junior743 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:legocrazy9460 wrote:1I recently saw images and articles about a suspected Bionicle re-release in 2015. I am not asking you to confirm or deny it, but in an earlier post you said if Bionicle did come back, you would most likely erase all past history and start anew. However, I love the bionicle story, and if you deleted it, I would probably go crazy (more than I already am). You could instead have it be in a seperate world, making it have the same elements, virtues, and biomechanichal beings, but not coming in contact with the previous world and therefore preserving or even continuing it. I would love it if you could do something like that and not destroy the most amazing story I have ever read.
2What it would be if it came back is just my speculation. But a reboot is a reboot -- it normally does not relate to the past version. The Andrew Garfield Spider-Man movies are not taking place in the same "movie reality" as the Tobey Maguire ones did. The New 52 comic stories, although featuring the same characters as DC has always had, are not considered to be a part of the past comics' reality. That's basically the point of a reboot.
3Tahu appers to be in it though,along with the other Toa Mata,those Defender people,and Lord of Skull Spiders
4BTW,are the Defenders good or bad?by the name,its hard to tell.
5The names came from a traslation of names on a Russian site. I checked out Google Traslate, and apperently, the Russian word for "Defender" can also mean "Protecter", "Gaurd", "Champion", or "A Tower of Strength" (I'm not kidding). So really, their names could be anything, even "Quarterback of Fire"! (That's another traslation)
1Hey Greg:
21) Do you think a Toa would weigh more than half a ton? Or less?
32) We already know that Toa armor takes the shape of whatever the destined matoran thinks a Toa looks like. However, without their armor on, would all Toa (excluding the Mata) have the same basic "default" body?
43) Do you think Toa armor is as strong as or stronger than Titanium?
54) Does organic protodermis have a cellular structure?
Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:1In Power Play, page 6, Brutaka opens a portal and sends the Doom Viper in. Did this rahi end up in an AU or a location in the MU?
2Where specifically did it end up?
3One of the AUs we know?, an unnamed one we don't?, where in the MU?
4I doubt Brutaka would have sent it someplace in the MU. More than likely into a particularly lethal AU.
5Would this AU be rather a pocket dimension, where physics don't really apply as the people of the core dimension know it? Did the Doom Viper survive?
6I think this got lost.
7Please note my use of the words "particularly lethal."
Boidoh wrote:Boidoh wrote:11. What happens to the Dimensions of Makuta's Mass when a Makuta dies? Is their extra mass still there? Do the dimensions still exist?
22. In the World of Annona's doom, has Annona died out yet, or is she still surviving?
33. In Dark Destiny, page 51, Gali sees dimensions where Time and Space are meaningless, What else did she see? What would be some characteristics of those dimension with meaningless time and space?
4I think this got lost.
5No, I simply have no answers for them.
Boidoh wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:1The reason I asked the question, although I never really made it clear why, is because I was wondering how a moon had a moon. So instead of listing out 20 or so question, and I was in a hurry then, I asked one question 'if BotaM and AM revolved around BaraM. Then yesterday I remembered you said it and it came up in a discussion then the madness begun. Although even though they are called moons in several canon sources, they are ALSO called planets in several canon sources, which confuses things, again.2Oh, heck, if that is what you are wondering about, that's easy. According to Popular Science, it is theoretically possible for a moon to have a moon (after all, we put spacecraft in orbit around our moon). The trick would be that the moon would have to be far enough away from its parent planet to be able to retain possession of its moon. But it could certainly happen.
3But I thought that only comic book physics apply in BIONICLE.
4That's the beauty of comic book physics, Boidoh - you get to cherry-pick what you want from real science and ignore the rest. As in, many of the Flash's feats in the old comics could be explained using real science, but the man himself was comic book science, since a real person moving that fast would burn up from friction or get torn apart.
ToaIhu wrote:1Hi Greg,
2My question's a bit weird, and please don't take this the wrong way, as I'm just curious.
3If you still have the time/LEGO gives you the authority to post canon tidbits about BIONICLE on these message boards, why were the story serials never finished? I only ask because it seems a bit strange that over the course of four years, the actual story serials died, and I understand that you have other writing commitments at LEGO, but this thread has reached 437 pages. Obviously that is by no means all you, as there are thousands of posts by fans like me, too, but you're always able to give detailed and informative answers (which we're all grateful for) to pretty much ever fan question.
4So I think my real question is actually, if you were to stop posting in this forum, even for a brief while, would that give you the time to finish the unfinished story serials? Or, now that BIONICLE has been discontinued, does LEGO simply not want you to produce new content?
5Many thanks, and I eagerly await your answer,
7No offense taken.
8First off, I stopped doing the serials some four years ago or so, when my daughter was an infant and I was taking care of her full-time. She is no longer an infant and I only have her half the time, so I have more time.
9Second, the people who asked me to do the message boards have nothing at all to do with BIONICLE, now or in the past, so it is apples and oranges in that respect.
10Third, it takes a lot less time to answer these questions than it does to write a serial chapter. If I want, I can spend two minutes here and then get back to my day. There is no time limit in which these questions have to be answered.
11And fourth, I can't continue the serials without LEGO's okay, and when I have broached the idea, there has been no interest. The story existed to promote set sales, and no sets have been on sale for four years now. They want me focused on current lines.
1Greg, I know that you have probley been hearing this question alot, but I'm just too curious. After the leaked sets and the rumored set names, do you think Bionicle is coming back? Is it a hoax, or are you trying to keep it a secret (Which is almost immposible, with the hype train and all). Thanks!
MarkSurge9411 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:11) I don't do outlines, so I have no info to share
22) Well, we know there was a conspiracy, and my feeling it was some planetary governments and some mega-corporations involved
33) It wasn't intended to be that powerful
44) It was Core Hunter's tool that could absorb DB's energies, but the tool was not designed to do that. In science, in a lot of cases, something gets developed that works with something that has existed for a long time
55) Depends. If they were the equivalent of animals/creatures, then they would not have a moral sense and could not be good or evil.
66) Incredibly powerful. A direct hit by a solar flare can do a lot of damage
71: Too bad.
82: Consiracy?
We need tin foil hats!
93: Ahh.
104: Got it now.
115: True.
126: Oh yeah. Especially if you're a robot.
13More questions:
141: Just how big was the Valiant?
152: I've re read the part many times, but I don't understand how Kirch was smashed. Did the swarm leader force him to jump out, or did the swarm leader seperate from Kirch, and the unconcious robot fell into the sun?
163: Could it be possible that Kirch was part of the Government conspiracy? Because he WAS forced on to the Valiant as a "loyal" crew member by the "GOVERNMENT".
174: Was Deneb evil? If so, was he locked up?
18Hey Greg, did you see these?
kyle7475 wrote:1Hey Greg:
22) We already know that Toa armor takes the shape of whatever the destined matoran thinks a Toa looks like. However, without their armor on, would all Toa (excluding the Mata) have the same basic "default" body?
34) Does organic protodermis have a cellular structure?
42. their "armor" is actually just their mechanical parts, specifically the exoskeleton, so it's really just part of their body.