1Dear Greg,
2What happened to the five remaining Toa Mahri, I rememeber a few years back going to bionicle story and waiting for the answer to what happened to them after they were found following the Golden Skinned Being. Please give me some story what happened to them! I love the mahri and find that 2007-8 were the best years for Bionicle, with the plot twists, the heart wrenching sacrafice of Matoro, MAKUTA TAKING OVER MATA NUI! As well as the Inika builds being mastered and used properly so there were not nearly as many clone toa. PS: what is your favorite Toa other than Lhikan (which one did you have the best time writing about and developing) Mine is easily Jaller or Hahli, especially since they were developed right as they were Matoran.
1Dear Greg,
2I'd very ,much like to what sets sold the best in Bionicle and what sold the least. Also did the simpler sets sell better than the more complex sets? I feel like this information could end the countless hating of CCBS in the Bio forums, so it'd be nice to have this information to hopefuly bring peace to the Bio forums. Thanks again for taking the time to read this.
BeorntheBear wrote:1Dear Greg,
2I'd very ,much like to what sets sold the best in Bionicle and what sold the least. Also did the simpler sets sell better than the more complex sets? I feel like this information could end the countless hating of CCBS in the Bio forums, so it'd be nice to have this information to hopefuly bring peace to the Bio forums. Thanks again for taking the time to read this.
3I don't have a ton of information on this, since I did not work on the sales sides. I know our best-selling year was 2002, and I know that red Toa always sold the best, with brown and black sort of bringing up the rear. I think the most successful larger set we ever did was Takanuva in 2003.
1In your opinion could a Toa of Air manipulate the oxygen in water to allow him (or others) to breath underwater?
2Is there some way to restore Dekar's memories to Hydraxon?
3Would you consider Dekar to be "dead"?
4Can Hydraxon use Mask Powers?
5Is the Pit on surface after the rejoining of the two moons to bara Magna?
6What is the meaning of the word Mahri? (Because Mata means Spirit, Voya means Journey etc.)
ScribeGT6817 wrote:freybee wrote:1If the Nui Saga (that you wrote) were to be continued.
2What would have happened to the Toa Mahri?
4Is Mata Nui have apart of Matoro's soul/spirit/consious in him?
51) I don't outline my stories. I decide what is going to happen in them as I write.
62) No. Matoro is dead and gone.
71. I tend to think my stories out a little bit and then go with the flow but at least I know.
82.Okay. That's rather dissapointing but now I know the answer.
1Hi Greg
2What I wanna know is...
3To Kanohi Masks change color depending on the kind of Toa wearing it? For example, Ignika Kongu's Suletu is Green, to match his element and armor. However, was it always green? In Legends 3: Power Play, the matoran and Takanuva found the Suletu lying around, and Takanuva wore it at one point. Would the Suletu have changed color to match Takanuva's scheme, or would it remain the same color it was originally crafted in?