1elric00 wrote:
2It was in the first Chapter of Dwellers In Darkness, where the Toa Hagah was battleing against Tahtorak and the Kanohi Dragon on Xia. It seem that it would had been a shorter battle if Kualus had use his Mask of Rahi Control?
3So do the Mask of Rahi Control only control a certain size of Rahi or do Kualus feels using his mask on Rahi is immoral and would only use it for drastic measures?
4Sorry for not giving more context in what I was talking about.
6This keeps on getting buried under a slew of unrelated responses and still hasn't been answered.
7Greg, there's a lot of contention of the ruling you made on the Mask of Rahi Control not being present on the Toa Mangai team when they fought the Kanohi Dragon and I really feel like it's important that this gets addressed. Your reasoning was that it "would end the battle too quickly", but if that were the case then Kualus could have done the exact same thing against the Kanohi Dragon on Xia in Dwellers in Darkness--which completely contradicts that reasoning.
8So, is the Mask of Rahi Control actually capable of controlling the Kanohi Dragon or not? If so, was there some sort of debilitating factor that stopped Kualus from using it in the Xia-specific case? Is there a general limitation on the mask already that would stop it from controlling a Rahi of that size?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1A couple of people have asked me what I am writing now, since I am not doing BIONICLE. I just finished some short LEGO City stories for AMEET in Poland, which are now out with LEGO licensing for approval. I am about to start work on some Ninjago short stories for second half year 2015, also for AMEET.
2Where can we find these stories? I have never heard of AMEET.
1Reposting, because these have been buried for several weeks now.
2Matoran Kanohi Questions
31. Did Ehrye, Vhisola, and Orkahm keep their masks from Metru Nui on Mata Nui? No storyline source has ever suggested that they didn't, but BS01 demands explicit clarification in order to add it to the pages.
42. On a tangentially related note, how frequently did Matoran on Mata Nui break their masks and replace them?
53. If we know which mask a Matoran wore on Metru Nui, is it safe to say that they wore the same mask on Mata Nui?
6Shadow Takanuva Questions
7When a previous message asked if the Shadow Takanuva wore the Kanohi Avohkii, you answered that they "would not wear masks that promote peace and light". However, in the same post, you said that their masks looked like the 2008 Avohkii (the one that was partially drained of light). This is a little confusing to me, so if you don't mind my asking, can you clarify what the situation is with the Shadow Takanuva's masks?
81. Do the Shadow Takanuva wear Kanohi Avohkii?
92. If these Kanohi Avohkii have been light-drained, does that mean their powers have changed?
103. What are the powers of the Shadow Takanuva's masks?
11Atakus & Velika Questions
121. How and when did Atakus come to work for Velika?
132. What's the full story with Atakus' blades? Did Atakus find them, or did someone else find them and later give them to Atakus? Were they found in a baterra weapons cache (as the Skrall believed), or a Great Being cache, or something else? Did Velika plant them there, did he know about them, or did he only hear about them when Atakus reported them?
143. Does Velika have any special plans for the Skrall? Does he see them as potential allies or enemies?
154. The baterra were never shut off by their failsafe, but after the Shattering, a period of 100,000 years passed in which they did not appear to do anything of note. Is Velika perhaps the reason that they suddenly wiped out the Skrall's northern empire?
16Thank you for your time.
Pohawtu wrote:
1elric00 wrote:
2It was in the first Chapter of Dwellers In Darkness, where the Toa Hagah was battleing against Tahtorak and the Kanohi Dragon on Xia. It seem that it would had been a shorter battle if Kualus had use his Mask of Rahi Control?
3So do the Mask of Rahi Control only control a certain size of Rahi or do Kualus feels using his mask on Rahi is immoral and would only use it for drastic measures?
4Sorry for not giving more context in what I was talking about.
-------------------------------------------------- -- 6This keeps on getting buried under a slew of unrelated responses and still hasn't been answered.
7Greg, there's a lot of contention of the ruling you made on the Mask of Rahi Control not being present on the Toa Mangai team when they fought the Kanohi Dragon and I really feel like it's important that this gets addressed. Your reasoning was that it "would end the battle too quickly", but if that were the case then Kualus could have done the exact same thing against the Kanohi Dragon on Xia in Dwellers in Darkness--which completely contradicts that reasoning.
