1Thanks so much for answering all these questions. With that in mind, here are some more.
21. You've said the Toa Mahri were freed during the battle in the Skakdi fortress. Was this effect permanent, or were they recaptured?
3I now move on to theories proposed by other BZP members.
41. Might some Bone Hunters have ancestry in the Earth Tribe?
52. There appear to only be six chambers in the laboratory where the Element Lords were created. Was the Element Lord of Earth created elsewhere? Or was the Earth Lord perhaps created in the central chamber of that laboratory, from which all the others branch off?
63. Several sources mention only six armies fighting in the Core War. Did the Earth Tribe join forces with any other tribe, or were they out for themselves?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:
11) I am doing it here and there, but I don't want to make a habit of it, partially because after so many years I don't want to add things that end up making no sense.
22) On your PS, I actually find that prospect intriguing and would like to talk more about it.
3Thank you for answering!
41. So, if I understand it correctly, you partially don't want to do it beause you're not in the habit of thinking in Bionicle terms, and you might forget what "made sense" back then?
52. I would like to discuss this as well -
6So, I've been thinking about Velika's motives for such an action. My basic idea is that giving them sentience would disrupt the effect of the robot. If I may use your "toaster" analogy - if you gave the components of a toaster sentience, they would start thinking such things as "Hey! What am I doing here?" and "I don't like my job! I want a break!". Does this make sense?
7Also, how exactly would Velika have made the Matoran sentient? My thinking is that he developed a program of some sort, and then installed it into the Matoran manufacturing devices. If this is the case, though, how could he have made existing Matoran sentient?
8My final thought is this: Once the matoran had gained sentience and stopped working according to plan, wouldn't the Great Beings have known? To explain this further - wouldn't the Mata Nui robot have had a kind of tracking/update device installed, so that the great Beings could monitor its progress? If not, then my point is moot, but it does seem a bit odd to me to send such a robot out and not try to keep tabs on it remotely.
9Thanks again,
10 Firox
11Greg, I think this question got buried in the floodtide of other questions.
12Did you have a good vacation?
13Pretty quiet. A little writing, a little book-shopping, that was about it.
14That's a nice break I'd enjoy.
1Hello Greg. Sorry for the barrage of questions, but most of them are related.
21) What are Marendar's defenses and capabilites?
32) In Legends of Metru Nui (the novelisation, at least) Whenua states: "When Toa realize their full potential, this suva shrine grants them their elemental powers." And after he and the others are transformed into Toa Metru he says "Since when are Matoran just zapped into Toa?" This implies that most transformations from Matoran into Toa are gradual. Is this the case? Or is Whenua erroneous?
43) Assuming that Whenua is correct, how is the transformation activated, and how do Toa realize their full potential?
54) Concerning Toa stones: The Toa Metru are not transformed until the stones are placed in the Suva. Similarly, Takua does not become Takanuva until he dons the Avohkii. What is required to activate the discharge of Toa energy from its receptacle? Can a specific trigger be programmed into one? Is there a default trigger?
65) Hypothetically, supposing that one of the Matoran on the Island of Mata Nui had been transformed into a Toa before the effects of the Matoran Spheres had set in, would he still be vulnerable to them?
7Thank you very much for your time.
1Hey, Greg, you mentioned that the different species and places of the GSR act similairly to the organs and functions of our body systems (with Metru Nui being the brain, Karda Nui the heart, etc). So I have a few questions-
21) What would places like the Northern/Southern Continent, Xia, Zakaz, and Stelt represent?
32) What would the roles of the Skakdi be, kind of how the matoran act like blood cells, working to keep Mata Nui alive and moving. All they seem to do is be destructive and war with each other, although I heard that they weren't like this before Spiriah came in. So what exactly did they do to contribute to the GSR?
43) Would Toa be the GSR equivalent of White blood cells? Like WBCs, they're similair to RBCs/Matoran, but are more rarer and protect the body/GSR from threats.
54) What would the Makuta represent in the GSR? They create rahi, which I believe also somehow do their contributions to the GSR, so would they be the Bone Marrow of the GSR?

1Mr, Farshtey
2I've notice that in the three main toa teams we've seen the toa of fire and the toa of water always seem to have a "special" friendship with eachother, is this coincedental or intentonal?
