Boidoh wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:1Does the Hero Agori have a name? I finished re-playing the game for the third time so I could have recorded all quotes from it for BS01, and I notice that in the last letter from Raanu, he said "Boidoh, hero of the Agori, ...". He refers to the hero agori as whichever user is playing the game, did he ever get an official name?
2No, he was never supposed to have an individual name. He was supposed to represent the player.
3So how would you reccomend we word that specific part? On the My LEGO Network BIONICLE Campaign Walkthrough page on BS01 it has;
4"Raanu encounters me again and says, "Boidoh, hero of the Agori, it has a good sound to it, doesn't it? I wanted to ask you one last favor. While you wander the sands of Bara Magna - if you wouldn't mind setting a few traps for the bone hunters that haven't heard of your great Glatorian pledge. You can take their Bone Hunter blades once you trap them. They are a symbol of great pride on Bara Magna.""
5Obviously, the page cannot have the word Boidoh plastered onto it. If we say something like "Hero Agori, hero of the Agori", it just sounds weird. Any suggestions?
61. Simple. "Raanu encounters me again and says, '((Player name)), hero of the Agori ..."
BIONICHARGE wrote:1Another question:
2Vakama once threatened Teridax, telling him that he would shatter the Vahi and unleash the power of time upon the universe. What would happen if somebody shattered:
31. the Ignika?
42. the Avohkii/Kraahkan?
53. the Mask of Creation?
64. an Olmak?
7I believe we did things in story about what would happen if the Ignika fell apart. As for the rest, I don't think we ever stated that every single mask would cause a problem if it was broken. Most masks would just be useless if they were broken and would not unleash their power.
TwistLaw wrote:TwistLaw wrote:1Dear Greg, would you like to tell us a never known before piece of trivia about my favourite BIONICLE character, Brutaka? E.g. if he likes spicy food or was friend with a Le-Matoran long time ago.2I think this one got buried!
3Not buried, I just don't have anything for you.
toaprime6401 wrote:1A few more questions:
21) Would Miserix attempt to be a part of SM society, if he got out of the fortress?
32) And would Miserix try to get a group of followers to try to make an army to fight the Toa?
4Thank you!
5Probably no to both. Miserix wants to survive. He's not going to ever be accepted in SM society, nor would he really fit in there. At the same time, trying to lead a rebellion is a good way to get dead. My guess is for now he will lay low, see how power shakes out in the new Spherus Magna, and then decide what alliances he should make, if any.
sepublic22 wrote:sepublic22 wrote:1Hey Greg, in the Mask of Light movie, Takutanuva had the ability to ressurect others, but with only one piece of their body (Jaller's mask). If so, do you think it's possible Takutanuva is a back-up Red Star?
In fact, Helryx mentioned Takanuva's destiny would terrify him.... maybe his destiny is to fuse with the Alternate Dimension Teridax and create a second Takutanuva, so he can either fix the Red Star, or act as its replacement?
2I think this got lost.
3This is a lame answer, and I apologize, but the truth is no one involved with MOL ever explained just what the heck had happened with Jaller in that scene. So I have no idea what their intent was or what the explanation for what happened is. I can only take guesses, which might not fit all the facts.
--Tremah-- wrote:1Hello again, mr. Farshtey. I've got a bunch of new questions.
21. Assuming that Kanohi masks are able to discharge and lose their abilities for a short period of time after usage, what is their power source? Is it Toa? Or is it just smth like cooldown for Kanohi?32. Can Kanohi be rechaged while detached from Toa's face?43. Can Kaukau support underwater breathing forever?54. Can any mask (except legendaries) allow to use its effects for unlimited amount of time?
61) Kanohi have no cooldown period
73) No. Masks do run out of power eventually, it just takes a long time.
84) No.
--Tremah-- wrote:1Hello again, mr. Farshtey. I've got a bunch of new questions.
2 5. Is Destiny (of any being) necessarily tied to the special moment? I mean, is it possible for Energized Protodermis to treat the same being multiple times with the same outcome?36. For example is it possible for Tahu to transform again into Nuva after contact with EP?47. If so, is this event somehow related to his first Nuva transformation?58. And does EP have any kind of memory?
69. Can we say that Toa Nuva is the next step of Toa evolution?710. Assuming that Ignika can evolve/devolve creature, is it possible to transform any Toa into Nuva? Or is this "next step" special for Toa Mata team?
85) Is it possible for a Toa to exposed twice to EP and be transformed twice? Yes. Is it an advisable thing to try? Probably not, because the odds are against your destiny to be transformed twice and it is a lot more likely you will be destroyed.
99) I don't think i would use the word "evolution," because it implies this is what all Toa will become one day, and that is not the case. The Mata were destined to become Nuva. To my knowledge, no one else is.
--Tremah-- wrote:1Hello again, mr. Farshtey. I've got a bunch of new questions.
211. What is the diameter of Spherus Magna? I've heard somewhere it's 11 times bigger than Jupiter.312. If so, is it possible to explain how the Matoran and others have not been crushed yet under enormous gravity of the planet?413. Is it just because of Bionicle physics? If so, does it mean that gravity in Bionicle Universe is much weaker than in our world?
