starwars7495 wrote:1Dear Greg,
2Have you ever considered continuing the unfinished Bionicle stories? Not as in "profesionally" started writing, but messing around with some ideas on mircosoft word or something, or just scribbling down some scratch notes.
3Awaiting your reply,
5No, I don't have time to write for fun these days.
MtMNC wrote:1Hi again Greg! Do you think the Skakdi's armor color changed when they were given elemental powers, or were they given their powers based on what their armor color already was? Thanks!
21) I think, if anything, they were given armor based on what their power was, as opposed to the other way around.
12) To answer your last question first, yes, some would try to stop him, probably most. But as for good or bad .. they were scientists, Scientists discover cures for diseases -- or unleash plagues -- not out of good or evil, but because they CAN.
2As a scientist myself, i kind of take issue with that reasoning/view. a good scientist will never do something simply because he can - if nothing else, the ethics committee will keep him in line. if he were to intentionally "unleash a plague," then it would absolutely be considered "evil," and there would be some very harsh consequences for everyone. Part of being a scientist is considering the consequences of your actions, and acting accordingly.
3Another important note to keep in mind is that experiments are conducted in order to discover if a hypothesis is true or not, not just because they "can".
maletoaofwater wrote:12) To answer your last question first, yes, some would try to stop him, probably most. But as for good or bad .. they were scientists, Scientists discover cures for diseases -- or unleash plagues -- not out of good or evil, but because they CAN.
2As a scientist myself, i kind of take issue with that reasoning/view. a good scientist will never do something simply because he can - if nothing else, the ethics committee will keep him in line. if he were to intentionally "unleash a plague," then it would absolutely be considered "evil," and there would be some very harsh consequences for everyone. Part of being a scientist is considering the consequences of your actions, and acting accordingly.
3Another important note to keep in mind is that experiments are conducted in order to discover if a hypothesis is true or not, not just because they "can".
4And yet, scientists are recreating the flu virus that killed millions earlier in this century, unearthing remnants of a plague that was once thought to be the end of the world ... and while it is nice to think none of this stuff will ever leak out, the CDC just reported a bunch of scientists were exposed to anthrax because of a lab accident. I am sure the vast majority of scientists are ethical, so are the vast majority of doctors ... but humans make mistakes and have accidents and bad things result. And in some cases, scientists work for governments or military arms, making germ cultures that can be used for biological warfare, because "ethics" means different things in different places. The scientist who created the glanders used to infect horses being shipped from the US to Europe in 1914 thought he was doing something ethical in the service of his country, but was he?
maletoaofwater wrote:12) To answer your last question first, yes, some would try to stop him, probably most. But as for good or bad .. they were scientists, Scientists discover cures for diseases -- or unleash plagues -- not out of good or evil, but because they CAN.
2As a scientist myself, i kind of take issue with that reasoning/view. a good scientist will never do something simply because he can - if nothing else, the ethics committee will keep him in line. if he were to intentionally "unleash a plague," then it would absolutely be considered "evil," and there would be some very harsh consequences for everyone. Part of being a scientist is considering the consequences of your actions, and acting accordingly.
3Another important note to keep in mind is that experiments are conducted in order to discover if a hypothesis is true or not, not just because they "can".
4While this is true in the case of scientists in this world (barring what Greg said below), remember also that this in an insane one who also views everyone he is destroying as nothing more than artificial meats and metal. Aspiring to become one (a sane one ) myself, I see the points both of you are making.
1And yet, scientists are recreating the flu virus that killed millions earlier in this century, unearthing remnants of a plague that was once thought to be the end of the world ... and while it is nice to think none of this stuff will ever leak out, the CDC just reported a bunch of scientists were exposed to anthrax because of a lab accident. I am sure the vast majority of scientists are ethical, so are the vast majority of doctors ... but humans make mistakes and have accidents and bad things result. And in some cases, scientists work for governments or military arms, making germ cultures that can be used for biological warfare, because "ethics" means different things in different places. The scientist who created the glanders used to infect horses being shipped from the US to Europe in 1914 thought he was doing something ethical in the service of his country, but was he?
2The flue virus thing was admittedly very controversial (their ethics committee wasn't happy, i can tell you that), and the anthrax thing was an accident, not something intentional. I agree that bad things happen when people screw up, but the Great Beings science is not the result of an accident.
3It is very true that "ethical" can be taken from a certain point of view, but going along with the OP about velika, he's not doing what he's doing because, as a scientist, he simply CAN, but to achieve an end that, he believes, is right. That said, i'm going to go out on a limb and guessing that he'd be the "bad guy" if the story was continued.
1Hello Greg!
2I am a rather huge fan of BIONICLE, especially when it comes to the story and the novels you've written.
3I am now working on concepts on an Alternate Dimension in which Spherus Magna surprisingly shatters into a lot more pieces than just three, with one of them hitting the Great Spirit Robot as he tries to leave the planet. This deals a massive amount of damage to the robot, he starts dying.
4a) Would you say it would be rather illogical if Mata Nui got hit by a planet shard (one at least as big as him) and didn't die right away? The way he crashed into Aqua Magna in the Main Dimension makes one assume it could happen.
