Cavendish9 wrote:Cavendish9 wrote:1If Takanuva were to have activated a Nova Blast while in his Twilight form, would the power be light, shadow, or a mix of both? Or would he have simply been unable to do such a task with two conflicting elements active inside of him?
2^ Buried.
3Also, in the Bionicle game Quest for the Toa, there is a Po-Matoran named Podu that makes an appearence. His mask is too pixelated to be properly labled, other than the fact that it's black. Do you have any input on what his Kanohi is?
41) Both, so it really wouldn't have had much of an effect
52) I have no info on games, I was not involved with them.
PointlessQuestions wrote:11. You recently confirmed that a 2006 promotional set could be considered Turaga Lhikan. Several people on BZP and BS01 support this clarification, since the set does strongly resemble Turaga Lhikan. Others, however, object, on the basis that you repeatedly denied this in years past. Keeping this in mind, what is your final answer? Is the set Turaga Lhikan, or is it non-canon? (I hate to be a bother, but some people just demand a clear yes/no clarification.)
22. If the Shadow Takanuva wear Kanohi Avohkii, but not "true" Kanohi Avohkii that promote peace and light, then what powers do their masks have? Are they comparable to the Kanohi Kraahkan? Or am I grossly misinterpreting your answer?
31) Yes, it is.
42) You are not grossly misinterpreting, but we never detailed the powers of their masks because they never used them in story
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1also, (sorry) we've seen toa of iron manipulate the metal parts of another person's body. could a toa of water do this as well, manipulating the fluids in one's body? (considering SM inhabitants are totally organic, and MU people have organic components.)
25) I would say no, not unless that fluid was water. There is no evidence that Toa of Water can manipulate other liquids.
35. considering you've confirmed that SM inhabitants are mamillian, and fully organic, i think we could assume that a large portion of their body mass is made of water, just like real life animals. meaning that toa of water could control that?
4also, would it be reasonable to assume that ice toa can't make something cold if it isn't made out of ice?
1Hi, just one question about the idea of living Bionicles that I haven't been able to find the answer to. What makes a Bionicle alive or not? When the Toa Mata washed ashore, they were quoted as assembling themselves because they were in pieces so I'm concluding that they are still alive in pieces. So what makes them alive and what has to be done in order for one to stop living? (funny question, I know)
maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:1also, (sorry) we've seen toa of iron manipulate the metal parts of another person's body. could a toa of water do this as well, manipulating the fluids in one's body? (considering SM inhabitants are totally organic, and MU people have organic components.)
25) I would say no, not unless that fluid was water. There is no evidence that Toa of Water can manipulate other liquids.
35. considering you've confirmed that SM inhabitants are mamillian, and fully organic, i think we could assume that a large portion of their body mass is made of water, just like real life animals. meaning that toa of water could control that?
4also, would it be reasonable to assume that ice toa can't make something cold if it isn't made out of ice?
51) I am sure you can make logical arguments on this, but I cannot see any way you can put this into a story without it being disgusting. So I am sticking to no, not because your arguments are weak, but because this is a LEGO property and I do not think LEGO would okay this.
62) Well, if we grant that Kopaka has the same powers as, say, Iceman or Blizzard, he has to be able to make the temperature drop in at least his immediate area, otherwise how does he create snowstorms or ice slides?
j22knuckles wrote:1Hi, just one question about the idea of living Bionicles that I haven't been able to find the answer to. What makes a Bionicle alive or not? When the Toa Mata washed ashore, they were quoted as assembling themselves because they were in pieces so I'm concluding that they are still alive in pieces. So what makes them alive and what has to be done in order for one to stop living? (funny question, I know)
2Toa are bio-mechanical. So anything that causes catastrophic damage can kill them, the same as a car can be "killed" if enough damage is done to it in an accident.
ScribeGT6817 wrote:maletoaofwater wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
15) I would say no, not unless that fluid was water. There is no evidence that Toa of Water can manipulate other liquids.
25. considering you've confirmed that SM inhabitants are mamillian, and fully organic, i think we could assume that a large portion of their body mass is made of water, just like real life animals. meaning that toa of water could control that?
3also, would it be reasonable to assume that ice toa can't make something cold if it isn't made out of ice?
41) I am sure you can make logical arguments on this, but I cannot see any way you can put this into a story without it being disgusting. So I am sticking to no, not because your arguments are weak, but because this is a LEGO property and I do not think LEGO would okay this.
52) Well, if we grant that Kopaka has the same powers as, say, Iceman or Blizzard, he has to be able to make the temperature drop in at least his immediate area, otherwise how does he create snowstorms or ice slides?
61. why would it have to be disgusting? we saw toa of metal do it w/o it being gross, i'm sure it would be the same for water toa.
72. he would freeze just the moisture in the air, which would in turn cause the temperature of the air to drop. also, given that his powers as a toa include creating more of his element, he could amplify that frozen moisture in the air to increase the effect. this would also avoid violating his powers by having him control something that isn't his element.
83. going back to the lava thing, i just thought of something else: you said earth/stone toa couldn't do it, and your reasons made sense, especially when you brought up the fact that ice toa don't control water, the melted form of their element. but then i remembered that hakann and avak made a lava monster to fake out the voya nui matoran... how did they do that if neither one of them could control lava?