514. If a Toa wastes his Toa Power gradually, will he become weaker over time?615. If a Toa is revived on the Red Star, will his amount of Toa Power be the same?716. How much Toa Power had Lhikan spent after infusing six Toa Stones? Was it all of his power or just a part of it? Anyway, why didn't he transform into Turaga right after the moment he infused the sixth stone?
817. How long can a Toa remain in his form after the full depletion of his Toa Power?
911) I don't have this information.
1013) Keep in mind that the gravity on Krypton was much greater than that of Earth, but its people were not crushed by it. Why? Same reason it didn't happen here, because it's a fantasy universe that does not have to follow the rules of our reality.
1114) He would lose his elemental abilities.
1215) Yes
1316) Just a part of it, but remember, becoming a Turaga is a choice - it's not something that happens automatically. The Nuva have achieved their destinies and not turned into Turaga at all.
1417) Unknown, because we have never seen that happen. You could expend all your Toa power but not achieve your destiny, in which case you aren't changing into anything.
1I think this got buried
2(Sorry if I'm annoying you--I just realized you anwered my previous question; I just didn't see your reply)
3Hey Greg:
41) Do MU inhabitants need to drink water/liquid protodermis or some other kind of fluid to stay alive? Or do they only need to "eat" energy to live?
52) When it says Ba-matoran have an innate resistance to extreme pressures, does that mean they have higher physical durability compared to other types of matoran, allowing them to withstand greater force? Or does it simply mean they are less bothered by physical pressure?
63) Aside from muscles and lungs, do you think MU inhabitants would have an organic nervous system (excluding the brain), such as a spinal cord and motor nerves connecting to the muscles?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:BIONICHARGE wrote:1Another question:
2Vakama once threatened Teridax, telling him that he would shatter the Vahi and unleash the power of time upon the universe. What would happen if somebody shattered:
31. the Ignika?
42. the Avohkii/Kraahkan?
53. the Mask of Creation?
64. an Olmak?
7I believe we did things in story about what would happen if the Ignika fell apart. As for the rest, I don't think we ever stated that every single mask would cause a problem if it was broken. Most masks would just be useless if they were broken and would not unleash their power.
8Of course not. It isn't like a broken Hau would form a shield around the Matoran Universe! I was just interested to see if there were a few other special cases like the Vahi, mostly legendary masks or one-of-a-kind masks. I put in the Olmak because I was intrigued about the possiblities, even it if did not have any effect.
1Thank you very much, Greg, but i'd like to clarify some of your answers:
21. Where is the power source of Kanohi situated? Is it inside of the mask? And does willpower affect the strength of mask's effects? E.g. is it possible for one Toa to cast stronger shield with Hau, while another Toa casts the weaker one using the same mask?
32. Same question: can Kanohi be rechaged while detached from Toa's face? How long does it takes to recharge it completely?
43. According to what you've said: "The Nuva have achieved their destinies." Do you mean that in case of continuation of the story there will be no important place for the Nuva?
54. What if Toa transform into Turaga with whole amount of Toa Power? Will he be able to control his element better than other Turagas? Can Turaga dispose his "leftovers" of Toa Power later?
65. And what is the point of transforming into Turaga anyway? I mean, even without his Elemental powers, an average Toa is much stronger than any Turaga. Isn't it more sensible to stay in Toa form?
7Thanks for attention and sorry for my english.
NatoGreavesy wrote:1I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that it was Teridax who telepthically coerced the skakdi into creating the Golden Being/fusion/thing. but I can't help but wonder why? Was it just for fun, or did he actually have a plan for it. Also, with Zaktann throwning himself into the mix, is the Golden Being now acting outside of what Teridax intended?
2Also, which consciousness is prevalent within the fusion? Is Zaktann in control, or one of the other beings, or are they all on the same level; has it instead developed its own unique personality and mind seperate of the others?
3Did this get buried?
Boidoh wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:1Does the Hero Agori have a name? I finished re-playing the game for the third time so I could have recorded all quotes from it for BS01, and I notice that in the last letter from Raanu, he said "Boidoh, hero of the Agori, ...". He refers to the hero agori as whichever user is playing the game, did he ever get an official name?
2No, he was never supposed to have an individual name. He was supposed to represent the player.
3So how would you reccomend we word that specific part? On the My LEGO Network BIONICLE Campaign Walkthrough page on BS01 it has;
4"Raanu encounters me again and says, "Boidoh, hero of the Agori, it has a good sound to it, doesn't it? I wanted to ask you one last favor. While you wander the sands of Bara Magna - if you wouldn't mind setting a few traps for the bone hunters that haven't heard of your great Glatorian pledge. You can take their Bone Hunter blades once you trap them. They are a symbol of great pride on Bara Magna.""
5Obviously, the page cannot have the word Boidoh plastered onto it. If we say something like "Hero Agori, hero of the Agori", it just sounds weird. Any suggestions?
6Isn't there a wiki coding that allows it to show the viewer's username?