1NatoGreavesy sent me a question asking, essentially, if his time asking questions about BIONICLE and remaining a fan of it had been "wasted," in the event BIONICLE came back as a reboot and not picking up where we left off.


2My first thought was ... how is time spent pursuing something you are interested in and get pleasure from ever wasted time? There were never any guarantees BIONICLE would come back or what it would look like if it did, so being a fan only on the condition it return the way you wanted it was a gamble to start with.


3I am also reminded of Star Trek: TOS and Star Wars fans, who maintained their fandom despite years and years and years of nothing official to sustain them. If they had never gotten new movies, would it have been wasted time? Or did they write fan fiction and have conventions simply because they loved the universe and wanted to share that? I think it was the latter.


4Personally, I am here because I love BIONICLE and I like being around other people who like it too. Regardless of what a new BIONICLE might look like someday, I will always love the old universe and consider it the best thing LEGO ever did in my time here. And a new BIONICLE, while that would be exciting and hopefully something I could get into too, is not going to diminish my feelings about the old one. I don't consider my time here talking old BIONICLE to be wasted, because I enjoy doing it, and that is what matters to me.  

1Hello, Greg. I first wanted to say thank you for taking the time to answer questions.


2I have a couple of questions regarding Velika.


31. Do you think Velika genuinely cared about Garan, Balta and the rest of the Resistance Team members, or was it all an act?


42. When the Piraka arrived on Voya Nui saying they were Toa, did Velika know they were lying and not say anything just to observe what happened?


5Thanks in advance and have a nice day.

11) What would Velika's plan be for TSO? He is a powerful being and potential rival to Velika, yet he can be bought off. Would Velika ever consider paying TSO to keep him on his side, or just kill him?

22) Would Angonce side with Velika in that there is a need for a strong GB-government?

33) Would the remaining Barraki also be targets for Velika?


4Thank you!

1 Greg, we were really lucky to have a writer such you are to tell our favourite story.2Along the lines of what you said, I just want to add this: is it worthless to read ANY book because it was never given a sequel, or simply because the author wrote another one? Absolutely no.3When a story is told, it's that way, and people can make treasure of what they just listened to.4The very same way happened with BIONICLE.5And if there are people out there bothered by a reboot possibility, let's just say that the old BIONICLE happened in a dimension A with infinite parallel universes, and a possible reboot in dimension B. Fine?
PaulGia wrote:

1Hello, Greg. I first wanted to say thank you for taking the time to answer questions.


2I have a couple of questions regarding Velika.


31. Do you think Velika genuinely cared about Garan, Balta and the rest of the Resistance Team members, or was it all an act?


42. When the Piraka arrived on Voya Nui saying they were Toa, did Velika know they were lying and not say anything just to observe what happened?


5Thanks in advance and have a nice day.

61) I think he respected them.

72) Oh, yes, he knew they were lying.

zaktan74 wrote:

1hello greg

2barraki questions


31: what is with the barraki in spherus magna?


42: what is their ''JOB'' in spherus magna?


53: are they under water or on land?


64: where is takadox?


75: are they still mutated?


8thanks for you answers<3 

91-2) I really don't see the Barraki as becoming useful, productive members of society. They were warlords, they will probably remain warlords, and they and their armies will end up becoming a menace at some point if not disarmed/disbanded. They worked with the Toa when they had a common enemy, but they don't anymore.

103) They are on land.


114) Takadox is on Spherus Magna


125) No, Mata Nui reversed the mutations

1                       Hi mr Greg                                                                                                                                                


21. The adative armor it can adept in space?


32. When fighting between teridax and mata nui why teridax did not use one of his 42 powers.

4    Is it because he felt a meaning of honor for mata nui?


53. Takutanuva is of neutral nature between darkness and light has it access to the powers of peace

6    and courage and telekinesis and more his powers of fear and angry and the shadow hand?


74. is that the glatorian and agori born with their mechanical implants. if yes is what the GB have altered their

8    genetic for be born like that?


95. one time you said that be possible that the marendar have elementery powers can you tell us what are his powers

10    is what powers were on fire or ice?



11                                                           thank




13) Oh, alright then. I'm sorry if I came off as self-centered or annoying in my question. And thank you again, Mr. Farshtey, for devoting your time to us.

1 Hey, Greg, do you think Velika has a God Complex? Thinking After all, it seems that while he does respect others, from Teridax to the Voya Nui Resistance Team, he seems to mostly play with them (then again, these guys ARE his creations, but they're still sentient beings), and seems to think his less-than-respectable means are justifiable in the name of his utopia. Also, you've mentioned that he 'thought [The Great Beings] needed to take matters into their own hands', and being a GB would probably fuel this idea, along with the fact that he thinks he's the only one Great Being that has the guts to do this.

rocka99 wrote:

11. Does Bionicle really mean "Biological Chronicle"?

22. Do you know the inspiration for any of the Bionicle character's names? If so, what were they?

33. Which do you like better: The Hero Factory building system or the Bionicle system and why?

44. Do you miss Bionicle?

5Could you please answer these? Thanks!


1helo Mr Greg


2I heard rumors that bionicle would return in 2015 course these are that rumors but there's so much evidence above like

3the images leaks and the list of names and the famous coming soon on LEGO shop. If admit his rumors are fake why LEGO does not intervene as they with the orher rumors of the orther years would avoid disappointmen? 


1Can the EP entity form in the EP that is frozen in space?

11. What is "comic book science"? Where do I learn this science, and who defines the rules of this science.

22. What did you prefer to do, write the BIONICLE novels, or comics?

rocka99 wrote:
rocka99 wrote:

11. Does Bionicle really mean "Biological Chronicle"?

22. Do you know the inspiration for any of the Bionicle character's names? If so, what were they?

33. Which do you like better: The Hero Factory building system or the Bionicle system and why?

44. Do you miss Bionicle?

5Could you please answer these? Thanks!

61) Yes

72) Most BIONICLE character names were simply a matter of mixing letters together until we had something that sounded BIONICLE and wasn't trademarked by someone else.

83) I don't build enough to be able to compare the two

94) Yes

1Hey Greg, I recall you saying that Toa were physically stronger than Glatorian. We know for sure that the Skrall, the warlike "cousins" of the Glatorian are also stronger than they are. So I must ask: who's physically stronger, the Skrall or the Toa? If I recall correctly, the Skrall were putting up a good fight against Tahu and Takanuva during the final battle.