1 1. why would it have to be disgusting? we saw toa of metal do it w/o it being gross, i'm sure it would be the same for water toa.
22. he would freeze just the moisture in the air, which would in turn cause the temperature of the air to drop. also, given that his powers as a toa include creating more of his element, he could amplify that frozen moisture in the air to increase the effect. this would also avoid violating his powers by having him control something that isn't his element.
33. going back to the lava thing, i just thought of something else: you said earth/stone toa couldn't do it, and your reasons made sense, especially when you brought up the fact that ice toa don't control water, the melted form of their element. but then i remembered that hakann and avak made a lava monster to fake out the voya nui matoran... how did they do that if neither one of them could control lava?
41) You're talking about manipulating bodily fluids of organic beings, not metal inside bio-mechanical beings? How would that not be disgusting?
53) I am going to ask a favor, and that is that we just drop this. I am under the weather and I feel like we are going down a rabbit hole. If we did not assign control of magma over the nine years BIONICLE was active, then we aren't going to do it now.
1Just wanted to say a quick something --
2A lot of you guys are BIONICLE fans, many from way back. It's no secret that you are some of the smartest, most loyal, and most dedicated fans out there. You, and you alone, have carried the torch for the line over the last four years. Hopefully, you will feel rewarded for your efforts by 2015 BIONICLE.
3Regardless, I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I am really proud to be associated with you, and you should be really proud of yourselves.
xeara wrote:1I'm very certain that at this point you've been asked before but...
- 2What's your favorite element? (Mine is lightning)
- 3What's your favorite Toa design? (2001-03 Mata/Nuva, 2004 Metru, 2005 Hordika, or 2006-08 Inika?)
- 4What's your favorite Matoran design? (2001 "McToran", 03 MoLToran, 04 Metrutoran, 06 Voyatoran, 07 Mahritoran, or 08 Avtoran? Those names...
- 5What's your favorite color(s)?
- 6If you were a Toa, what kind of weapon would you have? (I'd have a lightning blaster)
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1Just wanted to say a quick something --
2A lot of you guys are BIONICLE fans, many from way back. It's no secret that you are some of the smartest, most loyal, and most dedicated fans out there. You, and you alone, have carried the torch for the line over the last four years. Hopefully, you will feel rewarded for your efforts by 2015 BIONICLE.
3Regardless, I wanted to take this opportunity to say that I am really proud to be associated with you, and you should be really proud of yourselves.
4Thanks! I am so glad I stuck with it through the down years!
ScribeGT6817 wrote:mrcqm wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:Fusionblast23 wrote:1Dear Mr. Farshtey,
2Were you involved in making this year's plot "Quest of the Masks", or are you just supervised?3The 2015 story? The answer is neither. I am not a member of the story team for the new launch. I got to read over the story bible after it was done and give some input, but that was the extent of my involvement.
4Wait, so what you're saying is, you are not writing the storyline for Bionicle 2015? Nor do you have any control over the quality of 2015?
5That's correct. I share this only because I do not want credit I do not deserve. There are still people out there who think I created BIONICLE or I created Ninjago, and neither one is true. And those myths rob credit from the people who did the hard work to create those lines. So if people love BIONICLE 2015, as I hope they will, I don't want them coming and patting me on the back, because I didn't do the hard work to bring it to life.
6If you're not writing Bionicle's storyline anymore, then who is?
7And another thing: Without revealing anything about the storyline: How mature is it compared to what Bionicle used to be?
1Thank you very much for the kind words, Mr. Farshtey. The community's suffered a lot in the last couple years but we held out (somehow) - I too hope that BIONICLE 2015 will be well received by the community. From what we've seen so far, I have faith that it will be sucessful.
2Thank you very much for continuing to devote your time to the BIONICLE fandom.
DavidM96 wrote:DavidM96 wrote:DavidM96 wrote:1Thank you again, Mr. Farshtey. I have some new questions as well:
- 2Were there any types of long-distance communication in the MU (not exactly telephones, but something similar, such as radio or comlinks)?
- 3Did Matoran have other kinds of entertainment besides sports like Kohlii and Akilini? Perhaps something like an amusement park or a cinema?
- 4In a similar manner of thinking, would cities like Metru-Nui have apartment complexes, or would each Matoran have an individual home?
- 5Is there any way (experimental or actual) that a Toa could willingly or unwillingly switch elements? Would the Vortixx or Nynrah Ghosts have been interested in this idea?
- 6Could a Matoran exposed to Energized Protodermis gain control of his/her elemental power as a side effect of the contact?
7Thank you again!
8I'm not sure, but I think these got buried...
9Buried again...
10Also, I'm not sure if you can answer this yet, but based upon your review of 2015's BIONICLE story bible, do you think the story will satisfy both new and old fans? I'm not asking you to share anything you've seen (we'll let LEGO do that), but do you think it will appeal to everyone?
11Buried yet again...oh well
12I would also like to thank you for your kindness. Though I may not have been a BIONICLE fan from the beginning (I showed up around 2008) I was truly devoted to it until and after its cancellation. Your faith in the story--as well as the faith of the fans--is remarkable and inspiring. Thank you so much for continuing your involvement with BIONICLE and its fans!