ScribeGT6817 wrote:charlieb2334 wrote:charlieb2334 wrote:1Hello! I have A Question will you write a book of Hero Factory after Mirror World?
2What would have happended?
3There was never any plan for that book, Charlie. The decision to cancel the book series came long before I would have started thinking of a new plot.
4The serries was cancelled? Why?! We don't know who is behind the Brain Attack, who Karter's bosses are, and so much more!
1Question time!
- 2So what's with the Fire Villains? What's their backstory? What went wrong with them?
- 3Has Von Nebula escaped his Black Hole Staff? Or is he still trapped inside it?
- 4What was it that Voltix did that unleashed the Black Hole in the Breakout?
- 5What went on with Core Hunter when he went rouge? Was it simply his obsession with Hero Cores? Or was it something deeper?
- 6Would the Hero Core Clamps work against the Hero Core Removal Tool?
- 7Roughly how many planets have Quaza deposits on them?
- 8In you Hero Factory face off book, under Nex 3.0, you said he'd gone to fight a snake for a cache of Quaza, yet I never recalled that happening. Was there something I missed?
- 9For Nex and Breez Breakout in the same book, you mentioned their battles against XT4 and Thornraxx, yet I never recalled those either.
- 10In the same book, under Thornraxx, it said that what he did paranoid the citezens. What did he do that was so bad?
- 11How did Voltix become a villain? What about Black Phantom? Splitface? Toxic Reapa? Jawblade? Thornraxx? Speeda Demon?
- 12In Legion of Darkness, Toxic Reapa states that he hates water. Is there a particular reason behind that?
- 13Were the jet packs used in Collision Course the same ones that came with Jet Rocka or Brain Attack Surge?
- 14Why do the Heroes have their Brain Attack upgrades in Collision Course when they've never encountered the brains before?
- 15Are the brains organic?
- 16How often must the brains feed on knowledge?
- 17How much knowledge must the brains consume to survive?
- 18Was Xera locked up after Collision Course?
- 19Why were the brains in Mirror World created differently from the ones in the normal Hero Factory universe?
- 20Did the Alpha Team and Fire Villains meet before Ordeal of Fire?
- 21Is Core Hunter really gone?
- 22Why wasn't the Doom Box destroyed?
- 23Why was it made to begin with?
- 24Where did Evo get his pet wolf lizard?
- 25Do you have a favorite Hero?
- 26Do you have a favorite villain?
- 27Out of the 5 Secret Mission books, which one is your favorite?
MarkSurge9411 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:charlieb2334 wrote:charlieb2334 wrote:1Hello! I have A Question will you write a book of Hero Factory after Mirror World?
2What would have happended?
3There was never any plan for that book, Charlie. The decision to cancel the book series came long before I would have started thinking of a new plot.
4The serries was cancelled? Why?! We don't know who is behind the Brain Attack, who Karter's bosses are, and so much more!
5Book sales were not strong enough. I share your disappointment.
BIONICHARGE wrote:1Just one question:
2In the Dark Mirror alternate universe, Jaller is seen transporting the Vahi to Metru Nui, escorted by Bomonga and Kualus. Now, in this universe, the Matoran were never evacuated from Metru Nui, and consequently the events on Mata Nui never happened - including the Naming Day ceremony in which Jala has his name changed to Jaller. My question, then, is this: why is he still refered to as Jaller if he was never renamed Jaller (I mean storyline reasons, not the legal issues that sprung up about the Maori language)?
3I might have completely overlooked something, so please correct me if I am wrong.
4I think that you might have missed this, so I am posting it again.
BIONICHARGE wrote:BIONICHARGE wrote:1Just one question:
2In the Dark Mirror alternate universe, Jaller is seen transporting the Vahi to Metru Nui, escorted by Bomonga and Kualus. Now, in this universe, the Matoran were never evacuated from Metru Nui, and consequently the events on Mata Nui never happened - including the Naming Day ceremony in which Jala has his name changed to Jaller. My question, then, is this: why is he still refered to as Jaller if he was never renamed Jaller (I mean storyline reasons, not the legal issues that sprung up about the Maori language)?
3I might have completely overlooked something, so please correct me if I am wrong.
4I think that you might have missed this, so I am posting it again.
5I never bothered to come up with one, since it was a one-off serial, not a part of main story. Not calling him Jaller was not an option, so that is what he was called.
TheDashLikes2004 wrote:1So, Greg, are there any plans for a Ninjago/Chima crossover? Because I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2Not that I know of. One of the challenges with Chima has been getting folks to understand the universe and how it works. Introducing non-universe elements to it, it's felt, will just make it more confusing.
slipperysnakeboy wrote:11: my favorite charecter was Krika, Whats yours?
22: my favorite set was Gadunka, whats yours?
33: Could it have happened that a sepherus magna animal wondered aboard the MU before it blast off?
44: I think my bones are protosteel, earlyer today I jumped off the roof and was fine. Should I hit my arm with a bat to prove my theory?
55: The protodermis I found in my backyard was a silvery color like it was energized, what do I do?
61) Probably one of the ones I created
72) No idea, don't recall.
83) It would have died of starvation ages ago, if it had, so I would say no, that did not happen.
Clone2625 wrote:1Before the 2008 storyline were the Toa Nuva upgaded (might not be the right word) so they were as advansed as the Toa Inika and Toa Metru and also given Adaptive Armor?
2When was the Sand Tarakava planned to be realesed? What factors made it not be released? Was it part of a canceled rahi wave?
3Do the mask that the glatorians/ agori wear have a name?
41) The Nuva already had the power to share mask powers, which the Inika and Metru did not have, so they would not need upgrading.
52) I assume it would have been a 2001 set, since the big Rahi sets were all that year. But I don't have any concrete info on this.
63) No
Boidoh wrote:1Oh and did they adapt in the MU during Teridax's Reign?2If yes, where and when. To what environment did they adapt.In the comics Tahu was in his Karda Nui form when he exited to BM.
3Also why did Takanuva drop his alternate universe Power Lance in exchange for seemingly weaker Toa Tools, besides the fact it was for the sets.
51) Tahu was in his KN form because that was the set the artist had to work from.
62) I didn't bother to come up with a reason. Most things that took place in the comics took place because they had to match the sets. The serials were being read by way fewer people than the comics were, so I did not worry overmuch about continuity with the serials.