1Hey I had two questions
21. do you think the new bionicle will have as large a focus on story as the preveious one. (no need to reveal details)
32. what do you think that the properties of protodermis is it an omni-element, does it change chemical composistion in differing enviroments, is it based off of the temperature, or is it something else I did not think of?
4I don't mind if you can not tell me any answers.
mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Fusionblast23 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2Were you involved in making this year's plot "Quest of the Masks", or are you just supervised?3The 2015 story? The answer is neither. I am not a member of the story team for the new launch. I got to read over the story bible after it was done and give some input, but that was the extent of my involvement.
4Wait, so what you're saying is, you are not writing the storyline for Bionicle 2015? Nor do you have any control over the quality of 2015?
5That's correct. I share this only because I do not want credit I do not deserve. There are still people out there who think I created BIONICLE or I created Ninjago, and neither one is true. And those myths rob credit from the people who did the hard work to create those lines. So if people love BIONICLE 2015, as I hope they will, I don't want them coming and patting me on the back, because I didn't do the hard work to bring it to life.
6If you're not writing Bionicle's storyline anymore, then who is?
7And another thing: Without revealing anything about the storyline: How mature is it compared to what Bionicle used to be?
81) The current story team
92) I am not sure how to answer that, because I am not sure what you mean by "mature" in this case.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Fusionblast23 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2Were you involved in making this year's plot "Quest of the Masks", or are you just supervised?3The 2015 story? The answer is neither. I am not a member of the story team for the new launch. I got to read over the story bible after it was done and give some input, but that was the extent of my involvement.
4Wait, so what you're saying is, you are not writing the storyline for Bionicle 2015? Nor do you have any control over the quality of 2015?
5That's correct. I share this only because I do not want credit I do not deserve. There are still people out there who think I created BIONICLE or I created Ninjago, and neither one is true. And those myths rob credit from the people who did the hard work to create those lines. So if people love BIONICLE 2015, as I hope they will, I don't want them coming and patting me on the back, because I didn't do the hard work to bring it to life.
6If you're not writing Bionicle's storyline anymore, then who is?
7And another thing: Without revealing anything about the storyline: How mature is it compared to what Bionicle used to be?
81) The current story team
92) I am not sure how to answer that, because I am not sure what you mean by "mature" in this case.
10As in, not dumbed down and with the same level of content as it had before.
jaegernaught7743 wrote:1Hey I had two questions
21. do you think the new bionicle will have as large a focus on story as the preveious one. (no need to reveal details)
32. what do you think that the properties of protodermis is it an omni-element, does it change chemical composistion in differing enviroments, is it based off of the temperature, or is it something else I did not think of?
4I don't mind if you can not tell me any answers.
51) That's impossible for me to predict, because it really comes down to execution and opportunities.
62) No idea.Not a science major.
mattthealmighty wrote:11. Can you give any info on what stuff led to Bionicle's return?
22. Are you actually involved with any part of the new line?
33. Do you have any idea what storytelling mediums will be used?
51) No
62) No
73) Not that I can reveal at this point, no. That info will come from the BIONICLE team
ScribeGT6817 wrote:mattthealmighty wrote:11. Can you give any info on what stuff led to Bionicle's return?
22. Are you actually involved with any part of the new line?
33. Do you have any idea what storytelling mediums will be used?
51) No
62) No
73) Not that I can reveal at this point, no. That info will come from the BIONICLE team
8You're Greg?
- 1Were there any types of long-distance communication in the MU (not exactly telephones, but something similar, such as radio or comlinks)?
- 2Did Matoran have other kinds of entertainment besides sports like Kohlii and Akilini? Perhaps something like an amusement park or a cinema?
- 3In a similar manner of thinking, would cities like Metru-Nui have apartment complexes, or would each Matoran have an individual home?
- 4Is there any way (experimental or actual) that a Toa could willingly or unwillingly switch elements? Would the Vortixx or Nynrah Ghosts have been interested in this idea?
- 5Could a Matoran exposed to Energized Protodermis gain control of his/her elemental power as a side effect of the contact?
6Thank you again!
7I'm not sure, but I think these got buried...
8Buried again...
9Also, I'm not sure if you can answer this yet, but based upon your review of 2015's BIONICLE story bible, do you think the story will satisfy both new and old fans? I'm not asking you to share anything you've seen (we'll let LEGO do that), but do you think it will appeal to everyone?
10Buried yet again...oh well
11I would also like to thank you for your kindness. Though I may not have been a BIONICLE fan from the beginning (I showed up around 2008) I was truly devoted to it until and after its cancellation. Your faith in the story--as well as the faith of the fans--is remarkable and inspiring. Thank you so much for continuing your involvement with BIONICLE and its fans!
121) Not that we ever saw.
132) Again, not that we saw. Remember that their culture was largely focused on work. It would be like asking if you red blood cells have an amusement park.
143) It seemed as if Matoran lived on their own
154) No
165) No. Matoran bodies could not handle elemental power.
176) This is a very subjective question, because everyone is different. Some fans want the emphasis one place, and some want it another, so I don't think you can lump them together into just two groups
xeara wrote:xeara wrote:1I'm very certain that at this point you've been asked before but...
- 2What's your favorite element? (Mine is lightning)
- 3What's your favorite Toa design? (2001-03 Mata/Nuva, 2004 Metru, 2005 Hordika, or 2006-08 Inika?)
- 4What's your favorite Matoran design? (2001 "McToran", 03 MoLToran, 04 Metrutoran, 06 Voyatoran, 07 Mahritoran, or 08 Avtoran? Those names...
- 5What's your favorite color(s)?
- 6If you were a Toa, what kind of weapon would you have? (I'd have a lightning blaster)
81) Ice
92) I don't have one
103) I don't have one
114) Of Toa, or in general?
125) Probably an axe
ScribeGT6817 wrote:xeara wrote:xeara wrote:1I'm very certain that at this point you've been asked before but...
- 2What's your favorite element? (Mine is lightning)
- 3What's your favorite Toa design? (2001-03 Mata/Nuva, 2004 Metru, 2005 Hordika, or 2006-08 Inika?)
- 4What's your favorite Matoran design? (2001 "McToran", 03 MoLToran, 04 Metrutoran, 06 Voyatoran, 07 Mahritoran, or 08 Avtoran? Those names...
- 5What's your favorite color(s)?
- 6If you were a Toa, what kind of weapon would you have? (I'd have a lightning blaster)
81) Ice
92) I don't have one
103) I don't have one
114) Of Toa, or in general?
125) Probably an axe
135) is it a war axe or a battle axe?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:clangley387 wrote:1A question: If there were such a thing as a mask of entropy, do you think toa would use it, or would they deem its power to be immoral?
2It would probably be a Legendary Mask and Toa wouldn't be wearing it
3I had never really considered that option as in my headcanon it is worn by a makuta, but that sounds rather interesting. I have taken to calling it the kanohi mataxa. I also do not picture toa wearing it simply due to it's uniqueness, but it being a hypothetical legendary mask sounds really neat.
11. Since Matoran Nui and Turaga Nui both exist, is it possible for six Toa to create a Toa Nui?
22. How strong would a Turaga Nui be compared to a Toa? Would one be able to defeat an average Toa in battle?
33. Did anyone or anything end up in those massive holes on Bara Magna, where Aqua Magna and Bota Magna once were?
44. Is it possible to "purify" a mask that has been infected?
55. Could a Kraata infect a Legendary Mask like the Vahi?
66. If a Krana affixed itself to Teridax's face, would it be able to control him or could he resist it?