jaegernaught7743 wrote:1Got more questions.
21. As to the Hagah's destiny I have a theory. when they stole the mask of light and brought it too mata-nui they either A did not acheive their destiny and thus not become turaga yet or B that wasn't there destiny or C it was but they couldn't become turaga because they were already rahaga. and when they became toa again did they get a new destiny or did they have too complete a past one. please tell me what one is most likely.
32. if there was some wierd time flux or something that caused a LEGO minifigure and a bionicle to in the same place would the size be more like minifig scale bionicle sets or like the action figures by comparison to the minifigs.
43. How exactly does adaptive armor react to golden armor would it adapt to compensate or have to be removed entirely also if exposed to a mutagen such as water from the pit then would it keep its wearer safe from the effects or would it simply change so that the altered wearer can survive.
53. In the movies witch I already know were slightly different from canon it was mentioned that "The great spirit guides you in ways you could not imagine" was that just Matoran superstition or mata-nui actually guiding them subconsiously witch I guess they could not imagine his current situation.
61) Toa have to choose to become Turaga. They may simply have chosen not to do so.
72) Neither. The action figure would be his size, the minifigure would be its size in comparison to the action figure, because LEGO policy is that minifigures always have to remain in their scale.
83) It would change so that its wearer would survive, if need be. As for how it interacts with golden armor, it wasn't something we determined since the golden armor storyline was the last one we told.
94) That was Matoran superstition.
ThatTa-KoroGuy wrote:1Hi Greg,
2As many others have said, I am a massive fan of your work. I just wanted to run a theory by you (I composed it at 1:30 in the morning, so be merciful if it makes no sense
3For strong-willed telepaths, couldn't the Krana be seen as a way of attaining a form of immortality?
4The Krana are organic, sentient, intelligent creatures; they are living things. If, say, a Makuta was to transfer his mind into the form of a Krana, supress the Krana's intelligence (effectively severing its connection to the Bahrag) and completely dominate it, then they could basically attain some form of immortality? This would come with the added benefit of being able to take control of any body that appeals to them. And we know this kind of method of transferring one's spirit exists, since Teridax did it to Mata Nui with the Ignika.
5The difference is, those were special circumstances. Most Kanohi are just objects. I assume most telepathic minds probably wouldn't be able to transfer their essence into a rock or a sword or any other kind of object. They need a living receptible to inhabit. Whilst Kanohi are object, krana are living, sentient, organic creatures. And just like any other living thing, there is a possibility they could be dominated and controlled by an especially strong will, no?
6Hopefully, this doesn't come across as too bonkers.
7Here's the thing. We have never seen a mind transferred into a purely organic being. If the brain structure of the krana (such as it is, I can't imagine it is very big) is incompatible with the mind of a bio-mechanical being, or is simply too small to accomodate the intelligence of said being, then this will not end well.
PointlessQuestions wrote:1Another round of questions. These pertain to Toa destinies.
- 2Do Orde, Chiara, and Zaria have a shared destiny as a team? (Perhaps to find the Great Beings?)
- 3Do or did the Toa Hagah have a team destiny? (Perhaps to steal the Kanohi Avohkii, or to help with the Great Rescue? Or something else entirely?)
- 4Did the Toa Mangai have a team destiny? (Perhaps to defeat the Kanohi Dragon?)
- 5Did you have any specific destinies in mind for... Lesovikk? (Perhaps to defeat Karzahni?); Krakua? (Something to do with that island fortress in the future?); Helryx? Dume? Tuyet?
6Thank you for your time, as always.
7Good questions, because do teams have destinies, or is it the destiny of certain Toa to team up and achieve a certain thing?
8As for #4, I very rarely ever plotted my stories ahead, I wrote as things came to me. So I generally did not determine destinies ahead of time since that would basically be outlining the story, and I hate outlining.
voporak1 wrote:1Hi mr Greg
21.currently there any makuta who survived after the death of Teridax other than Miserix and the alternate Teridax?
32.velika will recover its old body?
43.when Tahu has absorbed some powers Kraata is what it absorbed the power of invulnerability and telepathy or dodge?
