Boidoh wrote:1These questions are not really like my previous question where I ask the unkown, but more like clarification question on things I never understood, but I am sure were explained.
2One thing I never really understood about BIONICLE was how Voya Nui is on Aqua Magna. Correct me if I'm wrong but what I understand is that when the Great Cataclysm happened, Voya Nui broke away from its original spot on the southern continent and floated up to Aqua Magna. So is that correct what I am thinking?
3So, how exactly did it rise to AM? Did a piece of the robot break off?
4When it sunk back to its original location, and closed off the entrance to Karda Nui the comic depics it going underwater. I'm assuming that the waters of AM flooded where was originally dry land and sky.
5Were the domes correctly working on Voya Nui?
6So the sun and sky on Voya Nui were real right?
72 islands were on AM at the time right? Mata Nui and Voya Nui.
8What happened to the Matoran of Mahri/Voya Nui. I see them going up the cord, but the cord leads to Voya Nui. Were the matoran teleported to Metru Nui?
9If a piece of the robot broke off, is it still broken? I mean, when it awoke, did it re-heal or something.
10I assume it will be easier to understand if you just explain to me how Voya Nui is even on aqua magna. It confuses me...
11I think this got lost.
toaprime6401 wrote:1Hi Greg,
2Thank you for taking the time to answer all these questions! They really help to keep the BIONICLE community going.
31) When BIONICLE was going, were there ever any plans to kill any of the Toa Nuva/Mata that were later scrapped by the story team?
42) You had stated originally that there was someone that lived in Roxtus until the Skrall took the city. Who were these people?
51) No
62) Not something we ever determined
Boidoh wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:12) Same occasions we play games on
23) Shelters for the Matoran and other MU species
34) Can I ask why this is so important to you? He hasn't appeared in story since 2003.
410) Most likely they will be reprogrammed to serve the society
511) The planet blew up, my guess is any EP left either froze in space or drifted away
61. Which region would it be popular in then? Metru Nui?
72. In the real-world Pinthetail on the donkey would be played at birthday parties, or pre-school graduation. Could you please give a specific occasion.
83. Have any shelters been built yet? Where?
9Message too long, I'll put the rest in another post.
10Got buried
Boidoh wrote:14) Can I ask why this is so important to you? He hasn't appeared in story since 2003.
210) Most likely they will be reprogrammed to serve the society
311) The planet blew up, my guess is any EP left either froze in space or drifted away4---
54. For a couple reasons it's important to me. For one, curiosity. It is just amazing how Lehvak-Kal is just orbiting a planet. I want to know whats up with him, wether or not he has never been relevant in any story since 2003. Secondly, it's just this weird habit of mine to not own any set of a character that is deceased or stuff like that. So in my BIONICLE collection space, I would have Lehvak-Kal hanging from the ceiling of my room to show he is in orbit. It just looks cool. And finally, BS01. Whenever I see stuff that just says unknown, it just makes me curious, going back to my first reason. And of course, it's nice getting new BIONICLE info added and what not. Kinda makes you feel it is still somewhat alive. So may I ask, why are you holding back on saying wether he is in orbit or not? Even if he is bound to be doomed, you said it yourself, currently the story is basically frozen. So even if he is gonna burn up, or is floating out in Solis Magna, what matters is what is his current status, because I may never live the day when the story becomes un-frozen, and even then, I'm sure you won't make a big plot out of Lehvak-Kal's demise or anything.610. How close is the salvage team to recovering the Bohrok. And approximately how many beings are still left in the robot. On a side question, will the Zyglak exit, and will they attack Agori/Glatorian/SpherusMagnaNatives
711. Can this frozen EP transform or destroy when in this state?
8On a non-BIONICLE related question, why is your username ScribeGT6817. Did you pick it yourself?9And do the mods need to approve your posts also?
10I think this got buried.
Boidoh wrote:1ScribeGT6817 wrote:
2Boidoh wrote:
31. Where will be the new base of the Ta-Koro guard?
46.) Did the Element Lord of Earth have the same powers as that of the Element Lord of Rock?
51) Depends where the Ta-Matoran settle
66) Dirt and rocks are not the same thing
71. I see. Where are they currently settling?
86. Yeah, but if they were made in the same chamber, shouldn't they have the same powers? Or do the chambers have the ability to give different elemental powers but in similar context. Like maybe the jungle chamber could give air powers, fire gives plasma, and stuff like that.
9I think this got buried.
11. You recently confirmed that Su-Matoran have greater resistance than Ta-Matoran. Now that means Ta-Matoran has no unique or special abilities. Can you please tell me if they have anything special we don't know about. Maybe temporary resistance to lava or something.
22. You also recently said that the gravity is greater on SM than on Earth. Or rather, you said that you assumed so. How can this be possible if everything functions the same. Nothing canon shows it acting any differently, no jumps are different, birds fly the same. Someone on BZP had a theory that something in the core of the planet that was transformed by EP, absorbs the extra-gravity that is over earth-like levels .
Boidoh wrote:11. You recently confirmed that Su-Matoran have greater resistance than Ta-Matoran. Now that means Ta-Matoran has no unique or special abilities. Can you please tell me if they have anything special we don't know about. Maybe temporary resistance to lava or something.
22. You also recently said that the gravity is greater on SM than on Earth. Or rather, you said that you assumed so. How can this be possible if everything functions the same. Nothing canon shows it acting any differently, no jumps are different, birds fly the same. Someone on BZP had a theory that something in the core of the planet that was transformed by EP, absorbs the extra-gravity that is over earth-like levels .
31) It was basically fans who insisted the Su-Matoran have this ability. The price of it is Ta-Matoran do not have something that is exclusively theirs anymore.
