fishers64 wrote:1I have some questions about the Skakdi fusion:
21) Is Zaktan controlling the fusion?
32) How did Zaktan and the other Piraka get to Zakaz? Did Teridax teleport them there?
43) Did Teridax want the Skakdi Fusion to be created?
51) No, it's a merged being. No one consciousness from an individual member controls it.
62-3) Teridax had nothing to do with this. He had more important things to concern himself with at the time.
maletoaofwater wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:1another note on this that i thought of: the mask of life did construct a vehicle: the skyboard thing that "toa" ignika flew on in karda nui.
2What are your thoughts on this?
3Good point, but we know nothing about what that was made from. We do not know that it was a purely inanimate object, or an animate object that was morphed into a vehicle, the same way that it morphed a beetle into a shield.
maletoaofwater wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:12. but if the mastk of life can't work on mechanical parts, how was it able to transform the inika into the mahri? their mechanical parts definately changed during that transformation.
23. right, but that doesn't mean the programming can't be psychological. in fact, if they were sapient from the start, the programming would have to have been psychological.
3Sorry if i missed it, was this answered yet?
42) To me, the major change is that they had the ability to breathe underwater - and we already know their lungs are organic.
53) I see your point, I just don't feel that psychological applies to AI, especially AI that has just been formed. Whatever Velika later did, it obviously affected the entire species - he was not spending time psychologically conditioning every single Matoran, it had to be something that could affect the group as a whole. That feels more like a computer virus sort of thing to me than a psychological treatment.
maletoaofwater wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1When the toa inika first went into the pit, how did they plan on surviving underwater? relying on kongu to create air to breathe?
2i think this question got lost.
3While Kongu could have done that, it probably would have meant they had to stay all together, which wouldn't have been practical. I don't think they had any plan. If they had not become the Mahri, they probably would have failed in their quest.
keplers wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:keplers wrote:1How did Makuta Teridax raise the Sea of Protodermis in the Metru Nui arc?
2You're going to need to refresh my memory, the Metru Nui arc was 9-10 years ago.
3I do not remember the exact book (and do not own them; I read them all at a library I no longer live near), but sometime during his battle with Vakama, Teridax raised columns of Protodermis out of the Silver Sea.
4I have always assumed that was some sort of a defense mechanism to help prevent invasions by sea, which Teridax simply activated.
TheSkeletonMan939 wrote:1Hey Greg,
2In The Powers That Be, Velika thinks about how he needs all the Toa Mata alive for his plan to work (the exact quote is, "[Kopaka and Pohatu] would turn up eventually... the plan required it... The Toa Mata were too important to have their lives sacrificed needlessly").
3What does this mean? What did the Toa Mata have that Velika could use?
4Thanks. I think it's great that you're willing to directly connect with fans again.
5Good question. Here is what I was thinking at the time - Velika believed that what he was doing was for the good of all. He may have harbored some hope that he could persuade the Toa Mata to side with him, and since they were so revered, that would make other Toa and Matoran go along. If they refused, he could always kill them, but I think Velika understands the power of symbols.
voporak1 wrote:1Hi mr Greg
21.What velika thinks that the inhabitants of the MU coexists with the people of Spherus Magna think that it is a good or bad thing. If he thinks that is a bad thing is he going to consider to destroyed him. what velika is the only GB to think Spherus need to be run by a strong hand. what the GB are known almost all the planets in the system solis magna or are just known on Spherus Magna? said that the ignika cannot create a mecaniques part because they are not living part but the ignika has managed to create a flying vehicle.
65.after his fight with Annona the skakdi fusion he managed to better mastery his power.
71) No, I don't think he would see it as a bad thing. I think he would see the MU inhabitants as more easily controlled and capable of enforcing his rule.
82) The only one we know about, yes
93) There is no reason to believe they are known throughout the solar system.
104) As I stated in an earlier answer today, we do not know what he made that vehicle out of. He could have transformed living microbes in the air into that, the same way he turned a beetle into a shield. The vehicle could have been a living thing.
115) I think any experience will make you better with a skill.
voporak1 wrote:voporak1 wrote:1Hi mr Greg
21.currently there any makuta who survived after the death of Teridax other than Miserix and the alternate Teridax?
32.velika will recover its old body?
43.when Tahu has absorbed some powers Kraata is what it absorbed the power of invulnerability and telepathy or dodge?
thanks 6can you answer my question please.
71) Other than the Teridax from the alternate dimension, no.
82) No way to know.
93) I have not made a list of which powers he got yet, I haven't had time.
1Regarding this:
2The Golden Armor was originally created to destroy solid antidermis...
31. If the Makuta brotherhood members had still been in their solid state (and not dead), would he have been able to destroy them with the armor?