8So, is the Mask of Rahi Control actually capable of controlling the Kanohi Dragon or not? If so, was there some sort of debilitating factor that stopped Kualus from using it in the Xia-specific case? Is there a general limitation on the mask already that would stop it from controlling a Rahi of that size?
9I feel like you are asking two different questions. Whether or not the mask was present with the Toa Mangai during the battle with the KD, and whether or not the mask can control the KD. Which one are you looking to have answered?
diglett809 wrote:ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1A couple of people have asked me what I am writing now, since I am not doing BIONICLE. I just finished some short LEGO City stories for AMEET in Poland, which are now out with LEGO licensing for approval. I am about to start work on some Ninjago short stories for second half year 2015, also for AMEET.
2Where can we find these stories
? I have never heard of AMEET.
3AMEET is based in Poland. The books are published in Europe, and sometimes reprinted in the US by Scholastic.
MarkSurge9411 wrote:1Greg, I got a mix for you:
21) Who was your favorite villain from HF and Bio, respectively?
32) Out of the Toa Nuva, Toa Metru, and Toa Inika, which team was your favorite?
43) Surge or Rocka?
54) Stormer or Breez?
65) Black Phantom or Voltix?
76) Onua or Nuparu?
87) Takanuva or Jaller?
98) What happened to Hewkii x Maku?
109) How fast could Pohatu run with the Kakama Nuva?
1110) Who is the most powerful HF character?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Pohawtu wrote:1 ....
2So, is the Mask of Rahi Control actually capable of controlling the Kanohi Dragon or not? If so, was there some sort of debilitating factor that stopped Kualus from using it in the Xia-specific case? Is there a general limitation on the mask already that would stop it from controlling a Rahi of that size?
3I feel like you are asking two different questions. Whether or not the mask was present with the Toa Mangai during the battle with the KD, and whether or not the mask can control the KD. Which one are you looking to have answered?
4I don't think they are mutually exclusive questions. Prior story indicates that the presence of a MoRC has little bearing on the outcome of a battle involving the KD--we saw this with Kualus on Xia, as he did not use his MoRC to stop the KD. But you also said that the Toa Mangai of the Green could not have worn it during the Metru-Nui battle because having it would have allowed them to defeat the KD too easily.
5I guess what needs to be clarified is if the mask works on the KD. If it can, then logically Kualus should have been able to use his to stop the KD's rampage on Xia; the fact that he didn't must then mean that there was something going on at the time that stopped him from doing so, perhaps something about going into combat so soon after being turned back into a Toa. Or maybe it was a moral issue for Kualus specifically, as elric suggested.
6If it can't, there's no reason why one of the Toa Mangai could be denied as having the mask like the Toa Mangai of the Green was. In fact, lack of knowledge regarding the mask's ineffectiveness could have been the reason that the Mangai wearing it was summoned--someone might have thought it would be a good tactic to try out, only to find that the mask doesn't work on the KD, resulting in the battle going on a lot longer than expected. In this case, even though the Mangai of Plants doesn't wear it, another Mangai could have.
7Hopefully that helps?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:Pohawtu wrote:
1So, is the Mask of Rahi Control actually capable of controlling the Kanohi Dragon or not? If so, was there some sort of debilitating factor that stopped Kualus from using it in the Xia-specific case? Is there a general limitation on the mask already that would stop it from controlling a Rahi of that size?
2I feel like you are asking two different questions. Whether or not the mask was present with the Toa Mangai during the battle with the KD, and whether or not the mask can control the KD. Which one are you looking to have answered?
3Also, I couldn't fit this into my other post, but the main reason I'm asking about this is so that we have a better idea of how to run the Mangai mask polls from now on, since those seem to be all the rage these days. If the mask works on the KD and shouldn't be included in those polls from now on, then that's important for us to know, but it also opens up the plot hole of Kualus not using his Mask of Rahi Control to contain the KD when he easily could have. And if it is made a viable option, then that gives the fanbase something else to consider when polls are inevitably made to decide the last few Toa Mangai masks.
1Shame about the function of the Skakdi...
2I believe that you have recently stated that the Cursed Great being escaped his fortress before an explosion Velika was about to set off, and some characters were still in there. Could you tell us did that explosion go off, and if it did which characters would have survived it? The characters stuck in the fortress are: Vezon, Kapura, Hafu, Axonn, Brutaka, Helryx, Tuyet, Lewa, Miserix, Artakha.