42) Again, though, BIONICLE follows comic book science, not Earth science. People jumped and birds flew "normally" on Krypton, too, which had much heavier gravity than Earth.
Boidoh wrote:11. Can a Toa of Plasma create lighting?
22. Can a Toa of Plasma create a plasma TV?
33. Did those big screens in the Metru Nui colliseum contain plasma?
44. Could a Toa of Plasma helped in making them?
51) I am sure that power, when in use, provided illumination, the same as fire does
62) No
73) No
84) No
Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:1ScribeGT6817 wrote:
2Boidoh wrote:
31. Where will be the new base of the Ta-Koro guard?
46.) Did the Element Lord of Earth have the same powers as that of the Element Lord of Rock?
51) Depends where the Ta-Matoran settle
66) Dirt and rocks are not the same thing
71. I see. Where are they currently settling?
86. Yeah, but if they were made in the same chamber, shouldn't they have the same powers? Or do the chambers have the ability to give different elemental powers but in similar context. Like maybe the jungle chamber could give air powers, fire gives plasma, and stuff like that.
9I think this got buried.
101) Since it hasn't happened yet, unknown
116) The chambers could be reset to do what was needed.
Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:14) Can I ask why this is so important to you? He hasn't appeared in story since 2003.
210) Most likely they will be reprogrammed to serve the society
311) The planet blew up, my guess is any EP left either froze in space or drifted away4---
510. How close is the salvage team to recovering the Bohrok. And approximately how many beings are still left in the robot. On a side question, will the Zyglak exit, and will they attack Agori/Glatorian/SpherusMagnaNatives
611. Can this frozen EP transform or destroy when in this state?
7On a non-BIONICLE related question, why is your username ScribeGT6817. Did you pick it yourself?8And do the mods need to approve your posts also?
9I think this got buried.
101) He is in orbit over the planet, his orbit will decay eventually, and he will burn up.
1110) Unknown
1211) No
1312) A scribe is a writer. GT are my first two initials. The numbers are random.
1413) I don't know, you would need to ask them.
Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:12) Same occasions we play games on
23) Shelters for the Matoran and other MU species
34) Can I ask why this is so important to you? He hasn't appeared in story since 2003.
410) Most likely they will be reprogrammed to serve the society
511) The planet blew up, my guess is any EP left either froze in space or drifted away
61. Which region would it be popular in then? Metru Nui?
72. In the real-world Pinthetail on the donkey would be played at birthday parties, or pre-school graduation. Could you please give a specific occasion.
83. Have any shelters been built yet? Where?
9Message too long, I'll put the rest in another post.
10Got buried
111) Yes, among others. Remember, before Makuta posed as Dume, Metru Nui was a trading port. So customs got carried on ships along with goods
122) Naming Day
133) Most likely, the initial shelters have been built in Bara Magna, near where the robot fell, since it would make more sense to do that than transport the parts far away to build the first ones.
Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:1These questions are not really like my previous question where I ask the unkown, but more like clarification question on things I never understood, but I am sure were explained.
2One thing I never really understood about BIONICLE was how Voya Nui is on Aqua Magna. Correct me if I'm wrong but what I understand is that when the Great Cataclysm happened, Voya Nui broke away from its original spot on the southern continent and floated up to Aqua Magna. So is that correct what I am thinking?
3So, how exactly did it rise to AM? Did a piece of the robot break off?
4When it sunk back to its original location, and closed off the entrance to Karda Nui the comic depics it going underwater. I'm assuming that the waters of AM flooded where was originally dry land and sky.
5Were the domes correctly working on Voya Nui?
6So the sun and sky on Voya Nui were real right?
72 islands were on AM at the time right? Mata Nui and Voya Nui.
8What happened to the Matoran of Mahri/Voya Nui. I see them going up the cord, but the cord leads to Voya Nui. Were the matoran teleported to Metru Nui?
9If a piece of the robot broke off, is it still broken? I mean, when it awoke, did it re-heal or something.
10I assume it will be easier to understand if you just explain to me how Voya Nui is even on aqua magna. It confuses me...
11I think this got lost.
121) Voya Nui was part of the outer shell around Karda Nui. When the Cataclysm happened, it broke off and pierced the external armor and floated to the surface. The hole it left behind is why Karda Nui was flooding.
132) What domes?
143) When it was on the surface, yes
154) Mata Nui wasn't really an island, it was the robot's face.
165) The inhabitants hid in the Nui Caves and so survived the return to the southern continent.
176) Voya Nui plugged the hole that was allowing water to enter the heart. I do not recall what we said about the armor at the time, but I assume there was some sort of self-repair circuit that activated when the robot awoke.
Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:1Oh also, a skrall is also beside Berix and Gresh in another picture where Mata Nui is talking in Raanu. Is that the same friendly Skrall as well?
2In that picture, Berix is holding his shield, as well as that weird tube thing in his hand, but no sword. What is that weird tube thing, why does it connect to his back.
3Why didn't Berix have his weapons that came in the set in the movie?
4These got lost.
51-2) I didn't do the art, so I have no idea.
63) Because the animators did not choose to give them to him.
Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:11. In the Mata Nui Saga, one picture showed him in space analyzing planets. Several holograms are in the picture, one looks like some dinosaur lizard, another like a tribal human, another like the cyroshell logo
, one like a jellyfish, and a couple others I can't make out. Are these the inhabitants of other planets that Mata Nui discovered?
22. Whose idea was it to make a Chat with Greg Farshtey topic?
33. How do you remember to answer questions everyday?
44. How long on average does it take you to answers one question?
5I think these got lost.
61) As I said, I did not have anything to do with the art, so I don't know what it is meant to depict.
72) The moderation team asked me if I would like to do it last year
83) I did BZP for years, this is basically the same thing, only not as busy.
94) That depends on the question.