, though, how could he have made existing Matoran sentient?
8My final thought is this: Once the matoran had gained sentience and stopped working according to plan, wouldn't the Great Beings have known? To explain this further - wouldn't the Mata Nui robot have had a kind of tracking/update device installed, so that the great Beings could monitor its progress? If not, then my point is moot, but it does seem a bit odd to me to send such a robot out and not try to keep tabs on it remotely.
9Thanks again,
10 Firox
11Greg, I think this question got buried in the floodtide of other questions.
12Did you have a good vacation?
13Pretty quiet. A little writing, a little book-shopping, that was about it.
Macedonia wrote:1Hey look, it's Callan
2Anyway, I think that my previous questions got buried, so I'll ask them again.
31. Were any of the Southern Islands named?42. How did Voporak come into the hands of the Dark Hunters?
51) No, not in story
62) The Makuta of Stelt loaned Voporak to the Dark Hunters to learn discipline
keplers wrote:1A friend and I just came to this conclusion:
2Velika had to somehow know before Vezon and co.'s arrival that they would be teleporting to the Insane Great Being's fortress. There would be no way for him to know this except by somehow convincing the Great Being to gather everyone together. So, this leads me to ask, was the IGB working with Velika, and if so, what was his motive for just letting Velika destroy the fortress?
3No, given the IGB's instability, it would be foolish for Velika to trust him.
PointlessQuestions wrote:1I'm going to repost these, since I think they got sort of buried in all the questions over the weekend.
2In Sahmad's Tale, Chapter 7, Annona fought the Golden Being in the Skakdi fortress and drove the Skakdi mad by feasting on their dreams. The Golden Being then accidentally granted their maddened wishes, which dissolved the fortress and caused strange creatures and things to appear all around. My questions pertain to that event.
31. What happened to the Toa Mahri during all this? Were they freed from the Golden Being's brainwashing due to the confusion it went through? Or, if they were not freed, how did they respond to their masters being driven mad?
42. With Annona gone and the excitement over, has the Golden Being recreated the Skakdi fortress?
53. Sahmad helped restore the Skakdi's ability to dream, reversing their madness. But what happened to the freakish things spawned by their insane wishes? Are those still roaming Spherus Magna?
6Thank you for your time.
71) Since the dream of their serving the Skakdi no longer existed for that period of time, it is very likely they were freed during that battle.
82) Most likely, yes
93) Oh, yes, they are still there.