keplers wrote:1A friend and I have come to this idea:
2Is Teridax currently possessing Tahu's body? In Journey's End, a lot of time is devoted to Mata Nui changing bodies, and one line makes note of how easily Makuta can transfer their mind. The Ignika also warns Tahu that the effects of the Golden Armor are unknown. Later, Tahu easily uses Laser Vision (somehow not only knowing he had the power, but also how to wield it) and dismisses the idea that Teridax may in fact survive.
3Is it that when Tahu used the Golden Armor, he died and Teridax took over?
4No. Teridax is well and truly dead.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:keplers wrote:keplers wrote:1A friend and I have come to this idea:
2Is Teridax currently possessing Tahu's body? In Journey's End, a lot of time is devoted to Mata Nui changing bodies, and one line makes note of how easily Makuta can transfer their mind. The Ignika also warns Tahu that the effects of the Golden Armor are unknown. Later, Tahu easily uses Laser Vision (somehow not only knowing he had the power, but also how to wield it) and dismisses the idea that Teridax may in fact survive.
3Is it that when Tahu used the Golden Armor, he died and Teridax took over?
4We noticed several other odd things as well:
- 5It was earlier noted that Mata Nui could hear a scarabax beetle, and he could see Skrall in the distant mountains. It was also mentioned that Teridax had just got his sensors working. These two facts combined make it impossible for Teridax not to notice Bota Magna flying at him.
- 6Tahu is currently overseeing extraction from the MU, while his friends are all missing, with the exception of Gali and Takanuva. This is very un-Tahu behavior, and seems more like Teridax working on building his society and judging what should be easy to access or not.
- 7The robot was far too large to simply topple over, especially with Mata Nui's strength failing. It seems to be that Teridax had already left the robot.
- 8You said that Tahu only had some Kraata powers. The same is true of Makuta when inhabiting different bodies.
9Teridax is dead. He is not in Tahu. Back when we were discussing post-2009 plans, there was never any intent to keep Teridax alive. The whole point of 2008-2009 was we felt we had used him as much as we could and it was time to move on.
10On the sensors thing - the fact that you can be aware of something does not mean you are. Someone who is texting as they cross the street might be able to hear a car coming, but might be too wrapped up in his phone for his conscious mind to pay attention to it.
11I see... Well, thanks anyway!
Malurus2000 wrote:keplers wrote:keplers wrote:1A friend and I have come to this idea:
2Is Teridax currently possessing Tahu's body? In Journey's End, a lot of time is devoted to Mata Nui changing bodies, and one line makes note of how easily Makuta can transfer their mind. The Ignika also warns Tahu that the effects of the Golden Armor are unknown. Later, Tahu easily uses Laser Vision (somehow not only knowing he had the power, but also how to wield it) and dismisses the idea that Teridax may in fact survive.
3Is it that when Tahu used the Golden Armor, he died and Teridax took over?
4We noticed several other odd things as well:
- 5It was earlier noted that Mata Nui could hear a scarabax beetle, and he could see Skrall in the distant mountains. It was also mentioned that Teridax had just got his sensors working. These two facts combined make it impossible for Teridax not to notice Bota Magna flying at him.
- 6Tahu is currently overseeing extraction from the MU, while his friends are all missing, with the exception of Gali and Takanuva. This is very un-Tahu behavior, and seems more like Teridax working on building his society and judging what should be easy to access or not.
- 7The robot was far too large to simply topple over, especially with Mata Nui's strength failing. It seems to be that Teridax had already left the robot.
- 8You said that Tahu only had some Kraata powers. The same is true of Makuta when inhabiting different bodies.
Mind = BLOWN.
10Mace and I found a lot more since then but Greg has denied it now so it's useless.
maletoaofwater wrote:1Finally was able to log in here on my mobile... Still can't do so on my computer, at all. Anyway, I wanted to chime in on the conversation about velika making the MU people sentient: it doesn't really make sense: velika, although a GB, was in a matoran body, away from really any capacity to do so, and even if he could, why would he? It seems to me that their partially organic nature caused them to just be sentient from the start, and at the most velika just helped them realize that. Also we need to consider the fact that takua, the first matoran ever, is very sentient, which also points to the fact that they were sentient from the beginning.
