Boidoh wrote:elric00 wrote:1It was in the first Chapter of Dwellers In Darkness, where the Toa Hagah was battleing against Tahtorak and the Kanohi Dragon on Xia. It seem that it would had been a shorter battle if Kualus had use his Mask of Rahi Control?
2So do the Mask of Rahi Control only control a certain size of Rahi or do Kualus feels using his mask on Rahi is immoral and would only use it for drastic measures?
3Sorry for not giving more context in what I was talking about.
4What you need to understand is that the Toa Hagah's battle did NOT take a month.
61) Would the creation of new Matoran continue on Spherus Magna? If yes, would there be new Toa and Turaga created as well?
72) Are any Fikou-Nui alive and on Spherus Magna?
83) Can the Fikou-Nui have sub-species that have adapted to different environments?
91) That can only happen if they find the tech to be able to do it with. Right now, they don't have it as it was certainly damaged in the collapse.
102-3) Since Fikou-Nui is your creation, I have no info on it.
1About the 5:th movie screen treatment you posted on BZpower a time ago:
21) a. Did you write it?
3 b. Did you write the screen treatment for the Legend Reborn?
42) Is it possible that a jungle glatorian with the name "Oris", a ice one named "Likus" and a earth one named "Tera" exist?
53) Is there a Earth Tribe in canon? Is it on Bota Magna?
64) Was Tera male or female?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Andybrick95 wrote:1Hello, Mr. Farshtey!
Uh... Nice weather we're having, huh?
2I know this isn't a BIONICLE or Ninjago-related question, but I'm just curious.
3In LEGO City Undercover, there are a lot of references to different things. They have Pirahna Plants, Albert Spindlerouter (from that movie, y'know?
), and they even had Morgan Freeman play Blu Whittaker, who's appearance is similar to a character he (Freeman) played in a movie IRL. They also included a character that only had one line in the entire game, but I didn't realize there might've been a connection until now.
4My question is this: Was the character "George Fartarbensonbury" based off of you?
5Doubt it. It's unlikely the people who made the game were even aware of me.
6I looked it up. He does have a similar beard to yours... And the initials are the same. George Fatarbensonbury - Greg Farshtey - G F...
keplers wrote:Boidoh wrote:1Question for future polls.
2Is the Mask of Rahi Control allowed?
3Also, which Toa Mangai wore the Kakama?
4Tha would be Naho; answered a month or two ago.
5I know, Greg said it here:
6However, it seems as if BS01 has decided against it because Greg said many years ago that it wasn't Naho. So I'll ask this. Greg, is it, or is it not?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Boidoh wrote:elric00 wrote:1It was in the first Chapter of Dwellers In Darkness, where the Toa Hagah was battleing against Tahtorak and the Kanohi Dragon on Xia. It seem that it would had been a shorter battle if Kualus had use his Mask of Rahi Control?
2So do the Mask of Rahi Control only control a certain size of Rahi or do Kualus feels using his mask on Rahi is immoral and would only use it for drastic measures?
3Sorry for not giving more context in what I was talking about.
4What you need to understand is that the Toa Hagah's battle did NOT take a month.
61) Would the creation of new Matoran continue on Spherus Magna? If yes, would there be new Toa and Turaga created as well?
72) Are any Fikou-Nui alive and on Spherus Magna?
83) Can the Fikou-Nui have sub-species that have adapted to different environments?
91) That can only happen if they find the tech to be able to do it with. Right now, they don't have it as it was certainly damaged in the collapse.
102-3) Since Fikou-Nui is your creation, I have no info on it.
111) Was Metru Nui the only place that Matoran could be 'born'? If not, could it be possible to combine several of those damaged mechanisms in another place?
122-3) So could info be created?
2I was looking at your old blog on BZP and it mentioned that every species had a purpose in the Matoran Universe. Later on, I believe you said you wanted to reveal the "purpose" of the Skakdi in the discontinued serial, but I guess that won't ever come to be. My question is, what is the true purpose of the Skakdi?
3Thank you,