42. Does this mean that if he had actually defeated a single brotherhood member with the armor, it would have bestowed upon him all 42 Makuta powers of the brotherhood member?
1Hello Mr. Farshtey.
2Firstly, I'd just like to say thank you for the stories you've made. Many of the twists and turns in bionicle were actually what inspired me to start looking at writing as a career, and your stories are still one of my main inspirations.
3I'll try to keep my questions short, sorry in advance if they've been asked already.
41) Most of the matoran universe was established as having left the robot, but I don't recall the Bohrok or Bahrag being mentioned. Did they leave the mata nui robot as well, or did they get trapped in there?52) When Av-Matoran get turned into Bohrok, are their original minds at all intact in the process? If not, are they revived at the red star afterwards since that's a form of "death"?
63) If he hadn't been stopped from releasing it, what sort of destruction would Jaller's Nova blast have unleashed?74) While I'm not looking for any ratios or other specific sort of things, what was the amount of difference between a toa and a toa nuva's amount of elemental power? was it a small difference or a pretty big one?
85) This is an odd question... if Makuta(Teridax) didn't need Takanuva to believe he'd succeeded as part of his plan, would Takanuva be able to beat him in a fair fight?
96) If you could be a toa, what element would you choose?
107) Do you own/did you own any of the BIONICLE sets yourself? If so, do you have a favorite of the ones you own?
Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:
1Thanks for your time!
21) Alright, I'll keep this in mind from now on.
If you were to continue the Bionicle story (assuming that LEGO brought it back and wanted you to fill this story info in) would you have Velika be responsible, then?
32) I'm not sure if every scientist is unconcerned as that - but I think I get your point. The Great Beings created whole races and worlds, just because they could. It could be called "the joy of creation".
43) So they basically were unconcerned about him ( at least until he shows back up and they begin to hear his name again)?
54) So once again, peace and prosperity through martial law and iron-fisted rule. Gotcha.
6Thanks again!
71) Yes
83) Yes
9(Wow - I wonder if I've just possibly influenced Bionicle history by coming up with this idea...
10I see - thanks for your answers!
11I think we may have exhausted the topic for now - I'll let it lie for a while and possibly bring it up again if something occurs to me. Thanks a bunch for discussing the theory - I enjoyed it a lot.
12I have an unrelated question to ask: A little while back, you said that you might try and work on a list of Rahkshi that were present at the final battle (and, by extension, the Kraata powers that Tahu now posesses through the Golden Armor). Did you ever finish this list? Are you still willing to confirm this information?
13Greg, I think my post got buried.
14I hope you're not wearing yourself out.
2I have a couple questions about Velika that came to me.
31) Is Velika still in his Po-Matoran body? Does he still have his Power Carver Tools?
42) Because Velika wasn't actually a Po-Matoran, does he not posess the miniscule elemental abilities of Stone (that is, he is stronger than other types of Matoran)?
Firox555 wrote:1Greg,
2I have a couple questions about Velika that came to me.
31) Is Velika still in his Po-Matoran body? Does he still have his Power Carver Tools?
42) Because Velika wasn't actually a Po-Matoran, does he not posess the miniscule elemental abilities of Stone (that is, he is stronger than other types of Matoran)?
51) Yes
62) Well, being stronger is a physical attribute, not a mental one ... and he has the body of a Po-Matoran ... so if a Po-Matoran's body is stronger than those of other Matoran, then he would be stronger as well, right?
Firox555 wrote:Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Firox555 wrote:
1Thanks for your time!
21) Alright, I'll keep this in mind from now on.
If you were to continue the Bionicle story (assuming that LEGO brought it back and wanted you to fill this story info in) would you have Velika be responsible, then?
32) I'm not sure if every scientist is unconcerned as that - but I think I get your point. The Great Beings created whole races and worlds, just because they could. It could be called "the joy of creation".
43) So they basically were unconcerned about him ( at least until he shows back up and they begin to hear his name again)?
54) So once again, peace and prosperity through martial law and iron-fisted rule. Gotcha.
6Thanks again!
71) Yes
83) Yes
9(Wow - I wonder if I've just possibly influenced Bionicle history by coming up with this idea...
10I see - thanks for your answers!
11I think we may have exhausted the topic for now - I'll let it lie for a while and possibly bring it up again if something occurs to me. Thanks a bunch for discussing the theory - I enjoyed it a lot.
12I have an unrelated question to ask: A little while back, you said that you might try and work on a list of Rahkshi that were present at the final battle (and, by extension, the Kraata powers that Tahu now posesses through the Golden Armor). Did you ever finish this list? Are you still willing to confirm this information?
13Greg, I think my post got buried.
14I hope you're not wearing yourself out.
15No, I haven't had time to finish it.