cjjlego3 wrote:cjjlego3 wrote:1Hey Greg, thank you for the answers, I had a few more questons:
21) Was it pheasable for Artakha to have made a golden Kanohi for possible Order of Mata Nui agents while working on their tools?
32) I really enjoy your writing, and I was wondering how you wrote toward the end of serial. I understand you probably went chapter by chapter, but did you also have outlines as you started or just dive into it?
4Kinda got a bit buried in the last few days
51) No. A lot of OOMN agents are not Kanohi wearers, to start with.
62) No, I never do outlines. If I know what is going to happen next, I get bored and don't want to do the writing.
Biomeca132 wrote:1Hello Mr.Farshtey, I have some questions about the Rahkshi during the Battle of Bara Magna
21) During the Battle of Bara Magna, the Rahkshi of heat vision were more/less numerous than any other Rahkshi's breed?
32) Approximately, how much there was of different Rahkshi's breed at the Battle of Bara Magna?
43) The Goldem Armor destroyed every Rahkshi in existence (including all of the Rahkshi in the Great Spirit Robot) or every Rahkshi on Bara Magna?
51) Not that I know of
62) Don't know
73) No, it would not have affected Rahkshi still inside the robot during the battle.
Stargazer1223 wrote:1Dear Greg,2(1) What is comet crisis about? I haven't read it yet. It sounds epic.3(2) What's Bionicle?4(3) Could you give me some tips for writing? I'm pretty bad.
5(4) What is Ninjago #12 about?6Thanks! Don't. Stop. Writing!!!
7P.S you are sooooo Awesome!!!
81) It hasn't come out yet, so no one has read it.
92) BIONICLE was a buildable action figure line that I did novels and comic for between 2000 and 2010.
103) Read a lot, especially writers who are better than you are. Also, if you want to be a writer, write -- the writers I know write all the time, even if they aren't being paid for it
Clone2625 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:xeara wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1You're overlooking one simple thing:
2It has never been stated by anyone at LEGO that BIONICLE was NEVER coming back. And as long as the possibility exists that it may come back, you protect your domain name and you protect your trademarks. Back in the early '90s when not much was going on for Star Wars, there were no plans for more movies, etc., LFL was still acting to protect their trademarks against the day more would be happening for it. That's just good business.
3Same with Marvel -- they used to use a little comic strip on their news page to feature obscure characters they were not using in comics and had no immediate plans to use as a way of showing them in print to protect the trademark.
4So LEGO is still paying money for Galidor.com, to protect a trademark for the worst LEGO theme ever?
5I don't know that for sure, but it wouldn't surprise me. Suppose someone bought the Galidor.com domain and did a really bad site (something way tinappropriate for kids to see?) People would remember Galidor was LEGO and might not realize we did not own that site too.
cmacd1001 wrote:1Greg, i'm a TTV ( thethreevirtues) fan, and they've been on the hype train for weeks about Bionicle's return. They interviewed you a while ago, and I was wondering if you knew about it' s return durring the interview. And, if so, how hard it was to keep the secret.
2If they are on a hype train, they got on board by themselves, and so far as I know there has yet to be any evidence it is anything but hype.
whatpumpkin wrote:1For a given six Toa team, could they only fuse into Kaita in set groups of three, like we saw with the Toa Mata? Or can any three Toa join up, thus resulting in 20 possible unique Kaita?
2If the latter, was this possible for the Toa Mata, or could they only join into Wairuha and Akamai?
3Far as I know, any three can fuse together, as long as they are the same type of Toa (Nuva could not fuse with non-Nuva)
Clone2625 wrote:11.When you watch BIONICLE 2 and 3 it seems as if the Toa Metru were Toa for a very short amount of time.(perhaps a few months) Is this true?
22.Was Lhikan supposed to have more of a conection with the Kikanalo?
31) Yes
42) If he had been, then the story team would have established it in story.
Tahunuva23712 wrote:1Everybody, please stop asking Greg questions that would land him in trouble with LEGO.
2Hi Greg,
3I have two questions concerning some points in Bionicle
41) You previously stated that DM Takua was not destined to transform into Takanuva. That however left a question of whether or not the Prime universe Avohkii still had the "charge" to transform Matoran. If for example another Takua was destined to transform, does the Prime Universe Avohkii have the sufficient "charge" to activate that Takua's Toa Energy? In other words, can the Prime Universe Avohkii still transform Matoran?
52) We know that Lhikan's team was slowly killed off before Teridax took over Metru Nui. So why didn't Lhikan call for help from the other islands? I assume he had many Toa willing to help him who served in the Toa-DH war, and those contacts would be willing to help. Can we assume that Teridax-Dume or the hired Dark Hunters intercepted any such messages to the other day islands?
6Thank you for your time!
71) I would guess no, it does not.
82) That would make sense.
eevee435 wrote:11) Does Norik still think about Varian and care about her, or has he long since given up on ever finding her again?
22) Is it still possible for new Matoran to come into being with the destruction of their universe?
33) Were you not limited by sets, would the story be drastically different?
4Always been a big fan of Bionicle and your writing for it; it's brilliant to be able to at least ask you questions on your work.
51) I doubt he has stopped thinking of her.
62) Not at the moment, the MU inhabitants don't have access to the tech needed to do it.
73) I am sure it would have been different, because who the characters in the story were was dictated by the year's sets.
ToaAE wrote:1This got buried, so reposting...
21) Since Rahi aren't revived by the Red Star, burial of them is common in the Matoran Universe right? That explains the Toa Hordika burying dead Visorak in 2005.32) So was Sidorak revived in the Red Star, or did Keetongu crush him badly enough to destroy his head and thus he wasn't?43) Back when the Red Star worked, was it common knowledge in the Matoran Universe that the dead could return, and this was later forgotten?54) Is Sahmad the last person of the Iron Tribe still alive?65) Did you have any particular plans for Marendar?76) Was Gaardus responsible for the Red Star's system malfunctioning?87) Is Botar currently in a severely damaged psychological state on the Red Star or something similar? Otherwise why hadn't he just teleported out of the Star by now? Or has he and we just haven't seen him?
91) Depends on where they die. If they die in a wilderness area, they most likely would not be buried since nobody lives there.
102) No, he was not revived
113) It was not common knowledge, no. Remember, you got returned, but not necessarily from where you left from.
124) To the best of our knowledge at the moment
135) I never have particular plans for anyone. I take the story where the story wants to go.
146) He thinks he was, but I doubt it
157) As we started to see in the serials, your mind is pretty much scrambled by that process.
11. All Toa are able to unleash an "energy blast" of their elemental power, right? How exactly does this work for Toa of Psionics?
22. You mentioned that the freakish things summoned from the Skakdi's dreams during Anonna and the Skakdi Fusion's battle are still roaming Spherus Magna. Would this include Irnakk?
33. Do Vortixx have access to any sort of powers, elemental or otherwise?
44. Likewise, do Sidorak's species have access to any sort of powers, elemental or otherwise? And can they use Kanohi?