3Thanks Mr. Farshtey.
1I feel like you are asking two different questions. Whether or not the mask was present with the Toa Mangai during the battle with the KD, and whether or not the mask can control the KD. Which one are you looking to have answered?
2Also, I couldn't fit this into my other post, but the main reason I'm asking about this is so that we have a better idea of how to run the Mangai mask polls from now on, since those seem to be all the rage these days. If the mask works on the KD and shouldn't be included in those polls from now on, then that's important for us to know, but it also opens up the plot hole of Kualus not using his Mask of Rahi Control to contain the KD when he easily could have. And if it is made a viable option, then that gives the fanbase something else to consider when polls are inevitably made to decide the last few Toa Mangai masks.
3The way I look at it is that it could work on the KD, and he simply did not use it. In any battle, especially in comics, the hero might four or five ways they could subdue the villain. They don't use the same one every time. If Kualus was in the middle of a real melee, with destruction all around, he may not have been able to focus sufficiently to use the mask correctly. He may not have wanted to risk being distracted and the KD suddenly "coming to" and attacking his team.
4I see nothing anywhere to indicate the mask would not work on the KD, I think it was a case that Kualus chose not to use it or simply thought doing something else would be more effective. I think you can look at the masks worn by the Nuva and see plenty of instances where they could have used their powers to deal with a situation, but didn't ... in the same way that there are instances where Superman could use his strength to win a battle, but has used heat vision or super breath instead.
XaRoZs wrote:1Shame about the function of the Skakdi...
2I believe that you have recently stated that the Cursed Great being escaped his fortress before an explosion Velika was about to set off, and some characters were still in there. Could you tell us did that explosion go off, and if it did which characters would have survived it? The characters stuck in the fortress are: Vezon, Kapura, Hafu, Axonn, Brutaka, Helryx, Tuyet, Lewa, Miserix, Artakha.
3Thanks Mr. Farshtey.
4I had no plans to kill any of those characters at that point in the story.
MarkSurge9411 wrote:MarkSurge9411 wrote:1Greg, I got a mix for you:
21) Who was your favorite villain from HF and Bio, respectively?
32) Out of the Toa Nuva, Toa Metru, and Toa Inika, which team was your favorite?
43) Surge or Rocka?
54) Stormer or Breez?
65) Black Phantom or Voltix?
76) Onua or Nuparu?
87) Takanuva or Jaller?
98) What happened to Hewkii x Maku?
109) How fast could Pohatu run with the Kakama Nuva?
1110) Who is the most powerful HF character?
13I don't have huge preferences between characters, and beyond the books I did for HF, I had no involvement in that story so I don't have strong feelings about the characters. My favorite BIONICLE villain was Makuta post-Time Trap -- before that, I did not think that much of him as he seemed to be all talk, no action.
148) In terms of what?
159) I don't think we ever defined it
1I ran across something that I thought, for the benefit of Hero Factory fans, I should address. Some people are theorizing that BIONICLE's return was planned from pretty much the moment of cancellation, and that HF was essentially filler until BIONICLE came back.
2To the best of my knowledge, this is not true, for the following reasons:
31) When the cancellation was announced to the story team in 2008, nothing was said about, "And then we'll bring it back in a few years!" While the door was always open to that, since LEGO Company still owned BIONICLE, it was not a sham cancellation. It was over.
42) LEGO Company's commitment to Hero Factory was real. It was never considered a line in place just to mark time. People worked hard to design the sets, to market them, to work on TV episodes, and it is kind of insulting to them to suggest that they were never intended to be too successful because BIONICLE had to come back.
53) Before plans for Gen2 BIONICLE were made, it was focus tested against other new concepts. I do not know what those concepts were, but it is reasonable to assume that if one of them had soundly trashed BIONICLE in the focus groups, BIONICLE probably would not be coming back next year. That is the purpose of focus groups. And I have never known anyone at LEGO Company to ignore focus group results because they really wanted to do something else.
6BIONICLE has some built-in advantages - prior success, for one -- but it still has to reintroduce itself to a large group of kids who probably are not very familiar with its previous incarnation, at all. That is why so many changes were made, to make it easier for kids to get on board, and why resuming old story would not have made sense.