ScribeGT6817 wrote:Fusionblast23 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2Were you involved in making this year's plot "Quest of the Masks", or are you just supervised?3The 2015 story? The answer is neither. I am not a member of the story team for the new launch. I got to read over the story bible after it was done and give some input, but that was the extent of my involvement.
4Any choice you will be part of it in the future?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Fusionblast23 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2Were you involved in making this year's plot "Quest of the Masks", or are you just supervised?3The 2015 story? The answer is neither. I am not a member of the story team for the new launch. I got to read over the story bible after it was done and give some input, but that was the extent of my involvement.
4Wait, so what you're saying is, you are not writing the storyline for Bionicle 2015? Nor do you have any control over the quality of 2015?
maletoaofwater wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1I wanted to ask you some questions about the elements of Ice and Water...
21. We've seen toa of ice freeze water to make ice. considering that, couldn't a toa of water melt ice to make water?
32. Why were these elements separate to begin with, considering ice is just frozen water? where do you draw the line on what one can control and what the other can control?
43. additionally, (not about ice or water) considering lava is just melted earth/rock, could a toa of either of those elements control lava? if not, what element would lava fall under? or can it not be controlled at all?
5...and about 2015 (i know you can't say much).
61. based on some of the things said on this thread, it sounds like 2015 is going to be a reboot. assuming it is, will the old canon be specified as a separate reality (like the Kingdom AU, etc)?
72. Most importantly, i will not be able to attend NYCC. how will i be able to find out the information revealed at the panel? will LEGO perhaps release a video of the panel or something?
8Thank you!
9I think this was burried.
10Buried again...
maletoaofwater wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1I wanted to ask you some questions about the elements of Ice and Water...
21. We've seen toa of ice freeze water to make ice. considering that, couldn't a toa of water melt ice to make water?
32. Why were these elements separate to begin with, considering ice is just frozen water? where do you draw the line on what one can control and what the other can control?
43. additionally, (not about ice or water) considering lava is just melted earth/rock, could a toa of either of those elements control lava? if not, what element would lava fall under? or can it not be controlled at all?
5...and about 2015 (i know you can't say much).
61. based on some of the things said on this thread, it sounds like 2015 is going to be a reboot. assuming it is, will the old canon be specified as a separate reality (like the Kingdom AU, etc)?
72. Most importantly, i will not be able to attend NYCC. how will i be able to find out the information revealed at the panel? will LEGO perhaps release a video of the panel or something?
8Thank you!
9I think this was burried.
10Buried again...
111) I don't believe so, no. That would involve generating heat, and there is no reason to believe a Toa of Water can generate heat.
122) I can't answer this. I was not involved with BIONICLE when that decision was made.
133) I do not believe we have a Toa who controls lava.
141) As I have said, I can't discuss 2015 beyond what has been released by the BIONICLE team.
152) I am sure LEGO will release articles on it on the LEGO website, and I am sure representatives of BIONICLE fan sites will be attending and will report back on it as well.
Andrew31kbrick193 wrote:1How does the physical anatomy of a Glatorian differ from the average Matoran Universe inhabitant?
2MU inhabitants are mechanical parts linked together by organic tissue. Glatorian are completely organic, with possibly some implants (like a human might have an artificial hip, etc.)
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Fusionblast23 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2Were you involved in making this year's plot "Quest of the Masks", or are you just supervised?3The 2015 story? The answer is neither. I am not a member of the story team for the new launch. I got to read over the story bible after it was done and give some input, but that was the extent of my involvement.
4Wait, so what you're saying is, you are not writing the storyline for Bionicle 2015? Nor do you have any control over the quality of 2015?
5That's correct. I share this only because I do not want credit I do not deserve. There are still people out there who think I created BIONICLE or I created Ninjago, and neither one is true. And those myths rob credit from the people who did the hard work to create those lines. So if people love BIONICLE 2015, as I hope they will, I don't want them coming and patting me on the back, because I didn't do the hard work to bring it to life.
diglett809 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Fusionblast23 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2Were you involved in making this year's plot "Quest of the Masks", or are you just supervised?3The 2015 story? The answer is neither. I am not a member of the story team for the new launch. I got to read over the story bible after it was done and give some input, but that was the extent of my involvement.
4Any choice you will be part of it in the future
5Any answer I gave would be pure speculation and pretty much worthless.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:1I wanted to ask you some questions about the elements of Ice and Water...