2I'm not sure you can pin this on their organic nature, because there is no proof their brains are organic. Also, we need to make sure we are drawing a distinction between sentient and capable of independent thought. Something can be sentient yet follow a completely pre-programmed way of life (certain insect species come to mind), where the Matoran have broken from that programming.
voporak1 wrote:1Hi me Greg
2if you'll able to continue working on the bionicle story what villain would replace Teridax.
4As I pointed out earlier, there seems to be no real interest at LEGO in continuing the old story, since the line ended four years ago, so I think it is doubtful this will become an issue.
zachbat81 wrote:1They must have been sentient from the beginning, because in the book where takuanuva was shown the toa Mata being trained Mata nui hadn't been activated yet because there was no storm in karda nui, but the matron were sentient.
2Sentient, yes, but they had not developed independent thought or built the society we see them having in 2004 story. They were still essentially just nanotech at that point.
lanqurain wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:11) I don't think it is a conscious choice, because the Spear is not sentient.
22) No. A Toa is bio-mechanical - the Ignika cannot create mechanical parts, because they aren't alive.
34) Well, we know that the Makuta were using viruses to create Rahi.
46) They don't have blood - they have some kind of a lubrication system.
57) We purposely did not have Matoran culture being real high-tech, though we did show jumbo screens in the Metru Nui movie.
69) No idea
711) I can't recall what we did as far as that
812) Don't know what you are talking about. The only BIONICLE graphic novels were collections of the original comics.
91. So that mean owner decides how and what to do with target(s), right?
102. But it did create body for itself from mud and sand and transform Click into a shield. Maybe some details I didn’t fully understand?
113. Got it, thank you. =)
124. We know about Rahi, but Vortixx or Skakdi?
135. That clears it up, thank you again.
146. You mean, there’re liquids, that keep organic tissues in work condition, hydrate and provide them with oxygen, and they correctly be called “lubrication”?
157. So that would be letters with flying/walking trained Rahi and couriers job?
169, 11. Ok, thanks anyway. =)
1712. Well, it was announced on Amazon at the same time with gr.novels 8 and 9, and was called “Power of Great Beings” (there was even a cover for it with Christian Zanier original art). It was said that Papercutz cancelled it, because eighth novel didn’t sell very good.
181) Yes
192) Yes, but it was not a Toa body - Mata Nui called himself a Toa, but he was not bio-mechanical.
204) The Makuta did not create the Vortixx or Skakdi, they would have been created by Mata Nui, most likely.
216) We don't know what their relationship is to organic tissue. Lubrication would apply more to mechanical parts.
227) Yes
keemaxim21 wrote:1After some search, you actually have said both on this thread. The first one, page 170:
2Also, does the Red Star revive rahi?
3I am going to say no, because the Makuta determine how many Rahi are needed and Rahi are specialized as species but usually not as individuals. Having too many Rahi of one type could end up being a problem, so having an automatic return program might not be the best idea.
4And page 288:
5And about the new rahi thing... how does that work? are rahi brought back too?
6Yes, Rahi are brought back,
7So which one should be considered accurate?
8Go with the former, it makes more sense, I think.
11) Looking forward to reading them in the future, then.
22) Maybe like in the Dark Mirror universe - Toa are the enforcers, they keep everyone else in line so that nothing like the Core War could ever occur again?
3Yes. See, this is what working on a story team is like - one person tosses out an idea, somebody else builds on it, somebody else builds on that, etc.
4I have to admit, this is something I enjoy. Working on a team, I mean - everybody brings their own unique and interesting perspectives and mindsets to the table, and when people are willing to let everyone have their say, you end up with an enjoyable and intriguing experience.
5Maybe I should work for LEGO someday.
6One more thing that occured to me: Velika may have felt that it would be easier to blend in with a society-machine where all the beings were sentient, like him. Otherwise, he might be like a germ in our own bodies - an outsider, something that the machine might eventually eliminate in self defense. Does this make sense?
7One other, slightly unrelated thing - do you think that some Great Beings would have favored different elements? In the same way, for example, that some LEGO Designers might favor different sets that they made, or different themes? Might Velika have favored the Element of Stone, seeing as he took a Po-Matoran's body, or was this unimportant to him?
81) Yes, it does. Velika would not have been able to just follow a pre-programmed way of life for 1000 years.
92) It's possible, certainly.