1Question askers,
2Why are so many of you asking for details of the old story to Greg. He came up with the stories as he wrote them, he also made put out (in print and online) most (if not all) of what he has written so asking him for more will get you geniric vauge answers or no answer.
3Aslo why do you need to know this? Can't you take the given plot and the toys and use their imaginations like Greg used his to come up with details and other adventures.
4Also why ask questions he has already said he can't answer (like 2015 details)? Ask him about his job and ideas, things you can actually get answers to.
1I'm very certain that at this point you've been asked before but...
- 2What's your favorite element? (Mine is lightning)
- 3What's your favorite Toa design? (2001-03 Mata/Nuva, 2004 Metru, 2005 Hordika, or 2006-08 Inika?)
- 4What's your favorite Matoran design? (2001 "McToran", 03 MoLToran, 04 Metrutoran, 06 Voyatoran, 07 Mahritoran, or 08 Avtoran? Those names...
- 5What's your favorite color(s)?
- 6If you were a Toa, what kind of weapon would you have? (I'd have a lightning blaster)
1Hi Greg!
2Some of us are still hoping that BIONICLE 2015 will be a continuation of the old story (sometime in the more or less distant future) instead of a complete reboot, despite everything indicating otherwise. So a friend of mine (known to you as Nuhrii the Metruan) suggested that you could canonize a Toa of Hope, wearing a Kanohi of Hope, into the old 2001-2010 canon. When it's revealed that 2015 will be a reboot, you can write a short story in which he is killed and his mask is destroyed.
3I'm sure Nuhrii was totally serious about this, so what do you think?
fighterlord wrote:PointlessQuestions wrote:11. Wait, hold the phone. Greg, did you just confirm that Axonn, Brutaka, Helryx, Miserix, Tuyet, Vezon, Hafu, Kapura, and Artakha escaped the Great Being's fortress before Velika could blow it up?
22. Did the cursed Great Being also escape? Was he freed by the beings taken from the Core Processor?
3This got buried--Curses!
4Buried again....
fighterlord wrote:fighterlord wrote:PointlessQuestions wrote:11. Wait, hold the phone. Greg, did you just confirm that Axonn, Brutaka, Helryx, Miserix, Tuyet, Vezon, Hafu, Kapura, and Artakha escaped the Great Being's fortress before Velika could blow it up?
22. Did the cursed Great Being also escape? Was he freed by the beings taken from the Core Processor?
3This got buried--Curses!
4Buried again....
5I originally asked if all of them escaped, and in particular Hafu and Kapura. He could have meant that only those two escaped.
1Hi Greg, I have a few questions for you!
21) Are there any other planets outside of Spherus Magna that may support intelligent life created by the Great Beings?
32) When Pahrak Kal was overloaded with the Nuva Symbol and sent down through Aqua Magna, could it have possibly survived going through the core of the planet? And if so, would it eventually have stopped functioning (considering that the Bahrag were eventually released?
43) What ever happaned to all of those Krana that were burried by the matoran living on Mata Nui (after the Bohrok were first defeated)? Were they destroyed after Makuta Teridax died?
54) What will the bohrok do on there time on Spherus Magna? Go dormant again? If so, will they have any reason to ever be awakened?
65)What did Pridak and the other remaining Barradi do in their time on Spherus Magna? Have they tried to builde another empire?
7Thanks for answering all of my questions, and best regards!
AnAverageLegoLover wrote:1Same layout as before.
3What was your favorite Bionicle character personality wise?
4Hero Factory:
5Does anyone agree that it was a little bit illogical how all the beasts and jumpers were able to go to the nest? I would assume some didn't make it, and may be still alive. Additionally, I know the queen died, but the Heroes looked like they were in the exact same spot as the jumpers. Surely they would have died too if this was real life.
6Another thing, not a question, is that the heroes didn't seem like heroes at the end. They had just wiped out an entire species that was only acting in self defense and were laughing and having fun.
7Buried. You can ignore the first one, as I remember asking that question before, and getting an answer.
1Another thing, and I am very sorry for asking again, is the same question as before. Is the Scorpio alive? I am very sorry for asking this again, as I know you gave an answer, but I have many, many reasons for wanting to know. The main one being that he was my favorite character from Savage planet, and I really want to know his status. So, as I said sorry. The scene is in Savage Planet part two, in about the middle. Again, sorry for seeming like an annoying pestering little child.
Fusionblast23 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2Were you involved in making this year's plot "Quest of the Masks", or are you just supervised?
3The 2015 story? The answer is neither. I am not a member of the story team for the new launch. I got to read over the story bible after it was done and give some input, but that was the extent of my involvement.
Toa-Nuva-von-Mata-Nui wrote:1Hi Greg!
2Some of us are still hoping that BIONICLE 2015 will be a continuation of the old story (sometime in the more or less distant future) instead of a complete reboot, despite everything indicating otherwise. So a friend of mine (known to you as Nuhrii the Metruan) suggested that you could canonize a Toa of Hope, wearing a Kanohi of Hope, into the old 2001-2010 canon. When it's revealed that 2015 will be a reboot, you can write a short story in which he is killed and his mask is destroyed.
3I'm sure Nuhrii was totally serious about this, so what do you think?
4lol, well, I am not adding new elements to the story and I can't write BIONICLE fiction without permission from LEGO. I tend to doubt they would authorize a story like this.
TheSpecial wrote:1On the new BIONICLE concept art released today, some of the images, (specifically the ones of the character wearing the MoC) say mask maker, who is the mask maker?
2I haven't seen any of the images, and besides, I can't release any BIONICLE 2015 info until the BIONICLE team does. When they want you to know who this is, they will tell you.
AnAverageLegoLover wrote:1Another thing, and I am very sorry for asking again, is the same question as before. Is the Scorpio alive? I am very sorry for asking this again, as I know you gave an answer, but I have many, many reasons for wanting to know. The main one being that he was my favorite character from Savage planet, and I really want to know his status. So, as I said sorry. The scene is in Savage Planet part two, in about the middle. Again, sorry for seeming like an annoying pestering little child.
2I'm sorry, but as I said, I don't recall the scene so I cannot help you. I would suggest you make your own decision, since it is highly unlikely it is going to be contradicted officially anywhere.
AnAverageLegoLover wrote:AnAverageLegoLover wrote:1Same layout as before.
3What was your favorite Bionicle character personality wise?
4Hero Factory:
5Does anyone agree that it was a little bit illogical how all the beasts and jumpers were able to go to the nest? I would assume some didn't make it, and may be still alive. Additionally, I know the queen died, but the Heroes looked like they were in the exact same spot as the jumpers. Surely they would have died too if this was real life.
6Another thing, not a question, is that the heroes didn't seem like heroes at the end. They had just wiped out an entire species that was only acting in self defense and were laughing and having fun.
7Buried. You can ignore the first one, as I remember asking that question before, and getting an answer.
8This doesn't seem like a question for me. It seems more like you are asking a question of the rest of the members.