21. We've seen toa of ice freeze water to make ice. considering that, couldn't a toa of water melt ice to make water?
43. additionally, (not about ice or water) considering lava is just melted earth/rock, could a toa of either of those elements control lava? if not, what element would lava fall under? or can it not be controlled at all?
5...and about 2015 (i know you can't say much).
61. based on some of the things said on this thread, it sounds like 2015 is going to be a reboot. assuming it is, will the old canon be specified as a separate reality (like the Kingdom AU, etc)?
72. Most importantly, i will not be able to attend NYCC. how will i be able to find out the information revealed at the panel? will LEGO perhaps release a video of the panel or something?
8Thank you!
9I think this was buried.
10Buried again...
111) I don't believe so, no. That would involve generating heat, and there is no reason to believe a Toa of Water can generate heat.
123) I do not believe we have a Toa who controls lava.
131. Then why can a toa of ice freeze water? Since they physically control ice, not any form of heat, they shouldn't be able to do anything besides create/control/absorb ice. And if we say that freezing water falls under creating ice, then we'd have to say water toa could "create" water by melting ice.
141a. Can toa of ice control only water ice, or can they control other frozen states of matter as well, such as dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)?
153. Even though it's just liquid earth?
164. New question: can a toa control the temperate of their element when they create it? For example, when a toa of water shoots a stream of water, can they shoot boiling/really cold water, or is it just always the temperate of the environment?
1...and about 2015 (i know you can't say much).
21. based on some of the things said on this thread, it sounds like 2015 is going to be a reboot. assuming it is, will the old canon be specified as a separate reality (like the Kingdom AU, etc)?
32. Most importantly, i will not be able to attend NYCC. how will i be able to find out the information revealed at the panel? will LEGO perhaps release a video of the panel or something?
4Thank you!
5I think this was buried.
6Buried again...
71) I don't believe so, no. That would involve generating heat, and there is no reason to believe a Toa of Water can generate heat.
83) I do not believe we have a Toa who controls lava.
91. Then why can a toa of ice freeze water? Since they physically control ice, not any form of heat, they shouldn't be able to do anything besides create/control/absorb ice. And if we say that freezing water falls under creating ice, then we'd have to say water toa could "create" water by melting ice.
101a. Can toa of ice control only water ice, or can they control other frozen states of matter as well, such as dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)?
113. Even though it's just liquid earth?
124. New question: can a toa control the temperate of their element when they create it? For example, when a toa of water shoots a stream of water, can they shoot boiling/really cold water, or is it just always the temperate of the environment?
131) Toa of Ice can unleash blizzards by freezing the moisture in the air -- they obviously can make things cold.
141a) Not that we have ever seem
153) Yes. If we start saying Onua controls volcanic magma, we are going to confuse a whole bunch of people who won't get why that would be.
164) Toa of Ice and Toa of Fire can control the heat or coldness of what they create. No one else can.
11. Did Kapura escape the tower by 'going fast by moving slowly'? That would make things a bit more interesting.
22. Can shore turtles retreat into their shells when threathened? It would make sense, with them being turtles and all.
33. Is there ANYTHING a shore turtle could do to attack? Bite? All they seem to can do is... fly.
44. You recently stated that this set was Turaga Lhikan, which is supported by several BZP and BS01 members. However, other BS01 members have pointed out that you denied this set being Turaga Lhikan on multiple occasions. With this in mind, which is correct? Is the set Turaga Lhikan, or not?
55. Do you watch Avatar: The Last Airbender, or The Legend of Korra?
1That's correct. I share this only because I do not want credit I do not deserve. There are still people out there who think I created BIONICLE or I created Ninjago, and neither one is true. And those myths rob credit from the people who did the hard work to create those lines. So if people love BIONICLE 2015, as I hope they will, I don't want them coming and patting me on the back, because I didn't do the hard work to bring it to life.
3I'd like to say that's a very honest post, you just gained some more respect from me at least*
4Can you name who is currently on the 2015 BIONICLE story team?
5Also, not asking for details you can't disclose, do you personally feel that they included old BIONICLE references and/or nods that older fans will appreciate but not hinder new fans enjoyment of the story? Be a continuation, reboot, or whatever else there is it could be
6*so very meaningful, I know, having the respect of a random internet person. But still, I mean it