5b) Could such an event even cause Mata Nui to start dying/ Do you think it could? Or was the actual cause for that mostly the long absence of Matoran in Metru Nui, not the damages done by the Great Cataclysm?
6c) If the Ignika actually did eliminate all life, Velika would not be spared, right?
7d) Was the Staff Of Artakha created specifically to repair the damage of the Great Cataclysm, or was it created a long time before the Cataclysm occured, for the purpose of repairing in general?
8e) If Karzahni had been in Artakha's place, do you think he could have done just as good a job as him? Or do you think he would still have caused some sort of mess at some point?
9f) In The Kingdom universe, the Ignika didn't eliminate the MU inhabitants (the gold-silver-black countdown). I assume that was because they migrated to the Mata Nui island in time. What would you say, how much time did they have left to escape once MN was dead?
10g) If the Ignika only affects things that are/were alive, is that also true for the most primitive kinds of artificial life? e.g. a Vahki?
11h) I know this is rather personal, but: Would you consider telling your daughter about the BIONICLE universe/read her your stories at some point? If not, would you consider doing this regarding the current lines you're working for, such as Ninjago or HF?
12Thanks a bunch, and have a great day!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:
1Greg, I think that these questions got buried, along with the following post.
21) Not a preferred theory, no, but I do think we can take as a given that Velika was responsible.
32) To answer your last question first, yes, some would try to stop him, probably most. But as for good or bad .. they were scientists, Scientists discover cures for diseases -- or unleash plagues -- not out of good or evil, but because they CAN.
43) He probably made a big show of going into exile so they wouldn't be concerned about him
54) He definitely believes he is doing the right thing. Conquerors usually do. He feels that a lack of direct control by the GBs caused the crisis, and he is determined to remedy that.
6Thanks for your time!
71) Alright, I'll keep this in mind from now on. If you were to continue the Bionicle story (assuming that LEGO brought it back and wanted you to fill this story info in) would you have Velika be responsible, then?
82) I'm not sure if every scientist is unconcerned as that - but I think I get your point. The Great Beings created whole races and worlds, just because they could. It could be called "the joy of creation".
93) So they basically were unconcerned about him ( at least until he shows back up and they begin to hear his name again)?
104) So once again, peace and prosperity through martial law and iron-fisted rule. Gotcha.
11Thanks again!
1 a) Would you say it would be rather illogical if Mata Nui got hit by a planet shard (one at least as big as him) and didn't die right away? The way he crashed into Aqua Magna in the Main Dimension makes one assume it could happen.
2b) Could such an event even cause Mata Nui to start dying/ Do you think it could? Or was the actual cause for that mostly the long absence of Matoran in Metru Nui, not the damages done by the Great Cataclysm?
3c) If the Ignika actually did eliminate all life, Velika would not be spared, right?
4d) Was the Staff Of Artakha created specifically to repair the damage of the Great Cataclysm, or was it created a long time before the Cataclysm occured, for the purpose of repairing in general?
5e) If Karzahni had been in Artakha's place, do you think he could have done just as good a job as him? Or do you think he would still have caused some sort of mess at some point?
6f) In The Kingdom universe, the Ignika didn't eliminate the MU inhabitants. I assume that was because they migrated to the Mata Nui island in time. What would you say, how much time did they have left to escape once MN was dead?
7g) If the Ignika only affects things that are/were alive, is that also true for the most primitive kinds of artificial life? e.g. a Vahki?
8h) I know this is rather personal, but: Would you consider telling your daughter about the BIONICLE universe/read her your stories at some point? ting683
91) No. It would depend on where he got hit and how much damage was done.
102) Yes. He's a machine. If a machine gets damaged enough in the right places, it will break.
113) No, he would not be spared.
124) The latter
135) Karzahni is a sociopath, so I don't think he would have done a good job.
146) Not a ton, because once MN dies, heat and light and air are getting shut down.
157) I don't know that Vahki can be called alive. They are pure machines.
168) Don't know, it will be years before she is old enough to get into this, probably
Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:
1Greg, I think that these questions got buried, along with the following post.
21) Not a preferred theory, no, but I do think we can take as a given that Velika was responsible.
32) To answer your last question first, yes, some would try to stop him, probably most. But as for good or bad .. they were scientists, Scientists discover cures for diseases -- or unleash plagues -- not out of good or evil, but because they CAN.
43) He probably made a big show of going into exile so they wouldn't be concerned about him
54) He definitely believes he is doing the right thing. Conquerors usually do. He feels that a lack of direct control by the GBs caused the crisis, and he is determined to remedy that.
6Thanks for your time!
71) Alright, I'll keep this in mind from now on.
If you were to continue the Bionicle story (assuming that LEGO brought it back and wanted you to fill this story info in) would you have Velika be responsible, then?
82) I'm not sure if every scientist is unconcerned as that - but I think I get your point. The Great Beings created whole races and worlds, just because they could. It could be called "the joy of creation".
93) So they basically were unconcerned about him ( at least until he shows back up and they begin to hear his name again)?
104) So once again, peace and prosperity through martial law and iron-fisted rule. Gotcha.
11Thanks again!
121) Yes
133) Yes