4Signed: Robo Skeleton Astronaut
32 - Were the Skrall and Vorox Glatorian in ancient times? Were the Bone Hunters and Zesk Agori as well?
PointlessQuestions wrote:1Thanks so much for answering all these questions. With that in mind, here are some more.
21. You've said the Toa Mahri were freed during the battle in the Skakdi fortress. Was this effect permanent, or were they recaptured?
3I now move on to theories proposed by other BZP members.
41. Might some Bone Hunters have ancestry in the Earth Tribe?
52. There appear to only be six chambers in the laboratory where the Element Lords were created. Was the Element Lord of Earth created elsewhere? Or was the Earth Lord perhaps created in the central chamber of that laboratory, from which all the others branch off?
63. Several sources mention only six armies fighting in the Core War. Did the Earth Tribe join forces with any other tribe, or were they out for themselves?
71) Not that I am aware of
82) The element lords were created in "shifts," not all at the same time, so they were not limited to six.
93) The Earth tribe did not fight in the war. They are extremely tied to nature, plus they may have run across EP before ... regardless, they seemed to have a pretty good idea all of this was not going to end happily.
chinchilla3335 wrote:1Hello Greg. Sorry for the barrage of questions, but most of them are related.
21) What are Marendar's defenses and capabilites?
32) In Legends of Metru Nui (the novelisation, at least) Whenua states: "When Toa realize their full potential, this suva shrine grants them their elemental powers." And after he and the others are transformed into Toa Metru he says "Since when are Matoran just zapped into Toa?" This implies that most transformations from Matoran into Toa are gradual. Is this the case? Or is Whenua erroneous?
43) Assuming that Whenua is correct, how is the transformation activated, and how do Toa realize their full potential?
54) Concerning Toa stones: The Toa Metru are not transformed until the stones are placed in the Suva. Similarly, Takua does not become Takanuva until he dons the Avohkii. What is required to activate the discharge of Toa energy from its receptacle? Can a specific trigger be programmed into one? Is there a default trigger?
65) Hypothetically, supposing that one of the Matoran on the Island of Mata Nui had been transformed into a Toa before the effects of the Matoran Spheres had set in, would he still be vulnerable to them?
7Thank you very much for your time.
81) I never established them since he never actually appeared in story
92) Whenua is wrong - remember that the Toa who had defended Metru Nui up to that point came from elsewhere. He had never seen a Matoran turned into a Toa.
104) Depends on when it is destined to happen.
115) Yes
1hello Greg I have a couple of questions
21) if you magically had more time to work on Bionicle Serial you will prefer adding more chapters to The Yesterday Quest and The Powers That Be Or start a new serial
32) what is your favorite Bionicle Serial
43) R The Bahrag completely mechanical accept the Krana in their heads like the Bohrok or their biomechanical like most stuff in The Bionicle universe
54 )if you could choose one character that was only in the story what character will you choose to be turned into a set. keep in mind what character you would think will make a good set and what character didn't get enough recognition
ScribeGT6817 wrote:PointlessQuestions wrote:1Thanks so much for answering all these questions. With that in mind, here are some more.
21. You've said the Toa Mahri were freed during the battle in the Skakdi fortress. Was this effect permanent, or were they recaptured?
3I now move on to theories proposed by other BZP members.
41. Might some Bone Hunters have ancestry in the Earth Tribe?
52. There appear to only be six chambers in the laboratory where the Element Lords were created. Was the Element Lord of Earth created elsewhere? Or was the Earth Lord perhaps created in the central chamber of that laboratory, from which all the others branch off?
63. Several sources mention only six armies fighting in the Core War. Did the Earth Tribe join forces with any other tribe, or were they out for themselves?
71) Not that I am aware of
82) The element lords were created in "shifts," not all at the same time, so they were not limited to six.
93) The Earth tribe did not fight in the war. They are extremely tied to nature, plus they may have run across EP before ... regardless, they seemed to have a pretty good idea all of this was not going to end happily.
103) So, how the Element Lord of Earth was trapped on Bara Magna after The Shattering if his tribe, and so itself, didn't fight in the Core War ?