1Hi Greg ! I have a few questions regarding The element Jungle/The Green.
21- Can plants be revived on the Red Star ? Like Rahi and Matoran(And these 2 can be revived on the Red Star, I believe).
32- Does a Toa of Jungle/The Green have limited "life" powers ? Because they can create plant life, which are living things.
43- Can a Toa of Jungle absorb plants to refill his elemental energy ? If so, does this process kill the plant which he's using to refill himself ?
54- How would be a Jungle/The Green Nova Blast, made by a Toa ?
1Dear Greg,
2I heard that in your story serial The Powers That Be, you planned to have Pohatu and Kopaka's adventure in the Red Star be some sort of Zombie story in space. Can you elaborate more on that?
31) How were you going to implement the "zombies" ? Were the MU inhabitants going to be zombies in the sense that their resurrection in the RS was traumatic, and caused them to become mentally deranged? Or was their zombification going to be attributed to another factor, like say, a virus?
42) Would these zombies have been your stereotypical "aim for the head!" kind of creatures? Or would Pohatu and Kopaka have dealt with them non-lethaly?
53) What role would the Kestora have played?
64) Are the Kestora and Baterra related?
75) I know you don't really plan out your stories ahead of time, Mr. Farshtey, but I must ask this: How would you have wanted it to end? By that I mean if you were given a choice, would you pick an ending with a happier tone, where Pohatu and Kopaka rescue all the people on the Red Star or some variation of that? Or would you choose to make their deaths final?
joev14 wrote:1Hey Greg! It's been awhile, not sure if you remember me. We chatted a bit a few years ago on the BZP Forums. (I was the kid who wanted to finish writing the Bionicle Story Serials xD). I had a few questions for you regarding Bionicle.
21. When you guys were in the production phase for the fifth Bionicle movie, did you have a working name for it other than "Bionicle #5"?
3a. Did you ever plan on writing a book based off that movie? (All the previous movies had a novelization for them).
42. Assuming Bionicle had continued onwards, would you have finished the story serials? Did you have any plans for more books/comics that you brainstormed?
53. Did you guys plan from the very beginning to have multiple Makuta? Makuta Teridax's name wasn't revealed until 2008, did you have a name for him imagined earlier on?
64. Are there any Kanohi masks that exist in the Matoran Universe that we do not know of? Were there any specific ones planned?
75. Did the Iron Tribe (Glatorian) ever have an Element Lord that lead them?
86. What mask did Makuta Icarax wear before he took the Kraahkan?
97. Did the Mistika Makuta's Kanohi have a different apperance before they were mutated by the Karda Nui swamp?
108. Did you always plan on having Velika be a Great Being? Or did you come to that decision later on?
11Hope to hear back from you soon Greg!
121) We never got as far as production phase. We were just starting preliminary discussions on the story when the line was cancelled.
132) That would have been up to Scholastic.
143) I don't know what would have happened with the serials. A big part of the reason I stopped was because with a new baby, I had no free time to write. As for books and comics, we were too far out for any of that to be planned - BIONICLE ended in 2010, but the decision was made in fall of 2008.
154) Yes, and no.
165) Don't know offhand
176) No idea
187) Probably
198) No, I planned stuff as I went along.
Biotube wrote:1Makuta is a spirit, so why didn't he escape the body after it was destroyed? And also, why did the matoran think the Toa Metru were evil when Dume led them to the arena? Surely, that would seem pretty devious and pretty devious.
21) Because he was caught unprepared when the chunk of planet hit, and the part that was the most severely damaged was the part where his spirit resided. He died before he choudl escape.
32) Basically, because the trusted their Turaga and the Toa Metru, as Toa, were basically untried heroes. They were following a voice of authority.
misterbrickguy wrote:1Hello again, Mr. Farshtey. I have another question I wanted to ask:
2What exactlly was Lhikan's destiny? I never really got what his destiny was, due to the fact I never really got to read many of the book. I watched the movie, and it seemed that he turned into a Turaga, with them really never revealing his fulfilled destiny.
3I know the Toa Metru's destiny was to save the Matoran of Metru Nui, and the destiny of the Toa Nuva was to awaken Mata Nui. So I have been a bit curious about what Lhikan's destiny was.
4Thanks again!
5His destiny was to bring the Toa Metru into being.
legoguy2805 wrote:1Hi Greg,
2Big fan here. Your work on BIONICLE over the years has inspired me to create my own fictional universe, which I have fleshed out so far with friends in the form of rolepaying. I aspire to one day become a science fiction writer like yourself or perhaps a creative/continuity consultant for a multimedia franchise. Right now I'm working towards employment in the videogame industry, so perhaps that will yield some reward.
3Anyway, I have a couple of questions:
41) When Toa use the powers of their Kanohi, the masks are often depicted as glowing with a bright yellow energy in the films. It's been a few years since I read the novels, so I would like to ask if this is canon, and not just a feature that was in the movies.
51a) If so, did the same happen when the Makuta used their Kanohi? Perhaps they glowed a different colour... or not at all.
61b) What about other Kanohi-wearing species, which various Dark Hunters belong to?
72) Can Vortixx use Kanohi?
83) Could Makuta use multiple Kraata powers at once, in conjunction with each other?
93a) If so, was there a limit?
104) Lehvak-Kal was in orbit around Aqua Magna when we last saw it. It is safe to assume that it is now orbiting Spherus Magna, or has it drifted off further into space?
115) Krana are organic, so do they require some sort of sustenance to keep them healthy and alive?
125a) If so, how was this achieved?
13Thank you for your time!
142) No
153) I can't recall us ever having him do that simultaneously
164) Depends on how fast Aqua Magna was moving through space. If it was going too fast, he might have been torn out of orbit.
175) They were sustained long-term by being in the Bohrok
Fusionblast23 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey...
2Are you involved in the TV shows for Ninjago, Chima, and Hero Factory?3If not, is there a chance you'll be involved in future projects for TV and Movies?
4I really liked the series of the first 3 BIONICLE movies and the new TV shows lack that *charm* of those movies, (Were you involved in all 4 BIONICLE movies?)
51) No, and I think it's unlikely. The studios usually work with people who have long histories of doing TV and movie scripts, which I do not.
62) I was only involved in the last one.
OrangeTornado wrote:1Hi Greg!
2Firstly, thank you for taking the time to answer my last question, and chatting to so many of us on this thread. It means a lot for us fans who grew up on some of your work for you to make the time in your schedule to answer our questions. I'm sure that many people in similar professions wouldn't do anything like this at all, so thank you for your efforts.
3I have a few questions for you:
41. Have you watched the recently released LEGO Movie, and if so what are your thoughts on it?52. As a child or an adult, have you or do you collect many LEGO products yourself?63. As a writer, what is it like to go back and read your own works? Do you enjoy them in the same way you'd enjoy other publications, or doesn't it feel the same?
7Thanks again for your time.
81) No, I haven't seen it.
92) I collected sets after I came to work here, though not much in the last year
103) I don't really read the stuff I have written in the last 10 years over again very much. Sometimes I read the stuff I did before I came to work here.
trex1701 wrote:1Bionicle was awesome, I was saddened when it ended... replaced by tiny people who can somehow take down villains larger than them. Anyway, bionicle's story was complex and it went in depth, getting those details through. Why doesnt Hero Factory have the same complex story line?
2It was never intended to. By the time BIONICLE ended, the feeling was that the complex story had become a barrier for new fans joining, because there was just too much you needed to know to understand what was going on. So they purposely did HF as an episodic story with a simple storyline.