2People have always bickered about whether Bionicle was better before or after the shift in '03. There's one thing in particular I wanted your opinion on though, Greg.
3Makuta definitely shifted in position as a villain. He began more as an abstract entity, who appeared really but definitely had a looming presence. Later on, he became a more active character who was revealed more and more.
4So, did you prefer him when he was Sauron, or when he was Voldemort?
1voporak1 wrote:
2Hi Mr Greg
3Inside the red star is it biomechanical? because in the series The powers that be it was written: They were in a circular vestibule. The walls seemed to be a combination of metal bands and organic tissue, much as he imagined the inside of a Toa. He reached out and touched the walls, they were cold as ice.
4How Kopaka and Pohatu will do to get out of the red star now that Gaardus is gone?
5How velika was aware for the disappearance of kopaka pohatu and lewa? Is what gaardus and a of the agori of bota magna are agents of velika?
6Now that umbra has quit the MU for spherus magna is what umbra will protect the ignika again?
7Is what the mastery of the gravity powers of mata nui is the same that a toa of gravity but the difference is that gravity powers of MN is no elementary?
8What is the method of teleportation of the spirit wish is it similar to the method of teleportation of the makutas which is to dissolve the substance of the user and restores them to their destination or the méthod of Artakha which is to twist the space around its target . And when the spirit wish annalize the people's minds Is what is a AI who annalize the people's minds? And finally is what the spirit wish is able to teleport the beings in the others dimensions like the olmak?
1Hello, Mr. Farshtey! Uh... Nice weather we're having, huh?
2I know this isn't a BIONICLE or Ninjago-related question, but I'm just curious.
3In LEGO City Undercover, there are a lot of references to different things. They have Pirahna Plants, Albert Spindlerouter (from that movie, y'know? ), and they even had Morgan Freeman play Blu Whittaker, who's appearance is similar to a character he (Freeman) played in a movie IRL. They also included a character that only had one line in the entire game, but I didn't realize there might've been a connection until now.
4My question is this: Was the character "George Fartarbensonbury" based off of you?
Derailed wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:AndRew5329 wrote:11. Krana can't fit on toa metru heads properly on sets, if canon-wise. Could matoran and toa with toa metru heads get controlled by krana like normal mata heads?
22. Why don't Toa bother wearing kanohi that have association with the makuta even if it's not considered immoral?
31) Yes
42) Such as what?
5The Kanohi Shelek?
6That kanohi's power itself IS considered immoral. However I don't see anything wrong about the felnas. A good answer to this question (though I'm not Greg) is plainly the fact that toa, matoran, and turaga are all generally prejudiced against all makuta. Except traitors like Ahkmou of course.
11. is there the possibility of other prototypes the the Av-matoran? matoran/toa/turaga/similar beings, of sand, etc.
22. if so, since they didn't show up in the MU, are the stored in stasis on SM?
33. could a vote be held for the ending of Powers that Be, Yesterday Quest, and trivia like Orde's mask power, Zaria's mask power, wether or not Zaria had turned evil and killed all his opponents, where Gaardus whent off to, etc.?
4call out to anyone who reads this (especially Boidoh): I am not good at running votings/polls, if yes to the above, will someone run it for me?
1It was in the first Chapter of Dwellers In Darkness, where the Toa Hagah was battleing against Tahtorak and the Kanohi Dragon on Xia. It seem that it would had been a shorter battle if Kualus had use his Mask of Rahi Control?
2So do the Mask of Rahi Control only control a certain size of Rahi or do Kualus feels using his mask on Rahi is immoral and would only use it for drastic measures?
3Sorry for not giving more context in what I was talking about.
lalajujunini wrote:11. is there the possibility of other prototypes the the Av-matoran? matoran/toa/turaga/similar beings, of sand, etc.
22. if so, since they didn't show up in the MU, are the stored in stasis on SM?
33. could a vote be held for the ending of Powers that Be, Yesterday Quest, and trivia like Orde's mask power, Zaria's mask power, wether or not Zaria had turned evil and smashed all his opponents, where Gaardus whent off to, etc.?
4call out to anyone who reads this (especially Boidoh): I am not good at running votings/polls, if yes to the above, will someone run it for me?
5I'd assume Greg would say yes to stuff like Orde's and Zaria's Mask Power, the other stuff wouldn't be exactly the stuff a poll can get the results of. I'd be willing to run it.
elric00 wrote:1It was in the first Chapter of Dwellers In Darkness, where the Toa Hagah was battleing against Tahtorak and the Kanohi Dragon on Xia. It seem that it would had been a shorter battle if Kualus had use his Mask of Rahi Control?
2So do the Mask of Rahi Control only control a certain size of Rahi or do Kualus feels using his mask on Rahi is immoral and would only use it for drastic measures?
3Sorry for not giving more context in what I was talking about.
4What you need to understand is that the Toa Hagah's battle did NOT take a month.
61) Would the creation of new Matoran continue on Spherus Magna? If yes, would there be new Toa and Turaga created as well?
72) Are any Fikou-Nui alive and on Spherus Magna?
83) Can the Fikou-Nui have sub-species that have adapted to different environments?
1Hello Greg,
2Since The Hand of Artahka operated before Mata Nui was finished, that means the members must have been created by the Great Beings. I'm talking about Axonn, Hydraxon, Shadow Stealer, and all the other unamed members. My question is then, where these members created as individuals? Or each as part of their own species? If they each belong to a species, do they all share the same powers? Or did they gain the powers as part of being in the Hand of Artahka. Thanks for taking to time to take and answers these questions.
Andybrick95 wrote:1Hello, Mr. Farshtey!
Uh... Nice weather we're having, huh?
2I know this isn't a BIONICLE or Ninjago-related question, but I'm just curious.
3In LEGO City Undercover, there are a lot of references to different things. They have Pirahna Plants, Albert Spindlerouter (from that movie, y'know?
), and they even had Morgan Freeman play Blu Whittaker, who's appearance is similar to a character he (Freeman) played in a movie IRL. They also included a character that only had one line in the entire game, but I didn't realize there might've been a connection until now.
4My question is this: Was the character "George Fartarbensonbury" based off of you?
5Doubt it. It's unlikely the people who made the game were even aware of me.