ScribeGT6817 wrote:kyle7475 wrote:1Greg, can you pleeeeeeease answer at least some of these questions:
21) What do you think is the average strength level among Toa, discounting elements like Stone or Earth? We know that the average Toa has a strength level above Class 1, meaning they can lift more than a ton. Seeing as Toa are 7 feet tall and mostly mechanical, I'd say the average Toa can lift 5-6 tons. What do you think?
32) Do MU inhabitants need to drink water to survive, or do they rely entirely on the energy they absorb from their food?
43) The Ba-matoran's elemental trait is that they can resist high pressures. Does that mean they are more physically durable than other matoran, allowing them to withstand these pressures; or are they simply less bothered by it?
54) Seeing as a Glatorian's sole purpose in society is to fight in Arena Matches to get their village materials to survive, it would make sense for them to be tought combat skills at a young age, like the start of adolescence, yes?
65) Seeing as Toa are physically stronger and taller than humans, it'd make sense for them to be able to run faster than humans, right?
72) I can't recall us ever saying that they did. I could be wrong, but I would tend to think they don't.
8considering they have organic parts, i would say they do indeed need water to survive.
legocrazy9460 wrote:1Red Star Questions:
21) If someone loses a limb or other body part in an incident seperate from the one that kills them, will they respawn with the part? And if they change masks, will they respawn with their original mask?
33) Does the Red Star transport beings into it, or does a device in the MU? If it is a device in the MU, does it have a radius of effect, or do the walls of the Mata Nui robot stop it's effect?
4Other questions:
51) Is a Matoran's heartlight a mechanichal "heart", or does it flash in time to/monitor/indicate the beat of the heart organ
62) Skakdi have inbred viciousness, but does that mean all of them are vicious? There have been Toa and matoran that aren't good, so there must be Skakdi who aren't evil.
7Thanks for doing this, and thanks for the awesomeness of Bionicle!
8I broke this up so it would be easier to answer.
kyle7475 wrote:1Hey Greg:
21) Do you think a Toa would weigh more than half a ton? Or less?
32) We already know that Toa armor takes the shape of whatever the destined matoran thinks a Toa looks like. However, without their armor on, would all Toa (excluding the Mata) have the same basic "default" body?
43) Do you think Toa armor is as strong as or stronger than Titanium?
54) Does organic protodermis have a cellular structure?
61&3: One fun thing about Bionicle, and other alternate realities, is that you don't really compare them to the reat world.
74) Considering that The Shadowed One's eyebeams split beings into tiny parts, there are microscopic organisims called protodites, and all matter is made from cells, I'd say yes.
TheSpecial wrote:1Does the default form of the adaptive armour made by artahka look exactly the same as the regular form of the nuva? Or is there some variation?
2Greg once said that their armour in in default form was the same shape as their old armour, but in the colours of the 2008 sets.
3 There's no official image, and it seems I'm not allowed to post a link to an artist's interpretation, but you get the idea.
4Pohatu would be mostly grey with orange armour, like his phantoka set. Lewa would be grey and bright green. Tahu would be silver and dark red, etc.5Exactly what configuration of which colours go where is up to your imagination.
XTGNecro wrote:1Some more questions.
21) Were any of the Toa Hagah Matoran before becoming a Toa?
32) Why weren't the other Toa Hagah created as sets? If you know?
41) They all were
52) Because they really weren't playing a central role as Toa in the story. Sets that were really not being featured at all in story tended not to sell well.
legocrazy9460 wrote:legocrazy9460 wrote:1Red Star Questions:
21) If someone loses a limb or other body part in an incident seperate from the one that kills them, will they respawn with the part? And if they change masks, will they respawn with their original mask?
33) Does the Red Star transport beings into it, or does a device in the MU? If it is a device in the MU, does it have a radius of effect, or do the walls of the Mata Nui robot stop it's effect?
4Other questions:
51) Is a Matoran's heartlight a mechanichal "heart", or does it flash in time to/monitor/indicate the beat of the heart organ
62) Skakdi have inbred viciousness, but does that mean all of them are vicious? There have been Toa and matoran that aren't good, so there must be Skakdi who aren't evil.
7Thanks for doing this, and thanks for the awesomeness of Bionicle!
8I broke this up so it would be easier to answer.
91) Yes, they will have the part when they come back, but most likely will get the mask they were wearing when they died.
103) The RS does it
111) I don't have this information
122) Skakdi as a culture tend to be savage and violent, because those who aren't savage and violent get killed pretty quickly. So it is possible that not all are evil and horrible, but they also tend to not be living.
sepublic22 wrote:1Hey, Greg, was Kirchonn the Invincible's name made from Kirch from the Hero Factory books, or did you choose his name from a list of approved ones, or simply make it off the top of your head?
2Had nothing to do with Kirch. It came from the approved name list, as all BIONICLE names did.
Ibentje wrote:1I had a general wonderment about the names in the Matoran Universe. Are they unique ? Or are they kinda like human names, with multiple Matoran having the same name ?
2Good question. So far, we have never seen two Matoran with the same name, and we probably would not do that in story because it would get confusing. Doesn't mean it's impossible, but we would never do that.
MarkSurge9411 wrote:MarkSurge9411 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:11) I don't do outlines, so I have no info to share
22) Well, we know there was a conspiracy, and my feeling it was some planetary governments and some mega-corporations involved
33) It wasn't intended to be that powerful
44) It was Core Hunter's tool that could absorb DB's energies, but the tool was not designed to do that. In science, in a lot of cases, something gets developed that works with something that has existed for a long time
55) Depends. If they were the equivalent of animals/creatures, then they would not have a moral sense and could not be good or evil.
66) Incredibly powerful. A direct hit by a solar flare can do a lot of damage
71: Too bad.
82: Consiracy?
We need tin foil hats!
93: Ahh.
104: Got it now.
115: True.
126: Oh yeah. Especially if you're a robot.
13More questions:
141: Just how big was the Valiant?
152: I've re read the part many times, but I don't understand how Kirch was smashed. Did the swarm leader force him to jump out, or did the swarm leader seperate from Kirch, and the unconcious robot fell into the sun?
163: Could it be possible that Kirch was part of the Government conspiracy? Because he WAS forced on to the Valiant as a "loyal" crew member by the "GOVERNMENT".
174: Was Deneb evil? If so, was he locked up?
18Hey Greg, did you see these?
19Yes, but I have not had time to answer them yet because I have to go back and look at the book again to do so.
kyle7475 wrote:1Hey Greg:
21) Do you think a Toa would weigh more than half a ton? Or less?
32) We already know that Toa armor takes the shape of whatever the destined matoran thinks a Toa looks like. However, without their armor on, would all Toa (excluding the Mata) have the same basic "default" body?
43) Do you think Toa armor is as strong as or stronger than Titanium?
54) Does organic protodermis have a cellular structure?
61) No idea. I am not good at that kind of estimation.
72) Most likely, yes
83) No idea.
94) Yes