6can you answer my question please.
1Hi mr Greg
21.What velika thinks that the inhabitants of the MU coexists with the people of Spherus Magna think that it is a good or bad thing. If he thinks that is a bad thing is he going to consider to destroyed him.
32.is what velika is the only GB to think Spherus need to be run by a strong hand.
43.is what the GB are known almost all the planets in the system solis magna or are just known on Spherus Magna?
54.you said that the ignika cannot create a mecaniques part because they are not living part but the ignika has managed to create a flying vehicle.
65.after his fight with Annona the skakdi fusion he managed to better mastery his power.
1Hey Greg,
2In The Powers That Be, Velika thinks about how he needs all the Toa Mata alive for his plan to work (the exact quote is, "[Kopaka and Pohatu] would turn up eventually... the plan required it... The Toa Mata were too important to have their lives sacrificed needlessly").
3What does this mean? What did the Toa Mata have that Velika could use?
4Thanks. I think it's great that you're willing to directly connect with fans again.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:keplers wrote:1How did Makuta Teridax raise the Sea of Protodermis in the Metru Nui arc?
2You're going to need to refresh my memory, the Metru Nui arc was 9-10 years ago.
3I do not remember the exact book (and do not own them; I read them all at a library I no longer live near), but sometime during his battle with Vakama, Teridax raised columns of Protodermis out of the Silver Sea.
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1Responding to the whole thing about matoran and others being sapient... You've said several times that they were sapient from the start. But to be sapient means they couldn't be "pre-programmed" to do something, unless it was some sort of psychological programming, like what I described in my last post. (Conditioning or some similar phenomenon... I need to brush up on my psych readings). Like that conditioning would be part of their creation before they went to work in the robot, then by the 2004 timeframe they would have broken free of that.2Also about the mask of life... Couldn't it manipulate the mechanical parts, considering they are anatomically part of a living being? More on that, if they were mere nano tech, then the mask wouldn't have been able to work on them at all... So they have to be more than that - genetically engineered or something, using energized protodermis.32) No, mechanical parts are non-living inanimate objects that have never been alive, and there is no proof the Mask of Life works on those. If it could, then it could not only change lifeforms, etc., but it could build buildings and construct vehicles. Having a cyborg implant does not change the fact that the implant is not alive.
43) I disagree. The Vision was sapient when he was created in the comics,but was programmed to kill the Avengers and he then broke that programming. The Matoran were intended to do one thing -- work -- and not to aspire to more, but they did aspire to more (Takua was basically glitched from the start).
52. but if the mastk of life can't work on mechanical parts, how was it able to transform the inika into the mahri? their mechanical parts definately changed during that transformation.
63. right, but that doesn't mean the programming can't be psychological. in fact, if they were sapient from the start, the programming would have to have been psychological.
7Sorry if i missed it, was this answered yet?
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1Can't quote on my phone... Responding to the whole thing about matoran and others being sapient... You've said several times that they were sapient from the start. But to be sapient means they couldn't be "pre-programmed" to do something, unless it was some sort of psychological programming, like what I described in my last post. (Conditioning or some similar phenomenon... I need to brush up on my psych readings). Like that conditioning would be part of their creation before they went to work in the robot, then by the 2004 timeframe they would have broken free of that.2Also about the mask of life... Couldn't it manipulate the mechanical parts, considering they are anatomically part of a living being? More on that, if they were mere nano tech, then the mask wouldn't have been able to work on them at all... So they have to be more than that - genetically engineered or something, using energized protodermis.3also, nanotech refers to tech that is really, really small - as in machines only a few nanometers in measurement.(1 nanometer= 1 billionth of a meter)... so why is that term used, considering the toa are about 6 feet tall?
42) No, mechanical parts are non-living inanimate objects that have never been alive, and there is no proof the Mask of Life works on those. If it could, then it could not only change lifeforms, etc., but it could build buildings and construct vehicles. Having a cyborg implant does not change the fact that the implant is not alive.
5another note on this that i thought of: the mask of life did construct a vehicle: the skyboard thing that "toa" ignika flew on in karda nui.
6What are your thoughts on this?